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I was home for a few seconds between my classes today, passed carrefour where a waterboy (3 wheeled motorbike filled with waterbottles)...

I hit the back waterbottle and that cracked...

I jumped out of the car, thinking "here we go again" (search Vigo vs Bicycle)... No damage to my car, he appologised alot, I told him it was ok, gave him a 100B and off he went happy...

love the minor fender benders where you can slip them 100b and be on your way!!!


Thinking it may time to re-evaluate your driving credentials..

Nahh... this one was not me... He overtook me like his life depended on it, then he slammed the brake... I had no chance to stop in time... Not my driving, I was going slow... traffic in town... dangers on bikes... You ride hard, you get hit sometimes...

He appologized to me, he knows what he did... Not feeling bad about this accident, but I am now rethinking the Vigo, it might be possesed... cursed, by my ex gf maybe???

Last time my fault, no doubt... This time, his fault... (Yes I hit him from the back but I think we all can agree that some of these bike riders go quite hard at it...


Yes quite a few glaring contradictions in that one :ermm: ..

hel_l, the guy was just posting about what happened to him not trying to pull one over on you! What is it with some of you guys?


Nothing wrong with helping a guy that has less than yourself is it???

One of those bottles cost about 90B if I am not mistaken, the drivers/riders of those bikes are responsible for them, it comes out of their daily salary. He makes mybe 150B a day? So suddenly he should only make 50B? Nahh. We all walked away with a smile on our face, he got some extra money to pay for the bottle (maybe he did not have to, but that is another story).

I did hit him, even if he said sorry- I could probably be mean and yell at him- but would that be nice? What would have happened out of that? What good could have happenend? My guess is nothing...

Better to leave the place feeling good, than to leave and feel bad... My Thai mates have done the same many times, poor people like it when they get a break... If you had no money, would you not feel better if someone gave you a break too?

Maybe I am wrong on this, but why not??

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Maybe I am wrong on this, but why not??

But it is 100Baht...

Man, you can't just go throwing around that kind of money... next thing you know, you won't be complainin about paying 10Baht for the Baht Bus in Pattaya...





I find myself in a strangely unfamiliar position here of agreeing with T/A. You're waffling all over this and yes it is your fault if you hit him from behind no matter what he supposedly did.. I stand with my first post..


As I understand it if you hit him from behind it's automatically your fault (this is also the same in the UK), if you clipped his side as he cut back in then that would be a different matter.

The reason people over here drive the way they do is that there is a total lack of 'concept of consequence'.

This 'Jai-Dee' system educates the poor that the rich will take care of their reckless driving.

This 'Jai-Dee' system also educates the wealthier that they can get away with their reckless driving by paying.

The insurance companies have set up a system where there are no consequences of having a prang as there is no excess (i.e. we don't have to pay the first B10,000 etc if the accident is our fault).

There was an interesting article in the BKK a few years back which drew attention to the fact that the way the insurance systems are set up over here means that people drive and don't care if they crash. I wouldn't go that far.

However, if there were consequences such as an excess for people driving their motorbikes and cars and if every vehicle was forced to have at least 3rd party insurance (which pays for the other vehicle in the event you are responsible for an accident) rather than the 'Jai-dee' way of dealing with accidents then as the awareness of consequences and attitudes are forced to change so may the accident rate.

As many things in Thailand - the current systems is set up for immediate gratification (taking the path of least resistance for immediate gain) however this set up while making us feel nice and fuzzy and warm has longer term consequences:

Long term consequences such as, the guy the Op paid of has not learned a thing and may kill himself next time, the family lose income etc (extreme I know, but this probably occurs far more than we care to imagine) - the knock on effect is endless, traffic etc....


You guys are funny...

I never said that the pedal bike was not my fault... MY FAULT from the get go... I hit him, but I did not see the bike before I hit him...

This guy cut infront of me, slammed the brake and I hit him... I know European laws states it is my fault, but we are not in Europe, he messed up, I gave him a brake... Not so bad, is it?

PS. I do not live in a tourist spot, so I don't care if the bus cost 100b in Pattaya/Phuket/anywhere...

I see the point of him not having learned anything, but I suppose that it would be better if we called the police, get them down there, call the insurance company to come and have a look, then waste 2 hours waiting, all while I am missing my classes, he is not working, in the hot weather... Nahhh... i prefer to be stupid, I pay 100b, he is very happy, I am happy, problem sorted then and there, what is wrong with that?

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