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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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The number of reds running amok in Ubon is in the hundreds.

2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Tyre burning, bridge blocking, homemade rocket launching and provincial hall gathering have been reported in Ubon Ratchatani.(matichon)

3 minutes ago via TweetDeck

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Actually given the government 'crack-down' has gone on for nearly 3 days; there're remarkably VERY few deaths and casualties overall.

I'm NOT marginalizing them by any stretch of the imagination (and a sensible person might have wishfully hoped this situation could have been resolved without loss of life).

I'm only pointing out, up until this point the military has exhibited remarkable restraint in dealing with the armed, violent protestors hel_l bent on goading the military thru the use of M79 grenades, rolling burning tires, throwing M150 bottles of petrol, and firing off home made rockets, into an all out fire fight. Given the possibility of a curfew in select areas, it’s starting to look more like a 'gloves off, end game' for the red-rabble.

Abhisit's government hasta be given credit for this restraint. Reading some of the foreign news takes on this situation; shows the red protestors have lost ANY shred of credibility they once might have had in the eyes of the international community for NOT calling this 'peaceful protest' off WEEKS ago when they got what they initially demanded a Lower House dissolution, new elections, possible amnesty for banned politicians, and constitutional amendments.

Instead it would seem they prefer to sacrifice their 'sheep-like' followers to further their sadly misplaced ideology about what constitutes a 'democracy'.

It's truly sad for the rank-n-file protestors, as I'm sure NONE of the core red-rabble-leaders will be harmed.

I am fairly sure that Abhisit is not controlling the military. The military are there own force.

And what crackdown is this anyway? The army has done nothing. It has actually been attacked by dumb idiots who have left the encampment. If there are trained terrorists they will be staying in the encampment. So to me the army are making fools of themselves. Shooting idiots.

And why hasnt there been a crackdown. There are only some 3500 protestors there of which 90% are peaceful demonstrators. women, old men and children. And Abhisit has a big problem, he has announced he will end the protest. If it doesnt end it he is in trouble. If the soldiers go into that crowd fully armed, if there are trained terrorists there, they can probably incite mayhem. The innocent crowd will be very upset if a young kid is shot or even some innocent old man.

If you actually see photos of that crowd they are 95% innocent people - you cannot justify going in there with guns. Then if a terrorist shoots a soldier the crowd will give up and be horrified and all sympathy for the Reds will be lost. The army have been shooting people and achieving nothing - that is not a good move. I very much suspect they have a hidden agenda. I mean didnt people notice that most of the forces out there yesterday were young raw recruits - the type who are most likely to panic. I also very much suspect that if Abhisit asked them to go in there unarmed they would tell him where to go. The army are in control now - if they dont move into the encampment Abhisit is finished. They could have ended this a couple of days ago but they didnt. So they are probably cutting a deal with him now to finish it. Or maybe they wont cut a deal and have a coup.

And all the tyres start to burn by themself? If I am inocent I would not stay with violent people in a peaceful demonstration. I also would not cut of parts of a city for weeks and hurt business there. An I would not bring my children to any demonstration. If you are still there you show that you agree with what is going on.

RT @Journotopia: Mystery snipers, blind-firing soldiers, Reds hassling photographers: reading Twitter, the situation is getting insanely ...

6 minutes ago via web


So we have one armed blackshirt.. One guy shooting a Grenade.. And the army guys in the truck..


100's possibly 1000's of youtube clips of army firing, including BBC, Al Jazera, CNN, and 100's of blogers and people on the street..

Well, doh! when you have an army firing M-16s at a rabble, would you stand in front of the M-16s or behind to take your photos? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question.

Thai TV now showing a underwear only wearing reds dancing behind tires while other reds prepare to throw petrol bombs amid streets filled with smoke.

Yes and these guys are likely to get shot, like would happen in any other country on the planet when you enter a war zone crazed on yaba! There are, at present, only 24 people killed and thats, how bizarre it might sound, a miracle! Lets hope things will cool down, but let me tell you one thing: " the red leaders need to be going to jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

defintelely, on a positive note, it is a miracle indeed that one 24 have passed thus far. I don't think even our foolish friends redparrot or the far removed farangcravings can think of better examples where the government and the soldiers have showed mercy than here in Thailand. Soldiers were even beaten along with nurses, and still low numbes of deaths. I don't think the gov't could have bene more patient and generous in its offerings thus far.

