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Thaksin Denounces Gov’t Media Censorship as “Amateurish”

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Thaksin Denounces Gov’t Media Censorship as “Amateurish”

Ex-PM claims superior skills in repressing free speech

DUBAI – Deposed premier Thaksin Shinawatra launched another attack on the Abhisit government today, deriding the government’s crackdown against the press as “amateurish” and “inefficient.”

“When I was prime minister I had a dedicated team of lawyers ready to sue anyone who criticized me for a hundred million baht,” he boasted in a video message broadcast to his red-shirt supporters. “I had journalists self-censoring, instead of having to raid press offices. Much more efficient.”

Thaksin also criticized the Ministry of Communications’ efforts to block over 10,000 websites deemed dangerous to national security, including online newspaper Prachatai and links to foreign news stories that openly discussed the Thai military and monarchy.

“Blocking sites one by one using government bureaucrats is foolish,” said Thaksin. “I would have just bought controlling stakes in all the ISPs, just like I did with ITV, and secretly issued new editorial orders to the managers. That’s the modern way to do censorship.”

His comments were cheered by the red crowd, many of whom later praised his words as examples of his superior leadership.

“Thaksin was a visionary,” said Somluk Kriangvien, a Bangkok resident who opposes the Abhisit government. “The way he enriched himself through legal loopholes instead of normal extortion, or the way he bought votes through development instead of direct bribes. That’s the Thailand of tomorrow.”

Thaksin also downplayed the government’s silencing of anti-government radio stations and People’s TV, saying that when he returned to power he would shut down ASTV, NationTV, and Manager “in half the time and at one-fourth the cost.”

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva responded by insisting that the current government’s censorship capabilities were “state of the art.”

“It is clear that the people of Thailand see the current conflict in over-simplified, color-coded, and childishly emotional terms,” he said. “Which just proves that we’re doing our job just fine.”


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Absolutely brilliant.

Bravo. That was very very good.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva responded by insisting that the current government's censorship capabilities were "state of the art."

"It is clear that the people of Thailand see the current conflict in over-simplified, color-coded, and childishly emotional terms," he said. "Which just proves that we're doing our job just fine."

Might this comment be a slant at certain members of this forum?

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Cdnvic - as long as you started it- can I chuck this one up too? I laughed myself short of breath. (NB self: STOP SMOKING).

...Says Abhisit- “Life Firing Zone, Life Firing Zone, what does that mean? Many times I told them ‘live’ not ‘life”! Can’t they do anything right? Working in this country is fuc_king miserable,” he said, as several journalists nodded in agreement."


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Thaksin = Thief number one

Abhisit = Liar number one

They are both for censorship, controlling the media one way or the other and are foreign educated criminals. Thailand needs to break free from this 2 party - same B$ show. And so should all countries which face this democrats vs. republicans paradigm, which is but a mere smokescreen and the football game for the masses. It's the elites with the money which control both factions and they don't care for the demands and needs of the 'people'. And yes, the U.N. would be by far the biggest trap for Thailand right now; just remember how 'helpful' they have been in Kosovo and Rwanda, standing by and letting the killings happen.

How about some real alternative , green shirts? People need to stop fooling themselves and divide the country listening to either the yellow greedy royalists or the openly neo-con red faction. None of them will help the Thai's which I dearly love.


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Its a pity most people on TV are so poorly informed, seems most people that come to Thailand or have an interest in this country only know what happens now (and not even that) and are totally clueless about the Thai history and how the current situation is a result of past decisions and actions. Ah well, its history repeated, like always, people never learn from it.

Just wished THAI VISA would ban those people that call for violence, but it seems THAI VISA knows very well who their master is, and you never bite that hand.

Hehehhehe what will happen to THAI VISA if the reds win in some years, they will loose this battle surely, but it aint over yet ;-)


Is this a threat?

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“When I was prime minister I had a dedicated team of lawyers ready to sue anyone who criticized me for a hundred million baht,” he boasted in a video message broadcast to his red-shirt supporters. “I had journalists self-censoring, instead of having to raid press offices. Much more efficient.”

Thaksin also criticized the Ministry of Communications’ efforts to block over 10,000 websites deemed dangerous to national security, including online newspaper Prachatai and links to foreign news stories that openly discussed the Thai military and monarchy.

