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putting this in pattaya forum

as i am pattaya

and dog is near too

been feeding some starving beach dogs

that have an aweful skin conditon

loosing all of their fur

and they scratch themselves bloody

i am hoping there is some medicine i can give them

please help

- what is wrong with them?

- how can i treat them?

- where can i get medicine cheap?

- if you have medicine and can give it to me please let me know

thanks for your feedback in advanced

please remember


(if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all)

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They have mange...,most "soi dogs" get this condition. It's their lot in life...there is nothing you can do about it except add a little wafarin to their food. Don't sweat it...the lifespan of soi dog is only 3-4 years before re-incarnation so they don't suffer for long.


100 Baht per injection at the vets near the fire station on Pattaya 3rd road - works pretty good. Probably need 2 visits.


putting this in pattaya forum

as i am pattaya

and dog is near too

been feeding some starving beach dogs

that have an aweful skin conditon

loosing all of their fur

and they scratch themselves bloody

i am hoping there is some medicine i can give them

please help

- what is wrong with them?

- how can i treat them?

- where can i get medicine cheap?

- if you have medicine and can give it to me please let me know

thanks for your feedback in advanced

please remember


(if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all)

Well done you, but I think your fighting a loosing battle. Some vet's will come out and give them a jab that's of course if you pay.

putting this in pattaya forum

as i am pattaya

and dog is near too

been feeding some starving beach dogs

that have an aweful skin conditon

loosing all of their fur

and they scratch themselves bloody

i am hoping there is some medicine i can give them

please help

- what is wrong with them?

- how can i treat them?

- where can i get medicine cheap?

- if you have medicine and can give it to me please let me know

thanks for your feedback in advanced

please remember


(if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all)

Sarcoptic Mange - bad news for dogs. Also hard to erradicate. Almost all dogs in Thailand suffer from this. They basically scratch until they give up the will to live.

SADLY - for best results of a cure it has to be on a young dog, soon after the outbreak of mange on the body, and the hardest part, the dog needs to be isolated form other dogs.

Impossible for Soi and temple dogs.

Follow this link to read more.:jap:



Types of mangeTwo types of mites produce canine mange, and each type has characteristic symptoms.

[edit] Demodectic mange

Main article: Demodicosis220px-Demodectic_mange_2.jpg magnify-clip.pngPuppy with Sarcoptic mangeAlso known as canine scabies, sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei canis, a burrowing mite. The canine sarcoptic mite can also infest humans and cats, pigs, horses, sheep and various other species.

These mites dig into and through the skin, causing intense itching and crusting that can quickly become infected. Hair loss and crusting frequently appear first on elbows and ears. Skin damage can occur from the dog's intense scratching and biting.Secondary skin infection is also common. Dogs with chronic sarcoptic mange are often in poor condition.

[edit] Treatment

Affected dogs need to be isolated from other dogs and their bedding, and places they have occupied must be thoroughly cleaned. Other dogs in contact with a diagnosed case should be evaluated and treated.

There are a number of parasiticidal treatments useful in treating canine scabies. Sulfurated lime rinses applied weekly or bi-weekly are effective. Selamectin is licensed for treatment by veterinary prescription in several countries; it is applied as a drip-on directly to the skin. Unlicensed, but frequently used, ivermectin, given by mouth for two to four weekly treatments; this drug is not safe to use on some collie-like herding dogs, however. Other ivermectin drugs are also effective, but none are licensed for use on dogs.

[edit] Diagnosis

Veterinarians usually attempt diagnosis with skin scrapings from multiple areas, which are then examined under a microscope for mites. Sarcoptes, because they may be present in relatively low numbers, and because they are often removed by dogs chewing at themselves, may be difficult to demonstrate. As a result, diagnosis in Sarcoptic mange is often based on symptoms rather than actual confirmation of the presence of mites. A common and simple way of determining if a dog has mange is if it displays what is called a "Pedal-Pinna reflex", which is when the dog moves one of its hind legs in a scratching motion as the ear is being manipulated and scratched gently by the examiner; because the mites proliferate on the ear margins in nearly all cases at some point, this method works over 95% of the time.[3] It is helpful in cases where all symptoms of mange are present but no mites are observed with a microscope. In some countries, a serologic test is available that may be useful in diagnosis.


