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When evaluating media coverage I think it is important to keep in mind the 'audience' of each particular news outlet.

If you look at US media orgs, words like democracy, freedom, patriot make everyone put down their lattes and perk up their ears. When B Spears gets pulled over for DUI is Breaking News, you know there is a problem.

We have all been conditioned to look when we see the yellow text box scrolling across the bottom of the screen, no matter how insignificant it is.

I imagine the news editor has one eye on the ratings when deciding if there is a need for a breaking news pick me up.

The other issue I see is journalists trying to create stories in the hopes of adding context for viewers-when we all know it's an attempt to get as much air time or ink as possible.

In the end this conflict has seen a change in reporting. Tweets are the name of the game now and it won't be long before the mass media tries to control it. Afterall, who needs the competition.

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AsI know has been explained many times on this forum...perhaps even in this topic....the days of Journalists giving an unbiased and balanced coverage of the news are over.

In the major news markets, the U.S.A., Europe, Austraila, etc. the nightly news programs have become merely a means of selling commercial products...through the commercials that are aired in between the news stories.

Those commercials are how the network and the broadcast stations make the money that keeps them running...without the commercials they can't pay the salaries they do.

This leads to a drive for popularity and the desire to gain as many viewers for that particuler news program, because the number of viewers is counted as "success" for a newshow or newspaper.

What brings the number of viewers up, either for a television news program or a newspaper, is the sensation value of the news reported, not the content of that report.

Dead bodies, scare headlines, puffed up and exciting headlines bring the numbers of viewers up...which means more viewers for the commercials between stories and more profits for the news network.

That's what counts today. It has nothing to do with the quality of the reporting, and certainly not the 'honesty and impartiality" of the stories.

Honesty and impartiality doesn't count today....market share does.

Dead bodies or scare stories bring in the beer-swilling masses....and that's all that counts today.


While I agree that Malay news and the Phuket Gazette are not the best! I was watching, CNN, BBC, Al Jazerra, MCOT, TAN as well as Channel 3 Thai, until is was fire bombed, as well as others. My internet was out for the four days during the peak of the crisis. And as I said before, Al Jazerra was the least biased of the reporting I saw. They presented both sides. When the burning and looting started, everyone could see the peaceful demonstrators in action... Give the rest of us a break! My glasses are photo gray, not rose colored or yellow...

The point was the columnist, complaining that the international major media didn't report enough about Thailand's uproar.

My point was and still is that Thailand is NOT the center of the world and that people, all over the world, forget quickly and watch the next piece of sh_t news, killings, wars, murders, plane crashes, ash clouds and the enormous oil spilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

The human brain can't "take" so many problems at the same time and "blocks" more horrible news and that's a good thing.

In Thailand the uproar situation is #1 news...not in the rest of the world.



WHAT is with all off OFF TOPIC Posts in the Thread about who is right or wrong and what media outlets do and don't explain their own particular version of the REAL truth?

The whole theme of the OP was that problem in Thailand was over excagerated, not what side is the Champion of justice!

Reds and yellows will take any crack that is open to persuade of the high mindedness of their causes.

As for the OP, if Thailand breaks up into 3 countries within a few years, will you then apologize to journalists who called the situation 'civil war'?


When I said, as a matter of PUBLISHED record, last year, that the water was off the beaches and a tsunami was coming, did you roundly laugh?

Put THESE words on your calendar. >>> The fault lines have formed for a break up of Thailand.

Only a dozen farangs can understand Thailand.they say??? I have only seen 3 Thais who can!!! 99% of Thais are on one wrong side the other wrong side or mutedly on no side.

The Khana Ratsadon were aquabbling and divided before they even came back from their ivory towers in England and France. They set the THai STANDARD for the Past 80 years and the Next 100!


Thailand has one, and only ONE shot at Peace, Stability and Prosperity and that lies within The Joseph Solution and carrying out The Joseph Plan.

