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Three More Dead In Fresh Bangkok Violence


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Does anybody have any factual information on the current situation in Soi Rangnam. I read that it is under curfew and has been declared a live fire zone but this street is over a kilometre away from the Rachaprasong barricades.

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Does anybody have any factual information on the current situation in Soi Rangnam. I read that it is under curfew and has been declared a live fire zone but this street is over a kilometre away from the Rachaprasong barricades.

Yes the Thai news says the army has strung signs over buildings warning not to come closer and if one does, they have put themselves in the line of live fire (placed near Lumpini). not rubber bullets.

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They are not fighting for democracy as Thailand already has a democratically elected government. Look to the UK for what a coalition means.

They are fighting for the return of a PM who killed far more than have died here and who once famously said, "Democracy is not my aim".

Do you reemember that?

As for nazis, please look up Crystal Night and you'll see who the reds model themselves on. As for their leader, watch some of hitler's speeches and then tell me who the reds' fuhrer models himself on

If Thailand had anything approaching an education system and a 1% aware of the world population this would not happen. SAdl;y, being unable to think for themselves, and having no knowledge to refer to, Thais believe what they are told.

As always, the reds are being fed a load of lies.

Democracy? BS

Are you kidding yourself or you think everyone is fool enough to believe in this as much as u do?

You quote something without proper reference, do you have any? or is it just another lame accusation?

Reds are following Bush and Rumsfeld when they were attacking (illegally) two sovereign nations.

Not just Thais but everyone else in the world believe in what they are told. Americans are the classic examples in current decade.

Either reds or non-red are fed lies, no one knows, coz there is no way to find the truth. Neither you nor I can find the truth.

RIP for those who lost their lives for democracy and prosperity in Thailand (which were lost 2 years ago).

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are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

might be this picture.


The photo is fake, posed

the supposed dead are arranged in too orderly a posture,

with their arms tucked under them, all face down,

legs straight...

They need to teach their actors how to look like battle casualties.

Sorry, don't believe it.

Back to drama school

I would have to agree with this having seen real dead people,

and many photos of the same. They must think we are stupid,

or that the picture editor of at least one newspaper is...

looks more like the engine oil from that bike. :)

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His idea of "democracy" is a parliament that is 70% "appointed", with only 30% elected. However, ONLY those who meet his educational and financial levels will be allowed to do the appointing and voting

You know, I've always wanted to chime in on this subject (its been beaten to death before in this forum and I missed out back then) and you just gave me an opportunity. People here seem to think that just because some representatives are appointed that this would not be democracy. Well, this can only mean that the UK is not a democracy (which it technically isn't, BTW). I mean, the House of Lords is essentially exactly what Sondhi is suggesting, and I seem to remember only a few weeks back an announcement that only now, in 2010, is the UK finally considering abandoning the final vestiges of this practice in favour of a completely and popularly elected upper house.

I guess we all know that Thais are infinitely smarter than Brits, but lets be sensible. How many centuries did it take the UK to arrive at this momentous decision? The fact that Brits are slow is no reason to disparage the clearly much more intelligent Thais who are attempting to do the same thing in only a few decades.

There is nothing wrong with saying the rural Thais need guidance. The English nobility shepherded their population for centuries before the people grew up enough. Give the Thais the same chances given to the British.

Or does that scare you because then you know you couldn't easily buy their votes for your own nefarious purposes?

Sondhi may not be a great example of a human being, but his suggestions are immensely more practical than anything the square faced terrorist ever proposed. I shudder to think at the horrors we would endure if that execrable demagogue ever returned.

The House of Lords had very little power. The Supreme Court (which is not a democratic institution in any country) has now taken over its duties.

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maybe the focus should be at removing the red shirt leaders. take away the leadership that is fueling this fire. I guess they are not going to turn themselves in like they said. I certainly hope the charges that are racking up are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including denying bail for fear of being a flight risk. enough is enough. Condolences to the families of those that needlessly have taken part of this cowardly fueled farce.

Indeed a post that is right on target.

Hard and callous and inhumane as it may be the authorities should target the stage where the (mis ) leaders of the Red Shirt Brigade appear surrounded by a mass of human shields.

A good team of snipers would take the (mis) leaders out in one hit as has already been done with the mad Major General.

Messy and indeed frightening for the spectators but indeed a salutatory lesson as to what happens for inciting violence and revolution.

Dramatic violent ?

Indeed, yes.

But how much more senseless loss of lives on all sides would be averted by such an action ?

At the end of the day there has to be some movement to force hands and get people round the table, no moving the goalposts as has been done by the current Red Shirt Brigade (mis) leadership.