Some of these replies are crap,it is easily treated.Better buy a big bottle of Ivermectin from gov vet by fire station 3rd road,costs about 400 baht but each syringe full costs about 4 baht,vet will sell you a syringe full for 50 baht,...dose 100mil into a pork ball,let the dog eat it ,takes about 4 to do the job over 4 weeks. Can buy it in pill form also 60 Baht each pill

Better if you can get hold of dog inject it under the skin ,works faster PM me if you want help


Well answered, keep up your efforts!

Some of these replies are crap,it is easily treated.Better buy a big bottle of Ivermectin from gov vet by fire station 3rd road,costs about 400 baht but each syringe full costs about 4 baht,vet will sell you a syringe full for 50 baht,...dose 100mil into a pork ball,let the dog eat it ,takes about 4 to do the job over 4 weeks. Can buy it in pill form also 60 Baht each pill

Better if you can get hold of dog inject it under the skin ,works faster PM me if you want help


I have 3 Thaidogs (1 with 3 legs) and 2 german shepherd dogs in my home. One GSD I bring with from german. The first 6 month I stayed in Thailand I bought expensive Medicine (Heartguard & Frontline) from Europe for they. But for 5 dogs you are very soon a poor man!!!

Then I find a report about Ivermectin in the Internet and saw that my local dogfoodshop sale it as IVERMEC. I bought a 10ml pck (60,- Baht) for injection but give it oral with food to my dogs. 1ml for 15kg one time the month. It helped very good but after 2-3 weeks the external parasites come back. So I changed and give they now every 2 weeks 0,5ml for 15kg.

It work now more then 2 years very well for only 60 Baht/month. Before it was around 2.300 Baht/month

The most skin problems from my Thaidogs gone away. Sometimes they have new problems and get worms in new infected wound. Here Negasunt from Bayer helps very well. This tipp a thai military doctor give to me.

http://www.vet.chula.ac.th/~tjvm/full_text/v31/v312/F3122.pdf Info about Ivermectin


thanks folks

this is both enlightening and scary

if mange is often caused by scabies which can be passed on to humans then i have case for concern

the dogs often lie in the beach chairs that humans use

how easy would it be to get scabies from sitting in one of these cheap wooden beach chairs with nylon mesh???

still considering treating the dogs

there are two sweet and gentle females and they scratch themselves sore with blood

then the flies come and feast on their bloody wounds, god awful

i would love to make them better but not sure how feasible it is considering the circumstances


You want to be thanful they,the dogs, do not get maggot wounds in this country,dreadful death.

Ivermectin deals with both types of mange,gets rid of ticks,worms,ear mites,heartworm plus more at a single stroke,better to inject though than orally,I give it locally just for ticks at the moment. If your having problems and not too far away I'll inject your dogs,I have a supply of the drug.

It is possible to to get infected with mange (human) but gets near to the impossible to get infected ,it 'aint easy,I had it once,not in this country,the doc and I could not figure out what is was,went within a few days though with some locally applied cream


thanks folks

this is both enlightening and scary

if mange is often caused by scabies which can be passed on to humans then i have case for concern

the dogs often lie in the beach chairs that humans use

how easy would it be to get scabies from sitting in one of these cheap wooden beach chairs with nylon mesh???

still considering treating the dogs

there are two sweet and gentle females and they scratch themselves sore with blood

then the flies come and feast on their bloody wounds, god awful

i would love to make them better but not sure how feasible it is considering the circumstances

Catch they in the neck and take they upwards. After some seconds let they fall. If you do it 3-4 times they now you not like it and don't gone there again.

