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Nutty Joke

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In this joke the "th" at the end of the words is the guys lisp. Never written the joke always just told it, bear with me.

Two friends are on their way to a card game and are to bring snacks and decide to stop at a nut shop. The driver tells his friend to go get some nuts for the game and he will wait in the car.

The guy enters the shop and asks the owner "Hey mither, how much is you peanuths?"

The owner says "$3.49 a pound"

The guys says "Oh my, how muth you cathews?"

The owner says "Cashews are $6.79 a pound"

The guy says "Thix theventy nine a poundth, jeethuth crithe. How muth you pitathioths?"

The owner says "Those are $8.99 a pound"

The guy loses his cool and screams at the guy "Are you out of you tham mind mither? You crathy ath shit I never coming back here again"

He turns and on his way out he tells all the customers in the store to leave that the guy was crazy and his nuts were overpriced.

He goes back out to the car empty handed and his friend says "Where are the nuts?"

He says "Oh the guyth prithes wathe thoo high I toll him off"

His friend says "Why did you do that? The guy has a living to make maybe his rent is high in this area or something. That guy could have made you look like a fool in there and really hurt your feelings by making fun of your lisp and all"

The guy thinks about it and says "Yeah I gueth you wight, I thould go in and apolothithe to the guy"

He goes back in and says to the owner "Hey mither I weally thorry I threamed ath you before abouth the prithe you nuths, wath wrong and I am very thorry. You wath nithe abouth it and all and could have made fun of my lispth and everithing but you didn't"

The owner says "Ah, forget about it, I would never make fun of you anyway, everybody has something wrong with them. Look at me I have a big nose"

The guy scratches his head looks at the guy and says "Oh thath you nothe, I thought thath wath you kock cuth you nuths wath tho high"

Keep it real!

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