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Work Permit To Help My Husband In His Guesthouse

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I have been browsing this forum but can not find someone who is in a similar situation as me.

I am married to a Thai man. He owns a guesthouse in Chiang Mai. I would like to help him in the guesthouse. So I would need a work permit. I have a non-immigrant visa based on marriage. I understand after reading on the forum that it would be possible to get a work permit on this visa. However, would they give me a WP for reception work, selling tours, serving food, making beds and cooking.. I would love to do this, but I would like to do this legally. Where do I start and would it be possible?

I also often see other foreigners work at guesthouses, restaurants and tour offices. Would they all have WP?

Thanks, looking forward to any information on this topic..!

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My guess would be that some of the things you wish to help with would be on the restricted occupation list for Thai's only, but for the purposes of you WP, you could be put down as a "manager" and get round it that way.

also guessing you have 2 or more Thai employees, and the company set up for the guesthouse is capitalised equal to or greater than THB 1.0 million, if so you could apply for a WP on the back of your "O"

As regards your observation Re other guesthouses, restaurants etc.....most likely dont have WP

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Are you sure that those requirements apply if the Thai person is the sole proprietor? I thought they only applied if the farang was legally involved in the business?

Additionally, your husband (good luck with that btw) should talk to the Labor dept about the work permit, as his wife helping him in his business I have always been led to believe (by Immigration and labor in samui) that there special exceptions (coz you are, after all, merely the little woman helping her man out ;) )

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Yes, he has about six persons of staff and he pays social security for all of them.

I dont know the ins and outs of a work permit for a spouse/employee, but would recommend you make sure that you really are going to be helping. That is to check out all initial and on-going costs and hassle involved.

It may not be worth the candle?

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Look, we also live in the guesthouse. I am not planning to just sit around doing nothing. I am too young to do this and actually I like working. So this means when I am helping to cook or serving food or talking to guests and police walks in to check my WP and I can not show them one, they have the right to arrest me or deport me, OMG, that we be awful. Yes, I really NEED a WP.

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Look, we also live in the guesthouse. I am not planning to just sit around doing nothing. I am too young to do this and actually I like working. So this means when I am helping to cook or serving food or talking to guests and police walks in to check my WP and I can not show them one, they have the right to arrest me or deport me, OMG, that we be awful. Yes, I really NEED a WP.

Get hubby to take trip to the Labour dept to make the application, couple of things to bear in mind, there are restricted occupations in Thailand which a farang cannot do in terms of a WP, you need to look at this list and make sure no mention of these sorts of things in your "duties' for the WP.

Secondly you wil not get a WP issued on the basis of "helping around the guesthouse" you need a proper title, ie "international marketing manager", international guest relations manger etc....the more important sounding title the better..

by the sounds of things this should be doable in your situation

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Being a farang women you know it was easy to get a marriage visa - requirements for foreign women (only requirement - be married) are much less than foreign men. Ditto on the work permits. Have your husband go talk to the labor department. Should be easy, probably no requirements.

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Thanks Soutpeel, interesting to know..

After a quick look at the list there are two 'titles' that would apply to me:

- being a tourism representative who brings foreigners to travel in Thailand

0r what about #12??

'Being a married couple with Thai citizen, with legally married registration, publicly cohabiting as husband and wife, and with a legal profession, which is socially respectable'

Tomorrow we will make a visit to the Labour Department...

Edited by Lily76
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