Peace would be ascribed within weeks, Stability would be administered within months and G30 level Prosperity within a few years!

Then, whatever the OP's tourist interests in Phuket are could flourish.

..>>> forgot to suggest to the OP, READ all the Posts to your Thread as PROOF there a huge divisions in the gang land style of Thai politics. Your Phuket resorts might have been 'safe' in this round, but what about the next, when the red or yellow, or the so called 'mystery' group begins the insurgency tactics. [mystery to most, but not to some of us]

While I agree that Malay news and the Phuket Gazette are not the best! I was watching, CNN, BBC, Al Jazerra, MCOT, TAN as well as Channel 3 Thai, until is was fire bombed, as well as others. My internet was out for the four days during the peak of the crisis. And as I said before, Al Jazerra was the least biased of the reporting I saw. They presented both sides. When the burning and looting started, everyone could see the peaceful demonstrators in action... Give the rest of us a break! My glasses are photo gray, not rose colored or yellow...

The point was the columnist, complaining that the international major media didn't report enough about Thailand's uproar.

My point was and still is that Thailand is NOT the center of the world and that people, all over the world, forget quickly and watch the next piece of sh_t news, killings, wars, murders, plane crashes, ash clouds and the enormous oil spilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

The human brain can't "take" so many problems at the same time and "blocks" more horrible news and that's a good thing.

In Thailand the uproar situation is #1 news...not in the rest of the world.


Yes, if anyone wishes to elevate the country to the center of the world then we need to look at the Asia financial meltdown of 1997 which originated in the greed and licentiousness of Thai corporations, business, government and which produced Thaksin and the Thais Love Thais political party and its election sweep of the board as the country's response. The Thai response to their own wild and undisciplined gross transgressions was completely wrong, wrong, wrong. The country since has plunged headlong into the abyss with nothing very optimistic in sight.  

Al Jazeera learned from the consequences of its focus on the blood and guts of the Iraq war that it's much better to be rational and reasonable than to sensationalize as an advocate of one side over the other. The BBC Panorama program presented the view of the then-editor of Al Jazeera that the news organization was immune of responsibility for its one sided reporting of the time, quoting him as saying "What are they gonna do, bomb us?" Shortly afterward that's exactly what happened to the Al Jazeera office in Baghdad. A hard lesson but at least Al Jazeera learns, which is more than can be said of the fumbling bumbling locals as they continue to stumble into a bleak future.

It's awful and really unnecessary that the country has only begun to write its name in blood and chaos across the map of the world. People globally are shaking their heads to say, "Oh, it's Thailand again" as they watch the news or read it. When are people here going to start getting something right just once? 

WHAT is with all off OFF TOPIC Posts in the Thread about who is right or wrong and what media outlets do and don't explain their own particular version of the REAL truth?

The whole theme of the OP was that problem in Thailand was over excagerated, not what side is the Champion of justice!

Reds and yellows will take any crack that is open to persuade of the high mindedness of their causes.

As for the OP, if Thailand breaks up into 3 countries within a few years, will you then apologize to journalists who called the situation 'civil war'?


When I said, as a matter of PUBLISHED record, last year, that the water was off the beaches and a tsunami was coming, did you roundly laugh?

Put THESE words on your calendar. >>> The fault lines have formed for a break up of Thailand.

Only a dozen farangs can understand Thailand.they say??? I have only seen 3 Thais who can!!! 99% of Thais are on one wrong side the other wrong side or mutedly on no side.

The Khana Ratsadon were aquabbling and divided before they even came back from their ivory towers in England and France. They set the THai STANDARD for the Past 80 years and the Next 100!


Thailand has one, and only ONE shot at Peace, Stability and Prosperity and that lies within The Joseph Solution and carrying out The Joseph Plan.

Peace would be ascribed within weeks, Stability would be administered within months and G30 level Prosperity within a few years!

Then, whatever the OP's tourist interests in Phuket are could flourish.

