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Thai Government Accuses Reds Over Huge Weapons Cache

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If the video clips that have been shown on here are undoctored - where the red shirt leaders, Nattawut in particular, were inciting the red shirts to burn Bangkok then anyone who believes that the reds had not become a terrorist movement must think again. The list of targets included hospitals - specifically Siriraj Hospital (which has hosted the King for several months), all muslim mosques and if my Thai is correct, all muslim people too.

Sure, the red shirt movement has some good grass-roots people who firmly believe in a very good cause - unfortunately they jumped into bed with some particularly nasty people with despicable, violent agendas and now must face the consequences.

The upshot of the past few years is that the red shirt movement has destroyed itself as a viable political organisation and with it the Phua Thai party who were happy to sit there waiting for any potential rewards whilst giving them token support and at the same time distancing themselves from any fall-out. There is no real alternative at present to the Dems unless some of the smaller factions can put together a "middle of the road" ticket. Unless Newin has cooked his goose, this could be his time to make a move.

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'Puea Thai party to grill PM and four ministers; will nominate Chalerm as premier' http://bit.ly/cjvdis

Don't think that Thaksin is finished. He's just moving into phase 2. His bought and paid for for Puea Thai MPs are going to do everything in their power to prevent any kind of reconciliation, let alone real reform. Reform would mean that they would no longer be able to steal billions from every province, amphur, tambon, and mubann under their control. I won't comment on Chalerm... anyone who's spent a fair amount of time in Thailand knows what he is.

Thaksin still has a lot of money, he's lost the last few hands, and he's going to double down to try to make back his losses.

For an example of how he's spending his money, take a look at the revision history of the Wikipedia article on Abhisit. Remember - everything on Wikipedia is information contributed by users. Wikipedia does not edit or check for accuracy or balance. About 500 updates between 16 Apr and 22 May 2010 vs. about 500 between 8 Oct 2005 and 16 Apr 2010, the majority of which were made starting Dec 2008. The article is now VERY professional anti-Abhisit propaganda, entirely designed to portray him in the worst possible light.

Keep your fingers crossed that the PT scum will end up in the sewer, not in Government House.

Tell me the Reds also have Nuke in their camp. That's more convincing.

What a joke. Yet lots of people idiotic enough to believe this news.



The Reds have Nukes in their camp under the somtum carts.

Convinced yet?

This video sums it all up for you..and nice song to go with it.


Holy moly. looks like we have our very own Al-Quaeda. What's next, training camps? Suicide bombers? Truly scary.

I agree, scary. Let's hope the reds dont get any ideas from the insurgents in the south. I have to think that if 52 died (suposedly) and there were a few thousand hardcore reds fighting- that means a lot are still out there. So this might not be the end of the reds.


Of course journalists have been going around with the army and police when they been searching for and turning up this stuff. Even one of Nattawut's team was allowed to be present while Wat Patum was being searched.

From the first couple of days of the operation there were Thais passing on information online that was coming from the rescue workers, who could come and go across the lines and see pretty much everything that goes. Surprised none of the western journalists thought to hook up with them. They were reporting the armed MiB appearing after dark pretty much from Day 1, even what kind of guns they were using.

The BBC got the best footage on that final morning, but I think there was an article in one of the Aussie papers that said even then, they were trying to keep the guns hidden from the cameras.

If the burned, gutted Central World doesn't convince you, then you are lost cause.

This is politics and a legal fight from the government to try to prove that the reds are a terrorist organisation. If Thailand wants the world to throw its hands up and actually reach out and have someone help them get hold of Thaksin Shinawatra, I suggest that they get someone infinitely more competent than Suthep to make the case.

I don't want this country to descend into chaos anymore than you. Do I want the country held to ransom like this over and over again in the next few years? NO

So, if you want the rest of the world to help, I suggest that they employ the very best public relations and legal firm and independent observers in the world to make their case in a way that is absolutely water tight and free from any accusation of political bias.

Could you imagine for one second the Thai Foreign ministry making a case in the West on evidence submitted by Porntip. The defence would have an absolute field day. "But your honour, the witnesses competence concerning her forensic science ability must be called into question after she publicly defended the efficacy of the GT 2000 bomb detector. In fact we believe that she continued to support it because of pressure put on her by the Thai military so as not to embarrass them."

I don't find their story credible, pure and simple.

If they can't prove it convincingly to me, what hope do they have of convincing the rest of the world? Furthermore, I doubt burning down Central World represents an act of terrorism, irrespective of how bad their conduct has been.

how would you describe it then - a prank, a minor indiscretion, an unintended side-effect, an accident? why don't you go down there tomorrow and talk to some of the 1000 odd people now out of work and ask them how they would describe it? while you're there, ask them who they will be voting for come the next election.


If these weapons belonged to the red shirts why were there not more soldiers killed when they cleared the protest area?

If the men in black opened up on the army when they cleared the area everyone, even the red shirt apologists,would be saying "So they did have weapons!"