Exorcise the cancer cells that are leading this protest which has been hi-jacked to further a very different cause from the original one and the main body will grow.

The current situation visibly demonstrates that the medicine is killing the patient.

This is now the time to demonstrate that firm decisive actions speak louder than words.

It's time the rank and file asked their (mis) leaders of the Red Shirt Brigade to place themselves on the front line along with the gullible innocents they keep exhorting them to make the ''ultimate sacrifice'' for the cause whilst safe in five star hotels and steel containers or Montenegro as is currently the case with the (mis ) leaders of the Red Shirt Brigade.

Spot on siampolee!

These hypocritical, crazy, cowardly, so-called "leaders" -in reality, rabble rousers highly paid by Thaky and given promises of great future power when Thaky gets what he wants - should have been properly dealt with ages ago.

Terrorist scumbags doing nothing but screaming hate-filled tirades from the perceived 'security' of the Red stage in order to fire up the "cannon fodder" while being themselves scared s***less to stand anywhere near the front lines!

Even one take-out might well suffice. We saw how these cowards were poo-pooing their panties after the looney ex-army mad-dog was whacked on Thursday! The remaining cowards would soon be running for the hills (or the arid wastes of Isaan!)

Far better one or two of these "Little Hitlers" be presented with a "Big Sleep" than dozens dead (some of them innocent) on the street.

"screaming hate-filled tirades from the perceived 'security' of the Red stage in order to fire up the "cannon fodder" while being themselves scared s***less to stand anywhere near the front lines!"

No hate-filled tirade here!

I think 'Seh Daeng' was in fact on the "front line" when he took a cowardly shot to the head by an obvious marksman...justified execution (attempt...he's holding on) to save lives, I suppose your moronic reasoning goes. You would do well to get off your Bangkok barstool and see a bit more of Thailand...the heart of Thailand in the Northeast. Asking you to talk to the people or mingle with anyone outside the confines of this largely bigoted forum, I suppose, would be asking too much. But your visa just may come up for renewal one day in a new administration that might not be so eager to sustain you any longer as a narrow-minded guest (read jerk) in "these here parts" of the world.

Oh, and check under your bed tonight for terrorists...they're everywhere.

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It's time for crackdown Red shirts as soon as possible for avoid long days of urban guerilla and lot of civilian victims :D

But why Thaksin don't ask Red shirts to leave now for save lives ? :D

Get back his money and his power is more important than poor isaan people lives.

Thaksin, shame on you :)

Interested in why you think a crackdown will stop the urban guerilla warfare rather than providing a short term solution. Evicting the current crop of protestors from their current protest points.

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Taksin ran away, his cronies lost their means of stealing the Nation's resources, pocketing bribes.

The Police not unified behind Abhisit, the Army waiting for direction from the clout up above.

Children and the Elderly allowed to pitch camp, solely to gain sympathy from the Falangs.

All in all this farce should have been stopped on day one.

Protest is a democratic right but illegal occupation oversteps the mark.

I would have sent a tank in, crushed the barricades and the troops looking seriously would have been able to have got the reds under control.

This has been a cat and mouse game and the UK, USA, UN or whoever you are to realise that the Reds do not care who wins or loses or who dies this is a matter of anarchy instigated by a pathetic Takee.

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@ Chrislarsson That's not strictly accurate, the chamber remains as a second house and has the responsibility of vetting bills submitted by the Commons, and does have power in that it can ensure that a bill is subject to further analysis and vote. Ultimately, a Government may force the bill into law through the Parliament Act but it is something rarely contemplated. The Supreme Court simply took the Law Lords [senior members of the judiciary] and provided a separate venue and structure for cases to be heard by them.


Edited by A_Traveller
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Anyone else hearing there are people on the platform and the tracks at BTS Chitlom?

Just spoke to my Mrs. who is station supervisor at BTS National Stadium.

Red Shirts have entered Chidlom, Siam and Rajadamri stations and are in the control rooms there. They forced the supervisors to leave.

There are no BTS staff at those three stations now, only protesters.

Thanks for the update.

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AGareth2 ....are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

might be this picture.


The photo is fake, posed

the supposed dead are arranged in too orderly a posture,

with their arms tucked under them, all face down,

legs straight...

They need to teach their actors how to look like battle casualties.

Sorry, don't believe it.

Back to drama school

I would have to agree with this having seen real dead people,

and many photos of the same. They must think we are stupid,

or that the picture editor of at least one newspaper is...

looks more like the engine oil from that bike. :)

Not to mention that the BIKE is the only one bleeding...

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They are not fighting for democracy as Thailand already has a democratically elected government. Look to the UK for what a coalition means.

