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Banned Thailand Ad Should Be Seen On Tv


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I can't imagine why for one second anyone would feel the need to ban that.

Whether or not anyone feels moved by it, I really can't see why anything in it should be an issue.

And it asks a lot of questions that society should be asking of itself. Now that is something new.

I think it needs to be expunged from the airwaves but I'm waiting for 'page 2' to occur on this thread before I give my reasons.

Feel free. There isn't a time limit.

And I forgot mention, I won't be offended and will allow you to express your opinion.

Thanks Thai at Heart. :)

Here goes. I think that you will be underwhelmed as you have already partly said what I am saying below:

I think that the clip does nothing but use guilt (a close friend of 'fear') in an attempt to catalise some sort of positive change. The funny thing is that anything, which is done as a result of fear (guilt in this case), is ultimately untrue (not from the heart).

If something is going to be banned for the benefit of Thailand, I suggest getting rid of 80% of the idiot soaps on television. This action would not be deemed as censorship but simply deleting complete & utter rubbish. It will also save on electricity.

I also suggest that corruption be banned. And while we're at it, ban the military from having any say in political matters & ban religion from being taught at schools.

Oh yes, censorship needs to be banned...any & every form of it.

Do Thais really love their country? Perhaps the amount of litter could be but one indicator?

Edited by elkangorito
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Thanks Thai at Heart. :)

Here goes. I think that you will be underwhelmed as you have already partly said what I am saying below:

I think that the clip does nothing but use guilt (a close friend of 'fear') in an attempt to catalise some sort of positive change. The funny thing is that anything, which is done as a result of fear (guilt in this case), is ultimately untrue (to the heart).

If something is going to be banned for the benefit of Thailand, I suggest getting rid of 80% of the idiot soaps on television. This action would not be deemed as censorship but simply deleting complete & utter rubbish. It will also save on electricity.

I also suggest that corruption be banned. And while we're at it, ban the military from having any say in political matters & ban religion from being taught at schools.

Oh yes, censorship needs to be banned...any & every form of it.

Do Thais really love their country? Perhaps the amount of litter could be but one indicator?

As to whether it twangs the guilt strings, this is a very powerful tool in Thailand, since Thainess means for many an unquestionable "love" for the country, irrespective of its amazingly obvious faults. Unfortunately, this feeling of love, rarely translates to action.

I can't speak for all Thai people of course, but it is taught very early on that they must love their country. Unfortunately, this also extends often to not openly criticizing it or being fearful of anything that could change it, but that is another subject.

As for soap operas, just like junk food, they should be consumed in moderation, or as many think, not at all.

On every channel, for hours on end every day is patently not a healthy diet of TV.

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As to whether it twangs the guilt strings, this is a very powerful tool in Thailand, since Thainess means for many an unquestionable "love" for the country, irrespective of its amazingly obvious faults.

It's actually an extremely powerful tool, used by religions & governments throughout the globe for centuries.

Give me a 'programmed' & ignorant mass of people & I could easily control them, as could you or anybody else who understands the power of 'fear'.

Sad but true. :(

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It is banned because it show a gun shooting people.

It has nothing to do with who is shooting who.

The law just say violence (like a gun shooting at people) must not be show before 11pm at night.

Just like you don't see beer ads before that time.

I think such rules also apply to most countries, even in the west.

So nothing wrong with this ban. So I support this ban.

So, shooting them is fine, but showing it before 11 is in bad taste?

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As to whether it twangs the guilt strings, this is a very powerful tool in Thailand, since Thainess means for many an unquestionable "love" for the country, irrespective of its amazingly obvious faults.

It's actually an extremely powerful tool, used by religions & governments throughout the globe for centuries.

Give me a 'programmed' & ignorant mass of people & I could easily control them, as could you or anybody else who understands the power of 'fear'.

Sad but true. :(

In that case, maybe a lot of Thai people aren't quite that scared anymore?

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It is banned because it show a gun shooting people.

It has nothing to do with who is shooting who.

