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Non Swimming Duck

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He is not pulling your leg, some strange things happen in Farming.

Consider this. I drove into town to buy pig feed and then delivered it to the friends farm where our pigs are on holiday. He lives some distance out of town and the roads are pretty poor so it takes a bit of concentration to avoid the potholes.

Suddenly this chicken races across the road in front of me and seems to be travelling at Mach 2. I was dumbstruck, this thing was travelling so fast that I just had to stop and get another look. I walked up the track the chicken had burnt up trying to find the bird when the Thai farmer approached me. I asked about Super-Chicken and he just smiled and indicated I should follow him towards his house. He creeps to the edge of the foliage and presses me back, pointing around the corner. I take a peek and there is the chicken pecking away as usual.

Now my eyesight isn't what it used to be but I swear blind, that chicken has got three legs. Not only that, but so do all the rest of them. My Thai isnt much good either so I sprint back to the car, drag the missus out and back up the track, "Look at that?" says I. "Um, chicken, so what" Then she spots the third legs and bursts into rapid Thai conversation with the farmer who is laughing himself sick. After several minutes the chat has stopped and they are both almost rolling on the ground laughing.

So the background story as translated to me. Proud chicken farmer becomes father to a son, being poor he only can afford to kill one chicken a week to eat and the now growing boy, the farmer and his wife are always arguing over who turn it is to get the drumsticks. So he eventually his luck changes and a mutant chicken is hatched with three legs. This hen is carefully reared and finally reproduces her own likeness.

I thought that was amazing, but failed to see the humour, so I asked what the punchline was. Still in hysterics, she says, "I ask him does chicken taste good?" "He says Him not know, cannot catch!"


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My pleasure.

If Bagwan's duck is so stupid it won't swim then perhaps he should switch to pigs.

Now I have a pig that is the smartest animal I have ever seen. You may not believe this but she can actually count to ten. Incredible, I hear you say, well I'll go further and say she only has three legs, same as those chickens!

She is so smart... I just can't bring myself to eat her all at once!

Have a good day.


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