But if they didn't open up on the soldiers there would be an army of red shirt apologists ready and waiting to explain away the damming evidence.

Whatever the Government and Military come out with is GOSPEL.

Whoever questions any information being feed to us is a red shirt apologist terrorist..

I should be met with a jail sentence actually, burning tyres 7 years so I reckon questioning any official story should be 5 years... that is how we real democrats do thing...

Anybody else besides me find it sadly ironic that someone with the screename fire...is defending burning tyres?

Look at my join date.

What is ironic is that your comment perfectly illustrates attempts to discredit with completely useless (and false, I am not defending burning tyres) information. Very on topic.

I had a look and I also had a look at your past posts on here. Your only reason here is to write positive for the Red Shirts. There are more like you on this Forum.

Organizations from all Colors know how important the Internet is today. They use it accordingly. Do not think we are so stupid.

Not at all, there was a report of over 6,000 weapons stolen from a military base in southern thailand 2 days before the red shirts massed in Bangkok last month. I would assume some were used and the ones found were the remainder of the stockpile.

Your information is a little mixed up but I don't blame you. Those guns were actually found in a house about a week later, HOWEVER, the red shirt protesters DID take over 200 assault rifles off the army during the clashes at khow san road.

I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

Dont be so stupid !!!!! who said the guns were not used? God give me strength against idiots like you.

The useful idiots and human shields (the peasants) were mostly only armed with homemade weapons, but the military wing (former soldiers) were armed to the teeth with automatic rifles and grenade launchers and there is plenty of evidence of this on film. It seems that the poor were used as cannon fodder by their leaders. :)

Right. That is basically what the AsiaTimesonlone.com article was saying is a strategy. Unfortunately it was longer than a two sentence sound bite and seems to have gone over the head of the illiterates that predominate on this board.

Unarmed Reds, Amnesty International decrying the treatment of the poor innocents - BS, pure BS. Armed militants who should be treated as enemy combatants, if shown to have participated in a violent way.

holy smoke! look at that. A weapons factory that is.

Haha arguing unfair treatment at this time just further shows how far from reality these folks are.

If these weapons belonged to the red shirts why were there not more soldiers killed when they cleared the protest area?

If the men in black opened up on the army when they cleared the area everyone, even the red shirt apologists,would be saying "So they did have weapons!"

But if they didn't open up on the soldiers there would be an army of red shirt apologists ready and waiting to explain away the damming evidence.

A) They're mostly untrained village folk

:) They hid them

C) They're recovering them

D) THEY DID injure score of soldiers

E) Videos show the red shirts spraying every direction


6 undetonated carbombs found at Rajprasong, meant to completely blow up the area

Head Forensic Department Dr Pornthip Rojanasunan disclosed that car bombs were found by security task force in 4 Rajprasong areas. The bombs were put together in a manner almost ready to detonate, she said. Government Spokesperson Dr Panithan Watanayakorn pointed out that they were meant to blow up Rajprasong area.

Earlier today, Dr Pornthip had found almost 1,000 suspected explosive materials scattered around Rajprasong. DNA cross matching is currently in progress.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-22


A revolution can only be succesful when you have martyrs. It seems some UDD/red-shirties thought their own supportes with women and children would do nicely.


They already sacrificed their Chief of Staff by assasinating him hoping to further inflame the country and divide the army. They failed miserably and resorted to arson and murder of civilians.

Just guessing? Or day dreaming? You think this government would miss the chance of showing this huge cache of arms in situ if it existed? You think they wouldn't make the area safe before letting the journos in?

So you make excuses for them - they are either incompetent and missed the chance, or they are so caring for the lives of journalists that they forego the opportunity of showing the world this cache in situ and merely hope their spokesman will be believed.

Are you guys that gullible?

Farangs lapping up the government line. Keep it up - it makes for good reading. :)

Best part is, judging from posts on other parts of this forum, most people here would not trust a police man or government official with five baht. But lo and behold, now everything is suddenly swallowed at face value, without the slightest sign of critical thinking. Well, at least some past time fun during the curfew. :D

Yes, I have never ever witnessed a government official placing his own interest above anything else, never happens at the bottom no reason it should happen at the top, right?

Regarding showing the arms cache in situ, what about the platoon of black clad gunmen reported captured? Who are they? Where are they? Wouldn't you think the authorities would jump at the chance, if they are red, to extract PR mileage by parading them in front of cameras and have them reenact their deeds like they do with petty thieves? Brings to mind the false flag strategy alluded to by another poster. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp...4fb31827b26355d

Suthep is a liar same as George Bush :)

Maybe the reds had mass destruction weapons too...


And Barack Obama is a commie don't you know. :D

Born in Kenya some have it. You know in Europe a liberal is sometimes an almost 'open-minded' supporter of less government influence and more capitalism. In America some would be terribly offended being called just that. What I want to say: labels are useful, makes it easier for us lesser mortals to know who is good and who is bad. Relation with the truth (whatever that may be) is useful but not necessary.

