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Red-Shirt Leaders Turn Themselves In At National Police Office


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This is a very clear picture of a Taxi Driver turns Terrorist, who use a child as a human shield.

I hope the police circulate his photo, so that he can be arrested and put into jail (after a formality trail).

Edited by Rucharee
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There is no proof that the Italian reporter was killed by friendly fire

And it won't be until the government use his power on every media and let only their speech to them... Only 1 voice, only 1 vision, only the government's choice is right, only the government has right, blablabla blablabla and of course every single Thai peoples has to follow this or die ! sounds almost like dictatorship... freedom of media where are you ?

I've posted this 5 times now and NOT ONE red supporter has stepped forward and responded. Kinda shows you what's going on in their empty heads... nothing. They can only repeat their brainwashed rhetoric which has been pounded into their heads since day 1. I dare ANY of you to respond with a level headed, intelligent response, with REAL answers and focus.

I challenge ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisit's shoes. Tell us all how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens as well as irreperable damage to the good name of this otherwise lovely country, my home, Thailand. Tell us WHO you propose from the UDD is of sound mind and intelligence to lead the country forward had all of their demands been met. I DARE YOU!

I am forever angry at these brain dead zombies for destroying so much, for so many innocent in such a short time. True troglodytes and only worthy of quick oblivion.

Harsh but fair.

Agreed. Poor and lowly educated people do not think and act rationally.

That is the reason why PAD said that their vote should not be counted in equally weighting as Bangkokian, especially the middle class Thai Chinese.

Bangkok Thai Chinese (example Sondhi, Mark, Kasit, etc.), however bad they are, will never create arson in such a scale as we see today.

Edited by Rucharee
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I don't understand why these people are allowed to make comments as they have the right and second chance for the last word. Allowing them to say we will continue the fight can only mean one thing to the majority of the "protesters". I wonder if the protesters think they were doing the right thing and should continue?

As we say here, "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Typically, when sentencing convicts, contrition is taken into consideration. Saying "this ain't over; we'll be back" doesn't sound very contrite.

Don't get me wrong, this guy seems the most sincere of the red leaders, at least at the end - he didn't flee, after all, like that dbag Arisman or the weasel Weng. His attempt to let his followers down gently is almost admirable.

But if I had been his lawyer, I would have told him to put a sock in it.

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There is no proof that the Italian reporter was killed by friendly fire

And it won't be until the government use his power on every media and let only their speech to them... Only 1 voice, only 1 vision, only the government's choice is right, only the government has right, blablabla blablabla and of course every single Thai peoples has to follow this or die ! sounds almost like dictatorship... freedom of media where are you ?

I've posted this 5 times now and NOT ONE red supporter has stepped forward and responded. Kinda shows you what's going on in their empty heads... nothing. They can only repeat their brainwashed rhetoric which has been pounded into their heads since day 1. I dare ANY of you to respond with a level headed, intelligent response, with REAL answers and focus.

I challenge ALL Red Tshirt Gang lovers to let the world know how you would have handled this situation were you in Ahbisit's shoes. Tell us all how you would've dealt with unruly mobs burning your city, terrorizing government buildings and infringing on all others civil rights, attacking the middle class working man and his families all while causing literally billions of baht in loss to the country and all the law abiding citizens as well as irreperable damage to the good name of this otherwise lovely country, my home, Thailand. Tell us WHO you propose from the UDD is of sound mind and intelligence to lead the country forward had all of their demands been met. I DARE YOU!

I am forever angry at these brain dead zombies for destroying so much, for so many innocent in such a short time. True troglodytes and only worthy of quick oblivion.

Harsh but fair.

I am not a red shirt gang lover but I think you should concider that he could have arrested seh dang two months ago and prevented him from even being there in the first place, and then killing him in front of the media?

Maybe not acting for months like he can do what he wants as if he has already won the power and the people completely. Reds aren't the total problem here you know Power, image. etc.

If he had done the leadership right they would not have even had the rally, in fact many of his supporter were convinced the rally would fail because he had done so well up to then. You may have been one of them.

Guess what? He is failed now for sure. Its happening on his watch. Captain goes down with the ship mate.

Problem here and now is getting the Gennie back in the bottle. Given time and resources the heavy hand will work, and then he can stand on a pile of burned dead bodies and say


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and the chump who made the comment about thailand not having a cast system needs to wake up or shut up. Preferably both.

