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Good Report Listen To It


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Sorry but I found it pretty biased actually , quote , the Red shirts on one side and the Government and Yellow Shirts on the other. The speaker ignores the fact that the majority here are not linked to one colour or the other. She then talks about censorship and crackdown on the poor innocent little red lambs who only want democracy.

What is democracy and what is it that the Reds don't have. The Thai voting system is an MMP system similar to NZ and modelled on that used in many European countries. Voting is compulsory.

The "lack of democracy " i suggest stems from the entrenched patronage system where the local MP do not even attempt to have a platform they jsut spread money and with the Thai fear of ghosts and spirits they spread the word that if someone taking money from them will suffer all kinds of ills if they dont vote.

That is where the problem begins

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Fair comment.

The trouble is the Thailand has a different Political System.

Australia and other country's have differant systems and we can not compare with any other country as we are all not clones lol

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