They are fighting for the return of a PM who killed far more than have died here and who once famously said, "Democracy is not my aim".

Do you reemember that?

As for nazis, please look up Crystal Night and you'll see who the reds model themselves on. As for their leader, watch some of hitler's speeches and then tell me who the reds' fuhrer models himself on

If Thailand had anything approaching an education system and a 1% aware of the world population this would not happen. SAdl;y, being unable to think for themselves, and having no knowledge to refer to, Thais believe what they are told.

As always, the reds are being fed a load of lies.

Democracy? BS

Are you kidding yourself or you think everyone is fool enough to believe in this as much as u do?

You quote something without proper reference, do you have any? or is it just another lame accusation?

Reds are following Bush and Rumsfeld when they were attacking (illegally) two sovereign nations.

Not just Thais but everyone else in the world believe in what they are told. Americans are the classic examples in current decade.

Either reds or non-red are fed lies, no one knows, coz there is no way to find the truth. Neither you nor I can find the truth.

RIP for those who lost their lives for democracy and prosperity in Thailand (which were lost 2 years ago).

In your penultimate sentence you admit you so not know, since everyone has been fed lies (propaganda). In your ultimate sentence you state democracy was lost 2 years ago... probably because you "believe what you have been told".

Care to state your references also that reds are following Bush & Rumsfeld's (arguably poor) example?

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@ Chrislarsson That's not strictly accurate, the chamber remains as a second house and has the responsibility of vetting bills submitted by the Commons, and does have power in that it can ensure that a bill is subject to further analysis and vote. Ultimately, a Government may force the bill into law through the Parliament Act but it is something rarely contemplated. The Supreme Court simply took the Law Lords [senior members of the judiciary] and provided a separate venue and structure for cases to be heard by them.


True, but the Commons can still override a veto by the Lords. So all they can do is causing a delay to a bill.

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Does anybody have any factual information on the current situation in Soi Rangnam. I read that it is under curfew and has been declared a live fire zone but this street is over a kilometre away from the Rachaprasong barricades.

That whole area is very bad at the moment according to the info I'm getting through Twitter. Rachaprarop, up to Rangnam and over towards Din Daeng all very bad. I could see a hel_l of a lot of smoke from that area around dusk.

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are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

might be this picture.


Jesus, that's more than 3. What a load of rubbish that army guy said about only using live ammunition 'if in fear for their lives' etc. they are firing indiscriminately, I hope Abhisit and the muppet Suthep (largely responsible for this mass murder of civilians) face justice one day, and I don't mean by god !

Brilliant Non-de Plume.... says it all...

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Very sad pictures :)


Forgot to add some information to the picture

7 killed and 101 injured Nine people are in critical conditions including a 10 year old boy.

With many families on the protest site and the indiscriminating shooting by the Thai military it’s a wonder that no child has been shot.

However last night a 10 year old boy was seriously shot in the abdomen when the van he was traveling in failed to slow down at a check-point.

Source: Daily News Thailand

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So I suppose the fact that the government has proposed a timeline for elections (more than a year ahead of schedule) is completely wasted on you. That is so typical of fanatical supporters of ANY faction. You and your kind only choose to pay attention to the facts that support your belief.

And since when is forcing an election through the use of illegal activities any part of a true democracy?

if its democracy you are talking about then when is an army coup against an elected government and the inability of the elected to restand again any kind of democracy...

you forget what the yellows done to get their people in to power and did the army start shooting them...have elections and let the people speak,,thats democacy...

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Yes, sadly, the red Thaksinistas left the government with no real choice except for a definitive crackdown on their violent insurrection. God knows they tried to avoid this, but enough is enough.

Please shut off your keyboard and go back to your homeland. Maybe there they will appreciate your insanity.

Do you ever post anything more than telling people to go home?

You've run out of red propaganda, so you just tell people that disagree with you to stop posting.

+1...got so fed up with it that have stuck him on ignore (along with a few of the other trolls)

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By the way there is a lot of obviously false information being moved on the internet particularly twitter and particulalry by foreigners outside of Thailand of people dying who havent, blood needed when it isnt, people being assasinated when they werent, mass graves of soldiers who wouldnt obey orders etc. Some people are pretty sick or usually poorly paid PR operatives and pretty sick. Spend a bit of time following the tweets and you can find lunatic groups. It is at least a distraction from other things and is a good lesson in how manipualted PR is used in modern meme creation by politcal operatives.

