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Thailand Is Communist Now?

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Well I think everyone and even globally is now looking at Thailand in a very negative way. Even us TV posters tempers are flaring up.

I do not know a lot about communism but it seems like Thailand is now under Communist rule?

I have stated in other threads that these days Communism seems like not such a bad thing as it is at least a STABLE government but when a country just becomes NEWLY communist it seems scary when you live here. And this change is all because one PM wants to get a pay-check and serve out his term?

The reasons I am tending to believe this is;

  • Stopping Mobile phone signals. (Thai's and expats alike have the right to call home or call in emegencies etc dont they)?
  • Siezing of bank accounts. (If I buy a plate of rice for a red shirt will he sieze my account too)?
  • Stopping water and food supply to innocent woman, children and men. (How inhumane).
  • Shooting Journalists that are not posing any threat. (My Canadian journalist friend was a threat)?
  • Shutting down a private Television network for the reds. (Yet the Government can dictate their views on the news).
  • Blocking websites that we all use for our entertainment.

I see no future any more for business in Thailand due to these matters. Mega companies like DOW Chemical, Shell oil, Toyota, Petronas etc will NEVER invest here again I think.

Like I say, I am no expert on Communism so let me know if this is or is not the same?

Maybe I'm stupid but if Abhisit thinks that the majority of the people want him in why wouldn't he just disolve the party, have an election and the people will vote him back in legally. Unless of course he is NOT confident. Iether way TO MANY LIVES HAVE BEEN TAKEN ALREADY !!!!!

Edited by thailandbluegrass
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Communism, not hardly. If it were, Tianamen Square in China comes to mind. Brute force would be employed and there would not be dozens dead, there would be hundreds, if not thousands dead. No not communist.

Stopping water and supplies. A typical ploy by either side. Starve out the other side is a common practice in conflict. As far as innocent women and children goes. Who would involve them by bringing them to this conflict? If a resident, they would most likely have packed it in and left for the safety of their family or friends elsewhere. Involving women and children in conflicts is a common practice to garner sympathy from the outside, just as it has done with you.

As far as investments go, all communist countries have foreign investors. Internal strife does not generally preclude a major foreign company from investing if they think the strife will not impede their profits or have little impact upon them.

PM Abhisit offered early elections by a year to be held on November 14th of 2010 versus December of 2011. It was the factioned Red Shirts that kept adding demands and voiding this offer which led to the conflict we are now in. It was the delayed control and the holding back of force by the government that allowed the Red Shirts to move forward with no consequences. What other country in the world would tolerate take-over of its major city? Let's say Beiching, Moscow, Munich, London, New York, Montreal? None would have allowed it to get this far. Do not even bring up the Yellow Shirts, as that is a different conflict at a different time.

Edited by luangtom
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I think the term communism may be a little off. maybe closer to fascism. Personally, I see it as just what the govt says " State of emergency to combat a terrorist threat" Remember, history is won by the victors. Once this ends, we'll know if we should call the red shirts patriots or terrorists....

However, by Marxist theory, this could be the beginnings of a socialist/communist society. If we can remember back to our schooling days..... Marx said that after the attempts at capitalism, the plebes would have to rise and fight the upper/middle class and take down the current governmental structure. Then the stage is set for a "even" society made up of equals.

Psst... marx was wrong. people are naturally greedy, and people in power will, in time, fall to siren-song of power and money.

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When I googled Communism I came up with the following from wikapedia;

Communism is a social structure in which classes are abolished and property is commonly controlled, as well as a political philosophy and social movement that advocates and aims to create such a society.[1]

Sound afamiliar? So if I support one side or group and I give ANY help to that group the Government will sieze my bank accounts etc?

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"I do not know a lot about communism but it seems like Thailand is now under Communist rule?"

Rather odd to preface not knowing anything about Communism than suggesting it is present in Thailand.

True communism exists nowhere on this planet but is rather an expression used by those who have twisted the meaning. However, mixed socialist states do exist and socialist totalitarian states. Thailand is neither. If Thailand were anything close to the current label of "communist" this protest would have been over long ago.

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I do not know a lot about communism but it seems like Thailand is now under Communist rule?

What a load of (u know).

Countries all around the world practise the freezing of funds of criminals (People who earn money through unlawful means).

At various times, telephone signals may be interrupted if deemed necessary for the greater security of the people.

Are you one of the very people that would stand by and critise governments for not taking action in the face of crime and violence? :) Dear oh dear, indeed.

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The OP is correct ---- he knows very little about comunism.

The Reds have some leaders that espouse communist ideals. The government has nothing at all in common with communism.

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The Americans use the Inland Security bill to do things like that, are they Communist. All calls in the US can be monitored, whether mobile or fixed, can Thailand do this? Easy answer No!!!!

Also the woman and children downtown have been promised money if they stay to the end and the Reds win, if you were poor had no chance of income what would you do? And it will be a large amount of money.

Also Saddam used lines of woman and children to protect him and his troops, it was called inhumane then, why are you not complaining that the Reds use the same tactic to protect their leaders.

