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Isuzu Mu-7 Or Toyota Fortuner

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The Fortuner isn't exactly a converted pickup. Toyota developed its new platform having in mind that it will serve in various shapes, Fortuner as an SUV, Innova as an MPV, and Vigo as a pickup. They are, of course, very close to each other, but it isn't exactly the same as "we have a great pickup, now let's put an SUV body on it" approach. Sportrider was a converted pickup, MU7 is a converted pickup.

Also don't forget that in those days there were different regulations for SUVs and pickups - in wheelbase length, road clearance, suspension, etc. that don't exist anymore.


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The Fortuner isn't exactly a converted pickup.


Well sure, but then, almost all larger SUVs are based on a Pickup platform. Nothing wrong with that :o

I have two questions for the proud owners: What mileage does the Diesel get? What's the difference in performance? Both Diesel and gasoline have pretty much the same HP which usually means the Diesel will have better torque and feel stronger.

I am going to do lots of mountain driving so I want to know which one will be better.

Also, how does the automatic cope with mountainous terrain? I have not driven any automatic that would feel "right" on a mountain, but then, I have not tested any newer automatics. The auto I have tends to be in the wrong gear and the only option you have is the kick-down - which is also wrong. Somebody also said manual is preferable when offroading: Why?

This is the reason I am thinking of getting the manual. I want to have leather too though and was told that's only on autos. I want to buy this next year - does that mean I have to queue up right now? I am in the north, in Chiang Mai...

Any advice would be highly appreciated!

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The Fortuner isn't exactly a converted pickup.


Well sure, but then, almost all larger SUVs are based on a Pickup platform. Nothing wrong with that :o

I have two questions for the proud owners: What mileage does the Diesel get? What's the difference in performance? Both Diesel and gasoline have pretty much the same HP which usually means the Diesel will have better torque and feel stronger.

I am going to do lots of mountain driving so I want to know which one will be better.

Also, how does the automatic cope with mountainous terrain? I have not driven any automatic that would feel "right" on a mountain, but then, I have not tested any newer automatics. The auto I have tends to be in the wrong gear and the only option you have is the kick-down - which is also wrong. Somebody also said manual is preferable when offroading: Why?

This is the reason I am thinking of getting the manual. I want to have leather too though and was told that's only on autos. I want to buy this next year - does that mean I have to queue up right now? I am in the north, in Chiang Mai...

Any advice would be highly appreciated!


Again my 2 cents worth – I’m of the OLD school and from experience believe Toyota is best with Nissan a close second for a basic good motor without so many trimmings.

As for manual or automatic if you are a SERIOUS off-roader not just a weekend kinda person go for the manual.

Been there done that and know something!


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Again my 2 cents worth – I’m of the OLD school and from experience believe Toyota is best with Nissan a close second for a basic good motor without so many trimmings.

As for manual or automatic if you are a SERIOUS off-roader not just a weekend kinda person go for the manual.

Been there done that and know something!

I have to say I agree that Toyota seems to be the better chioce.

As for manual or auto, well check what kind of auto it is, I know many people now who do competitive off roading and prefer an auto because of the other features that come with it: - Auto free wheel lock, spin sensors, gradient control etc etc. However I feel it is unlikely that the humble Fortuner will have much of this. If you are planning serious off roading, it might be an idea to find out if it has locking diffs front and rear. I know my Mitsubishi only has a rear locking diff.

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I was walking down Ratchada near Soi 20, heading South and looked over at the stopped traffic (it was around 5:30 PM) and THERE WAS MY CAR!

(Actually it was a silver 2.7, regular gasoline/petrol, Fortuner). I'm getting mine in less than three weeks. I couldn't resist. The car was inching up with the traffic and I finally walked parallel to the passengers seat. I looked over and motioned for the driver to roll down the window, which he finally did after quite a bit of cajoling on my part. He was a mid 50ish Professional Thai with a nice suit on. I asked him what he thought about the car, how was the ride in the back row of seats.

He said "there was noise",

Just then traffic moved on so I did not get to ask him to explain what he meant by noise. This is the non-diesel engine so it wasn't engine noise.

Got any ideas? :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got one on the old Sportrider and it's nearly useless. It helped to see the front bumper and left when when parking, but once I got enough experience I never looked at it again. The mirror at the back is far more useful and you don't get thet on Fortuner. Someone mentioned that you can get parking sensors for extra 3000.

