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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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this is just a pre-amble to announcing Veera has switched sides and told the government where the money is coming from, who got it and where the bodies are buried

you do not think its a coincidence that Veera dissapears for 5 days, the government suddenly changes its emphasis over to Thaksin, who is now to blame for all this and they suddenly know which bank accounts are feeding the fire do you?

Veera has turned, watch this space.................

Let's hope so, because when the immediate violence ends the gov't will need people like Veera on board in order to effect any lasting peace. Of course, their own part in bringing this mayhem to the country in the first place will be conveniently ignored.

this is just a pre-amble to announcing Veera has switched sides and told the government where the money is coming from, who got it and where the bodies are buried

you do not think its a coincidence that Veera dissapears for 5 days, the government suddenly changes its emphasis over to Thaksin, who is now to blame for all this and they suddenly know which bank accounts are feeding the fire do you?

Veera has turned, watch this space.................

Let's hope so, because when the immediate violence ends the gov't will need people like Veera on board in order to effect any lasting peace. Of course, their own part in bringing this mayhem to the country in the first place will be conveniently ignored.

Do you have any evidence for this? (I hope so, that it is true). The first to switch sides and spill the beans are the ones that get off the hook.

In a related story: Remember Thaksin's planes full of cash? Here are his wife's trucks.

Authorities will shortly ask two close aides of Pojaman na Pombejra, ex-wife of Thaksin Shinawatra, to substantiate their recent cash withdrawals of Bt600 million and Bt800 million.

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) said yesterday that massive amounts of money had been withdrawn by Akarat Changlao and Kanchanapa Honghern, respectively, on behalf of Pojaman.

The money was taken out of bank accounts in cash and left the banks in several vehicles.


"I was told that the soldiers around the rally site are not Thais. So, I think it's safer to huddle together inside the temple compound," she said.

Wonder if this means that the rumours of the red leaders telling the mob that the soldiers are from Burma and Cambodia were true?

It seems from some other videos that the guards inside may be Cambodian as well and this lends credence to the words told by the Reds that the Army may be from other countries.I fear for all those true civilians who can not go home now even if they want to.

Thank you

The fear-mongering again taps the xenophobic angle to keep things revved up. :)

Well it fits perfectly with the evil government angle

and that all Thais are with the Reds because they are so right,

and no real Thais could be agains the Reds

so the evil government MUST have foreign mercenaries come to clean out the Reds.

And scares the gullible into not leaving the rally site and thuse remaining human shields

and dogsbodies for greater appearance of zealotous numbers.

It fits perfectly. And it's MUCH easier to attack the soldiers in the streets

if you have been told they are foreign mercenaries and not Thai conscripts

and officers loyal to HRM.

The Red leaders have much to answer for....

This letter was already discussed over two pages on TV, and guess what?? The whole topic was removed.

Guess TV leaders need to keep CNN as friends....

I was very very disappointed to see it happen. I had higher anticipations about TV being unbiased.

Closed, or deleted?

Consider your source when you get an answer.

this is just a pre-amble to announcing Veera has switched sides and told the government where the money is coming from, who got it and where the bodies are buried

you do not think its a coincidence that Veera dissapears for 5 days, the government suddenly changes its emphasis over to Thaksin, who is now to blame for all this and they suddenly know which bank accounts are feeding the fire do you?

Veera has turned, watch this space.................

Let's hope so, because when the immediate violence ends the gov't will need people like Veera on board in order to effect any lasting peace. Of course, their own part in bringing this mayhem to the country in the first place will be conveniently ignored.

Veera never signed on for this level of violence, that was obvious when he sat down with Abhisit, i hate reds but i would give him amnesty.

the information he has to give will end this red menace permanently


I wonder how much the price tag would be to have a respected news network or journalist(s) provide a very one sided view of the news? Wouldn't that make interesting reading.


For the barbarian posters here who prefer the spilling of thai blood to amnesty, you may wish to note that even the Nation is using the "A" word:

"The red-shirt tactics appear to have been lifted straight from the textbook for urban guerrilla warfare compiled by leftists and ex-communists after the October 1976 bloodshed. Thailand foiled the plan to bring guerrilla warfare from rural areas to the capital by granting amnesty to activists who fled after the bloodshed."

If thailand could put an end to communisty violence in the months after vietnam, if bush/cheney could so briliantly convince the sunni tribes to switch sides and thereby bring on the legitimate government and democracy we now see in Iraq, then Abhisit can, and MUST, announce a general amnesty.

For all.

Except Montenegrin citizens. Of course. To allow Thaksin's return would be the blunder of blunders. He is far too smart and far too evil. But the risk of further delay is that the gov's bargaining position will become so weak that this might happen.


