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Which Visa Company

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Guidance is on the UK/VAC site either do the application yourself or employ professional help.

Mr ThaiVisaExpress

If you dont want to help people on the forum then you dont need to comment , leave it alone and stop using it if your of that opinion , ankwa was only asking a question and thats what these forums are for !

A little bit harsh there Raven don't you think,

TVE actually helps many people on this forum, and so do I. In fact we both get PM constantly and we are more than happy to offer some advice - free of charge. Read back through his respective post and you will see just how much professional advice he had given the past.

Anyway, have a good weekend all.


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Guidance is on the UK/VAC site either do the application yourself or employ professional help.

Mr ThaiVisaExpress

If you dont want to help people on the forum then you dont need to comment , leave it alone and stop using it if your of that opinion , ankwa was only asking a question and thats what these forums are for !

A little bit harsh there Raven don't you think,

TVE actually helps many people on this forum, and so do I. In fact we both get PM constantly and we are more than happy to offer some advice - free of charge. Read back through his respective post and you will see just how much professional advice he had given the past.

Anyway, have a good weekend all.


Do you think so , ok maybe i was a little , i have a tendancy to react to things quickly so i apologise for any offence caused , sorry


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Guidance is on the UK/VAC site either do the application yourself or employ professional help.

Mr ThaiVisaExpress

If you dont want to help people on the forum then you dont need to comment , leave it alone and stop using it if your of that opinion , ankwa was only asking a question and thats what these forums are for !

A little bit harsh there Raven don't you think,

TVE actually helps many people on this forum, and so do I. In fact we both get PM constantly and we are more than happy to offer some advice - free of charge. Read back through his respective post and you will see just how much professional advice he had given the past.

Anyway, have a good weekend all.


Do you think so , ok maybe i was a little , i have a tendancy to react to things quickly so i apologise for any offence caused , sorry


Hi Raven, no need to apologise at all. This forum is all about expressing ones opinion. I don't necessarily agree a 100% what other people have to say, and likewise some people don't agree with what I have to say.

Anyway have a great weekend mate.


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To add to all the aforementioned, and specifically to Mercury and Bridge, there are companies that publish, and stick by, a pre-arranged fee for visa applications. I know because I work for one that does. You are right not to tar all companies with the same brush. I have never actually understood why some companies do not publish their fees. Why not ? Are they billing by the hour like lawyers ?

I would agree with many of the comments made. It is possible to do the whole application without the help of a visa agency. Some applicants, however, maybe having had one or two previous refusals, do not feel confident in making any future application and do not want to waste another application fee. In such cases an agent may be able to assist.

If you want full transparency from an agent, and you want to know their fees in advance ( and we don't do the "novisa, no fee" thing) then search the internet for visa companies, either in Bangkok or Pattaya or wherever, and check if there is a price list on the company's website. There is a price list on our website. Forum rules don't allow me to give any further information about our agency.

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To add to all the aforementioned, and specifically to Mercury and Bridge, there are companies that publish, and stick by, a pre-arranged fee for visa applications. I know because I work for one that does. You are right not to tar all companies with the same brush. I have never actually understood why some companies do not publish their fees. Why not ? Are they billing by the hour like lawyers ?

I would agree with many of the comments made. It is possible to do the whole application without the help of a visa agency. Some applicants, however, maybe having had one or two previous refusals, do not feel confident in making any future application and do not want to waste another application fee. In such cases an agent may be able to assist.

If you want full transparency from an agent, and you want to know their fees in advance ( and we don't do the "novisa, no fee" thing) then search the internet for visa companies, either in Bangkok or Pattaya or wherever, and check if there is a price list on the company's website. There is a price list on our website. Forum rules don't allow me to give any further information about our agency.

So what you are saying Tee2008 is that a company that publishes their 'price list' on their website is more transparent than one that does a personal assessment of the applicants entire circumstances and then provides them with a written quote of all costs involved, so that that person can then make an informed decision on whether they want to engage that agents services or not.