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The front mirror on the left wing is useful when you are doing parallal parking because the car is higher than any normal SUV. I got mine fixed with one and its really great. A friend of mine got a Vigo and fixed one that is not original, after seeing mine he said that he would change to the original one.

As for the parking sensor is the norm for the Fortuner.

Mine is the 2.7 auto and the engine is very quite and smooth.

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Hi Phormio,

Nice Car, Just placed an Order yestaerday and will recieve mine in 4 weeks.

Quick question, How usefull / necessary would you say the front mirror (left hand wing) is? Not decided on it as yet.



You're getting the 3.0 DIESEL in only 4 weeks. Normal weight is 5-7 months unless you're out in the provinces. I love the car. It's true that the Diesel is a bit noisier when its cold but after a few minutes of running it quiets down quite a bit. Only complaint that I have is that it I thought the fuel efficiency would be better than it is(the reason we got the Diesel was because it was supposed to get higher kilometers per liter, though I've read recently that the sulphur content of Thai Diesel is 500 ppm which is quite high compared to European standards - but I don't know how important this is in terms of overall environmental impact).



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Hi Phormio,

Nice Car, Just placed an Order yestaerday and will recieve mine in 4 weeks.

Quick question, How usefull / necessary would you say the front mirror (left hand wing) is? Not decided on it as yet.



You're getting the 3.0 DIESEL in only 4 weeks. Normal weight is 5-7 months unless you're out in the provinces. I love the car. It's true that the Diesel is a bit noisier when its cold but after a few minutes of running it quiets down quite a bit. Only complaint that I have is that it I thought the fuel efficiency would be better than it is(the reason we got the Diesel was because it was supposed to get higher kilometers per liter, though I've read recently that the sulphur content of Thai Diesel is 500 ppm which is quite high compared to European standards - but I don't know how important this is in terms of overall environmental impact).




No, I am getting the Petrol engine... I still think i am getting it pretty quick as the waiting list for petrols has jumped alot recently ( luckily i know someone at the showroom ) I am also getting 30,000 baht of extras... not sure if that is a good deal but sounds fine to me...

Now all i have to do is sell my old car!!



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If you’re in Bangkok, and want a 2.7 version, go to Bara Windsor on Rama 4 and they can get within days – that was my experience anyway. To the guy asking is it noisy, not at all. On the inside, when not moving I’ve occasionally wondered whether I’ve turned over the ignition it’s that quiet. On the outside, it’s so quiet the wife regularly arrives in it at the house and I don’t hear the engine at all. Only complaint is it’s a bit thirsty, which wasn’t a problem before the price of fuel went up. Other complaints, are, blind spot when the rear left passenger seat is in the up position. Seriously, I can’t think of any others. Brilliant car.

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[1] Any one tried out the 4x4 yet? Any good? Simple to use? My wife tells me that the Thai handbook recommends that you should put in 4x4 modes every month – think it mentions minimum 16 kms or something like that – but I’ve never had the need or the inclination yet (I also don’t really have any 4x4 conditions around being a city dweller). What do ya reckon?

[2] Anybody found anywhere or anyway of putting a bike rack on the BACK of a fortuner – not really interested in on top. Any company in town can do that – bike rack and bar? What do ya reckon?

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  • 8 months later...
I'm planning on taking possession of a Toyota Fortuner 3.0 Diesel Automatic in August but came across the Isuzu MU-7 and wondered what you guys thought about it. How does the MU-7 compare with the Fortuner?

Anybody out their got an MU-7 ?


Get a BMW Z-5!!!


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I said it on another thread and I'll say it again here because it needs saying, and the same applies to all the roadboats:

"I drove a girlfriend's Fortuner a few times and hated it. Vulgar is the word that comes to mind. The reason I drove is because she found it too cumbersome. I remember parking in a busy carpark and it was a joke trying to get out. Who wants to do a three point turn to get out of their driveway?

Also have you noticed how people in a Fortuner look like they're peering over a wall?

These vehicles are probably fine out on the larger roads, but they still have the problem that plagues America.....they are using much more commodities than are necessary to get a person from A to B.

