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Fourth Of July Celebration Comments


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I ended up standing in line for over an hour and then was told all the ribs were gone. More came later and Dukes did the best they could considering the massive turn out. I feel for those who were standing in line for over an hour to then have the rules changed in the middle of the game to have seperate lines for each item. The VFW guys seemed more concerned about running the door prizes, then making the food and beverage service more effective. I would have voluntered for an hour to sell sodas and beer and would have done a better job then the Thai workers who seemed untrained. The metal detector was a total waste of time as the perimeter was not double fenced in all areas and any contraband item could have been simply handed over the fence. But if it makes people feel safer then I don,t mind the hassle. My only complaint was the music was not "American" bagpipes, Australia, New Zealand come on.

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After reading all the posts I would like to thank the complainers for being honest. I know some of the people involved and they will take it to heart when planing next year. I for sure plan on being there.

I am some what physically handicapped and standing for over a hour would have caused a great deal of discomfort. Was there any consideration given to the idea that a lot of us are past our prime and what was no big deal years ago is a ordeal today.:ermm:

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Disclaimer first: As many on here know, I am merely a member and the WebWeaver for the Chiang Mai VFW Post and as such,

have NO right nor intent to represent any opinions but my own.

What a fun read! I knew, having been a member of ThaiVisa for some years, that most comments would be negative so no surprises. I have for quite some time wondered if expats living here, especially from 'certain' countries, are truly happy with their choice to live in Thailand or if it was merely about financial considerations.

Doing the website stuff, I know that there were concerns that we were not getting the word out to enough people but, obviously, the world was watching!

I had NO idea that so many people would show up at our event! Nada..

I was unable to attend but still feel negligent in not being more active in the physical preparations.

A personal note to David/Dukes, thank you SO much for all you have done for us and, considering that a mountain fell upon you,

I have seen/heard no complaints about the overall quality of your food.

Not making excuses by any means but we are a very new VFW Post here with a limited membership of combat veterans and I am SO proud of my brothers for their extraordinary efforts to make this American celebration special for our fellow countrymen who are away from home! I can promise you all that this was NOT in any way about profit - in fact we went into this on a wing and a prayer that we would merely break even. Time will tell..

I was never sure about inviting the world, knowing the rather harsh expat crowd here, and some of that is reflected in these very responses.

There are always those who come to load up on whatever they can get, to those tender innocents who come with their children for a fun time, and everything in between.

Some merely crabass about everything, some were resourceful and found alternatives to relieve their discomfort, MANY made new, perhaps even long-term friendships.

It is all, in the final analysis, about attitude..

Were mistakes made?

For sure.

Frustrations that everything did not go right?


Was one GRAND effort made by a small group of American combat veterans and their spouses, who have little experience in this sort of thing, simply to bring pleasure to others?

Absolutely, and I stand proud INDEED to be one of them...

Edited by Dustoff
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Disclaimer first: As many on here know, I am merely a member and the WebWeaver for the Chiang Mai VFW Post and as such,

have NO right nor intent to represent any opinions but my own.

What a fun read! I knew, having been a member of ThaiVisa for some years, that most comments would be negative so no surprises. I have for quite some time wondered if expats living here, especially from 'certain' countries, are truly happy with their choice to live in Thailand or if it was merely about financial considerations.

Doing the website stuff, I know that there were concerns that we were not getting the word out to enough people but, obviously, the world was watching!

I had NO idea that so many people would show up at our event! Nada..

I was unable to attend but still feel negligent in not being more active in the physical preparations.

A personal note to David/Dukes, thank you SO much for all you have done for us and, considering that a mountain fell upon you,

I have seen/heard no complaints about the overall quality of your food.

Not making excuses by any means but we are a very new VFW Post here with a limited membership of combat veterans and I am SO proud of my brothers for their extraordinary efforts to make this American celebration special for our fellow countrymen who are away from home! I can promise you all that this was NOT in any way about profit - in fact we went into this on a wing and a prayer that we would merely break even. Time will tell..

I was never sure about inviting the world, knowing the rather harsh expat crowd here, and some of that is reflected in these very responses.

There are always those who come to load up on whatever they can get, to those tender innocents who come with their children for a fun time, and everything in between.

Some merely crabass about everything, some were resourceful and found alternatives to relieve their discomfort, MANY made new, perhaps even long-term friendships.

It is all, in the final analysis, about attitude..

Were mistakes made?

For sure.

Frustrations that everything did not go right?


Was one GRAND effort made by a small group of American combat veterans and their spouses, who have little experience in this sort of thing, simply to bring pleasure to others?

Absolutely, and I stand proud INDEED to be one of them...