Quick question for you Tee2008, you say that your company publishes their fees on their website. So if a would be partner visa applicant came into your office after seeing your fees, as displayed on your website, would the fees still be the same if the applicant then informed you that it is in fact a combined application including two secondary applicants (the applicants two children), and that one has serious health issues (which you assess as not satisfying the health criteria). Fees still the same Tee2008?

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To add to all the aforementioned, and specifically to Mercury and Bridge, there are companies that publish, and stick by, a pre-arranged fee for visa applications. I know because I work for one that does. You are right not to tar all companies with the same brush. I have never actually understood why some companies do not publish their fees. Why not ? Are they billing by the hour like lawyers ?

I would agree with many of the comments made. It is possible to do the whole application without the help of a visa agency. Some applicants, however, maybe having had one or two previous refusals, do not feel confident in making any future application and do not want to waste another application fee. In such cases an agent may be able to assist.

If you want full transparency from an agent, and you want to know their fees in advance ( and we don't do the "novisa, no fee" thing) then search the internet for visa companies, either in Bangkok or Pattaya or wherever, and check if there is a price list on the company's website. There is a price list on our website. Forum rules don't allow me to give any further information about our agency.

So what you are saying Tee2008 is that a company that publishes their 'price list' on their website is more transparent than one that does a personal assessment of the applicants entire circumstances and then provides them with a written quote of all costs involved, so that that person can then make an informed decision on whether they want to engage that agents services or not.

Quick question for you Tee2008, you say that your company publishes their fees on their website. So if a would be partner visa applicant came into your office after seeing your fees, as displayed on your website, would the fees still be the same if the applicant then informed you that it is in fact a combined application including two secondary applicants (the applicants two children), and that one has serious health issues (which you assess as not satisfying the health criteria). Fees still the same Tee2008?

Is that what I said, Bridge ? I don't think so. You appear to be very defensive of your system of " assessing" the applicant's circumstances. Publishing fees is certainly more transparent than not publishing them, or not giving the cost until you have "assessed the applicant's entire circumstances". We do a personal assessment free of charge and then give an "informed decision". The applicant can then make a decision on whether they wish to go ahead or not. The difference is that they already know the cost. We don't assess their " circumstances" and then decide on the cost., which is what you appear to be saying.

Quick answer to your quick question - that answer is yes, the fee is already quoted and we do not change it. That is called transparency. If you think that to charge more would be right then I suspect that your basic fees already have some hidden element to take this into account. How about telling us all what it costs at your agency for a simple basic visit visa application to the UK, or do you have to " asess " the applicant's and maybe the sponsor's "circumstances" first ?

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To add to all the aforementioned, and specifically to Mercury and Bridge, there are companies that publish, and stick by, a pre-arranged fee for visa applications. I know because I work for one that does. You are right not to tar all companies with the same brush. I have never actually understood why some companies do not publish their fees. Why not ? Are they billing by the hour like lawyers ?

I would agree with many of the comments made. It is possible to do the whole application without the help of a visa agency. Some applicants, however, maybe having had one or two previous refusals, do not feel confident in making any future application and do not want to waste another application fee. In such cases an agent may be able to assist.

If you want full transparency from an agent, and you want to know their fees in advance ( and we don't do the "novisa, no fee" thing) then search the internet for visa companies, either in Bangkok or Pattaya or wherever, and check if there is a price list on the company's website. There is a price list on our website. Forum rules don't allow me to give any further information about our agency.

So what you are saying Tee2008 is that a company that publishes their 'price list' on their website is more transparent than one that does a personal assessment of the applicants entire circumstances and then provides them with a written quote of all costs involved, so that that person can then make an informed decision on whether they want to engage that agents services or not.

Quick question for you Tee2008, you say that your company publishes their fees on their website. So if a would be partner visa applicant came into your office after seeing your fees, as displayed on your website, would the fees still be the same if the applicant then informed you that it is in fact a combined application including two secondary applicants (the applicants two children), and that one has serious health issues (which you assess as not satisfying the health criteria). Fees still the same Tee2008?

Is that what I said, Bridge ? I don't think so. You appear to be very defensive of your system of " assessing" the applicant's circumstances. Publishing fees is certainly more transparent than not publishing them, or not giving the cost until you have "assessed the applicant's entire circumstances". We do a personal assessment free of charge and then give an "informed decision". The applicant can then make a decision on whether they wish to go ahead or not. The difference is that they already know the cost. We don't assess their " circumstances" and then decide on the cost., which is what you appear to be saying.