The law just say violence (like a gun shooting at people) must not be show before 11pm at night.

Just like you don't see beer ads before that time.

I think such rules also apply to most countries, even in the west.

So nothing wrong with this ban. So I support this ban.

So, shooting them is fine, but showing it before 11 is in bad taste?

I suppose you mean "shooting the movie", and NOT "shooting innocent people".

Yes, "shooting" the movie is fine.

"Shooting the innocent people"? That depends.

If the solider were just carrying orders to shoot at anything that moves, then that is fine. An order is an order.

If the solider were ordered to shooting only buffalo, but instead when to shoot people, then is in not fine; and they should have the eye sight checked.

Having said that, if they can hit Seh Daend from a kilometer away, the soliders must have a pretty good eyesight.

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As to whether it twangs the guilt strings, this is a very powerful tool in Thailand, since Thainess means for many an unquestionable "love" for the country, irrespective of its amazingly obvious faults.

It's actually an extremely powerful tool, used by religions & governments throughout the globe for centuries.

Give me a 'programmed' & ignorant mass of people & I could easily control them, as could you or anybody else who understands the power of 'fear'.

How is reflecting upon one actions and then feeling guilty a negative thing? To err is human but isn't repeating mistakes, without question, true "ignorance"?

Whilst this video is obviously not a complete or long term solution, what would you suggest to wake the masses up from the self serving propaganda of both sides?

Compared to letting 'hatred' run unabated throughout the country, isn't using 'guilt' a small price to pay in an attempt to unite the country to prevent the possibility of civil war?

To see video, try searching on: ขอโทษ ประเทศไทย

If providing a suggestion for common Thai words is against Thai law and/or Thaivisa moderation policy then please delete.

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It's actually an extremely powerful tool, used by religions & governments throughout the globe for centuries.

Give me a 'programmed' & ignorant mass of people & I could easily control them, as could you or anybody else who understands the power of 'fear'.

How is reflecting upon one actions and then feeling guilty a negative thing? To err is human but isn't repeating mistakes, without question, true "ignorance"?

Whilst this video is obviously not a complete or long term solution, what would you suggest to wake the masses up from the self serving propaganda of both sides?

Compared to letting 'hatred' run unabated throughout the country, isn't using 'guilt' a small price to pay in an attempt to unite the country to prevent the possibility of civil war?

To see video, try searching on: ขอโทษ ประเทศไทย

If providing a suggestion for common Thai words is against Thai law and/or Thaivisa moderation policy then please delete.

Two 'wrongs' do not make a 'right'.

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I suppose you mean "shooting the movie", and NOT "shooting innocent people".

Yes, "shooting" the movie is fine.

"Shooting the innocent people"? That depends.

If the solider were just carrying orders to shoot at anything that moves, then that is fine. An order is an order.

If the solider were ordered to shooting only buffalo, but instead when to shoot people, then is in not fine; and they should have the eye sight checked.

Having said that, if they can hit Seh Daend from a kilometer away, the soliders must have a pretty good eyesight.

I suggest you acquaint yourself with Stanley Milgram:


At the end of the clips (about 44 mins), Stanley Milgram makes the following statement:

The results, as I observed them in a laboratory, are disturbing. They raise the possibility that human nature cannot be counted on to insulate man from brutality & inhumane treatment from a molevolent authority. A substantial proportion of people do what they are told to do, irrespective of the content of the act & without limitations of conscience, so long as they perceive that the command comes from a legitimate authority. If in this study, an anonymous experimenter could successfully command adults to subdue a fifty year old man & force on him painful electric shocks against his protests, one can only wonder what government with its vastly greater authority & prestige, can command of its subjects.

It appears that the video is no longer available. :angry: Nonetheless, articles can be found in regard to his amazing experiment.

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It's actually an extremely powerful tool, used by religions & governments throughout the globe for centuries.

Give me a 'programmed' & ignorant mass of people & I could easily control them, as could you or anybody else who understands the power of 'fear'.

