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Have You Ever Seen A Panther That Is Pink?


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o.k. now ive got your attention, no the threads not about pink panthers, but kind of a long the same lines.

question, in all your collective years whilst staying in the LOS, have you ever seen a blonde blue eyed thai child.

reason for asking is that up until i became a father a year ago, i hadnt.

do they actually exist or is it only on the rarest of occasions that when you take a falang/foreigner who has a child with a thai theres a very slight chance that the offspring may take on the characteristics and genes of their overseas mother or father. ie the blue eyes and blonde the hair.

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o.k. now ive got your attention, no the threads not about pink panthers, but kind of a long the same lines.

question, in all your collective years whilst staying in the LOS, have you ever seen a blonde blue eyed thai child.

reason for asking is that up until i became a father a year ago, i hadnt.

do they actually exist or is it only on the rarest of occasions that when you take a falang/foreigner who has a child with a thai theres a very slight chance that the offspring may take on the characteristics and genes of their overseas mother or father. ie the blue eyes and blonde the hair.

Unless genetics has changed since I was in school it is the B big B and little b thing.

The big B is brown and the little b is blue. Big B always trumps. So you are bb and wife is Bb. There is a 25% chance the offspring is blue eyed. Somewhere in wife's history is another little b. I think that's correct. Been out of class a while though.

Edited by mark45y
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My friend's son has hazely brown eyes and sandy blond hair, his father is mized Thai-Chinese and his mother Aussie.

I've seen an albino Thai man, but I don't think his hair would be qualified as blond.

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I can't recall seeing a blue eyed Thai Child. There must be a few out there.

My children have brown eyes but two do have almost blonde Hair. Its sort of light brown with blonde highlights. I've often thought it Would cost a packet to have it done this way at a hair salon. I do suspect the blonde will fade when they get older

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"reason for asking is that up until i became a father a year ago, i hadnt."

You are implying that your child is a blue-eyed blond, so I guess that you've seen one.

It reminds me of the joke...a guy in a bar turns to the guy next to him and says, "God the bartender is gorgeous! How'd you like to see her naked?"

The 2nd guy replied, "She's my daughter!" The 1st guy mumbles, "Well, I guess you have..."

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I wanted a thread about Pink Panthers.

I thought this might be about one of mate mates, whose nickname is "The Pink Panther", but alas it is not. :(

As for other Pink Panthers, there is a Pink Panther bar in Kanchanaburi - although not seen any panthers in there - but the Leo is 35 baht. :lol:

Edited by mrtoad
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One of my best friends an Englishman married a Thai girl.

They had twin boys, both boys have blond hair, blue eyes and strong farang features.

The only difference between the boys and an average Englishman is that they have slightly olive coloured skin, but no one woud guess the boys are not full Englishman unless they looked very closely.

Yet, the wife`s Thai brother married a white German lady, they had a daughter and 2 sons together. The girl has a large nose, black eyes, black hair and dark brown skin. Everyone at first glance thinks she is Indian. One boy looks 100% chinese and the youngest boy has sandy coloured hair, brown eyes oriental shaped eyes and dark olive toned skin.

Only proves that race is superficial

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I wanted a thread about Pink Panthers.

I was thinking of pink cats. Albino cats will often have a pinkish tone, and their eyes are definitely pink.

As far as mixing genes of widely differing ethnic groups is concerned, there are some strange results occasionally. I saw one strange case where a nordic guy with blonde hair married a black Affrican girl. They had twins, and one was black and the other was blonde.

When I used to study genetics I was taught that dark hair is dominant over blonde hair and brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. Therefore, when a blonde caucasian marries an Asian woman their children are more likely to look Asian rather than caucasian. But, there are always the exceptions. I've seen where some long burried gene suddenly pops up unexpectedly. I've known several red haired First Nations people who haven't had mixed marriages in over 4 generations. First Nations is the term for native, North American indians who all have black hair and brown eyes.

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Not Thai, but we had a girl in our high school whose mother was Japanese and father was an American of Swedish descent. She had very distinctive Japanese features, but her skin was quite white, her hair naturally blonde, and her eyes were green, if I remember correctly on that.

She was a very beautiful girl, but unfortunately knew it and pretty much only dated guys from Drake University.

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Remember a white-skinned young Japanese couple on a speedboat coming back from Koh Tao in choppy water.

People literally do turn green.

Skin, not eyes.

Don't rose-tinted specs make everything pink?

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