Quick answer to your quick question - that answer is yes, the fee is already quoted and we do not change it. That is called transparency. If you think that to charge more would be right then I suspect that your basic fees already have some hidden element to take this into account. How about telling us all what it costs at your agency for a simple basic visit visa application to the UK, or do you have to " asess " the applicant's and maybe the sponsor's "circumstances" first ?

I don't publish my fees as not every visa application is the same. Fees are determined after a proper assessment of the applicant(s) personal circumstances and after taking into consideration any specific difficulties or complexities of a particular case. With regards to UK applications, I don't do them.

At the end of the day if the potential client doesn't want to engage my services that is entirely their decision. I also advise any potential clients to do their due diligence, shop around, see what other agents are offering, and always ask what experience/qualifications the agent offering the advice has.


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As someone who knows both 'Bridge' and 'Mr Thai Visa' personally, I can attest that the service and advice they provide is 100% professional, and priced extremly well given the amount of work these guys both do for their clients.

Neither of them advise people to not to do the visa themselves... In fact, as Bridge keeps stating, he advises you to do your due diligence, and if the service he offers appeals to you, use him. If not, use someone else or do it yourself. And did you not read Mr. Thai Visa's post some comments ago, Tee2008?

Guidance is on the UK/VAC site either do the application yourself or employ professional help.

"Do the application yourself..." OR, "...employ professional help".

Up to you.

Given that a certain percentage of people do do the visa themselves, it stands to reason that those who don't are the ones who are not able to do all the paperwork and gather all the documenation evidence that is required. And some have previous refusals having tried to do it themselves and failed...

... Perhaps suggesting that in their cases their applications are not the 'straight-forward' kind...?

Meaning more paperwork, more time, more effort.

You may have a bee in your bonnet about the price they charge... Personally, I don't like the amount of money that SEO guys charge... My resulting behaviour is that I no longer used them, and I have learnt how to SEO my websites myself. I don't get on my barstool and start whining about it...

It's a lot more work, it's a lot of time and effort... and at times it simply doesn't work because I'm not as good as him. That's probably because he spent years and years of study on his subject...

Just like Bridge and Mr.Thai Visa - who went through uni, got qualifications in law, probably had to do more study, and then have to pay for legal insurance and registration and all that other stuff that probably runs into thousands of dollars. As a result of all that training their knowledge of the legal requirements is second to none... Why should they then turn around and offer their services for nowt? They are not a charity!

The question is... do you want to fill in your visa application based on bar-stool advice?

Just like my SEO guy they can charge for their services... and I, as the consumer, am free to go with them or somewhere else....

I could get my SEO done by a 19 yr old kid charging $2 an hour from the Phillipines. It's called choice.

Personally I think both are totally transparent, AND they both offer a great deal of free advice, given that they are NOT A FREE INFORMATION SERVICE!

Tee 2008, do you find free advice given by doctors on the net...? Would you find a pilot on a forum telling you how to fly the plane yourself so that you didn't have to pay for the ticket? :giggle:

Bridge, Thai Visa Express, save your time and energy by not even biting back at this jerk and instead just post up responses (as you do) to people who have genuine enquires... transparent... LOL LOL LOL :cheesy:

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To add to all the aforementioned, and specifically to Mercury and Bridge, there are companies that publish, and stick by, a pre-arranged fee for visa applications. I know because I work for one that does. You are right not to tar all companies with the same brush. I have never actually understood why some companies do not publish their fees. Why not ? Are they billing by the hour like lawyers ?

I would agree with many of the comments made. It is possible to do the whole application without the help of a visa agency. Some applicants, however, maybe having had one or two previous refusals, do not feel confident in making any future application and do not want to waste another application fee. In such cases an agent may be able to assist.

If you want full transparency from an agent, and you want to know their fees in advance ( and we don't do the "novisa, no fee" thing) then search the internet for visa companies, either in Bangkok or Pattaya or wherever, and check if there is a price list on the company's website. There is a price list on our website. Forum rules don't allow me to give any further information about our agency.