If you did not attend you really have no right to make comments about the event. I think the lack of effort was clear. They paid Thai workers to do what would have been done by volunteers in America. They sat around drank beer and really did nothing when the event fell apart.

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Disclaimer first: As many on here know, I am merely a member and the WebWeaver for the Chiang Mai VFW Post and as such,

have NO right nor intent to represent any opinions but my own.

What a fun read! I knew, having been a member of ThaiVisa for some years, that most comments would be negative so no surprises. I have for quite some time wondered if expats living here, especially from 'certain' countries, are truly happy with their choice to live in Thailand or if it was merely about financial considerations.

Doing the website stuff, I know that there were concerns that we were not getting the word out to enough people but, obviously, the world was watching!

I had NO idea that so many people would show up at our event! Nada..

I was unable to attend but still feel negligent in not being more active in the physical preparations.

A personal note to David/Dukes, thank you SO much for all you have done for us and, considering that a mountain fell upon you,

I have seen/heard no complaints about the overall quality of your food.

Not making excuses by any means but we are a very new VFW Post here with a limited membership of combat veterans and I am SO proud of my brothers for their extraordinary efforts to make this American celebration special for our fellow countrymen who are away from home! I can promise you all that this was NOT in any way about profit - in fact we went into this on a wing and a prayer that we would merely break even. Time will tell..

I was never sure about inviting the world, knowing the rather harsh expat crowd here, and some of that is reflected in these very responses.

There are always those who come to load up on whatever they can get, to those tender innocents who come with their children for a fun time, and everything in between.

Some merely crabass about everything, some were resourceful and found alternatives to relieve their discomfort, MANY made new, perhaps even long-term friendships.

It is all, in the final analysis, about attitude..

Were mistakes made?

For sure.

Frustrations that everything did not go right?


Was one GRAND effort made by a small group of American combat veterans and their spouses, who have little experience in this sort of thing, simply to bring pleasure to others?

Absolutely, and I stand proud INDEED to be one of them...

Thank you, Dustoff. For the efforts, and for this perfect summary. :wai:

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I find it interesting that some are attacking and insulting the people who were less than satisfied with the event. The problems as I see it were of logistics, planning and food quality. We did not go to have a bad experience, to have something to complain about, many posters have also pointed out the positive aspects of the day.

Getgoing slams the croud for wasting food, I noticed this also, this could be seen partly to reflect the quality and service, at the bbq station we were not asked what we wanted, our plates were taken, and we were given 1 rib, chicken and many burgers, ok, I like all these things but given a choice I would have only gone for the ribs. As I stated earlier, the chicken was awful, (and I like chicken) just too salty to eat. This was also noted by "Booksanuk" in his post. I feel that was the reason there was so much chicken left on the plates. I didn't really want the lil burger either but because I only got 1 rib I ate mine. My wife just couldn't eat the burger either. So I tried some "tacos", just really bad, note to "The Duke" there are more seasonings than salt in "Mexican " food.

If you look at some of the tv members with complaints you will notice not all of us are "miserable old expat complainers", I enjoy my life here, have a generally positive outlook, I do not regret going to the event, there were some fun moments.....

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I wonder if anybody out there realizes or even cares how many man hours were spent in the planning of this years 4th of July event . For 11 months retired VFW members from Post 12074 Chiang Mai, worked on their own time to get sponsors, the location, tents, tables, chairs, a band, fireworks, volunteers etc. for an event that would last 6 hours just to make Americans feel at home on this Great American Holiday. Last year the VFW Post lost some 50,000+ Baht to put this event on, and I didn't see any of them complaining because of the loss. This year let's hope we can make a few Baht.

I would have been satisfied if Dave/Dukes, a real patriotic in my books, would have served just hamburgers, hot dogs, beans and potato salad, a real traditional 4th of July lunch.

I didn't see any of the complainers out at the grounds 2 days prior to the event planning where to put up tents, setting up chairs, or tables. What I did see were some dozen plus old VFW members getting the job done and wondering where they could get more tents and chairs. I saw the Thai Army volunteers helping the 2 paid workers I hired out of my own pocket putting up tents, tables and chairs. I never once saw any of the people complaining asking if they could help. Remember, a lot of us Veterans are disabled and old.

To realthaideal, I'm retired Special Effects Hollywood and I've eaten thousands of times off of the catering trucks, and you guys do great jobs, and serve great food, BUT you know how many people you are going to serve, and 1/4 of the crew just eat off of the salad buffet and don't get their food from the truck. (Lunch is normally 30-42 min for crew from the last man through the line.) Give me your number and I'll see that you are included in the planning for next years venue. This isn't Hollywood.

Now, it was an all you can EAT event, NOT all you can take home. I kinda enjoyed making new friends in the chow line, I just wished there was a beercart girl around to help quench my thirst.