..>>> forgot to suggest to the OP, READ all the Posts to your Thread as PROOF there a huge divisions in the gang land style of Thai politics. Your Phuket resorts might have been 'safe' in this round, but what about the next, when the red or yellow, or the so called 'mystery' group begins the insurgency tactics. [mystery to most, but not to some of us]

I have asked this bozo about 100 times to tell us what this Joseph Solution is - never an answer. Can we just label him a troll and move on?

BBC was hugely disappointing

No investigative journalism

Fell for the bleeding heart line every time.

Also, that woman with the crew cut. She frightens the kids. What happened to Kate Adie?

Yeah this article is obviously right, CNN the BBC and all the world's media were completely wrong. All Thai Visa Posters, don't believe all the worlds media believe the yellow shirt sponsored 'The Nation' and local Phuket rags because they will tell you the truth ie what you want to hear :)

The foreign media did poorly, I agree with that. But they're not in Thailand. However, the English-speaking Thai media did absolutely awful ..and there is no excuse for that, as they're in Thailand and know the facts. I'll leave it at that.

A friend from the US sent me this link from the New York Times.


I pointed out the nearly every paragraph painted the government as overbearing storm troopers descending on the poor defenders. Nearly every paragraph begins with an action of the government, and even words like "quashed" add a subtle coloration to the tone. There were no interviews with government reps, nor any with bystanders to the conflict.

When I pointed this out, he didn't get it. Maybe, because he's like most Americans, he doesn't question media reports from his own "prestigious" newspapers. "America's right; everyone else is worng".

Thakins PR firms did a fine job, but keep also in mind that any western media source familiar with Thailand is going to have an eternal silent grudge and be always Biased against whatever government is there because they all secretly detest the Lesse Majesty gags.

It goes again their basic instincts and sense as a reporter. So that being said, without any other help or even being consciously aware of what they are doing, they are going to find ways to "wrong" the thai government.

Proably something there, for many, but not all, journalists.

As agreed in Blog#8, BBC, CNN et al were the most misguided disgusting reports every broadcast. These reporters should be recalled and recycled as janitors. Total ignorant morons simply trying to get a bonus and pats on the backs.

No credibility whatsoever.

I agree that the BBC and CNN didn't interview any government officials or spokespersons but they were reporting events which were actually happening on the streets. I remember the BBC's video reports quite well - as video reports will be remembered most by the majority. Alistair Leithead was telling stories of what was happening there and then - the Red Shirts are there, the army are here, the army respond when a rocket is fired at them, the Red Shirts run out and set light to a tyre when they can, the Red Shirts have stuck out for 6-7 weeks. This is what was happening.

Didn't interview any government officials? What about the interview they did with Korn? And the one with Panitan? :)

If they're not government officials, what are they?

CNN several times interviewed several individuals from both sides. Once the government began routing the Reds however, only government officials were available for interview as the Red leaders were rather breathless while on the run. It's the nature of the situation and circumstance, the nature of the beast called journalism which relies heavily on the official body count, the official crowd estimate and alternative crowd estimates, the question of whether the government is in control or will fall etc. Various analysts were interviewed by most media whether print or broadcast which assisted the foreign mass media to gain a needed perspective.

Eventually, almost all the foreign media began to find and to read people such as Shawn Crispin and others who have a daily familiarity with the country and the cast of players, the background, the deep background, so began to assemble a larger picture than the simplistic surface claims of a class war of poor vs rich. The once pivotal fact Thaksin was deposed by a coup, which gave the foreign mass media a bias against the government, eventually faded into the background of the foreign media paradigm as the foreign media began to take the lead of those journalists and analysts from many countries near or far who are seasoned in Thai politics and society, subsequently and consequently causing greater and more focused foreign media reporting on the dynamics and the principals central to the extant time, place and circumstance. A for instance is the more mature mass media focus on the armed thugs in opposition to the establishment, Thaksin's paymaster role from abroad and the real presence of the Maoist influence in the present conflict which among other exigencies made the foreign media forget about the undemocratic coup of four years ago to refocus on the undemocratic opposition of the present.