It is an absolute joke that America is run by oilmen. Why do they put up with it? Most of their problems, and I don't include not being able to spell, could be solved at a stroke if there was a swingeing tax on gasoline to make them downsize. They could stuff Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela and everyone else they would like to keep down, without actually stuffing them. Som num naa to all you who voted for the bloodthirsty swine, the trouble is you som num naa the rest of us too.

Suzuki Vitara is a highly recommended alternative I'd say."

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I said it on another thread and I'll say it again here because it needs saying, and the same applies to all the roadboats:

"I drove a girlfriend's Fortuner a few times and hated it. Vulgar is the word that comes to mind. The reason I drove is because she found it too cumbersome. I remember parking in a busy carpark and it was a joke trying to get out. Who wants to do a three point turn to get out of their driveway?

Also have you noticed how people in a Fortuner look like they're peering over a wall?

These vehicles are probably fine out on the larger roads, but they still have the problem that plagues America.....they are using much more commodities than are necessary to get a person from A to B.

It is an absolute joke that America is run by oilmen. Why do they put up with it? Most of their problems, and I don't include not being able to spell, could be solved at a stroke if there was a swingeing tax on gasoline to make them downsize. They could stuff Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela and everyone else they would like to keep down, without actually stuffing them. Som num naa to all you who voted for the bloodthirsty swine, the trouble is you som num naa the rest of us too.

Suzuki Vitara is a highly recommended alternative I'd say."

A lone voice in the wilderness of Fortuner lovers.

I've been a convinced Fortuner aspirant for quite a while and am slowly reaching the point where a cash release of investments will put me in a postion to place an order.

At the moment I have a 3 litre Petrol Ford Escape - 3 years old, 60k kms, which I have had since new. I have driven this vehicle extensively in BKK, up -countyry and for the last 6 months in Patttaya, where I now live. I have found it an excellent vehicle, as it has quite a bit of oomph on the open road, and accelerating out of trouble, does 140kmp (I wouldn't go faster in Thialand) with ease, and is quite manouverable in confined spaces, small car parking spaces etc, while at the same time enables me to sit above most of the traffic - which I like. The main criticsism is the noise, once I get above 100 kmp its almost impossible to hold a conversation, and have to crank the radio up very high to hear the music.

Give or take... the Fortuner is about the same price as Escape, but is clearly much more vehicle for your money. I've always like the idea of getting one,, but just recently I've got to thinking. Do I really need such a big motor? How many times do I need to transport so many people? Even in the Escape, I've had 3 in the front, five in the back, and another 2 on the floor in the luggage area. OK not ideal, but it doesn't happen very often. Then there's the size of A Fortuner - I know I'm going to have more probelms with parrallel parking etc. To be honest the Escape seems to be the ideal size for my life style.

Now, I don't want another Escape (model's getting a bit old now), and I'm rapidly going off the Fortuner. I want something like the Escape , but more modern and better, for about the same amount of dosh - petrol or diesel, doesn't matter.

Any ideas, comments, opinions?


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With all due respect...why should you use more than your fair share of the oil in the world like they do in America? It is a prime reason it has become more expensive for the rest of us.

I am 6 ft 3 plus. I sit in great comfort in my Vitara. It is much more suited to Thailand's roads, sois, and dirt tracks. Just before Christmas I was almost rolled in a large Isuzu because it was too big for the track between the rice paddies and off it went. The roadboats are designed for America's wide streets.

Actually I feel that the Vitara is bigger inside, because it has a much squarer windscreen which sits much further away from the face....and there is a ton of headroom.

If you have to park in town then you want a car the smae or smaller than the average otherwise you're going to waste all your time parking.

If you are a butcher and need to fill up your car with sausages I apologize.

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h-e-l-l-o ... regarding the mu-7 diesel consumption:

from car enthusiasts I only heard good things about the mu-7.

you guys can rant and roll about it in here, fact is, its a surprising vehicle. but as the escape a quite an old model ...

am driving the cr-v 2002 model - but gasoline consumption is not quite what honda wrote in its brochures ... best I can do overland is 9lt/100kms ... but thats absolutely best ...

can somebody confirm the mu-7's thirst?

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What an old topic... wonder why this was in the Real Estate thread for so long....

I think the technology in the MU-7 is rather out of date, and I've had the displeasure of sitting in the back seat of one for an hour's drive outside of bangkok (and back) and it was mediocre at best... just too bouncy and uncomfortable.