So what you are saying Tee2008 is that a company that publishes their 'price list' on their website is more transparent than one that does a personal assessment of the applicants entire circumstances and then provides them with a written quote of all costs involved, so that that person can then make an informed decision on whether they want to engage that agents services or not.

Quick question for you Tee2008, you say that your company publishes their fees on their website. So if a would be partner visa applicant came into your office after seeing your fees, as displayed on your website, would the fees still be the same if the applicant then informed you that it is in fact a combined application including two secondary applicants (the applicants two children), and that one has serious health issues (which you assess as not satisfying the health criteria). Fees still the same Tee2008?

Is that what I said, Bridge ? I don't think so. You appear to be very defensive of your system of " assessing" the applicant's circumstances. Publishing fees is certainly more transparent than not publishing them, or not giving the cost until you have "assessed the applicant's entire circumstances". We do a personal assessment free of charge and then give an "informed decision". The applicant can then make a decision on whether they wish to go ahead or not. The difference is that they already know the cost. We don't assess their " circumstances" and then decide on the cost., which is what you appear to be saying.

Quick answer to your quick question - that answer is yes, the fee is already quoted and we do not change it. That is called transparency. If you think that to charge more would be right then I suspect that your basic fees already have some hidden element to take this into account. How about telling us all what it costs at your agency for a simple basic visit visa application to the UK, or do you have to " asess " the applicant's and maybe the sponsor's "circumstances" first ?

I don't publish my fees as not every visa application is the same. Fees are determined after a proper assessment of the applicant(s) personal circumstances and after taking into consideration any specific difficulties or complexities of a particular case. With regards to UK applications, I don't do them.

At the end of the day if the potential client doesn't want to engage my services that is entirely their decision. I also advise any potential clients to do their due diligence, shop around, see what other agents are offering, and always ask what experience/qualifications the agent offering the advice has.


Well, Mr Bridge, I guess your reply will allow the forum to decide on your " transparency ", now that you know what it means. They can make up their own minds as to whether they would rather know the costs involved before they walk through the door or not.

I didn't ask for your published fees, I asked for the estimated cost of a basic visa application. You are in partnership with a firm that deals with visas for the UK. I guess it's up to you whether you want to give an estimate of the costs or not but, again, the forum can make up their minds about your transparency. I believe that prospective applicants do, and always will, prefer to know what their costs will be before having their " entire circumstances" ( financial ? ) assessed.

Unless you have any constructive comments, or want to give an estimated cost of your services (my companies costs are already published online), then I suggest we take this no further. The forum will have made up their minds on the info already provided by us.

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...my companies costs are already published online

Who are you, what is your company, and what is the website...?

Just cause you state that you're transparent, doesn't make it so... LOL LOL LOL again :cheesy:

I'm thinking the troll might be one of these 'rogue visa agents in Pattaya'... Let's see if I'm right.

Edited by lightstar
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...my companies costs are already published online

Who are you, what is your company, and what is the website...?

Just cause you state that you're transparent, doesn't make it so... LOL LOL LOL again :cheesy:

I'm thinking the troll might be one of these 'rogue visa agents in Pattaya'... Let's see if I'm right.

I would love to be able to name my company but the rules on this forum say that only sponsors ( those who have paid to advertise ) can actually advertise. I cannot even, under the rules, give you our website. You can confirm this with the mods. If you do an internet search, as I said in an earlier post, I'm sure you will be able to find the site that has a published set of fees. There aren't many, if any, other than us that publishes fees ! Then call in and see us if you want.

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If you do an internet search...

What should I search for...

"A company based in Bangkok that publishes it's fixed fees for migration services"?

erm..... :whistling:

I'm sure in this instance the mods won't mind if you post up the name of your company.

Mods any objection?

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In my experience, not of dealing with visa agent's but in similar situations, those who charge a fixed fee are usually more expensive than those who charge a fee based upon an assessment of their clients circumstances and the work that will be required.

The forum rules prohibit all but forum sponsors from posting direct links to their commercial websites; however, I have no objection to Tee2008 posting the name of her/his company; provided s/he also says which regulatory bodies that company is a member of and/or registered with.

