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Filthy Water In Hotel Bathrooms Pathong And Kamala Beach


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I live in LOS, but the last 3 nights stayed in 1,000-1,500 baht hotels with filthy shower water. At these prices, I'm not expecting a whole lot, but for a lot less where I live, or in Bangkok, I don't get filthy water, and usually can even expect wifi in the rooms (less than 1k). My preferred spot would be Kamala, but I think this is asking too much. I'd love the wifi, but might have to forgo that, at least. Could someone at least recommend a place without the cockroach juice on tap? At least I upgraded last night it looked like dark coffee. Tonight it's the color of weak green tea.

Thanks. Buzzer

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"At least I upgraded last night it looked like dark coffee. Tonight it's the color of weak green tea."

Free tea and coffee? I dunno what you hab complaining about...you were lucky it wasn't cocoa, as those rooms would have been booked out months ago by the old codger's here... :yohan:

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Wrong part of the island Buzzer.

Check out The Green Valley Resort in Nai Harn.

You're just up the street from great beaches, have a pool, wifi, abundance of restaurants around and the area used to be all buffalo marshland grassfields, tons of water. The water out of my well right now is crystal clear, were I Jackass member I would drink it for the camera (and probably be o.k.).

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Take a look on latestays.com they have loads of good prices at the moment.They also have a few in Kamala.The dirty water probably means the hotel is using well water which sometimes gets full of sand when it rains heavy and no filter is fitted.

Spot on. It's a common situation in Phuket. It won't do you any harm and it's nothing to do with the cleanliness of the hotel..

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Wrong part of the island Buzzer.

Check out The Green Valley Resort in Nai Harn.

You're just up the street from great beaches, have a pool, wifi, abundance of restaurants around and the area used to be all buffalo marshland grassfields, tons of water. The water out of my well right now is crystal clear, were I Jackass member I would drink it for the camera (and probably be o.k.).

Wrong part of the Island? What does that mean?

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It means the main road through Kamala still continues to look like a scheit construction zone years after the tsunami and Patong is what it is, the armpit of the island.

OK, but he states he would prefer to be in Kamala and then you suggest somewhere 30km away. Anyhow, I dont have any suggestions so I'll be quiet now.

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It means the main road through Kamala still continues to look like a scheit construction zone years after the tsunami and Patong is what it is, the armpit of the island.

OK, but he states he would prefer to be in Kamala and then you suggest somewhere 30km away. Anyhow, I dont have any suggestions so I'll be quiet now.

Try standing outside without an umbrella...the MET says 70% chance of rain tonight.

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It means the main road through Kamala still continues to look like a scheit construction zone years after the tsunami and Patong is what it is, the armpit of the island.

OK, but he states he would prefer to be in Kamala and then you suggest somewhere 30km away.

Sure, and people in hel_l would prefer ice water, but we know that ain't going to happen.........

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Try the" Sunwing Resort", directly mountainside of the Kamala Beach Hotel. It's brand new, just opened a month or so. Ask to see the room before you pay, go in and check the water. It's low season and vacancies can be found everywhere.

But as stated before, after heavy rains, contaminated water is a persistent problem, unless the well water is filtered. And it is predicted to rain over the next 3 days.smile.gif

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dirty water these days is common for those on the city water system as when they repair or connect to a new system the lines get filled full of dirt. Many places run on city and have back up tanks which they fill with trucks; where the trucks get water can be any source pond, drainage ditch lol etc.

Most well water is clean as long as the well has water........

Edited by aliiwaa
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