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Going Under The Knife


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Many of ny new found freinds on TV have recomendeed Dr Sotee as a compitant Doctor.

I have to agree, he trained most of the doctors at Chaing Mai Ram. For those of you that have been following me through this , I am going uder the knife on Tuesday, he says there is a a chance of me getting back 70% of my mobility. It will cost 70,000 baht for the op and seven days in CM Ram.

Personally I think its worth a shot, however I am aware that if it fails I have nowhere else to go but accapt that I am 50% of a MAN.

Comments appreciated, but please positive ones only, I have made my decison, so if you dont see me for a while on TV just wait, I will post the good or bad news as it occurs

WHATEVER GOD you pray to, please pray for me now, if you like me or hate me, I am for one at least one of God's children, and I don't (in my heart of hearts, knowing who I am ) desevere to fail... but if it is to be so-then so be it.

I know who my freinds are out there. I am counting on you now

God (or Bhudda ) bless

In Your hands

Thai Pauly xxx


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Hi Thaipauli,

I’ve got mates who have no arms or legs. I also got mates who were trapped inside a burning tank and suffered 100% burns.

However horrendous there disablements, none of them would I consider 50 % of a man. Far from it, through their difficulties they are shining lights to us fortunates and keep, at least me, away from all this perfectionist crap that pervades our crazy world.

And you, Thaipauli, also will never be a 50% man. Just by the fact you have taken this decision to be operated on proves you are more of a man than most of us.

We prove ourselves by how we survive through our sufferings and adversities. Those who have never been proved like you have never really learnt anything about life.

So keep your pecker up, we are all routing and praying for you.

And can’t wait for a complete report of how life is like under the caring hands of Thai nurses.



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Hi ThaiPauly

I have to agree with many of the comments Thomas made.

You have made a brave decision and I am sure it will be the right one.

I look forward to reading your post of a sucessful procedure. :o

Chok dee, my prayers are with you.


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Hi Thaipauli,

I’ve got mates who have no arms or legs. I also got mates who were trapped inside a burning tank and suffered 100% burns.

However horrendous there disablements, none of them would I consider 50 % of a man. Far from it, through their difficulties they are shining lights to us fortunates and keep, at least me, away from all this perfectionist crap that pervades our crazy world. 

And you, Thaipauli, also will never be a 50% man. Just by the fact you have taken this decision to be operated on proves you are more of a man than most of us.

We prove ourselves by how we survive through our sufferings and adversities. Those who have never been proved like you have never really learnt anything about life.

So keep your pecker up, we are all routing and praying for you.

And can’t wait for a complete report of how life is like under the caring hands of Thai nurses.



Tom, I cannot for one moment compare myself with what you have seen. to do so would be 100% unworthy.

I really mean that. You have seen H3ll and beyond, I am a wimp in your comrades eyes, but I thank you for your words, they mean a h#ll of a lot 2 me

I am very pleased to count you on my ten finguers of TV Buddies Tom(even if I dont agree with you all the time)!!!



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This might cheer you up...there are a few of these at CM Ram. :o


Ive seen em A, but they aint a patch on my Mrs, and from what I have heard the same applies to you.

the one PERSON to keep My Pecker up is my Mrs (and she does it expertly) :D

at least if I get fixed up I will be able to give her a GOOD SEEING TO :D in moreways than one.

I WILL SURVIVE AND WIN (thanx to comments like yours mate) Kiwi or Oxzzie who gives a sh@#t we are all on this earth no matter where we come from, mates are mates, Ozzies, Yanks, dutch, german, personally I could not give a flying F##k

You like me or dont. I am easy either way, personally you and me are freinds, we hace had oral communication, and I am grateful for that, after all it was YOU that recommended this Doctor, and if it all goes tits up, I will hold nothing against you, its my choice

respect A.


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Hi TP,

Wishing you the very very best in the hospital.

I hope all will go well for you.

You have my blessing, and I`m not sure who my god is, but I`ll say a prayer anyway.

With respect,


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Hi TP,

Wishing you the very very best in the hospital.

I hope all will go well for you.

You have my blessing, and I`m not sure who my god is, but I`ll say a prayer anyway.

With respect,


Does Not matter who your God is Kayo, just bear in mind what I said at the begining, "Kay seara Sera whatever wil be will be-the futures not ours to see, whatever will be will be Kay sera sera

How true

respect Kayo, and thanks for thinking of mr


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Thai Pauly,

Just wanted to add my best wishes here as well, I sincerely hope and expect everything to go perfectly, I have faith that the man will be able to do his job on the day and you get a great result out of it.

Best wishes, and looking forward to hear about it here when you are recovered.


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And you, Thaipauli, also will never be a 50% man. Just by the fact you have taken this decision to be operated on proves you are more of a man than most of us.

We prove ourselves by how we survive through our sufferings and adversities. Those who have never been proved like you have never really learnt anything about life.

My sentiments exactly.

Pauly you can count me as one of the ten and I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, doing my best to send positive healing vibes to Chaing mai from Lancaster. :o

Seriously though, it sounds like you'll be in good hands, and so you should be for 70 grand, just make sure you get online as soon as you can and let us know you're alright.


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Hey TP,

I am sorry to say am unaware of what happened to you....and i wud not like to know abt it as it will bring your bad memories back. But i wud surely like to say you Best of Luck with the operation and Get Well Soon.

Will surely pray for ya :o

Great going mate.

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I wish you good luck :o

Many of ny new found freinds on TV have recomendeed Dr Sotee as a compitant Doctor.

I have to agree, he trained most of the doctors at Chaing Mai Ram. For those of you that have been following me through this , I am going uder the knife on Tuesday, he says there is a a chance of me getting back 70% of my mobility. It will cost 70,000 baht for the op and seven days in CM Ram.

Personally I think its worth a shot, however I am aware that if it fails I have nowhere else to go but accapt that I am 50% of a MAN.

Comments appreciated, but please positive ones only, I have made my decison, so if you dont see me for a while on TV just wait, I will post the good or bad news as it occurs

WHATEVER GOD you pray to, please pray for me now, if you like me or hate me, I am for one at least one of God's children, and I don't (in my heart of hearts, knowing who I am ) desevere to fail... but if it is to be so-then so be it.

I know who my freinds are out there. I am counting on you now

God (or Bhudda ) bless

In Your hands

Thai Pauly  xxx


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