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Are there any central resources or listings for short-term (1-3 months) volunteer opportunities? Preferably in Karon or Kata.

I'm open to a lot of things, but would prefer to work with disadvantaged communities. I have a pretty diverse background, mix of non-profit management and Executive leadership and IT. I'm working right now as an "international" media communications consultant (international, only in the sense that my clients are all U.S. based).

Or, if anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Stipend would be great, but not necessary. A work permit is a must.

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To explain a bit to the OP: the hassle, time and costs of a workpermit are simply too much for such a short period of time.

Plus in Kata/Karon there will be hardly any, if any, volunteer opportunities.

Regarding visa: there is no volunteer visa, see this thread for more information.

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There is no volunteer visa, but you can get a visa (non-immigrant category "O") based on volunteering and yearly extensions of stay, provided you volunteer with a registered charity or government entity (such as a school) and have a work permit and volunteer at least 4 hours a week.

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Thanks for all the replies.

I currently live in Karon and have a non-immigrant B visa (recently renewed). The short-term request is primarily because I move (within Thailand) frequently, I'd hate to volunteer for an organization for a month then have to leave.

Work-permit: A few questions for clarification -

1) As I understood other posts, a work permit was necessary to legally volunteer in the country. Or is it? I may have misread their posts as a way to come here.

2 If it's not needed, since I'm already here legally and reporting when needed, are there any other options?

If both of these are okay, I'm completely willing to leave Karon. I'm thinking of moving back to Phuket town next month as it is.

Thanks again for the help!

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The only volunteer work in Phuket without WP where you can minimise your chances of being jailed/fined/deported are if you work as a volunteer with the emergency rescue services (there is a long-term Swedish expat who does this), or if you work as a Tourist Police Volunteer. In both cases, a WP for your work is required 'on paper', but in practice, unless you upset your Thai bosses, it's unlikely that you will encounter any problems.


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The only volunteer work in Phuket without WP where you can minimise your chances of being jailed/fined/deported are if you work as a volunteer with the emergency rescue services (there is a long-term Swedish expat who does this), or if you work as a Tourist Police Volunteer. In both cases, a WP for your work is required 'on paper', but in practice, unless you upset your Thai bosses, it's unlikely that you will encounter any problems.


there are a few hundred farang volunteers for Tourist Police, Immigration and Highwaypolice, and I dont think any have been issued a work permit.

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I'll have to ponder over this. I did look into the Tourist Police once, but wasn't quite what I had in mind. Maybe I'll just concentrate on studying Thai (I know I could use more hours there).

Thanks again for the responses.

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Mshoichi, please do not discount the TPVs in Phuket. The 'Big Trouble in Thailand' program definitely did not portray the typical work of this group.

Actually, they are always short of volunteers. There are typically only about a dozen foreign volunteers to help tourists throughout the whole island of Phuket and then the volunteers who do a great job helping out at the Immigration Office.

You say you want to work for disadvantaged communities? Well, I thing 'farang' fit that tag pretty well :)


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Thanks Simon.

Honestly, I was thinking something like helping with math, english, computer courses for people who may not have access to it. My first preference was a program like the PeaceCorp business development (helping people with business plans, strategic planning, etc.) but I have a full-time job and am not willing to quit my current job : )

I'll look into the TP more too, aside from that video, I really don't know anything about it.

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