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I Hate Thailand!


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To all of you, give us some insight - information.

Why are you here? I say, back home the weather is better.

The cops don't take bribes.

The girls are attacking you.

The winter-mosquitoes in Alice Springs annoy you.

Santa Claus in Davos is an illegal expatriate.

What I want to hear? All the positive things, why you are still here.

All the negative things, why you did not leave, yet.

Tell us about your life in Buri Ram, your stress in Krungthep.

If you live somewhere else, tell us, why you hate it there and want to come back.

Open up gal, man, mite, buddy, wife, GF.

What do you like, what do you hate about living in this country?


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Well,I guess that everyone has to be somewhere,Right?

I have been on the go all my life,and when I go some other place I do not actually see people of a different race.

I really do not know how to say what I want to say, But like in the states,when I went to another state I would notice all the "foreign license plates" but I never see "foreign people" very weird.

I never live in a city,I have worked in citys,but there just because the job was there and as soon as it was over,I was gone.

I like to get up in the morning and open the door and not have to shovel the snow and keep the path up to the surface open,and not have to grab a large caliber gun to shoot a bear thats looking around for something to eat,and split and carry in wood so you didn't freeze to death.

So I guess you could say that the thing I notice most and appreciate most is the climate, and the people that I associate with are not as violent as those in some other countrys..

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Guest IT Manager

I love Thailand. No other word for it. Love is a very big word but that's the one for me.

I like talking on internet to people I have never met, from a place I've never been, then getting in the car and driving 500K to spend a day with them, and then getting back home thinking "what an interesting day" and "what nice people".

I love going to the little bar in my village and having 1 bottle of chang with my friends, talking about politics or what is happening at the Wat next weekend.

I like sitting in the cool of the evening talking to the deputy abbot from the Wat when he comes to see my christian son, to invite him to come with all the family, to whatever is happening.

I like it when the neigbour brings my wifes' little maltese home from a day of pai teow, about 200 yards from my place, where he got filthy and needs a bath.

I like to wake up in the morning and make 2 cups of tea.

I like to discuss plans for house extensions or furniture with my love, over a glass of Johnnie Black with the sun setting, and a harvest moon rising behind the house.

I just like.


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well, Axel

I'm here because my girlfriend (now my wife) could not come to my country :o

and love can make you move, change and give you hope in life .. we all know this, don't we?

I'm here because I like it, the way of life, the people, the food, the weather, the smiles ... and overall, being away from Europe is a good relief in a life time :D

if I have to leave that won't be my choice, this means that I won't match the new criterias for foreigners to be able to leave here ... money matter, but surely not a heartly matter B)

but, anyone can turn back on a choice he or she made years ago .. life goes on B)

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I like Thailand, the people, food, Chang and climate, but to name a few.

I needed to escape the rat race back home, working hard each week and not getting anywhere, cold dark days, grumpy people, bad attitudes.

Here I also work hard but I can wake up in the morning, open the door and have a glorious view of the mountains with the sun rising in the background, enjoy the company of my GF, go to work and actually see smiling faces at 7.30 in the morning :o.

After work, I like to sit in the local restaurant/bar, drink a Chang, eat some delicious food, go home and sit on the balcony, watch the sunset with my GF by my side.

Fantastic. It just could not happen in England.

One thing that rattles my cage is Thai T.V. never in a million years will I enjoy it, then again I never enjoy watching T.V. from anywhere I have been. I can always switch off (but not if GF is watching, if I do she always ends up giving me grief, so I break open another bottle of Chang (no, not over her head) and grin and bear it, it's a hard life isn't it.

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I like the fact that most people here are friendly and never to arrogant to smile at you.

I like when you finish eating at a restaurant and the waitstaff smile and are genuinely happy that you have given them a tip even if it is not very much money. (Try giving a small tip in the States and the waitstaff could burn a hole into you with their glares)

I love the abundance of food & dessert varieties to eat and usually none of them will burn a hole in your pocket. (Sticky rice w/ Mango YUMMMMMMM)

I love that you can hop in a taxi and not really worry too much about the price. (Try that in Tokyo)

These are just a few things....I dont have all night here. :o

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i have a love/ hate relationship with this country. but why should someone have to love it to live here? it seems that there is a certain amount of cultural pressure in this country to love it..love it or leave it ..so to speak. would it be OK to live here because it is economical only, not really having any particular feelings for the country? in many ways i see thailand as exudeding a almost facistic nationalism.