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In my experience, not of dealing with visa agent's but in similar situations, those who charge a fixed fee are usually more expensive than those who charge a fee based upon an assessment of their clients circumstances and the work that will be required.

The forum rules prohibit all but forum sponsors from posting direct links to their commercial websites; however, I have no objection to Tee2008 posting the name of her/his company; provided s/he also says which regulatory bodies that company is a member of and/or registered with.

I agree 7by7, and thanks for allowing Tee2008 to post up the name of the company.

However, it's gone strangely quiet around here...

Transparency... indeed. :P

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Just like Bridge and Mr.Thai Visa - who went through uni, got qualifications in law, probably had to do more study, and then have to pay for legal insurance and registration and all that other stuff that probably runs into thousands of dollars. As a result of all that training their knowledge of the legal requirements is second to none... Why should they then turn around and offer their services for nowt? They are not a charity!

Lightstar - I hope you don't mind me picking on just one point from your post, and it's really a point of clarification.

Is it a fact that "Mr Thai Visa" went through Uni and got qualifications in law as you state, he certainly has never made that claim on this forum and neither does he make that claim on his website? He certainly is registered with OISC at level one, which involves taking a test to prove proficiency in Immigration issues, and means he is allowed to offer advice in the UK.

Bridge does mention his legal qualifications, maybe the requirements are different when advising on Immigration issues for Australia.

Regarding the point about doctors, in the UK there is a website called NHS Direct, it's a site where people can get medical advice free and may help if you have a minor problem, though it would advise you to visit a doctor if the case might be complicated, this is rather similar to the scenario here.

I am not on the side of any advisor or agent here, I have received advice on this forum and, occasionally, been able to offer it within my limited expertise. I am grateful for the advice offered, albeit pretty briefly, by TVE, as you rightly say he is not a charity, and by Bridge and Integrity Legal for their respective countries.

One final point, and this only refers to the UK, I have always advised people who need an agent to advise on UK Immigration and Visa issues to seek an agent who is OISC registered, and will continue to do so, though there is no requirement to be registered when offering such advice in Thailand. There are many cowboys out there, these are usually the one's lurking about Visa Application Centre's, but there are also a number of agents who are just as qualified and experienced offering a good service but have not registered with OISC because there is no requirement to do so, but that doesn't make them cowboys and doesn't mean their advice is any less reliable, believe me you don't need a degree in law to pass the OISC test.

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...my companies costs are already published online

Who are you, what is your company, and what is the website...?

Just cause you state that you're transparent, doesn't make it so... LOL LOL LOL again :cheesy:

I'm thinking the troll might be one of these 'rogue visa agents in Pattaya'... Let's see if I'm right.

I would love to be able to name my company but the rules on this forum say that only sponsors ( those who have paid to advertise ) can actually advertise. I cannot even, under the rules, give you our website. You can confirm this with the mods. If you do an internet search, as I said in an earlier post, I'm sure you will be able to find the site that has a published set of fees. There aren't many, if any, other than us that publishes fees ! Then call in and see us if you want.

In my experience, not of dealing with visa agent's but in similar situations, those who charge a fixed fee are usually more expensive than those who charge a fee based upon an assessment of their clients circumstances and the work that will be required.

The forum rules prohibit all but forum sponsors from posting direct links to their commercial websites; however, I have no objection to Tee2008 posting the name of her/his company; provided s/he also says which regulatory bodies that company is a member of and/or registered with.

And Tee2008 the name of your 'transparent' company is?

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One final point, and this only refers to the UK, I have always advised people who need an agent to advise on UK Immigration and Visa issues to seek an agent who is OISC registered, and will continue to do so, though there is no requirement to be registered when offering such advice in Thailand. There are many cowboys out there, these are usually the one's lurking about Visa Application Centre's, but there are also a number of agents who are just as qualified and experienced offering a good service but have not registered with OISC because there is no requirement to do so, but that doesn't make them cowboys and doesn't mean their advice is any less reliable, believe me you don't need a degree in law to pass the OISC test.