Dogs need a hard hand, but no kicks or blows!!!

I have 3 German Sheperd Dogs and they are not same pussy dogs. You must show who are the boss!!!


i have some of the spot on type treatment which ou put on the back of the dog, best treatment is like Jori says. if you want some of the flea control PM me as the world vet service sent me some out. but i use ivomec on mine. if its demodecdic mange its took me 4 months to cure a dog with amitraz baths and eventually steroids.


I have heard, so many times, about this Government Vets on 3rd Road, close to the Fire station. When i have been in the area, i cannot see a Vets surgery, Does anyone know the exact location, or does anyone have the Telephone number, i would be obliged.

I heard that REVOLUTION was for mange. It is similar to Front Line.


Another way of dosing the animals is make a thick soup,can buy meat scraps for 30 baht from Carrefour,put small amount of water in a pan boil it up just like stew,chicken or beef scraps will do,when cooled bag it up in plastic bags dose it with the drug,enough stew there to kill the taste of the drug,just set the bag down and let the dog get on with it.It's the thought that is the hard bit,getting on with it is the easy bit

Find the fire station,the vets office is on the left in a hut left hand side of the entry to the fire station,they shut at about 3 ish,better get there between 8 and 10


Another way of dosing the animals is make a thick soup,can buy meat scraps for 30 baht from Carrefour,put small amount of water in a pan boil it up just like stew,chicken or beef scraps will do,when cooled bag it up in plastic bags dose it with the drug,enough stew there to kill the taste of the drug,just set the bag down and let the dog get on with it.It's the thought that is the hard bit,getting on with it is the easy bit

Find the fire station,the vets office is on the left in a hut left hand side of the entry to the fire station,they shut at about 3 ish,better get there between 8 and 10

Thank you for that.


I have heard, so many times, about this Government Vets on 3rd Road, close to the Fire station. When i have been in the area, i cannot see a Vets surgery, Does anyone know the exact location, or does anyone have the Telephone number, i would be obliged.

I heard that REVOLUTION was for mange. It is similar to Front Line.

they are all the same if you need some PM because the world vet service sent me about 100


If the mod would open up the now closed thread and include this as last statement it would be appreciated. I was going to find that dog but address has been removed.

Pattaya Animal Health Clinic M9 Pattaya 3rd Road just before traffic lights Pattaya Klang will do the op and X ray for about 3000 , hospitalisation would push the cost up if it has to be kept in a pen,


They have mange...,most "soi dogs" get this condition. It's their lot in life...there is nothing you can do about it except add a little wafarin to their food. Don't sweat it...the lifespan of soi dog is only 3-4 years before re-incarnation so they don't suffer for long.

Ridiculous statement. Very easy to treat.


7 years ago every dog on Phuket had this condition. Now although you still see it, not that many any more.<div>Contact Soi Dog Foundation (www.soidog.org) there, and they will tell you how to treat dogs. About 10thb per treatment I understand.</div><div>2 types of mange sarcoptic and demodec. The first is infectious and easy to treat, the second not contagious but harder to rid.</div><div>Also not all hairless dogs are suffering from mange. Many other conditions can cause it.</div><div>Never known anybody ever catch sarcoptic mange from a dog. It is a form of scabies but does not appear to transmit to humans.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>


Now this is a dog with a terrible skin condition.Probably started as mange,bleeding sores ,flies laid eggs in the blood,maggots formed and started eating the dog alive.Do not understand how dogs in Thailand do not get this condition. I put this dog out of its suffering shorlty after I took this photo<br>

post-103541-061564900 1278926990_thumb.j


the dogs are on kho larn

thanks for the medicine offer

problem is their location and the giving of shots to strange if docile dogs

can you do it without getting hurt or scaring them away?


