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For the last couple of years I've had TOT internet through my landline service. It costs me, in total, 740B a month.

I get unlimited download at 1mb.

I'm more than satisfied with this service, for my money it's better than what my father has in Australia for considerably more.

Now my neighbour, who know's everything being Dutch, informed me that I'm being ripped off, I can get 4mb for the same price.

So today I went in to pay my bill and asked the girl if this was true and she said "yes". :unsure:

So I've got the forms, the Mrs has to fill them out, the service is in her name for some reason, and I just go back with my modem and I get 4 times the speed for the same price. So if it takes me about 8 hours to down load a movie 900mb file I should be able to do it in 2. :)


TOT and Triple T (now BBB) have had 4mb for 590baht plus tax for some time now. I'm with BBB and was originally only getting only 2mb for 590baht but they upgraded that package to 3mb and then 4mb. When they upgraded the package they automatically upgraded me each time, no forms needed to be filled in, thought TOT would do the same but apparently not.


With TOT I have always had to go in and ask for the upgrade to the newest promotion. I just assumed you knew Scea, or I would have said something. I tried the 4mb but had to go back to the 3mb because the connection kept dropping out. Apparently we are too far down the line.

By the way, it was nice bumping into you at BigC today. :)


Yeah, I used to get the connection dropping out because I'm too far down the line.

They (3BB) upgraded me to 4mb recently and the problem got worse. I requested they reduce my bandwith and they put me on 256Kpbs. It brought back memories of years gone by.

Anyway, they sent an engineer who checked the phone line locally as they always do. I called again , they gave me 1meg.

I called again, asking to speak to someone Technical. I got a lovely lady, I pleaded with her to give me just 3meg. She said there was no reason I shouldn't be able to have 4meg and said she would look into it.

4meg I have, and its reasonably stable. It always drops out when it rains or there's a hint of a storm though but thats not likely to change.


have TOT 100Mbps at 1000 baht per month approx..

Have asked for upgrade but TOT advised that the old local TOT line that I have would not carry the upgrade speed,

therefore,, it would be pointless to change.


These are all good points, I'll certainly check it out before I change over.

Having said that it's hopeless this morning, reading 578/47 kbps at the moment, trying to download 25mb file and it's like watching paint dry.

But normal internet usage is fine. :unsure:

Why do I have to log in every time I leave TV.com and return? Can't make it remember me. Firefox compatibility problem?


Why do I have to log in every time I leave TV.com and return? Can't make it remember me. Firefox compatibility problem?

I had that yesterday for awhile but today it is back to normal. Maybe it is just your turn. ;)


That's very interesting - a TOT 4MB upgrade....

We've recently signed a normal TOT 12 month 2MB contract (landline) for 590B.

If there's a chance of getting a 4MB package upgrade, the question is - do we have to wait until the 12 month contract "expires", or can we ask for a 'free' upgrade now - just (nearly) 2 months into the contract? :unsure:

Thanks for any info



The g/f has already talked to TOT on the phone - things aren't always so easy...

The guy she talked to advised us to go to our local office to try our luck.

His opinion (which might differ from the local office) was, that our contract was perhaps too "new" to expect an

immediate upgrade - though the g/f got the impression that it's the local office that will decide in the end.

Whatever, he reckoned that we'd have to try and "cancel" our existing contract and make a new

contract (with the upgrade included).

Again - this would no doubt be decided by the local office.

We have to go to the local office at the end of the week, so we'll see what happens. We're not really sure if getting an upgrade will

improve our down/up speeds, anyway, as the most I've seen as yet for our 2MB package deal is around 225/60KB - or around 10% of the package size - though that's probably a lot faster than many other people are getting. :lol:



Right, so this is what happened.

I took my modem into TOT where a girl who looked about 14 played with it for several minutes and gave it back. The boss lady told me the internet would take about an hour to come through so I went shopping.

It was probably 4 hours before I got home and sure enough, no internet.

I rang the help line they gave me, 1100, press 9 for English, and they walked me through the fix. No luck. They said they would ring back.

They rang back and we did it again. No luck, they promised a technician.

I fiddled and rang again. A third person offered advice. By this time they knew who I was. I called my neighbour, whose Dutch and knows everything. He played with the modem then took it home, brought it back and it worked. Great speed.

The Mrs pointed out the TV satellite wasn't working. For some reason my little lotus blossom concluded this was related to the f###ing around with the modem and went into withdrawal symptoms. She also spoke unkindly to the neighbour who is her nephew by marriage.