Re: the Fortuner -- yeah yeah it seems like everyone and their mother has good things to say about it, blah blah blah... but the fact of the matter is, literally everyone and their mother, father, cousins, etc. has one... to me it has just become a boring eyesore on the roads of bangkok. Just my opinion, I'm sure it's a great car like everyone says. I'm sure it has the legendary Toyota reliability... and I'm sure the everyday application of the car on the streets of bangkok is enough, but I assure you the Fortuner is not truely off-road capable. Not in the enthusiast's sense of the term... and the tiny window/door frame ratio is ridiculous...

That said, I'd have to choose the Fortuner over the MU-7 if I had to make the choice between the two. If not, I'd choose neither... In the words of an author of a Motoring column in the Bangkok Post, "Fortuner: poor man's Discovery." Yeah I'm sure you millionairs out there swear by your Fortuners, and to that I say to each his own.

Fortuner = zzzzzzzzzz (but it's reliable!) zzzzzzzzzzzz

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Fortuner doesn't have any competitors in its class apart from MU7 and so Fortuner has had an almost two-year single horse race. New Mitsu based on Triton is not out yet, and so is new Ford Everest. Nissan hasn't even introduced its new pickups. When they are all out the segment will be a lot more interesting.

Don't compare those PPVs (pickup passenger vehicle) to Escape, Tribute, CRV, or Xtrail - they are little five seaters with gasoline engines, and all are about to be replaced very soon by completely new models. New CRV sound like the best alternative to aging Escape, btw.

Fortuner's only competitors are Korean imports like Stavic that cost a lot more, and perhaps Wish and Odissey - they have the same seating capacity.

Lots of pickups are actually longer than Fortuner so size is not a unique problem, though parking Yaris or Jazz is of course easier.

Very few people, if any at all, buy Fortuners to go offroad.

Poor man's Disco is what it is, though what exactly is poor here? People splashing 200,000 US dollars on Discovery as a vehicle exercise poor judgement. They behave like they are buying buy a toy, not actually a car to go from point A to B.

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Fortuner doesn't have any competitors in its class apart from MU7 and so Fortuner has had an almost two-year single horse race. New Mitsu based on Triton is not out yet, and so is new Ford Everest. Nissan hasn't even introduced its new pickups. When they are all out the segment will be a lot more interesting.

Don't compare those PPVs (pickup passenger vehicle) to Escape, Tribute, CRV, or Xtrail - they are little five seaters with gasoline engines, and all are about to be replaced very soon by completely new models. New CRV sound like the best alternative to aging Escape, btw.

Fortuner's only competitors are Korean imports like Stavic that cost a lot more, and perhaps Wish and Odissey - they have the same seating capacity.

Lots of pickups are actually longer than Fortuner so size is not a unique problem, though parking Yaris or Jazz is of course easier.

Very few people, if any at all, buy Fortuners to go offroad.

Poor man's Disco is what it is, though what exactly is poor here? People splashing 200,000 US dollars on Discovery as a vehicle exercise poor judgement. They behave like they are buying buy a toy, not actually a car to go from point A to B.

Is that what a new Disco is in LOS??? :D

I've got a Discovery 2 in the UK, great car, but not as many "bits" as other makes...the new one is better and supposed to be one hel_l of a motor...

Even in the UK a new one is about £45k with all the extras...But for $200,000...I think I'd rather by a Fortuner and a Condo... :o

Oh well...maybe next year... :D

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Top model Disco cost 6.5 mil baht, just a bit short of 200,000 USD. Rangerover Sport maxes out at 9.5 mil, I think - way over 300,000 USD.

Freelanders are cheap - you can have one for under 3 mil - for about 70,000 USD.

These prices are outrageous.

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Heard that the Thai Govt has imposed new sulfur limits in Diesel fuel equivalent to the US standard(15 ppm) . This is a 97% improvement over the old Thai standard of 500ppm. Don't know when this is actually going to be imposed at the pump . When is it going to be the case that any diesel purchased in Bangkok/Thailand will be up to the 15ppm standard? Anybody know ? :o

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Top model Disco cost 6.5 mil baht, just a bit short of 200,000 USD. Rangerover Sport maxes out at 9.5 mil, I think - way over 300,000 USD.

Freelanders are cheap - you can have one for under 3 mil - for about 70,000 USD.

These prices are outrageous.

Definitely take the condo... :o

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