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Quick Advise Needed In Pattaya


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Ill donate 250, Would have paid the lot but I have to pay 5000 myself for leg amputation of street dog,after already paying 5000 to get its leg re set (failed op through nerve damage) Ill be in touch next couple of days,got phone number so Ill be in touch

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Hi all,

Sorry about the lack of communication regarding this dog.

Yesterday Buddy from this forum very kindly came down to the house and saw the dog and I think you can all see the photo of this poor dog that he uploaded.

The latest situation is that the dog is alive but in quite a bit of pain. He has at least one broken front leg, maybe the other is sprained and cut or damaged but I don't think broken. I'm sure he has maybe some damage inside but cannot be sure. The only positives are that he does accept some sort of food and water but it has to be fed to him and cannot be anything too solid. It is clear that this dog is in clear pain. He also has open wounds on his body which the Burmese family have not bandaged up and hence all the flies are having a field day.

Myself and Buddy from this forum both went to a vet that he knows. The two options are as follows :

5000 - 6000 Baht (depending on how serious the leg is) for X ray and fixing his leg(s) and general treatment for his body

2000 Baht to put the dog to sleep and out of pain

The Burmese family are claiming that they do not have the money to do either of these options. Whether I believe them or not is not relevant although last night they did have a get together (otherwise known as a party) with many electrical appliances on the go with music, food and a couple of TVs on the go. While they were enjoying themselves this poor dog lay outside in pain. Now I wouldn't want to be too nasty here but i'm guessing these f**kers don't care or they are just blind ignorant or a combination of the two. They feed the dog and thats pretty much it.

For me its difficult because I think this dog can live and be sorted out with some help. Maybe worst case he might only have one leg working but would be out of pain and able to live so for me to give the 2000 baht to kill him would seem a shame to me but I will if i have to. I cannot afford the 5000 - 6000 Baht im afraid as I have been out of work for over a month thanks to another set of ignorant people, our freinds 'red shirts in bkk'

I know this may seem strange but i want to make an appeal to anyone who maybe would be willing to contribute to help this dog. I want to raise the 5000 baht needed to take this dog to the vet and get him sorted. If the vet decides its all over and its going to be 2000 baht to put the dog to sleep then i'm sure there is another charity somewhere to contribute the left over money.

Is there anyone out there that would be willing to help. Any amount would be gratefully appreciated. if you need any reassurance or reference then speak to Buddy on this forum who i met yesterday and he can verify everything.

If we can raise 5000 baht then we can help this dog. I know there are many like it and maybe this wont work but its a last try.

If i cannot raise the 5000 then i will pay the 2000 baht myself to have him put to sleep as i don't want him with the pain any longer.

If you can contribute then please PM me or Buddy.

Thanks for reading and any help in advance.


Just to reassure the TV cynics on this board that this is a genuine appeal and not a scam.

You are most welcome to see the poor dog which is lying in Rungland Village not far from Tony's Gym on 3rd road, or you can talk to the vet who gave the quotation for treatment.

I am contributing 1,000 Baht as a starter.

Just to provide you with an indicator of the Dogs pleasant character, one of the woman moved the dogs broken legs whilst I was there and it howled in agony but didnt even bite her as most injured dogs would.

Please help, even if its a hundred baht!


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Posts discussing moderation have been removed. Phone numbers have been removed.

If you wish to contact the OP regarding this dog, please do so via PM.

And just as an FYI. In the future, contact Admin for these kinds of posts as they contravene the rules you all agreed to follow when signing on.

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OP has just informed me in a most abusive manner that he has enough money for the dog. Pity he doesn't understand when he was cut a break and appreciate it.


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