In addition, they have been told again and again, leave: free transportation home. Only the depraved and ones who seek to engage in violence remain...along with some of their unfortunate offspring too.

When they are high up and 100's of meters away from people with slingshots I think its safe to say they are not under much threat..

They might not be, but the people on the receiving end of the slingshots are.

Soldiers' job is not only to protect his own arse you know?

To be fair, those slingshots that we see the red shirts using on tv are not even hunting grade. They're the toy models and as far as I'm concerned, not illegal or considered a weapon. Blowing someone's head off for walking around with one of those seems a little disproportionate to me, but maybe I'm just thinking too clearly here.

Let me enlighten you about these "toy grade" slingshots the reds are using. Here in Isaan these are the weapon of choice when hunting birds. The first time I saw one of these used I was shocked and amazed. These guys can knock a bird out of the top of a tree at 30 meters. When it hits the ground it is dead. They are lethal. The children all have them at an early age. By the time they are adults they don't miss their target.

The reds are using glass marbles as reported on the evening news. Consider being hit in the head or anywhere else with a glass marble traveling at over 120 kph.

Yes slingshot are nasty and quite lethal in the right hands. I know it was a felony to possess one in New York State in the early 70's.... I got off with a warning.

Please use your head. If soldiers were opening up on the reds with M16s ... you would see a lot more dead than 24 ... and aren't a couple of the dead now being reported to be soldiers?

If it turns out that any of them died to injuries sustained from slingshots I will instantly retract my previous statement. Naturally, all armed enemy combatants are fair play in my book. I just feel I could actually do more damage with my bare hands than with one of the most primitive projectile weapons on the planet so I would not consider it any more armed than, say, someone wielding a stick. Granted that walking around a live fire zone while swinging a stick around isn't the smartest idea either. You certainly won't catch me doing that.

How about not even being in the live firing zone to begin with? How about not having anything in your hand and going HOME on the free bus outta there.


555 × É you that to my channel youtube, I did not, but I Phone, you can now, I was ตจว. We are gathered together ครับ. Ground breaking plan being fully used then. Out when convenient and with the thought that I will contact you. Taken to the most careful I ครับ. This is the most dangerous. They Srivijaya warriors. That network Amat.

What is the purpose of live rounds?

Who shot? Who ordered the use of live rounds? Who is dead?

I think the case is pretty clear.

Maybe you are right. Maybe it is OK to let armed insurgents come into the capital and take it over. What country do you come from anyway? I am sure a lot of people would like to know where it is OK to take over 2 sq. miles of the downtown sector of a country's capital city.

You can't be from the country where I come from, because this would have lasted 48 hours and would be over. In fact, in some countries just 2 hours. But, I guess, where you come from it is OK. So where is it again?

You know what old man, i don't care if in your home country the army needs 48h to kill a ten years old boy. If you think that is good, you should probably go home. Bye, bye, was nice to meet you. Time is over now.

Please post link of the video you have showing the army killing the ten year old boy. Or please post the video of the eye witness of the shooting. Obviously you have proof or you would never have posted this. Shurely you are not posting only your opinion, are you???????


Recent news reports. From hearsay of the cards I have to do and ask the news.

18. Bangkok Bank. ATM Bangkok Seven True cabinet will get destroyed along the way for several days in all provinces across the country waiting for Stand By.


Several flaming posts have been deleted and some of the posters are now enjoying a tempiorary suspension.

Please keep it civil or don't post.

Yes slingshot are nasty and quite lethal in the right hands. I know it was a felony to possess one in New York State in the early 70's.... I got off with a warning.

How about molotov cocktails and spears ... wonder if those would be considered deadly weapons in NY or anywhere else beyond the minds of red mob sympathizers who consider these to be things you bring to a peaceful protest.