Furthermore, I doubt burning down Central World represents an act of terrorism, irrespective of how bad their conduct has been.

That is simply foolish, I really hope you misspoke!

I don't find their story credible, pure and simple.

If they can't prove it convincingly to me, what hope do they have of convincing the rest of the world? Furthermore, I doubt burning down Central World represents an act of terrorism, irrespective of how bad their conduct has been.

I hear you. If you can't be convinced why would others. You probably should be ruling this country from your infinite wisdom :-)

Unarmed Reds, Amnesty International decrying the treatment of the poor innocents - BS, pure BS. Armed militants who should be treated as enemy combatants, if shown to have participated in a violent way.

At the suggestion of another poster, I sent a letter to Amnesty Int., basically telling them they have no credibility and they should put someone in charge who has a brain and can think with it.


You should turn on any free thai TV channel NOW just to look at the unbelievable amount of arms they have recovered! An army of insurgents! My God!

The reds are pretty pathetic after you watch this display.

Its not over, you can see they're loaded.

Furthermore, I doubt burning down Central World represents an act of terrorism, irrespective of how bad their conduct has been.

That is simply foolish, I really hope you misspoke!

How about seizing an airport? Anyone arrested yet? Oh, forgot, they are the government now. At least the food and music was good... :)


CRES announcement now, showing red speeches about weapons and burning bangkok.

One red leader said that if the government attacks, start burning and he will take all the blame.

Not at all, there was a report of over 6,000 weapons stolen from a military base in southern thailand 2 days before the red shirts massed in Bangkok last month. I would assume some were used and the ones found were the remainder of the stockpile.

Your information is a little mixed up but I don't blame you. Those guns were actually found in a house about a week later, HOWEVER, the red shirt protesters DID take over 200 assault rifles off the army during the clashes at khow san road.

Perhaps it is a coincidence, haha, but have you noticed that when in the possession of the military they are M-16s or shotguns, but when in the hands of the opposition they are assault rifles?

I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

They were used- haven't you seen the videos and pictures of armed red shirts and "black" shirts firing on soldiers, journalists and civilians? What a relief that Abhisit finally cracked down on these terrorists. Peaceful protest? Yeah right!

Unarmed Reds, Amnesty International decrying the treatment of the poor innocents - BS, pure BS. Armed militants who should be treated as enemy combatants, if shown to have participated in a violent way.

At the suggestion of another poster, I sent a letter to Amnesty Int., basically telling them they have no credibility and they should put someone in charge who has a brain and can think with it.

Yep...... I can see them being bullied into changing to the way you think...... :)

I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

They were used- haven't you seen the videos and pictures of armed red shirts and "black" shirts firing on soldiers, journalists and civilians? What a relief that Abhisit finally cracked down on these terrorists. Peaceful protest? Yeah right!

So basically you'r supporting a murderer? :)

If the burned, gutted Central World doesn't convince you, then you are lost cause.

This is politics and a legal fight from the government to try to prove that the reds are a terrorist organisation. If Thailand wants the world to throw its hands up and actually reach out and have someone help them get hold of Thaksin Shinawatra, I suggest that they get someone infinitely more competent than Suthep to make the case.

I don't want this country to descend into chaos anymore than you. Do I want the country held to ransom like this over and over again in the next few years? NO

So, if you want the rest of the world to help, I suggest that they employ the very best public relations and legal firm and independent observers in the world to make their case in a way that is absolutely water tight and free from any accusation of political bias.

Could you imagine for one second the Thai Foreign ministry making a case in the West on evidence submitted by Porntip. The defence would have an absolute field day. "But your honour, the witnesses competence concerning her forensic science ability must be called into question after she publicly defended the efficacy of the GT 2000 bomb detector. In fact we believe that she continued to support it because of pressure put on her by the Thai military so as not to embarrass them."

I don't find their story credible, pure and simple.

If they can't prove it convincingly to me, what hope do they have of convincing the rest of the world? Furthermore, I doubt burning down Central World represents an act of terrorism, irrespective of how bad their conduct has been.

how would you describe it then - a prank, a minor indiscretion, an unintended side-effect, an accident? why don't you go down there tomorrow and talk to some of the 1000 odd people now out of work and ask them how they would describe it? while you're there, ask them who they will be voting for come the next election.

True. Nobody denies that 9/11 was a terrorist act.... whether the destruction is caused by a plane or a bunch of arsonists with molatovs makes little difference.

Furthermore, I doubt burning down Central World represents an act of terrorism, irrespective of how bad their conduct has been.

That is simply foolish, I really hope you misspoke!

How about seizing an airport? Anyone arrested yet? Oh, forgot, they are the government now. At least the food and music was good... :)

Shirt colors are silly. I agree.

What I disagree about is that you're comparing that to absolute war and terrorism of natives by natives.

...thanks for some Chiang Mai red propaganda, but no one is buying it. Just watch the videos and listen to the leaders.

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