And quite sadly the actual facts of Thaksins'

diminished and then expired Caretaker status at the time of the coup,

his unilateral insistence at hanging on extra-legally, never reconfirmed as CPM.

And probability of acts of intervention and innuendo to strengthen his position,

are blithely ignored in the world press.

Articles like this are written by those who don't really understand the basics of good journalism. A lot of Thais live in a fantasy world where what you see on television represents an absolute truth. All CNN, BBC and other news organisations did is report from the ground and present both sides of the argument. Because this balanced approach conflicts with simplistic absolute truth of good guys vs terrorists presented by the Thai media, a lot of Thais believe "The Truth" can be found on their little Thai television programmes and "Lies" is found on the "foreigner television".

Neither the BBC nor CNN reported evenly and nor did they get to the background.

I expect better from the BBC.

Yeah , it was sorta like the red shirt trash was the poor down and outs, no mention of the millionaires backing them or the buying of votes or Thaskin's ALS making 6 times profit since he came into power,The tax issue after selling ALS, and Thaskin shootin through to England, nothing in Aust press was balanced, no back ground work , pretty sloppy all up

The organizations in question, though international in coverage, were primarily of a Western persuasion in terms of editorial stewardship. They painted a picture of an entire nation up in smoke, with the term "civil war" being used repeatedly, and with the heart-rending spectre of a "failed state" being invoked from time to time.

Whether wilful, inspired by genuine awe in the hearts of the foreign reporters on the scene, or borne of genuine ignorance of the culture and background facts in operation behind the protests, the result was the same. A painful chapter in Thai history was made worse.

What a load of claptrap. Yes many western media did have less than enlightend coverage. However this Malay journalist seems to have missed the "local" press - Starting with The Nation then moving up to the Thai language press. If he had covered those they would find them even more bigoted and ignorant, best ignore that fact, hey lets criticize the western news media and ignore the local clowns. A typical SEA deflection. The guy should be covering the Malaysian press and Anwars Sodomy trail and keep his mouth shut.

BBC is such a third rate news provider for world affairs, they got stuck in africa incessantly playing the misery and starvation line till the hapless viewer was famine shocked to boredome.

Same with India, event then their coverage of the reall issues is very muted, pretty worthless

Give me Al Jazeera any day for frank reporting, Chanel news asia

CNN? why dont they stick to Israel, thats what they are paid for.

Yes the original poster is quite right Western so called insternational journalism is a fraud - no serious understanding of local issues, they don't pay their stringers enough

I totally agree with your opinion.^

Deutsche Wella(English)(every other hour) is another 1st class news agency where they speak English better than those of the BBC. Their broadcasts are lively, informative and compelling watching.

A few years back I had a misconception that Al Jazeera would be a Muslim lackey: on the contrary they are really a pro-active and generally unbiased world-class news agency. They also now have a lot of ex-BBC and CNN reporters who were let go for probably not reporting the 'company' line.

BBC and CNN are media-*hores with substandard reporters and reporting. The BBC needs to stand down the current news anchor: nothing wrong with being gay, but this poofter is a total embarrassment, pandering tools he and they are.

WHAT is with all off OFF TOPIC Posts in the Thread about who is right or wrong and what media outlets do and don't explain their own particular version of the REAL truth?

The whole theme of the OP was that problem in Thailand was over excagerated, not what side is the Champion of justice!

Reds and yellows will take any crack that is open to persuade of the high mindedness of their causes.

As for the OP, if Thailand breaks up into 3 countries within a few years, will you then apologize to journalists who called the situation 'civil war'?


When I said, as a matter of PUBLISHED record, last year, that the water was off the beaches and a tsunami was coming, did you roundly laugh?

Put THESE words on your calendar. >>> The fault lines have formed for a break up of Thailand.

