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An Error Occurred Sorry, An Error Occurred. If You Are Unsure On How To Use A Feature, Or Don'T Know Why You Got This Error Message?


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I wonder if anyone can help? I am logged in with my account, I have posted some photo's in our album, yet everytime I try to get into "Albums' I get the message " ....

An Error Occurred

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

Then it says I am not logged or not a member? .... Yet in the top left of the page I can see that I am logged in and my profile photo is there ... Is it me or possibly a tech problem? ... Thanks if anyone can help.

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That just happened to me today as I went into the Gallery. I logged out, cleared my cookies and restarted my browser (FF) and the problem was no longer there. An update was done recently and it may be necessary to clear the old cookies.

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I cleared my "Cookies" as advised but am still not able to get any further in other forums or galleries.

Should I close my membership and then re-join? ..... Or should I just wait to see if it resets it'self?

It is important to me to be a member of this board as I will be shortly retiring to Chonburi City where we already have a house.

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Confirmed bug.

I have alerted the support people.

I cleared my "Cookies" as advised but am still not able to get any further in other forums or galleries.

Should I close my membership and then re-join? ..... Or should I just wait to see if it resets it'self?

It is important to me to be a member of this board as I will be shortly retiring to Chonburi City where we already have a house.

No, just wait as george mentioned, since you Kannot close your membership on this forum B) and the re-join :ph34r:

Sawadee :whistling:

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