Before the Reds win.


A textbook move by Veera, implicate all those involved and the blame and the punishment is spread over a far larger spectrum of ideals and groups of people.

The Nuremburg Syndrome, apportion blame so as to minimise ones own involvement in any given situation thus lessening ones guilt.

I was only acting under orders or duress.

Pity Thaksins and the Red Shirt Brigade pawns won't be able to claim such a defence due to lack of funds, influence and contacts to be able to affect bribery as to the severity of their punishment or escape to another country.


12 Yr Old Allegedly Responsible for Din Daeng Fire

Police have in custody a twelve year old boy who they believe is responsible for the fire at a 5-storey building in the Din Daeng area.

During questioning, the boy admitted that the wandered into the rally by mistake, but stayed because he enjoyed the free food and activities.

He claimed that setting fire to the building made him feel like a man.


these reds are setting a wonderful example to the youth of this country............



If bush/cheney could so briliantly convince the sunni tribes to switch sides and thereby bring on the legitimate government and democracy we now see in Iraq,

What planet are you on

A legitimate government and democracy we now see in Iraq. ? :):D :D

If that's your idea of democracy there isn't any hope for Thailand.

I wonder how much the price tag would be to have a respected news network or journalist(s) provide a very one sided view of the news? Wouldn't that make interesting reading.

You honestly believe that you can buy enough international journalists to make that work. Believe it or not, they have editors also, and live in countries where it isn't quite so easy to transact amounts of money without knowledge.

It is simply that the journalistic world loves to show violence and back the little guy whenever it can. Oh the poor helpless reds, which we know to be not the complete reality. Notice how the reds have been extremely welcoming of the media into its camp? It is classic propaganda/marketing which needs more than the Nation to counter it.

It is the inability of the current government to accurately tell the story to the world's media that is the problem. Since the US is Thailand's ally, and the US army and the Thai Army are closely connected, a phone call to CNN via the US Army to report it the way "it should be" would be a place to start.

And don't tell me that the US army doesn't have ways and means to influence the story the way they want it to be. It might also be a lot more useful if the Thai government spokesman fielded questions in English from the Western media a lot more regularly.

It isn't much good complaining that the Western media isn't telling your story when 90% of the communication you do with them is in Thai from on high behind a desk in the form of a lecture. Of course, slapping lese majeste cases on the Foreign Correspondents club and BBC journalists doesn't help your cause much either.

Of course, coming from the roots of a coup, a conviction of a PM for buying up some land, tax evasion, and all that means that the story should have been spun years ago, they have a lot of catching up to do to get their version of the story across.

this is just a pre-amble to announcing Veera has switched sides and told the government where the money is coming from, who got it and where the bodies are buried

you do not think its a coincidence that Veera dissapears for 5 days, the government suddenly changes its emphasis over to Thaksin, who is now to blame for all this and they suddenly know which bank accounts are feeding the fire do you?

Veera has turned, watch this space.................

Let's hope so, because when the immediate violence ends the gov't will need people like Veera on board in order to effect any lasting peace. Of course, their own part in bringing this mayhem to the country in the first place will be conveniently ignored.

Veera never signed on for this level of violence, that was obvious when he sat down with Abhisit, i hate reds but i would give him amnesty.

the information he has to give will end this red menace permanently

I have not had a chance to catch-up on reports yet (reading as fast as I can right now!) Has Veera been heard from? After Sae Daeng's threats and the schism in the leadership of the reds there are three possibilities being discussed around here.

1) Veera is at 1st Reg.

2) Veera has been killed. (By the reds)

3) Veera has fled.

I will try and catch up --- but has he been sighted lately?

Craib ---- please do not assume that you know what a mod or admin thinks because of posts in the news-update Rally thread. They post news there from every source that TVF is allowed to quote. Sadly posting tweets very often isn't news but opinion and or disinformation.


If that's your idea of democracy there isn't any hope for Thailand.

The democracy that amnesty brought to Iraq is a hel_l of lot better than the Iraqi insurgency of 2004 to 2006.

Right or wrong?

The peace and prosperity that amnesty brought to Thailand in 1976 is a hel_l of a lot better than the communist insurgency.

Right or wrong?




This letter was already discussed over two pages on TV, and guess what?? The whole topic was removed.

Guess TV leaders need to keep CNN as friends....

I was very very disappointed to see it happen. I had higher anticipations about TV being unbiased.

Closed, or deleted?

Consider your source when you get an answer.

mmmm something goes past me I think..............