People around Victory Monument, be careful! Starting to get tense around the area /ThaiPBS

half a minute ago via web

RT @tulsathit: Tyre burning, bridge blocking, homemade rocket launching and provincial hall gathering have been reported in Ubon Ratchat ...

4 minutes ago via web

TAN: Many pickup trucks seen carrying tyres passed Klong Toey intersection heading towards Bon kai

4 minutes ago via web

No curfew announcement now as situation being under control :CRES:TVThai reports

2 minutes ago via TweetDeck


To be fair, those slingshots that we see the red shirts using on tv are not even hunting grade. They're the toy models and as far as I'm concerned, not illegal or considered a weapon. Blowing someone's head off for walking around with one of those seems a little disproportionate to me, but maybe I'm just thinking too clearly here.

Thank you..

Look.. Any one of the few images we have seen of armed reds.. Shoot them.. Guys with guns, grenade launchers, etc.. Fire away..

But almost every news source out there, every blogger and tweeter.. Are all saying that this is indiscriminate firing, its hit kids, women, journos and medics.. Thats nothing like the 'self defence' and 'trust only us' mantra of the government.

and again .....

CNN doesn't see it that way from their reporters on the ground


Security forces rolled out razor wire and erected warning signs Saturday as they surrounded the area where the protesters have been clustered, CNN's Dan Rivers reported. He said Thai troops had also come under fire although it was unclear who was shooting at them.

"There's been quite a fierce gunfight where we are in the northwest corner of this zone that they have tried to surround a Ratchaprarop Road which has been declared a live fire zone by the army," said Rivers.

Eyewitnesses recounted stories of unarmed people being picked off. One man was shot and whisked away by emergency crews. People at the scene pointed to a building where they thought snipers were based.

"The protesters clearly blame the army for the deadly force," said CNN's Sara Sidner from the scene of the protests. "There is no way to know for sure who exactly is doing the shooting but neither of the people we saw injured were armed."

Lets face it , CNN suck

No clue what is going, never knew, never will no

The just want to show the side that will make people tune in and watch

Yes slingshot are nasty and quite lethal in the right hands. I know it was a felony to possess one in New York State in the early 70's.... I got off with a warning.

How about molotov cocktails and spears ... wonder if those would be considered deadly weapons in NY or anywhere else beyond the minds of red mob sympathizers who consider these to be things you bring to a peaceful protest.

I would be willing to admit that slingshots are not deadly or harmful if one of these red apologists would let me use one on them to prove their point. Any takers? molotov cocktail is a no brainer someone runs at you with one of those in hand shoot them in the face!

Well Australian National News tonight Thailand was the main story

Videos where shown and a reporters opinion given

then we swiched to Sydney Interbnational airport to see people arriving home from Bangkok

Now this is where it gets interesting

Not one person said anything bad about the PM, the government or the army

what was said is

The red shirts are a mob controlling the streets, pushing the security forces into conflict

Tourists have no problems with the army around, it the mob that are burning the city. looting shops, hiding behind young children and mothers with babies in their arms.

The red shirts have no leadership at all, they are just running riot on the streets

No if this is true or not, the fact is this is what they see and are telling the world

So if the red shirt leader think the world will come to their aid, their propoganda machine has failed somewhere

The news in Australia shows you for what you are

an illegal mob on the streets upsetting law abiding people

I'd imagine there will be dozens of different spins on the situation, none of which will EXPLAIN the full truth of what has happened and what is happening - unfortunately its the nature of the beast.

These are very dark days for Thailand, thats for sure.

TR @pranot: 5.10 pm Nation TV reported intense stand-off/fighting at Din Daeng intersection. Reds burning tyres and troops firing.

less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

What a sick post.

People around Victory Monument, be careful! Starting to get tense around the area /ThaiPBS

half a minute ago via web

RT @tulsathit: Tyre burning, bridge blocking, homemade rocket launching and provincial hall gathering have been reported in Ubon Ratchat ...

4 minutes ago via web

TAN: Many pickup trucks seen carrying tyres passed Klong Toey intersection heading towards Bon kai

4 minutes ago via web

No curfew announcement now as situation being under control :CRES:TVThai reports

2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

SMS from my boss: No work tomorrow... situation considered far too dangerous to commute.