Bank accounts of terrorists are always frozen, worldwide, as stated above, think of Usama Bin Laden (notice the correct spelling of his name, unliked by the US).

I think you have never been in a war situation or a terrorist situation, so you would not know what needs to be done to break down the opposition, this Government are trying, but the soldiers lack professionalism, the training in House to House combat, the basics of moving position and watching your backs.

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Bank accounts of terrorists are always frozen, worldwide, as stated above, think of Usama Bin Laden (notice the correct spelling of his name, unliked by the US).

Its not only bank accounts of terrorists that are frozen. The Police in many countries instigate action against every day criminals to have funds frozen and assets confiscated of those who earn through illegal means. It happens daily, actually probably every few minutes :) . And rightly so.

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Am actually surprised that the Government did not start monitoring all incoming International Bank Transactions a long time ago, this all could have been bit in the bud, but Thailand is reactive and not proactive.

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Follow the money... This should have been done weeks ago. This Protest/attempted revolution has been bought and paid for by Thaksin... the audit trail should prove this.

I'm not saying that thousands of Red shirt protestors are not passionate in their beliefs, or that they are not trying to achieve social justice that has been long denied them, but that they have been cynically manipulated by individuals who stand to gain financially by regime change.

As to cutting off phone networks strategically... when the networks are being used to coodinate civil unrest, any world government would do the same.

There's nothing wrong with the creed of "To each according to his needs, From each according to his ability..." except that it doesn't allow for human nature... that always was the problem with communism. The power greedy rise to the top and stay there, exerting absolute power and control.

Thaksin's attempt to regain his confiscated wealth, and his corrupt power has come close to distroying this country... it may yet. The blood of the innocent's is on his hands. May he wither and die friendless and alone, powerless, impoverished, and impotent, forgotten by family, friend and foe alike. He deserves no better.

Edited by Murgatroyd
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Yes thats all good for "Terrorists" but show me one Terrorist here? The people that fly airplanes into world trade centers are terrorists but people with clappers in their hands..........?

So who dresses in Black and fires M79 launchers, who killed a Colonel, both sides are fighting, one is fighting for the people the other side is fighting for a certain person in another country, who had also best watch his back, cause his friends around the world are starting to listen to the Government.

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Yes thats all good for "Terrorists" but show me one Terrorist here? The people that fly airplanes into world trade centers are terrorists but people with clappers in their hands..........?

Please read post #12, its factual.

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Thailand is not communist and never will be. Its a capitalism state where money can buy what you want; just look at the traffic police riding on the wrong side of the road and you will understand how Thais live their lives. In Thailand money is power, power for money, thats why Taksin is involved in this conflict.

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M-79 grenades launched and hit army command post, same fired through out the city, truck/cars overturned and set ablaze, barricades set up in several areas, storming a hospital, etc, etc. What part of terrorism do you not comprehend? Let me make another comparison for you. 2 killers are captured, 1 killed 3 people, the other killed 1, they are both called killer, right. Clapper in hand, until it is put down to pick up a petrol bomb. I think the clappers went the way of the 'red shirts', discarded so as to blend in with the innocents.

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Thailandbluegrass (OP)--didn't you start another thread about wanting to leave Thailand and how much it sucks here? Seems like your tactics are based on gross exaggerations and scaremongering to the extreme. I can't imagine you'd ever have anything positive to say about Thailand, which leaves your opinions and credibility questionable at best.

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Yes the OP doesn't know about communism and yes I will agree with this statement he wrote about himself, "Maybe im Stupid". Making sweeping, generalised statements with little basis or facts really does nothing but spread unwanted fear.

Where have any of the things happened besides the last two, although which website was shut down for entertainment? Is it an entertainment website.

Stopping food and water to innocents, that's arguable what is innocent (breaking a law)

•Stopping Mobile phone signals. (Thai's and expats alike have the right to call home or call in emegencies etc dont they)?

•Siezing of bank accounts. (If I buy a plate of rice for a red shirt will he sieze my account too)?

•Stopping water and food supply to innocent woman, children and men. (How inhumane).

•Shooting Journalists that are not posing any threat. (My Canadian journalist friend was a threat)?

•Shutting down a private Television network for the reds. (Yet the Government can dictate their views on the news).

•Blocking websites that we all use for our entertainment.

People should stop exagerrate and stick to facts, not opinions. Just before the flames come, I am a supporter of demonstrations done within the law and properley.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Don't know about total communisim yet, but it's going the same road as Cambodia in the past.

Coverment has said that it won't agree with the reds wish to negotiate with the presense of third objective party -UN. They are saying that Thailand has never needed or will need outsiders help with the internal issues...

So shuting the rest of the world out and having only the coverment -yes, let's not forget that it has gain it's power by holding the international airport and it's passengers as hostages- making all the calls. Makes me sick to listen the prime minister talk about how he can not tolerate the illegal means that UDD is taking now.

I don't agree that that was a completly different crisis and all in the past what happened with the yellow shirts. It's after all IT IS the main reason for the situation being what it is today and nobody should forget it!!! Why do you think that the reds are there???

I am sad to fear that the Tiananmen 1989 will soon repeat it self in Thailand and democracy will officially be dead.

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