I have 3 Thaidogs (1 with 3 legs) and 2 german shepherd dogs in my home. One GSD I bring with from german. The first 6 month I stayed in Thailand I bought expensive Medicine (Heartguard & Frontline) from Europe for they. But for 5 dogs you are very soon a poor man!!!

Then I find a report about Ivermectin in the Internet and saw that my local dogfoodshop sale it as IVERMEC. I bought a 10ml pck (60,- Baht) for injection but give it oral with food to my dogs. 1ml for 15kg one time the month. It helped very good but after 2-3 weeks the external parasites come back. So I changed and give they now every 2 weeks 0,5ml for 15kg.

It work now more then 2 years very well for only 60 Baht/month. Before it was around 2.300 Baht/month

The most skin problems from my Thaidogs gone away. Sometimes they have new problems and get worms in new infected wound. Here Negasunt from Bayer helps very well. This tipp a thai military doctor give to me.

http://www.vet.chula.ac.th/~tjvm/full_text/v31/v312/F3122.pdf Info about Ivermectin

this sounds like the best thing so far

get ivermec

give about .5 to 2 mg per dog in food once every 2 weeks

(i think i will start with once a week for the first 2 doses)

ok mai?

so even though its for injection it works orally as well??

thanks so much


this sounds like the best thing so far

get ivermec

give about .5 to 2 mg per dog in food once every 2 weeks

(i think i will start with once a week for the first 2 doses)

ok mai?

so even though its for injection it works orally as well??

thanks so much

Just give it full strength until you see some results,once a week,it needs building up in the dog,easy to have relapse


Just give it full strength until you see some results,once a week,it needs building up in the dog,easy to have relapse

Jori, if I remember right you are working or worked for a veterinaer and you have much more experience than me. But with my dogs it works phantastic with 0,5 ml/15kg every two weeks. And for big wounds with flies, flies eggs and worms I use Negasant from Bayer


It work very well. Big worm wounds close rapidly in some days. You only must take care that the dog don't lick the wounds because it eat then the poison.


i fed them VERMAX tablets

that was all i could find so far

the pills are 136mcg of ivermectin

the package insert says it is for heart worm

there is no indication whatsoever that these treat mange, scabies, and other ills

i need to do some research but have i been steered off course?

did i overlook something?


anyway no problem breaking the pills up and putting it in food which they ate

ps they weren't cheap

i need to look for the liquid


ivomec is the best treatment injection , although if dog already has heart worm can be harmfull as all worms die and clogg up heart. i have loads of Promeris dou, kills alot of external parasites and includes Amitraz. check it out on the web. Jori is your best man he been doing it for years in India and here. bu you are welcome to the spot on treatment World Vet Service sent me 100. also about 100 for puppies. SCADS dont want them, nor another care centre they all use ivermictin, which is cheap. if you want some spot on it will do a job on the external parasites but not the internal ones. check out there web site and dont get bit.

roughly where is the temple, dogs really need neutering as well.


Cannot understand how a city such as Pattaya has no animal charity operating a help centre,most other cities a lot smaller than Pattaya have something .The local Wat here has animals dumped there with a variety injuries,sad they have got to suffer with no help forthcoming.

Today I 'm picking a kitten up from the local Wat ,it has a broken back,just dragging itself around, way past the point it should be PTS,the govt vet flatly refuses to put it down ,while the private vets want anything up to 1000 Baht to do the job,just money making racket,the drug itself to put it down could not be more than a few Baht,other animals there just crying out for help,but what to do? The best I can do is take the more obviously maimed animal to be PTS,but it all costs.

True I did a lot of animal help in India for quite a few years,took early retirement,went to live there and got drawn into it gradually,but I had all the help in the world,animal charities with 6 or 7 seven vets within an hour away ,my own vehicles ,trap cages dart guns ,ketamin,all there ,but here nothing.

Used to tell the locals there that if you look after your animal in this lifetime,your animal will look after you in your next lifetime,worked sometimes.

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