:) I'll drink to that :D

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

What a sick post.

It was a good post.

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

What a sick post.

Well... I'm laughing at his post :)


oops, a lil late, his thugs and himself are out of control.

By the way, nothing hinders you K Nathawut, to call back your thugs, will you?

Nuttawut: Reds have resolved that the priority now is to end violence. Political goals will have to wait. (we shall see if that's good sign)

1 minute ago via TweetDeck

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

What a sick post.

Well... I'm laughing at his post :)

Yes and everytime you reply, others read his good post.


TAN: CRES not to impose curfew as of now situation still under control, saying it can affect daily life of people

:D it may affect the daily life of people - and the state of affairs at present isnt? :)

People around Victory Monument, be careful! Starting to get tense around the area /ThaiPBS

half a minute ago via web

RT @tulsathit: Tyre burning, bridge blocking, homemade rocket launching and provincial hall gathering have been reported in Ubon Ratchat ...

4 minutes ago via web

TAN: Many pickup trucks seen carrying tyres passed Klong Toey intersection heading towards Bon kai

4 minutes ago via web

No curfew announcement now as situation being under control :CRES:TVThai reports

2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

SMS from my boss: No work tomorrow... situation considered far too dangerous to commute.

:) I'll drink to that :D

good for you, now you can go to din daeng for a wiener and marsh mellow roast :D

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

What a sick post.

Sick indeed. How dare this poster compare the students at Kent State to this mob but obviously written by someone with not even a shred of an idea what's really going on here just the same brainwashing democracy bs The fact that he is slagging off some guys intentions for being here only makes me belive that he is one of those guys :) usually how that works in Thailand with some expats I have noticed.

I have no love for Rush, Reagan or Thatcher but <deleted> does that have to do with Thailand and this mess? ever hear of Thaksins war on drugs? nothing right wing about that eh now go home already your tourist visa is about to expire!

While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

I mean really people.

Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

Really people.

You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

People want fair elections, and you laugh.

People want justice and you laugh.

People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

What a sick post.

Well... I'm laughing at his post :)

Yes and everytime you reply, others read his good post.


Indeed! I think everyone needs a good laugh at this point :D

Hear news from the hearsay of a year card Chor.


1. Infantry 11th yesterday night April 14th at Don M79 to 20th Infantry child is gone Et Lab.

2. Suthep belt Suban missing a leg side being 79 to know if ป่าว Suthep lost more than three days then yes I La.

3. Neck and flat f 11 of splendor and ruin a good move to Director of Hong Prachin then leap away together to sit on at night. 14 after the explosion down

4. This is the 11th infantry soldiers already watermelon watermelon card military talks said. Coffee blank to sit together to eat it inside the 11th Infantry.

5. Meta Exquisite to fly abroad on the night of the 14th, but do not know, but it is XD!.

6. F16 aircraft disappeared without an order of people (good news of the red shirts).

7. Military friendly fight. Because someone ordered large. The military watermelon comment now

8. *disallowed comment--Scott/Moderator

9. Magnate red shirts have come back stage (huge), but not broadcast.

10. Police see red shirts stand empty-handed soldiers are not firing. I Yue interaction of soldiers to help the red shirts.

11. Military m79 shot put pine Lumpini because irate

12. Police Host something Resistance because people see innocence not being killed.

13. Building the World Trade USA. Upcoming building in Thailand (confused Adelaide).

Let all the predictions of the Angeles Crest Da Samui Airport card the year Chor. Go to the interview.

News News real breast to spy to tell a friendly and เน้อ.

All news is written. To know a lot of detective breaking news to the Chua's.

I must be from another planet, because I understand none of the above!!!!


Anybody notices the change of tone since he can't hide under the skirts any longer? My goodness, these girls and grannies must have controlled you K Nathawut. :)

Natthawut has called for a ceasefire, saying they are ready to reconcile:INN

half a minute ago via TweetDeck

RT @TAN_Network: Checkpoints setup on Sukhumvit road (Soi Udomsuk) to prevent more red shirts from Paknam coming into the area of clashes

5 minutes ago via TweetDeck

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