Thailand does have a cast system. However, it's purely a social cast system supported by the people, their traditions, and their religion. It honors learning, teachers, doctors, healers, ajan, the monks and other Bhuddist teachers. They also honor their parents, elders, and the concept of age believing it brings wisdom. People of accomplishment are also respected. There language and manners are used to express this respect, even the level of the hands when wai-ing. An older person is called phe in respect, etc.

I personally believe such ideals are sorely lacking in the West where low level intellect often spews at the mouth with little respect for anything in the belief that others will miraculously respect them.

Some westerners would be better off to wake up and shut up until they understand that which surronds them.

Above all they honor money.

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I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

like the yellow shirt leaders have??

You can somehow compare what the 'yellows' did with what the 'reds' have done so that's interesting in itself. But what is your point about the 'yellow shirt leaders?'

Despite the amount of times that accusation is made, I have yet to see anyone saying that the two are comparable. The point repeatedly being made is that nothing has been done about any trials for the yellow shirt leaders (one of whom, despite being charged, is a minister in the present government) or for the yellow shirt rank-and-file, while red shirt participants have already been tried, sentenced and jailed.

Neither I nor, as far as I recall, anyone else has said that the two sides are equally guilty of the same charge, but that they should be tried equally under the law. This has not happened, nor is there any sign that it is likely to happen.

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I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

like the yellow shirt leaders have??

You can somehow compare what the 'yellows' did with what the 'reds' have done so that's interesting in itself. But what is your point about the 'yellow shirt leaders?'

Despite the amount of times that accusation is made, I have yet to see anyone saying that the two are comparable. The point repeatedly being made is that nothing has been done about any trials for the yellow shirt leaders (one of whom, despite being charged, is a minister in the present government) or for the yellow shirt rank-and-file, while red shirt participants have already been tried, sentenced and jailed.

Neither I nor, as far as I recall, anyone else has said that the two sides are equally guilty of the same charge, but that they should be tried equally under the law. This has not happened, nor is there any sign that it is likely to happen.

boy are you off... the yellow cases are still in the cycle and will be upcoming. and as far as the reds "already been tried sentenced and jailed" (???!!!), how freek'n high on yahbah are you ace?!

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Does anyone know what happened to the Yellow Shirt leaders, after they closed the airport in Dec 2008? I have not heard of any of them serving jail sentences right now (I could be wrong) if so, seems a bit unfair to me that they can close down the airport and get away scott free. Or could be something to do with the fact that their side came into government afterwards, so they escaped punishment?

It will be interesting to see what happens to the Red Shirt leaders

the wheel of justice grinds slowly.... perhaps even much more slower in southeast asia.... lol

they are waiting for their days in court.... just like many others before them....

as per the redshirt leaders et al.... i personally doubt that any will be granted bail in the near future....

besides, for them.... perhaps jail is a much safer place for now....

perhaps, their sponsors of the outings.... demand them to pay back something in kind too.... :)

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

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I am happy those leaders came to their senses and did the right thing, both for their own followers and the other people of Thailand. I hope they get a fair trial and sentence.

Maybe they will be tried with the leaders of the yellow shirts? Yeah...right...

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)


where have you been during the last few months?

the current govt weaky as it appears.... has been voted into existence in the house....

mind you.... by the same group of people who voted for the previous two former pm--sarmark and somchai.... remember them.... ponusa?

in reference to the redshirts.... they have actually been condemning themsleves all along persisting in gathering after the court declared their outings as endangering others and unlawful....

i am not at all saying that all redshirts are criminals....

but then what would you call those redshirts still wondering around setting fire here and there after their leaders already surrendered....

do you happen to come up with an appropriate name for them.... yet? :)

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For what it's worth, just saw on Sean Boonpracong's FB page a reference to the "beautiful blue waters of Ko Samet." Could be he's there, could be misdirection, or could be en route to points unknown. Bottom line is that he fled the sinking ship like a rat.

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

We're not for anyone except fairness. We watched the yellow shirts occupy the gov. building and both airports causing extensive damage with the full complacency of the army. No trials no penalty.. Fair? I think not...

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

Perhaps you should click on over to "GreekVisa.com" and find out. As for the reds, don't kid yourself - for most, this all about greed too -- "protesting" was a job, and nothing more (and probably the best paying job they'd ever had).

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

They've been busy for the past couple months and couldn't post.

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

We're not for anyone except fairness. We watched the yellow shirts occupy the gov. building and both airports causing extensive damage with the full complacency of the army. No trials no penalty.. Fair? I think not...

For the 23,462nd time

1 It was a Thaksin puppet goverment in power at the time of the airport occupation

2 The yellow shirt leadres have been charged and are awaiting trial

Fair, listening to your dross

I think not

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

We're not for anyone except fairness. We watched the yellow shirts occupy the gov. building and both airports causing extensive damage with the full complacency of the army. No trials no penalty.. Fair? I think not...