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Well, after 5 years, staying during the winter months in LOS, i have increasingly grown to love my home country Switzerland more and more. I prefer the down-to-earth people there over the hallow smileys, the mountains over the sea and fresh air over heat. I guess i will marry my thai gf and relocate back to Switzerland next winter. There are many other places worth to stay to avoid the worst cold (Portugal would be nice).


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well, today might not be the best day to ask me why i love thailand as the weather here in the south has not been cooperating. today we got flooded (will send photos to you tomorrow, george) yesterday i had to go to samui to check on the (lack of progress) on my one year visa, only to be told upon returning to the pier that boats to phangan were cancelled, so i made a quick motorbike taxi trip through the flooded streets of samui (soaking my nice pants [trousers for you british] and shoes) to get to the boat from big buddha, which does go. encountered very large waves (altho i live on an island I am not really a boat person) and some poor canadian guy getting seasick.

so, other than that, life in thailand is pretty good! :o

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I like to discuss plans for house extensions or furniture with my love, over a glass of Johnnie Black with the sun setting, and a harvest moon rising behind the house.

Nice one.

I personally love waking up in the morning in the deepest darkest northeast and watching many of the locals going to work on a buffalo.

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I love Thailand, I love the people. The only people that make me sick are those trying to offer me sex services. Thailand should stay as it was, less materialistic. What we see of the corrupt are but a few. For everyone of these corrupted ones there are many more decent people. If materialism is encorage then we will see more corruption.

Thailand stay cool and be contend with life.

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I like to discuss plans for house extensions or furniture with my love, over a glass of Johnnie Black with the sun setting, and a harvest moon rising behind the house.

Nice one.

I personally love waking up in the morning in the deepest darkest northeast and watching many of the locals going to work on a buffalo.

Yeah, far out man, and riding the kwai lek home. Can't beat it, as the red sun's setting in the haze and the dust is kicking up behind after a hard day's drinking lao kao and eating dtom gai, (with some prime herbs added), out in them paddies. Know what i mean man? Sets you up for the evening with a good hunger for some groovy morlam tunes and a toke or two. Peace bro. :o

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I love Thailand,,, I love Thailand,,, Especially, Bangkok coz i was born here Opp! :o I am Thai Citizen,,, hehe B) Thai people,,, I am very glad to know The foreigners love my country,,, But Pls try to get to know and keep only good things of Thailand...all farangs can say " Mai Pen Rai " B) Yeah! its a nice word..it show good attitude of Thai People...Mai pen rai kaaa

Mai Pen Rai = Nothing is a Problem In this topic i dont want to say about night places in Thailand coz it is not my intention to post here. Anyway, i want to say I love Thai Food and Beaches of Thailand,,,,Yummy ,,,,Funn..nn.nn

I told my parents i dont want to move from Thailand to stay any places B) but if oneday i should out from Thailand by any reasons :D No no no..that, i dont want,,, B) sob* ,, sniff* ,, sob* ,, sniff* Okay,, better B)

While i posting this forum i asked my Brit friend name Nic,,, about why does he love Thailand and He Said,,,,==> " He think, I'm right in saying Thailand never start a War with anyone " wink wink,,, Ye Ye Nic...hehe and for this word " Mai Pen Rai " this was also from my friend Name Nic... B)

Thanks for reading my posting..i dont think u will understand or not ....but most might be understand....hehe At least,,,u can see I am a Thai poeple who live in LOS = Land Of Smiles,,,,, Coz i smile all times and ..laugh too much..hehe

(((((((( I LOVE THAILAND KAAAAAA B) ))))))))

How s about The Other Opinions laaa???

SPY... B)

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I love Thailand.

I love it 'cos primarily of my wife and son, who enjoy the friendliness of the people, and are accepted with open arms.