Only a dozen farangs can understand Thailand.they say??? I have only seen 3 Thais who can!!! 99% of Thais are on one wrong side the other wrong side or mutedly on no side.

The Khana Ratsadon were aquabbling and divided before they even came back from their ivory towers in England and France. They set the THai STANDARD for the Past 80 years and the Next 100!


Thailand has one, and only ONE shot at Peace, Stability and Prosperity and that lies within The Joseph Solution and carrying out The Joseph Plan.

Peace would be ascribed within weeks, Stability would be administered within months and G30 level Prosperity within a few years!

Then, whatever the OP's tourist interests in Phuket are could flourish.

..>>> forgot to suggest to the OP, READ all the Posts to your Thread as PROOF there a huge divisions in the gang land style of Thai politics. Your Phuket resorts might have been 'safe' in this round, but what about the next, when the red or yellow, or the so called 'mystery' group begins the insurgency tactics. [mystery to most, but not to some of us]

You know eggomaniac, if your highlighted, underlined allusions to the "Joseph Solution" and the "Joseph Plan" actually led to a link where one could read about them, then I for one would be grateful. As things stand now, your constant referral to these solutions is totally meaningless and just adds "noise" to the debate. It merely makes you look like an attention seeker rather than a legitimate voice interested in healing societal division.


Agreed, I am still stunned about the éxpert opinions"in the world "leading media"- where do they get the information they allow to be broadcasted and published - from?

From Twitter, "truth today",?

..throw it in a blender, switch to "neo-liberal" stir in some social content and bingo!


I thought that AJ did the best foreign news casts and some of the local T.V. stations did a good job with live feed of the street action before it appeared on AJ.


Many were (and continue to be) slow in picking up the direct Thaksin involvement.

Honourable exception goes to the Singapore Government who had an 'a-ha' moment after the ShinCorp farce.

Being seen shopping in Paris while Bangkok was burning on his command by those under his pay will eventually be seen by all as the cover-up it was.

But not with the assistance of the forum red shirt cheerleaders who will continue to throw sand in people's eyes.

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Articles like this are written by those who don't really understand the basics of good journalism. A lot of Thais live in a fantasy world where what you see on television represents an absolute truth. All CNN, BBC and other news organisations did is report from the ground and present both sides of the argument. Because this balanced approach conflicts with simplistic absolute truth of good guys vs terrorists presented by the Thai media, a lot of Thais believe "The Truth" can be found on their little Thai television programmes and "Lies" is found on the "foreigner television".

How contradictory. BBC and CNN did nothing of the sort. In fact, their entire coverage of the events in Bangkok were exclusively presented in a good guys (poor, unarmed freedom fighting farmers) vs. bad guys (corrupt, abusive, human rights violating, malicious and murdering everyone in sight military). It is pretty clear that you are fond of this biased view as well. BBC was more one sided than the N. Korean Dear Leader channel and couldn't have been further from the truth that was happening around us.

They seem to have shockingly dropped this story off the map once:

1. They set the city on fire, endangering the lives of thousands of people who live here, completely ignoring the heroic effort of the fire brigade and medics working through the night to prevent a completely horrific disaster from spreading.

2. Numerous footage of red shirts with weapons of war firing into crowds and military surfaced.

3. A plethora of IED's, grenades, guns and ammunition were found hidden around the site.

4. Red shirt leaders were charged with terrorism.

5. Car bombs, stolen ID's and credit cards were discovered around the protest site.

I could go on, but the OP's article is spot on. I knew that BBC specifically pandered to bleeding heart liberals but I never would have thought that they would go this far. I can say with complete confidence that they are no where near a legitimate source of information.

Well said Sir!



yoshiwara posted

Many were (and continue to be) slow in picking up the direct Thaksin involvement.

Honourable exception goes to the Singapore Government who had an 'a-ha' moment after the ShinCorp farce.

Being seen shopping in Paris while Bangkok was burning on his command by those under his pay will eventually be seen by all as the cover-up it was.

