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Divorce / Break Up Marriage Question


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are you a troll, ? you want to get married then get divorce!!!! think what you are saying !!!!! and why should marrying a thai be any diffrent from marring a girl from the uk, i think you should bloody wake up, <snip>

Edited by soundman
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are you a troll, ? you want to get married then get divorce!!!! think what you are saying !!!!! and why should marrying a thai be any diffrent from marring a girl from the uk, i think you should bloody wake up, <snip>

Having a bad day?

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.according to Thai law everthing owned by the partners before marriage will not be divided up.YOUR MONEY IS SAFE.A bit of advice:do not marry yet.


Not true She has an Aussie passport she can divorce there even if you marry here.

If you have lived with her for 2 years she can get the same as if she was married in the Family Court Australia.

Kiss your money goodbye.

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If you get married or are in a defacto marriage.

1. Do not have any assets in joint names.

2. Do not have any bank accounts in joint names.

3. Utilities accounts in one name.

4. Rental agreements in one name.

5. Any morgage agreement in one name.

There are many women that marry for one reason only - for money and assets.

Beware of the woman that always talks about money.

There was a Chinese lady who wrote a book "White Swans" and in it she stated "When you plan to marry you should think of divorce"

If you decide then legal marriage in Thailand is the preferable way to go.

Any remember that word TRUST.

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are you a troll, ? you want to get married then get divorce!!!! think what you are saying !!!!! and why should marrying a Thai be any different from marring a girl from the UK, i think you should bloody wake up, <snip>

Good grief.. you are a bit tough!!

Anyone anywhere who is making the most important decision (both personally anf financially) of his life and does not consider this is a fool. I would guess that if he was marrying a lass in his homeland he would not need to ask this question .. as he would be pretty aware of the rules.

The question is likely motivated more by where he is marrying (under Thai law) rather than the nationality of his bride.

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OP is already suspicious or paranoid. My advice is.... RUN cool.gif

Prenupital agreements will hold. I suggest you do that and check laws on both shores then go with your decision.

I did a post nuptial in the US; had it drawn up by a Thai lawyer and it's valid on both shores. He did it (translation and review) for about a hundred dollars. Ignore the nasty comments; some forums aren't very friendly so you'll have to wade through until you see a helpful reply.

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