Prices for American Beer and hard to get soda ( Dr. Pepper, Squirt, A&W Cream Soda, Mountain Dew ) were extremely low priced compared to anyplace in Thailand, I've paid 250 Baht for an MGD alone in Thailand. 300-350 Baht won't buy me 1 decent sushi plate at Fuji's, let alone all the entertainment, chance at door prizes, free food, free water, new friends and fireworks that were put on. And did any of the VFW members, or their families get in for free or receive free drinks? NO, and that includes ALL the VFW volunteers who worked the event. Amazing, they actually paid to work as volunteers. And some of you are out there complaining, you, like us, had to stand in line for an all you could eat lunch.

I sure didn't see any unhappy kids out here, just a bunch of smiling faces. Kids being kids, teens being teens. How easy we forget how little it takes to be happy.

Trash can were meant for trash, not the tables. Our VFW Commander was out at the grounds at 6 AM on Monday, a Federal holiday, policing the area. Unbelievable.

Ladies, we hear you, I'll see if we can have signs made next year to direct you to the outside western style toilets in the Stadium, that's if the even will be held in the same place.

Instead of complaining about all the things that went wrong or you disliked, offer a helping hand, we don't care what country you're from, come march in our boots.

Member VFW Post 12074

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While there are many points in this post that I agree with there are also many I disagree with. Some of the criticism is harsh and some of the excuses (DADEE) are unacceptable. I will not share mine other than to say that I personally would like to see the event returned to the US Consulate with two non-American, pre-registered guests for each US passport holder. We never had the problems or the excuses posted here.

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Hope we can discuss our views on the event in a constructive way. I, like most im sure, am appreciative of the efforts that went into providing this day for American citizens and glad of the open invitation to all nationalities. Feedback is important however, even if not positive. Does not mean the efforts were not appreciated, just means that many of us wish that certain things were considered more. I hope the organisers can take on board the views without feeling slammed by them. Wish you the best of luck for the next 4th of July (that is heartfelt, not sarcasm!)

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If this this had been a free event with the option of purchasing items VFW would be very justified in claiming that they were volunteers so did not need to be capable and that they did the best they could. It was not a free event and families who paid to attend are well within their rights to complain that they did not get what they paid for. Maybe a little less ambitious next time would be more within the members ability to provide.

Edited by harrry
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I guess many of us have adapted to the Thai way of thinking, "Raise prices to get fewer people"

"The customer/consumer wasted what we gave them or what they took", it was advertised as a 'all you can eat buffet'

"Security was late" so set up suffered.

"did not anticipate the number of people".

"Had enough food for everyone" "they were out of what I wanted"

TV members will complain just like last year.

I did not go but I think, (both provider and potential consumer).etc, etc.

I doubt seriously that the VFW went into this with "maybe we can make a profit" attitude. they had last year to learn, they opened the party up to the population of Thailand, agreed with Dukes as to menu and what he provided, etc.

Knew the early purchase ticket count 2 to 3 days before hand. Experience can be a great teacher, so 2 years should take care of the learning curve on facilities provided, prices, numbers expected, etc, if the boundaries are kept the same......

If you advertise as a 'all you want buffet' and then point out waste when you fill the plate for people, you appear to be trying to focus attention away from the subject.When consumers point out that some items of food were not sufficient, then accept it. If you want to tell the public what was provided, use a common measurement, pounds, kilo, or buckets but pieces, and kilo/lbs are not a like measurement.

If those involved decide to have another go next year, They could use the same media to answer problems, after the fact, as they use to advertise for the purchase of tickets and attendance prior to the event.

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If you find yourself inundated with too many people there is a simple solution.....


Will the latecomers be disappointed?...sure...Better to disappoint the many who showed up on time?....not in my opinion!

(I couldn't help myself)

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To all VFW members,

You guys done enough for YOUR country to take the "heat" from ungrateful Americans that are unappreciative of the hard works that you all VOLUNTEER your times and PAID the 300 Baht to COME IN and WORK for OTHER to enjoy

the 4th.

NO ONE in Chiang Mai dare to put on the 4th event, THE ONLY ONE in town was VFW!!!!!!

Thank you all ONCE AGAIN for SACRIFCED

From a Thai that respected the Americans Vets

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Instead of a blanket attack, I will offer some advice. When the line started to back up and people had to stand in it for over an hour, it would have been nice to hand out water to those standing in line. What would have been better would be to hand people a card with a number or color code and tell them to go find seat and a beer and that they will be called in some kind of first come first serve order to get food. I would have been happy to sit, chat, listen to music while I waited to be served. The M.C. from South Carolina admited this was a fiasco when I spoke with him. Lets not polish a turd, but come up with ideas for a better event. Given all the drama I meet some real cool people and my Thai girlfriend got a taste of American culture. VFW thanks for the effort, but if you take 700 baht for two plus another several hundred for drinks you will get my honest opinion.