But not with the assistance of the forum red shirt cheerleaders who will continue to throw sand in people's eyes

Your post encapsulates the unverified accusations the Thai press uses as facts and the outside media says --- great theory now prove it and will print it.

They are still waiting ... just send them an e mail and get them on the true track of Mr. Evil's deeds. Of course your going to need some credible evidence, so maybe nix that and watch a DVD tonight, eh

Absolute nonsense, channels 9, 11, (NBT) and Thai PBS all have discussion programmes with people from all sides and walks of life discussing the present situation.

'Scanning' the channels, you are probably just seeing the fillers between programmes,(especially on NBT), which are very patriotic and nation building, but the actual programmes contain participants from all sectors excepting arsonists.

I thought the game shows and slapstick comedies were the fillers and the patriotic/nation building features were the actual programmes. Sorry for my misunderstanding. Maybe I don't watch enough Thai TV.

You obviously don't watch enough Thai TV.

There are no game shows on Thai PBS or NBT Channel 11.

There are plenty of stimulating programmes on both channels, especially Thai PBS, with documentaries from all walks of life.

Thakins PR firms did a fine job, but keep also in mind that any western media source familiar with Thailand is going to have an eternal silent grudge and be always Biased against whatever government is there because they all secretly detest the Lesse Majesty gags.

It goes again their basic instincts and sense as a reporter. So that being said, without any other help or even being consciously aware of what they are doing, they are going to find ways to "wrong" the thai government.

The Thaksin PR firms continue to do a fine job here on TV - evidenced by the "resurrection" of posters, registered years ago, who post their first few comments only this past week, and only in a clearly anti-government spin. lol My ignore button got quite a workout.

But what about all the anti-red posters who've popped up from nowhere recently? Two of them ran up a thousand posts in the News Clippings threads in a month. Not one post about food, travel, sport, visa issues (which originally brought me to the forum), etc. just a need to post anti-red propaganda. Speaking of which, have you posted anything other than political comment in the seven hundred posts you've made since you joined the forum four months ago?

TV is a broad interest forum. I will ask you again: since you joined the forum in January, have you posted anything other than political comment?


The US media didn't even blink an eye until people started dying and things started burning. Even then, the news was more akin to op-ed pieces than reporting of facts. Typical rotten US journalism. If it bleeds, it leads. If it doesn't, then hello back pages. That means everyone, Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and all the rest.

Thakins PR firms did a fine job, but keep also in mind that any western media source familiar with Thailand is going to have an eternal silent grudge and be always Biased against whatever government is there because they all secretly detest the Lesse Majesty gags.

It goes again their basic instincts and sense as a reporter. So that being said, without any other help or even being consciously aware of what they are doing, they are going to find ways to "wrong" the thai government.

The Thaksin PR firms continue to do a fine job here on TV - evidenced by the "resurrection" of posters, registered years ago, who post their first few comments only this past week, and only in a clearly anti-government spin. lol My ignore button got quite a workout.

But what about all the anti-red posters who've popped up from nowhere recently? Two of them ran up a thousand posts in the News Clippings threads in a month. Not one post about food, travel, sport, visa issues (which originally brought me to the forum), etc. just a need to post anti-red propaganda. Speaking of which, have you posted anything other than political comment in the seven hundred posts you've made since you joined the forum four months ago?

TV is a broad interest forum. I will ask you again: since you joined the forum in January, have you posted anything other than political comment?

Identify the Thai statute in law that says it is a crime to post at TVF in the newsclippings function exclusively, or the TV rule that states such or the unconstitutionality of it (in the current version of the umpteenth  constitution of course). I myself seldom post anywhere but at the newsclippings forum because I'm very political, always have been and I'm not alone in this reality, I don't have any interest to discuss cooking except perhaps how to use a microwave or boil water, nor do I have time to discuss my Boston Red Sox baseball team or the fact world football bores me to death; I occasionally look at visa issues but after ten consecutive 1-year work visas routinely obtained, visa matters are not a direct concern to me. Etc.  