“Blocking sites one by one using government bureaucrats is foolish,” said Thaksin. “I would have just bought controlling stakes in all the ISPs, just like I did with ITV, and secretly issued new editorial orders to the managers. That’s the modern way to do censorship.”

His comments were cheered by the red crowd, many of whom later praised his words as examples of his superior leadership.

Basically what the great leader Thaksin is saying, "I am hiding behind a team of lawyers to protect my indiscretions and skulduggery, you could not publish anything in the newspapers without it going through the journalists I had working on my behalf, by the way I controlled everything you saw on TV whilst I was in power"

Sad thing is that the half wits who are risking their lives on his behalf actually support his controlling methods!

A banana republic that is getting everything it deserves.

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"When I was prime minister I had a dedicated team of lawyers ready to sue anyone who criticized me for a hundred million baht," he boasted in a video message broadcast to his red-shirt supporters. "I had journalists self-censoring, instead of having to raid press offices. Much more efficient."

Thaksin also criticized the Ministry of Communications' efforts to block over 10,000 websites deemed dangerous to national security, including online newspaper Prachatai and links to foreign news stories that openly discussed the Thai military and monarchy.

"Blocking sites one by one using government bureaucrats is foolish," said Thaksin. "I would have just bought controlling stakes in all the ISPs, just like I did with ITV, and secretly issued new editorial orders to the managers. That's the modern way to do censorship."

His comments were cheered by the red crowd, many of whom later praised his words as examples of his superior leadership.

Basically what the great leader Thaksin is saying, "I am hiding behind a team of lawyers to protect my indiscretions and skulduggery, you could not publish anything in the newspapers without it going through the journalists I had working on my behalf, by the way I controlled everything you saw on TV whilst I was in power"

Sad thing is that the half wits who are risking their lives on his behalf actually support his controlling methods!

A banana republic that is getting everything it deserves.

Dear Tommy Follow the links to NOT THE NATION - hint its not a real news story. :D Your homework is - find the other link it is just as good. :)

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Thaksin = Thief number one

Abhisit = Liar number one

They are both for censorship, controlling the media one way or the other and are foreign educated criminals. Thailand needs to break free from this 2 party - same B$ show. And so should all countries which face this democrats vs. republicans paradigm, which is but a mere smokescreen and the football game for the masses. It's the elites with the money which control both factions and they don't care for the demands and needs of the 'people'. And yes, the U.N. would be by far the biggest trap for Thailand right now; just remember how 'helpful' they have been in Kosovo and Rwanda, standing by and letting the killings happen.

How about some real alternative , green shirts? People need to stop fooling themselves and divide the country listening to either the yellow greedy royalists or the openly neo-con red faction. None of them will help the Thai's which I dearly love.


Couldn`t agree more, forward thinking liberal attitude is req`d.......just dont use the uk as a role model....or maybe do, and watch the baht plumet..

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Its a pity most people on TV are so poorly informed, seems most people that come to Thailand or have an interest in this country only know what happens now (and not even that) and are totally clueless about the Thai history and how the current situation is a result of past decisions and actions. Ah well, its history repeated, like always, people never learn from it.

Just wished THAI VISA would ban those people that call for violence, but it seems THAI VISA knows very well who their master is, and you never bite that hand.

Hehehhehe what will happen to THAI VISA if the reds win in some years, they will loose this battle surely, but it aint over yet ;-)


Is this a threat?

Its a threat from an expat who wants to be a red policeman.

There have been others now and again.

Creepy and redolent of mafia tactics.

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If the link wasn't at the bottom, I like others may have actually believed this to be a real report.

However no newspaper in Thailand would dare publish a story like that.

Sad really. If a newspaper in the west got some dirt on the government there would be no stopping them.

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what should be silenced is Thaksin permanently

Wouldn't it be a great relief to hear that he and Seh Daeng were having a long, very long meeting/discussion?

So much fun to be a Farang .... We can up and home any time we like.... Thailand for the Thais who deserve it... just the way it is..

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Unlike his own buying and almost total dominance of the Thai media which was infamously professional and ruthlessly efficient.

Yes, you cannot hold a candle to the "master" Mr. Abhisit when it comes to propaganda and media manipulation. You should enroll at the Shinawatra University for a MBA and choose the option, Domestic and International Corruption Management. And the course leader is, you know who....

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