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<BR>Instead of a blanket attack, I will offer some advice. When the line started to back up and people had to stand in it for over an hour, it would have been nice to hand out water to those standing in line.  What would have been better would be to hand people a card with a number or color code and tell them to go find seat and a beer and that they will be called in some kind of first come first serve order to get food. I would have been happy to sit, chat, listen to music while I waited to be served. The M.C. from South Carolina admited this was a fiasco when I spoke with him. <STRONG><U>Lets not polish a turd, </U></STRONG>but come up with ideas for a better event. Given all the drama I meet some real cool people and my Thai girlfriend got a taste of American culture. VFW thanks for the effort, but if you take 700 baht for two plus another several hundred for drinks you will get my honest opinion.<BR>
<BR><BR>Funny!! , hilarious !! a turd polish !!

so many tickets were sold since it was marketed ,sold heavy as a 4th of July all you can eat Sunday buffet. which did not happen. resulting in a selected turd polish...

Edited by zuzkate
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I have been asked to pass this on:

"We sincerely apologize to any and all who were disappointed with this year’s 4th of July picnic.

We realize that there were problems, and will take any negative comments as constructive input in order to avoid similar problems in the future.

We honestly tried to organize an enjoyable Independence Day celebration for the American community in Chiang Mai. We hope that everyone will understand our intentions and ask that all accept our apology."

Michael E. Holmes

Commander VFW Post 12074

Chiang Mai

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I have been asked to pass this on:

"We sincerely apologize to any and all who were disappointed with this year’s 4th of July picnic.

We realize that there were problems, and will take any negative comments as constructive input in order to avoid similar problems in the future.

We honestly tried to organize an enjoyable Independence Day celebration for the American community in Chiang Mai. We hope that everyone will understand our intentions and ask that all accept our apology."

Michael E. Holmes

Commander VFW Post 12074

Chiang Mai

well written !

Men taking responsibilty for their acts is what makes the U.S.A. so very strong!

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About how many attendees were not Americans or their immediate family? From what I can gather quite a few.

Wouldn't one way to keep things more manageable next time be to limit this event to only Americans and their immediate families?

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I have been asked to pass this on:

"We sincerely apologize to any and all who were disappointed with this year’s 4th of July picnic.

We realize that there were problems, and will take any negative comments as constructive input in order to avoid similar problems in the future.

We honestly tried to organize an enjoyable Independence Day celebration for the American community in Chiang Mai. We hope that everyone will understand our intentions and ask that all accept our apology."

Michael E. Holmes

Commander VFW Post 12074

Chiang Mai

And I salute you, Commander Holmes. An apology was in order and you served it up. I do think, though, a complete accounting of the funds is also in order. How much money did you and Duke's make off this event? I have read anywhere from 1700 to 3000 people attended. If it's the latter number, that's 900,000 baht or about 27,000 USD taken in before expenses.

An accounting is in order.

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About how many attendees were not Americans or their immediate family? From what I can gather quite a few.

Wouldn't one way to keep things more manageable next time be to limit this event to only Americans and their immediate families?

Events as these are held threw out the world at other US Embassies/Consulates and are normally open to other nationalities and the host country under the same security conditions.

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The apology was needed and given,

The request for auditing is offensive and none of your business unless you are a member of the vfw or the embassy. The forum should not be a place for cheap accusations. Nothing to do with me though as I am not American and did not go.

Edited by harrry
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I have been asked to pass this on:

"We sincerely apologize to any and all who were disappointed with this year's 4th of July picnic.

We realize that there were problems, and will take any negative comments as constructive input in order to avoid similar problems in the future.

We honestly tried to organize an enjoyable Independence Day celebration for the American community in Chiang Mai. We hope that everyone will understand our intentions and ask that all accept our apology."

Michael E. Holmes

Commander VFW Post 12074

Chiang Mai

And I salute you, Commander Holmes. An apology was in order and you served it up. I do think, though, a complete accounting of the funds is also in order. How much money did you and Duke's make off this event? I have read anywhere from 1700 to 3000 people attended. If it's the latter number, that's 900,000 baht or about 27,000 USD taken in before expenses.

An accounting is in order.

Not to you it isn't!

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The apology was needed and given,

The request for auditing is offensive and none of your business unless you are a member of the vfw or the embassy. The forum should not be a place for cheap accusations. Nothing to do with me though as I am not American and did not go.

It was a public event and public disclosure of a group like the VFW never hurts. If they have nothing to hide there should be no problem. What would being a "member" of the US Consulate (I assume you meant the US C.) have to do with anything?

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