How is reflecting upon one actions and then feeling guilty a negative thing? To err is human but isn't repeating mistakes, without question, true "ignorance"?

Whilst this video is obviously not a complete or long term solution, what would you suggest to wake the masses up from the self serving propaganda of both sides?

Compared to letting 'hatred' run unabated throughout the country, isn't using 'guilt' a small price to pay in an attempt to unite the country to prevent the possibility of civil war?

To see video, try searching on: ขอโทษ ประเทศไทย

If providing a suggestion for common Thai words is against Thai law and/or Thaivisa moderation policy then please delete.

Two 'wrongs' do not make a 'right'.

That's fine for a simplistic philosophical online debate, but what suggestions do you have that could possibly impact on the real world?

Is listing a set of idealistic demands which you may struggle to implement in a decade going to diffuse the current political situation?

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Two 'wrongs' do not make a 'right'.

That's fine for a simplistic philosophical online debate, but what suggestions do you have that could possibly impact on the real world?

Is listing a set of idealistic demands which you may struggle to implement in a decade going to diffuse the current political situation?

If you felt compelled to do something as a result of feeling guilty, can you honestly tell me that you are doing so truthfully or because you fear reprisals? Which one is it?

Also, here is a very good clip that gives a brief (& very good) glimpse of the Milgram experiment, of which I have the full original 1961 clip:

More info on the amazing experiment by Milgram here:


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Censorship panel should review decision on banned ad: PM

Censorship committee should revise its decision to ban the television commercial entitled "Kor Thod... Pra Thet Thai" (Apologise...Thailand) from free television, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Monday.

Abhisit said he had seen the commercial on the Internet for some time but did not see the reasons to ban it from free TV.


-- The Nation 2010-07-20

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Well seems that people really don't want to agree wholeheartedly with certain aspects of the pooyai censorship board.

Seems they don't appear to quite understand what is best for the little people.

I wonder if they will all resign em masse in a hissy fit for having their decisions questioned?

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Govt plays no part in removing "Sorry Thailand" TV ad

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Government is not involved in the decision of the Thai Censorship Board to ban “Khothod Prathet Thai” (Sorry Thailand) television advertisement, confirms Prime Minister’s Office Minister Ongart Klampaiboon.

According to Mr Ongart, the Thai Censorship Board is now pondering whether the advertisement should be aired on free television or not. He said feedbacks from the society would be used in the consideration as well.

The board is considering if any parts of the controversial advertisement should be cut or changed. Many sides have been criticizing that the advertisement could lead to further division and abhorrence in the society.

The Minister then dismissed any involvement of the Government in making decision on the issue. He voiced his confidence that the final result would bring the best exit for all sides while expressing a belief that the producers had created the advertisement out of their good intention for national benefits.

The Thai Censorship Board, consisting of representatives from four television stations, including Channels 3, 5, 7, and 9, has recently resolved to ban “Khothod Prathet Thai” (Sorry Thailand) television advertisement; nonetheless, the advertisement is well received in the online society.


-- NNT 2010-07-20 footer_n.gif

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I saw the clip in Youtube, and I agree 100% that it should be banned.

Unless it remove the scenes:

1. The PAD airport protest

2. The soldiers shooting innocent people.

Because it might led Thai people to believe that it really happened.

Then it is OK to air.

I like your answer .

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To see video, try searching on: ขอโทษ ประเทศไทย

Thanks for that. It was great to watch - even if it did make me extremely sad for Thailand.

I watched it with my (Thai) missus, and we both thought it would be a great thing to air on Thai TV - just helping to begin the healing and getting people to think, with no apportioning of blame...

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I've just seen the ad on you tube and have to say I think it's a clever movie.

It should certainly not be banned from television. Yes I know you see violence in the film but we also see that in the mainstream movies so that may certainly be no reason not to broadcast this(after 20:00). Anyway it's easy to find on the internet so now I hope that a lot of people wil see it and maybe they do something good with this message.

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