After about 36 hours the internet shut down. I gave it an hour or so, restarted the modem and all was well, including the TV satellite.

Still no sign of a technician.

Just downloaded Shrek 4 in little more than an hour.

All's well that ends well. (Another translation for mai pen rai).



Went to the local TOT office to try and get the said update from 2 to 4MB.

The conversation went something like this :

Oh, you live at <this> address. Hmmm..that's not so good, as you're too far away from "the tower" to get any benefit from an upgrade.

Residents near(er) to the tower get stronger signals and can get upgrades, but you're not in that category. However, should we make changes to our equipment installed on the tower, then you ought to be able to get an update.

We have no present information as to whether we will make any changes to our equipment.

If we gave you an update now, then you'd just experience fall-outs and constant disconnections.

- end of conversation. :unsure:

Personally, I'm not too bothered about not getting the upgrade (would have been nice, but it's no sweat).

One thing bothers me, slightly - and that is that before signing the 2MB contract, we were told that we live in a really

"good" reception area and there oughtn't to be any problems using the internet. Too, there was a long list of

various sized packages we could have chosen from - and at no time were we told that there would be any

problem choosing a larger package.

Maybe there's a big difference between choosing a large package - and being "upgraded" from a smaller package.

I wouldn't know - I'm not tech minded. Maybe you guys know more about that sort of thing.




Went to the local TOT office to try and get the said update from 2 to 4MB.

The conversation went something like this :

Oh, you live at <this> address. Hmmm..that's not so good, as you're too far away from "the tower" to get any benefit from an upgrade.

Residents near(er) to the tower get stronger signals and can get upgrades, but you're not in that category. However, should we make changes to our equipment installed on the tower, then you ought to be able to get an update.

We have no present information as to whether we will make any changes to our equipment.

If we gave you an update now, then you'd just experience fall-outs and constant disconnections.

- end of conversation. :unsure:

Personally, I'm not too bothered about not getting the upgrade (would have been nice, but it's no sweat).

One thing bothers me, slightly - and that is that before signing the 2MB contract, we were told that we live in a really

"good" reception area and there oughtn't to be any problems using the internet. Too, there was a long list of

various sized packages we could have chosen from - and at no time were we told that there would be any

problem choosing a larger package.

Maybe there's a big difference between choosing a large package - and being "upgraded" from a smaller package.

I wouldn't know - I'm not tech minded. Maybe you guys know more about that sort of thing.


I think there's more than a bit of truth about being to far away from the tower or whatever.

I've got 4mb, well 3.5 really but its virtually useless at weekends or when it rains. probably too much noise on the line I suspect. I'll try again to get them to lower my speed. Its just as difficult as getting them to up the speed.

One thing that did work for me when I was after an upgrade several times was to get through to someone technical on the Telephone and call their bluff and ask them to try the speed upgrade will your on the blower. Its only a small parameter change I suspect.

As for being told your in a good reception area. In my limited experience here, I can ask a thousand people the same question and get a thousand slightly different answers, but if your 'buying' its usually the answer you want to hear;-)


Where's the TOT Internet Shop ? . I want to see what speed they can give me. I'm now on 1.5 meg with 3bb, Their response to every problem seem to be reducing the line speed. I had 3meg a few months ago, with very little probs.

Now they offer 4meg to townies and 1.5 meg to me. Its time to make that move :)


Coming from Big C turn left at the lights as if going to Thoeng. It's about a km on your left. Coming from Thoeng it's on your right. B)


Coming from Big C turn left at the lights as if going to Thoeng. It's about a km on your left. Coming from Thoeng it's on your right. B)

OK, I know the place, just wondered wether they had any kiosks anywhere.

  • 3 weeks later...

I saw an advert from triple b (bbb) which states they now offer 5mb for 590mb so I just checked mine and, lo and behold, it's true! No forms needed filling out, no phone calls or visits to the lovely bbb girls in Big C just an automatic increase.


I saw an advert from triple b (bbb) which states they now offer 5mb for 590mb so I just checked mine and, lo and behold, it's true! No forms needed filling out, no phone calls or visits to the lovely bbb girls in Big C just an automatic increase.

Lucky you. I still get 1.5 mb which drops out every time it rains. maybe I'll be better off with TOT when I get around to changing. Its a TOT phone line, so maybe they'll have better luck dealing with the LINE FAULT.

Maybe I'll ask 3BB for 3 meg again and see what happens first . It'll probably cost another 600 baht in phone calls :angry:

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