I love the diversity and how views can change in the blink of an eye. (Imagine, a mercedes, a bmw, a nissan and an elephant passing your window one after the other......eye opening).

I love the oppurtunities to easily visit island paradises before only saw on "wish you was here"

I love the food.

And the Beer.

And those cute little cups of chilli and vinegar to put on the food.

I don't live in thailand, but i'm working on it.


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Can't beat it, as the red sun's setting in the haze and the dust is kicking up behind after a hard day's drinking lao kao and eating dtom gai, (with some prime herbs added), out in them paddies.

It's true dude. One day you gotta make it out here to Yasothon.

This place is where it's at man.

Sometimes it's all so cool you don't even need the herb. Wow!

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Really! B) Califonia Dave i dont know,,,, Now, i know only Yasothorn..is far from my idea,,, i never thought about this province humm i have heard about Eating Dog..jaaakk :D

Thanks for your nice Recommend...naaa Dave B)

SPY.... :o Girl or Guy.. B)

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Axel, you are a pathetic individual. I have read many of your posts. Most are inept, asinine, banal, craven and hopeless. I contemplate with despair the kind of common company you keep. You have no brain, no polish, no real interlect, little understanding, little favour with the rich tapestry Thailand offers.

This is not your fault, I don't mean to offend. I just, along with several hundred fellow human beings, wish you would quietly leave this forum.

Thank you and good luck.

Wilson Steer.

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humm!! Why someone has post ,,,this topic " I Hate Thailand " here !! :o

If you dont like my country..pls keep it in your mind...Coz i saw many farangs like and love my country,..., Especially,,,I love My Thailand the Mostttttttt B) This is my Mother Country,,,kaaa B) Thai Foods re Yummy,,, Best Beaches re Here!! wow...wow...wow.. B)

umm!! Nothing..more...need to go bed before my parents will come to let me go bed hehe.....nite nite B)

SPY.... :D

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wilson steer, thank you for your encouraging feedback. It is comforting to have such a devoted fan who reads (so) many of my posts.

Your vocabulary is awe-inspiring, although I do believe those reflect nick-names given to you previously.

Still my congratulations to your choice of words, it surely reflects your superior (sic) interlect.

Wouldn't it have been easier, just to say what you like or dislike? Certainly, you wish to leave Thailand.

quote wilson steer Posted on: Tue 2003-07-29, 23:51:27

...Actually, just recently I have been thinking long and hard about leaving the Kingdom of Thailand and residing elsewhere, A shortlist includes Philippines/Cambodia/Laos.

I feel that Thailand is losing it's appeal and the new visa rates don't help along with the terrible corruption, I just feel there might be somewhere better.........unquote

Perhaps, in new hunting grounds you might find your (Posted on: Sat 2003-11-01, 18:41:29) size 12 U.K. size Flip-Flops... To have your "heels hang over the back!" for extented periods of time might have serious side-effects.

Good Luck to you too my admirer.

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Guest IT Manager
Axel, you are a pathetic individual. I have read many of your posts. Most are inept, asinine, banal, craven and hopeless. I contemplate with despair the kind of common company you keep. You have no brain, no polish, no real interlect, little understanding, little favour with the rich tapestry Thailand offers.

This is not your fault, I don't mean to offend. I just, along with several hundred fellow human beings, wish you would quietly leave this forum.

Thank you and good luck.

Wilson Steer.

Wilson, I have quoted all of that for 2 reasons, one, it proves you are a twit and can't read, and second because you are a twit and a troll.

I read quite carefully Axels post, and other responses, then yours grated onto the screen, from which it has now gone. I can't see where even with your bad eyes and limited education, you can have come up with that, unless you simply didn't read it. Just saw the topic title, popped your teeth back in and hit the keyboard.

I thought Tomy was bad... you leave him standing in the shade.

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Guest IT Manager

This is not your fault, I don't mean to offend.

Wilson Steer.

Wee Willi...I have read yours too....GO AWAY. Somewhere else deserves you. Thailand certainly will get by without you. :D

I second that. :o

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