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Orange Light Sightings In Bangkok


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When I was a kid growing up we were waiting for fireworks to start in my hometown. Thousands of people were out and an orange ball started hovering about 45 degrees off the horizon. Everyone saw it, and when the fireworks started, it appeared to be trying to dodge the rockets. It was orange in color and would seem to change shape as well as move around. Once the fireworks ended, the clouds parted and there was a bright half moon up in the sky. It still amazes me how it looked orange and move around. Up until then, everyone was convinced it was a UFO. I just checked the moon history and I am pretty sure a moon with 62% illumination would have been visible to you on the 19th of July in Bangkok. The most simple explanation is usually the correct one, so check that out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To the OP, In 2000, I witnessed something very similar.

Perhaps 20 kilometers away, in the East, moving toward the SW.

It moved fast, faster than a F-16 at Mach 2,

but it instantly stopped and restarted several times during flight.

I had binoculars and "braced" myself on the car.

Seemed it was doing vertical movements along it's flight path...

but I wrote those off as being possible "thermal convergence".

At the end it was due South.

It shot up directly vertical at a very high rate of speed, and disappeared.

The object had a florescent orange pulsating glow.

It was in the BKK post the next day, alluded to be a hologram practice by the US.

Yeah right, so much BS.

I've tried for years to find this on-line from Bkk Post, no luck.

This is not the 1'st time I've witnessed such, actually it is the 5'th...

I've seen discs, orbs, triangles and cigar shaped objects since 1970,

but the very first sighting really did it for me...

The year is October 1970.

I am 13 years old, in the 6'th grade.

I've watched the NASA Apollo moon missions.

The Vietnam war is on the tv nightly news, and I love to watch Star Trek.

I live in North Georgia USA.

The sky is a deep blue, not a cloud to be seen.

The weather is crisp and cool.

It is 4:00 pm, I and my brothers are home from school.

It is football season (American football) and we are on the team.

We go into the back yard to practice throwing, kicking and catching.

I kicked it to him, while looking up and following it's arc I saw them.

There were 7 circular disks, glowing like silver (or mercury) in a V pattern...

(think of ducks or geese migrating).

I am facing North, they were facing East, and just sitting there stationary.

I shouted to my brother (whom had just caught my football kick), LOOK AT THAT!!!

He came running over and stood next to me (he is 1 year younger than I).

There they sat, stationary for another few seconds THEN,

they broke formation, and each every one canvassed the sky independently,

within a elliptical spheroid (think of a egg shape area, laying on it's side).

Seems that spheroid was "cut in half" for them...

that is to say 3 are Left and 3 are Right, one staying mostly in the center.

They were doing impossible things...

full speed from a dead stop,

well they transgressed 25+ miles in 1/2 the blink of an eye,

then doing impossible angles while moving.

Impossible angles are "Right", "Obtuse" and "Reflex".

They moved so fast they left "trails".

Want to see a "trail", take a lit cigarette into a very dark room then

get the end coal hot,

at arms length move it left/right up/down across your viewing plane.

You will see the "trail".

It is an optical illusion of sorts,

the human eye/brain cannot process the info fast enough.

I did the math (over the next 3 years)...

- my angle of view horizon East-West is 140 degrees

- my angle of view (to them) horizon-to-vertical is 60 degrees

- estimated height to objects (stationary) 10K feet (3100 meters)

- estimated size of objects is about 200 feet <a Boeing L1011

- estimated speed (from geometry and Trig =

well they moved 5,400 meters ( 17,000 feet ) within .5 second,

(I do not have an accurate distance to the objects)

19K~30K KPH (12K~20K MPH)

This is meteorite speed

Remember, they were also doing impossible angles "at this speed".

There was no noise, no sonic booms, no heat trails, no engine noise.

There is Nothing any country had (1970), or currently has (2010), that can do this.

What about the G forces involved in such acceleration and turns?

As to -Steven Spielberg's

-"Close Encounters of the III Kind"

-"Star Wars" and such movies and other tv series...

they are years in the future and,

if one watches these movie note that those "UFO's" have a "Flight Envelope".

They mimic terrestrial aircraft.

They do not move in angles.

No ufo I have ever seen does that, they move in instant angular moves.

Every country in the world has had sightings, including Thailand.

Some have been debunked, some withstand the test of time.

They can enter the most restricted of airspace's at will, with impunity such as

Military bases, nuk reactor sites, Capitols of major cities.

They can easily outrun (or run circles around) any modern fighter jet or missile

They can disappear at will

They have no audible sonic boom

They can do impossible angle turns at impossible speeds

These craft can and do the above, I expect they would likely have weapons.

Yet there is no reports of any aircraft ever being fired upon.

Seems the ufo looks around and runs away.

There is not one human upon the face of the earth

whom can convince me these are of our making. Not one.

As to skeptics, one just has to see it for ones-self, up close and personal.

One can not just tell another and expect belief.

I have no experience with:

- crop circles

- cattle mutilation

- alien abduction(s)

- crashed ufo's

While I have an opinion of these items, I do not wish to share it.

And then there are the fakes on pictures, film and video.

Concerning UFO's in Thailand...

Here is the Surin Thailand ufo...

(link xxxx://xxx.youtube.com/watch?v=k1--ynbRIG0)

Here is a older Tv thread...

And one can Google "UFO Thailand" for more.


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....is it ThaiVisa accessible from the space?

Why I'm sure it is.

Did you not see the movie "contact"?

All electrical radiations from the Earth move out ward.

Umm, did you forget SatComms 'tween countries?

If a (ET)can have a ship capable of what I've seen...

which is far beyond our capabilities,

does it not stand to reason that they can "hear" us?

But who really knows?

Not I, that's for sure.

Pure speculation on my part.

By the way, have you never heard of "Echlon" (SIGINT)

If not then educate thyself.

If we can do it so can they, whatever "they" may be.

Edited by howto
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Apologies if I was "Glib" in my last reply.

In the early 1980's I was a comp-tek for a subcontractor to

Naval air base/Lockheed whom was developing the

Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter.

That building was huge,

at least 4 acres and 4 floors full of engineers.

The entire building was in a Faraday Cage (google it).

No EM gets out.

Was a real pain to get into the building.

Four security check points, bag scan,

then escorted by two huge marines? each with double sidearms.

Yes, the (all) military knows about em emissions.

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Oh yeah, BTY I did not mention...

- multiverse (intra-dimensional) travel

- time travel

- worm hole travel

But for a good git on "a certain aspect" of these aspects google...

"John Titor".

But of course do independently research these,

- multiverse (multi-dimensional) travel

- time travel

- worm hole travel

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OP, please ask a mod to move this thread

FROM "Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life"

TO "General Topics".

There are quite a number whom would reply with their experience.

Plus we can catch some trolls.


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OP, please ask a mod to move this thread

FROM "Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life"

TO "General Topics".

There are quite a number whom would reply with their experience.

Plus we can catch some trolls.


First of all regarding the full moon on the 19th, this wasn't the moon moving across the sky all bright orange and glowing. To the last poster, I thought about putting it in the Bangkok Forum but pretty sure it would have just got shoved into the Pub given the nature of the subject.

To Alex, an un-related development ( I think) that may interest you.

During the time of my / wife's sighting, I was told (after the fact) that my mother was seriously ill and was in and out of ICU back home. I found out that she eventually passed away on the 24th of July - 10 days after my sighting. Like I mentioned a bit earlier - I like facts / absolutes but not sure it there is any connection to both events. Who really knows. :unsure:

Edited by bkkjames
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