For the barbarian posters here who prefer the spilling of thai blood to amnesty, you may wish to note that even the Nation is using the "A" word:

"The red-shirt tactics appear to have been lifted straight from the textbook for urban guerrilla warfare compiled by leftists and ex-communists after the October 1976 bloodshed. Thailand foiled the plan to bring guerrilla warfare from rural areas to the capital by granting amnesty to activists who fled after the bloodshed."

If thailand could put an end to communisty violence in the months after vietnam, if bush/cheney could so briliantly convince the sunni tribes to switch sides and thereby bring on the legitimate government and democracy we now see in Iraq, then Abhisit can, and MUST, announce a general amnesty.

For all.

Except Montenegrin citizens. Of course. To allow Thaksin's return would be the blunder of blunders. He is far too smart and far too evil. But the risk of further delay is that the gov's bargaining position will become so weak that this might happen.


Before the Reds win.

I am sure there will be an amnesty for all the women and children, and any of the thugs that get out of there and are not caught attacking the army.

Any of the thugs that the army catches will get 2 years in jail.

I doubt there will be amnesty for the leaders.

this is just a pre-amble to announcing Veera has switched sides and told the government where the money is coming from, who got it and where the bodies are buried

you do not think its a coincidence that Veera dissapears for 5 days, the government suddenly changes its emphasis over to Thaksin, who is now to blame for all this and they suddenly know which bank accounts are feeding the fire do you?

Veera has turned, watch this space.................

Let's hope so, because when the immediate violence ends the gov't will need people like Veera on board in order to effect any lasting peace. Of course, their own part in bringing this mayhem to the country in the first place will be conveniently ignored.

Veera never signed on for this level of violence, that was obvious when he sat down with Abhisit, i hate reds but i would give him amnesty.

the information he has to give will end this red menace permanently

I have not had a chance to catch-up on reports yet (reading as fast as I can right now!) Has Veera been heard from? After Sae Daeng's threats and the schism in the leadership of the reds there are three possibilities being discussed around here.

1) Veera is at 1st Reg.

2) Veera has been killed. (By the reds)

3) Veera has fled.

I will try and catch up --- but has he been sighted lately?

Craib ---- please do not assume that you know what a mod or admin thinks because of posts in the news-update Rally thread. They post news there from every source that TVF is allowed to quote. Sadly posting tweets very often isn't news but opinion and or disinformation.

The assumption was backed up by a smiley, which is very rare in the ongoing topic. It was very clear.

You should have taken a look, before assuming that I assumed.... :D:)

Talks ongoing for peace: Weng

Red-shirt leader weng Tojirakarn on Tuesday admitted his colleague Veera Musigapong was engaging in a secret negotiation to bring about a peaceful resolution and an end to the Rajprasong rally.

Veera, who announced the suspension of his leadership in the red-shirt movement over the weekend, has remained in contacts with the government and the military, he said.

He voiced optimism that Veera would succeed in stopping the bloodshed.

the nation

18 05 2010

this is just a pre-amble to announcing Veera has switched sides and told the government where the money is coming from, who got it and where the bodies are buried

you do not think its a coincidence that Veera dissapears for 5 days, the government suddenly changes its emphasis over to Thaksin, who is now to blame for all this and they suddenly know which bank accounts are feeding the fire do you?

Veera has turned, watch this space.................

i have just sent a text message to Abhisit that i think it would be OK to give Veera amnesty if he told everything to the government about this conspiracy

i told him it would be a tough call but the country would forgive him and it would stop the red menace from spreading once the truth comes out.

if you feel the same, or have other good advise, you could do so too

text 4899006


Red Shirts Accept Senate Offer to Mediate

Red shirt leader Nuthawut Saikua has announced the group's decision to accept an offer from the Senate to mediate peace talks between them and the government.

He says the red shirts are ready to meet at any venue.

However, he reiterated calls for the government to withdraw its troops.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-18

"However, he reiterated calls for the government to withdraw its troops."

Still making demands?

Red Shirts Accept Senate Offer to Mediate

Red shirt leader Nuthawut Saikua has announced the group's decision to accept an offer from the Senate to mediate peace talks between them and the government.

He says the red shirts are ready to meet at any venue.

However, he reiterated calls for the government to withdraw its troops.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-18

"However, he reiterated calls for the government to withdraw its troops."

Still making demands?

Sure looks like it, and what will they do in the mean time? Reinforce?

Whatever sympathy I may have for a part of what they are trying to make clear, I say keep on the pressure, there have been enough broken promises and demands over and over and over again.

Lots of chances missed by their side.


A wonderful take on matters from a Canadian guy who posts on another forum.

manned-rake. 16th May 2010 18:33

My wife's business has lost roughly 50K in sales the last 3 days. We support the Reds, but hope they give up the territory around Pratunam?