WE???? speaking on behalf of all? or you and others are from the same group of a kind?

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

We're not for anyone except fairness. We watched the yellow shirts occupy the gov. building and both airports causing extensive damage with the full complacency of the army. No trials no penalty.. Fair? I think not...

You watched extensive damage, and what are you watching now? extensive rebuilding?Do you think Central needed remodeling?

And just to remind you while airport was shut, all the damage was on the pocket it was not total destruction of property(s)

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

We're not for anyone except fairness. We watched the yellow shirts occupy the gov. building and both airports causing extensive damage with the full complacency of the army. No trials no penalty.. Fair? I think not...

For the 23,462nd time

1 It was a Thaksin puppet goverment in power at the time of the airport occupation

2 The yellow shirt leadres have been charged and are awaiting trial

Fair, listening to your dross

I think not

Well, as for the yellow shirt leaders awaiting trial. The last we heard is that the trial had been postponed for the 8th time. Reason? Sondhi was on holiday and couldn't attend. That is ...for the 8th time. Now tell me if there isn't something wrong with that?

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)


where have you been during the last few months?

the current govt weaky as it appears.... has been voted into existence in the house....

mind you.... by the same group of people who voted for the previous two former pm--sarmark and somchai.... remember them.... ponusa?

in reference to the redshirts.... they have actually been condemning themsleves all along persisting in gathering after the court declared their outings as endangering others and unlawful....

i am not at all saying that all redshirts are criminals....

but then what would you call those redshirts still wondering around setting fire here and there after their leaders already surrendered....

do you happen to come up with an appropriate name for them.... yet? :)

so its just only totally red shirts still causing any trouble in bkk?

no local thugs? criminals? , opportunist arsonists? trouble makers?

do you wanna label them all red shirts?? or terrorists?

Edited by gymboy33
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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

He joined before you did. Joined: 2008-09-02

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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

He joined before you did. Joined: 2008-09-02

and your point is?

he may of joined before me yet he did not say a word for 2 years?

Edited by kuffki
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Why is everyone condemning the red shirts? Are you all condemning the rioters in Greece, too? Those guys aren't even fighting for democracy. They were fighting for their own greed. At least the red shirts are trying to take back the country that was stolen by the military coup. I guess the guys with the biggest guns and tanks win, in this case that'd be the Thai govt. Very sad. And the Thai economy just went from bad to worse. But maybe that will be good for the dollar exchange. (J/K)

I am wondering why all the newly joined members always appear to be red supporters. I am yet to see a new member who was anti red.

Just very strange

He joined before you did. Joined: 2008-09-02

and your point is?

he may of joined before me yet he did not say a word for 2 years?

He likes to read.

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Well, as for the yellow shirt leaders awaiting trial. The last we heard is that the trial had been postponed for the 8th time. Reason? Sondhi was on holiday and couldn't attend. That is ...for the 8th time. Now tell me if there isn't something wrong with that?

Thaksin is a convicted criminal on the run who refuses to return to serve his term and continuously causes trouble for Thailand, i suppose nothing wrong with that?

Bangkok is being burned down as we speak, but i guess also nothing wrong with that, because its RICH people who own buildings and businesses. and rich people do not work hard, their money just falls from the sky.

But just a little question, what about hundred of thousands of people who now have been out of work and unable to return to work because their work place has been burned down, what about them?

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I guess you think its ok for these idiots to be running amok damaging Govt property, shooting at people.

Crazy thing is I have not seen 1 red supporter come on here and condone what the scum bags are doing.... NOT ONE!!!

That tells you the type of mindset the Red brigade have!! Its Sick

It certainly is sick that a minority ruling elite in Bangkok can use the labour force of a majority of country folk to create wealth, yes, I agree with you. If you think it's okay for this majority to have been repressed for decades (not being allowed to voice their opinion because of draconian laws), then I have to disagree with you. Rioting on the streets for a few days is nothing compared to decades of repression. BTW, this is just the beginning...

And stop calling people who post against you a troll, else I'll start calling you a buffalo. Okay? :-)

"Rioting on the streets for a few days is nothing compared to decades of repression." How about centuries or at least since 1932? Thailand is not a poor country. Its GDP ranks 32nd in the world. Actually, It ranks higher than Finland,

UAE, Portugal, Ireland, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore and New Zealand. Where is the money go? Let starts with the richest man in the world , army generals , crooked politicians and corrupted corporations owned by chino-thai.

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