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reds are fighting for democracy. they ask for reelection. so the who support the gov are simply brainless nazi.

you are the brainless one here

following insane red leaders that sprout undemocratic violence.

the reds don't want democracy..they want a free ride.."give me money so I don't have to work"

Obviously, you have not been around Thailand very long. Who do you believe grows the local food and raw materials within Thailand? Who drives the taxis, buses, etc.? Who are the majority of the people in the military? Who are the majority of the people who work the low paid service industries in BKK and the tourist towns? They are rural people (non-BKK, Pattaya, Phuket) who, in general, side with the red shirts. Redshirts and their supporters are harder working people than most of the elites who sit in cozy desk chairs.

I have been traveling around LOS for the past 1 1/2 years shooting film footage of muay thai and wildlife/nature related activity. I have been all over the country and been in almost every province except a few in the deep south. I have had many different Thai film crew members on my staff during this time. Many speak English somewhat well. My Thai girlfriend travels with me approx. 70 % of the time. I talk with them and her and they relay information to me. I can tell you that the majority of Thais support the redshirts even though they might not support the long demonstrations in BKK. Many of these "reds" are extremely hard working people and without them Thai society would be in trouble. They are the producers in LOS. They are not pencil-pushing elites sitting in a cubicle in a highrise in BKK...not breaking a sweat. i

I suggest you travel throughout all of Thailand like I have and maybe you will learn something about LOS. I have been in LOS and the neighboring countries off and on for about nine years. It sounds like you are a newbie who hangs out in some tourist area or BKK. FYI...most Thais outside of BKK do not even consider BKK part of "Thailand". They consider it a corrupt, spoiled, foreign, non-Thai cultured enclave. If you are man enough I suggest you travel throughout LOS for a few years... into all the non-tourist towns and provinces and talk with the majority of the masses and enlighten yourself. Come to Cambodia with me. I will show you a thing or two.

Khun Boran Khmer

Where does your g/f come from....

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reds are fighting for democracy. they ask for reelection. so the who support the gov are simply brainless nazi.

you are the brainless one here

following insane red leaders that sprout undemocratic violence.

the reds don't want democracy..they want a free ride.."give me money so I don't have to work"

Obviously, you have not been around Thailand very long. Who do you believe grows the local food and raw materials within Thailand? Who drives the taxis, buses, etc.? Who are the majority of the people in the military? Who are the majority of the people who work the low paid service industries in BKK and the tourist towns? They are rural people (non-BKK, Pattaya, Phuket) who, in general, side with the red shirts. Redshirts and their supporters are harder working people than most of the elites who sit in cozy desk chairs.

I have been traveling around LOS for the past 1 1/2 years shooting film footage of muay thai and wildlife/nature related activity. I have been all over the country and been in almost every province except a few in the deep south. I have had many different Thai film crew members on my staff during this time. Many speak English somewhat well. My Thai girlfriend travels with me approx. 70 % of the time. I talk with them and her and they relay information to me. I can tell you that the majority of Thais support the redshirts even though they might not support the long demonstrations in BKK. Many of these "reds" are extremely hard working people and without them Thai society would be in trouble. They are the producers in LOS. They are not pencil-pushing elites sitting in a cubicle in a highrise in BKK...not breaking a sweat. i

I suggest you travel throughout all of Thailand like I have and maybe you will learn something about LOS. I have been in LOS and the neighboring countries off and on for about nine years. It sounds like you are a newbie who hangs out in some tourist area or BKK. FYI...most Thais outside of BKK do not even consider BKK part of "Thailand". They consider it a corrupt, spoiled, foreign, non-Thai cultured enclave. If you are man enough I suggest you travel throughout LOS for a few years... into all the non-tourist towns and provinces and talk with the majority of the masses and enlighten yourself. Come to Cambodia with me. I will show you a thing or two.

Khun Boran Khmer

Mmmm. Then I m sure you are well aware that randomly met Thais will tell you whjat they think you want to hear. When they know you and trust you they will tell you what they really think and that takes a long time too.

I'll skip Cambodia or anywhere else with oyu. What has being a man got to do with anything or isd it some silly macho comment?

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Very sad pictures :)


Forgot to add some information to the picture

7 killed and 101 injured Nine people are in critical conditions including a 10 year old boy.

With many families on the protest site and the indiscriminating shooting by the Thai military it’s a wonder that no child has been shot.

However last night a 10 year old boy was seriously shot in the abdomen when the van he was traveling in failed to slow down at a check-point.

Source: Daily News Thailand

Misinformation!!!!! That 10 year old boy was not in that van. He was on a foot path and was lying down when the incident happened, in addition was another person injured--a taxi driver. The oy was at the site and a solder told the boy to go home unfortunately he decided not to follow that advise, then the van came speeding into the scene and the rest is history.

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