Stop being ridiculous and a joke. Give it up for your own sake.

The topic is major media. Open your own thread and start a poll or something.  


I'm sorry to say, but the worst coverage of all, has been from Thai TV stations. The foreign stations such as CNN and BBC, while not reporting perfectly, have at least shown what has been happening. Thai TV stations were showing maybe 10-15 minutes every 12 hours. Horribly to say the least.

Something is very wrong in a society when soap operas get bigger coverage than the own country's civil war.

I'm sorry to say, but the worst coverage of all, has been from Thai TV stations. The foreign stations such as CNN and BBC, while not reporting perfectly, have at least shown what has been happening. Thai TV stations were showing maybe 10-15 minutes every 12 hours. Horribly to say the least.

Something is very wrong in a society when soap operas get bigger coverage than the own country's civil war.

Channel 11, NBT, which can be received nationwide, has had programmes about the protests for several hours a day for the last few weeks.

Thai PBS also has many programmes.

Articles like this are written by those who don't really understand the basics of good journalism. A lot of Thais live in a fantasy world where what you see on television represents an absolute truth. All CNN, BBC and other news organisations did is report from the ground and present both sides of the argument. Because this balanced approach conflicts with simplistic absolute truth of good guys vs terrorists presented by the Thai media, a lot of Thais believe "The Truth" can be found on their little Thai television programmes and "Lies" is found on the "foreigner television".

Thai protesters burnt down TV3 station because it brought the news straight forward, showing all known sides of the story.

CNN, as being from the US was always considered to be the source of news, that has changed, luckily.

I sent the Dutch news NOS a complaint about their biased reporting. 17 people of their team read my email, i got no reaction. The following

days they continued in the same biased way . . . .


The media coverage was apalling. They only reported what they saw. CNN and BBC kept talking to both sides of the conflict. This is such tremendous bias. The Thai media, which laments the failings of the western media, is probably right. Their comrades in China, Myanmar, Iran, and Russia would certainly agree. State controlled media is a force to be reckoned with, and is above reproach. They have been, and continue to tell us that the bulk of the fatalities were caused by the 'terrorists' shooting each other. Pictures to support this have been slow in coming, and the avalanche of footage depicting soldiers firing and sometimes hitting all manner of people (armed and otherwise) on the streets is embarrassingly one-sided. Al Jazeera seemed even-handed at first, but then they started blathering about soldiers killing unarmed civilians instead of focusing on the crack-team of black militia with their firecrackers, and occassional handgun (and WE all know, because the government told us, that all of the protesters were wielding M-79 grenades and launchers). They went for the tear jerking stuff like 'nurse shot in the head while hiding in the gov't declared temple safe-zone'. Embarassing! However, Thaksin is really really bad, which means the current gov't is very very good. Why can't the stupid foreign press see this? Why do they insist on reporting current events? Why can't live reporters do in depth exposes of the last two decades of Thai politics while they are running around in a live fire zone?

Thank goodness we have the Nation to tell us the truth, or the farangs of Thailand would be completely bereft of true news reporting. It is superior in every way. The owner is an avowed enemy of Thaksin (and former business associate), but I'm sure he has no bias whatsoever, and probably has 0 influence on his media outlets. Rupert Murdoch is certainly even handed with coverage in his papers and on his tv stations. Berlusconi is another shining example of how rich and powerful men can give an even accounting of the facts. Of course, it's much better if the state runs it all... when will the rest of the world figure out what we in Thailand have?

In the meantime, we should question why these organizations did such a BAD job in Thailand and not nearly as badly in other places. The BBC has been renowned for years for it's honest and un-biased reporting... a reputation perhaps not as shiny as in the past... but has fallen completely on its face in Thailand, for some reason. Is Thaksin paying Dan Rivers to lie? Something to think about.

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