Well we can see what motivates this persons ideals, completely in line with Thaksin MONEY, MONEY , MONEY



Before the Reds win.

I am sure there will be an amnesty for all the women and children, and any of the thugs that get out of there and are not caught attacking the army.

Any of the thugs that the army catches will get 2 years in jail.

I doubt there will be amnesty for the leaders.

I beg to differ. the Nation has mentioned the "A" word. that's the sign that the elite has come to understand that Thaksin has completely and utterly outfoxed them. the uprisings in the outer areas have caught the government with its pants down, and taken the initiative completely away from the army.

Thaksin not Abhsiit is in control of events in Bkk. the evil genius of the man continues to utterly befuddle thailand.

every minutes the bloodshed continues, more and more thais go Red.

and if the "third force" does prevail and there is no amnesty, here is what we will continue to see.

and if anyone who doubts the Red resolve to keep fighting, look at this clip

only AMNESTY can stop this madness.

A wonderful take on matters from a Canadian guy who posts on another forum.
manned-rake. 16th May 2010 18:33

My wife's business has lost roughly 50K in sales the last 3 days. We support the Reds, but hope they give up the territory around Pratunam?

Well we can see what motivates this persons ideals, copletely in line with Thaksin MONEY, MONEY , MONEY

Motivated by money? Aren't we all? But most of us aren't will to stoop to Thaksins level to get it. But you may be missing the bigger picture and that is the employees that can't work, pay bills, eat. You know, the things that most people do with money.

A wonderful take on matters from a Canadian guy who posts on another forum.
manned-rake. 16th May 2010 18:33

My wife's business has lost roughly 50K in sales the last 3 days. We support the Reds, but hope they give up the territory around Pratunam?

Well we can see what motivates this persons ideals, copletely in line with Thaksin MONEY, MONEY , MONEY

Excuse me for asking but what are you living of???? Everyone is suffering equally!


Nuttawut and the red leaders need to offer something besides demands....

We will remove all blockades of tyres around the city....

Govt, we will order the army back 1km from current positions.

Reds we will stop all activities and leave rachaprasong if elections are held on november 14 and amnesty granted to all non violent protestors.

Govt, we will move army back to base and replaced by the bk police until all areas are cleared if you agree to the above without additional conditions.

Reds, where do we sign?

this is just a pre-amble to announcing Veera has switched sides and told the government where the money is coming from, who got it and where the bodies are buried

you do not think its a coincidence that Veera dissapears for 5 days, the government suddenly changes its emphasis over to Thaksin, who is now to blame for all this and they suddenly know which bank accounts are feeding the fire do you?

Veera has turned, watch this space.................

Let's hope so, because when the immediate violence ends the gov't will need people like Veera on board in order to effect any lasting peace. Of course, their own part in bringing this mayhem to the country in the first place will be conveniently ignored.

Veera never signed on for this level of violence, that was obvious when he sat down with Abhisit, i hate reds but i would give him amnesty.

the information he has to give will end this red menace permanently

I have no proof but I believe that it's no coincidence that Veera disappeared right after the shooting of Seh Daeng because .... well .... draw your own conclusion. If he goes over to the Govt side, I hope they protect him so he can blow the lid off the red shirt charade. However the way things work here in Thailand some of his revelations may never see the public light. But IF THIS HAPPENS, the fact that the Govt has this information will be hanging over the heads of those individuals and we will see them become passive pussycats, at least until they have similar damaging info on the Govt personalities.

this is just a pre-amble to announcing Veera has switched sides and told the government where the money is coming from, who got it and where the bodies are buried

you do not think its a coincidence that Veera dissapears for 5 days, the government suddenly changes its emphasis over to Thaksin, who is now to blame for all this and they suddenly know which bank accounts are feeding the fire do you?

Veera has turned, watch this space.................

Let's hope so, because when the immediate violence ends the gov't will need people like Veera on board in order to effect any lasting peace. Of course, their own part in bringing this mayhem to the country in the first place will be conveniently ignored.

Veera never signed on for this level of violence, that was obvious when he sat down with Abhisit, i hate reds but i would give him amnesty.

the information he has to give will end this red menace permanently

I have no proof but I believe that it's no coincidence that Veera disappeared right after the shooting of Seh Daeng because .... well .... draw your own conclusion. If he goes over to the Govt side, I hope they protect him so he can blow the lid off the red shirt charade. However the way things work here in Thailand some of his revelations may never see the public light. But IF THIS HAPPENS, the fact that the Govt has this information will be hanging over the heads of those individuals and we will see them become passive pussycats, at least until they have similar damaging info on the Govt personalities.

That's a very interesting theory that you're proposing and it might turn out to be credible.

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