Totally agree, as I say here

There are perfectly capable and honest visa agencies in Thailand owned and run by Thais. However until and unless the Thai government start to regulate visa agents, if you do wish to utilise the services of an agent, then, in my opinion, the best way to ensure that they are competent, professional and honest is to use one who is qualified and regulated in the country to which you are applying and registered with the appropriate regulatory body in that country.

I have to say that attempting to discredit other visa agents who are qualified and regulated in the appropriate country on an internet forum does not strike me as the actions of a professional!

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as mentioned at the start of this thread visa application is basically involves filling in forms i dont see why a company would not publish at least a guide to their approx prices i mean filling in a form is filling in a form how much more expensive can it be to fill in maybe a few extra pages off paper.

when i originally started to come thailand i was looking at some off the prices companies charge for 1 year visa as when you first start reading how to get visa it does seem a bit daunting but once you actually apply yourself you realize how easy it actually is.

most off the prices quoted for anything work permit ,marriage visa etc do seem extremely high to me but hey if you feel you cant write words on paper forms go ahead and waste your money.

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In my experience, not of dealing with visa agent's but in similar situations, those who charge a fixed fee are usually more expensive than those who charge a fee based upon an assessment of their clients circumstances and the work that will be required.

The forum rules prohibit all but forum sponsors from posting direct links to their commercial websites; however, I have no objection to Tee2008 posting the name of her/his company; provided s/he also says which regulatory bodies that company is a member of and/or registered with.

I agree 7by7, and thanks for allowing Tee2008 to post up the name of the company.

However, it's gone strangely quiet around here...

Transparency... indeed. :P

Firstly, to Lightstar - your post was timed at 17.30 hrs yesterday ( Thailand time ) I had gone out by then. It is now 08.45 in the morning here ( Sunday). Believe it or not, I do have a life outside of Thai Visa watching, and it is not on a bar stool anywhere.

To 7x7 & Lightstar - I have no objection to giving the name of the company I work for as we are transparent and our fees are published on the website. However, if I am to be transparent, where are all the calls for Bridge and TVE, etc to be transparent too ? If Lightstar wasn't so lazy he could easily find our website as it is ( as stated ) earlier one of the few that publishes it's fees online. Lightstar seems happy to bait but too lazy to do any work. I will happily name the company I work for if the other posters agree to be as transparent with their fees, etc. Does this mean that I can post and answer using the company's name in the future, 7x7 ?

Maybe we should start a thread for visa companies ? I will happily lead it. How about it, 7x7 ?

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Tee2008: "..I would love to be able to name my company but the rules on this forum say that only sponsors ( those who have paid to advertise ) can actually advertise. I cannot even, under the rules, give you our website. You can confirm this with the mods..."

I did and they said it was OK to name it...

Tee2008: "To 7x7 & Lightstar - I have no objection to giving the name of the company I work for as we are transparent..."

OK, as I said, you've been given the opportunity to name it by the mods... We're all waiting...

Tee2008: "I will happily name the company I work for..."

Umm... Still waiting... :guitar:

Edited by lightstar
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Tee2008: "..I would love to be able to name my company but the rules on this forum say that only sponsors ( those who have paid to advertise ) can actually advertise. I cannot even, under the rules, give you our website. You can confirm this with the mods..."

I did and they said it was OK to name it...

Tee2008: "To 7x7 & Lightstar - I have no objection to giving the name of the company I work for as we are transparent..."

OK, as I said, you've been given the opportunity to name it by the mods... We're all waiting...

Tee2008: "I will happily name the company I work for..."

Umm... Still waiting... :guitar:

Lightstar - firstly, we are not all waiting, only you seem to be waiting. There only seems to be me and you ( and 7x7 ) involved in this discussion. I will not be pressurised by a professional " baiter ". I have replied as above to 7x7, and I will wait for his response. I also want to get things in perspective - 7x7 has all but accused me of being unprofessional, and I take issue with that. I have not commented on any of the posters ( from agencies) credentials or advice that they give. If I disagreed with their advice I would say so, and I have not. My point was not about the quality of advice given but about transparency and disclosure of fees. The fact that some, or most, agents do not disclose their fees has no bearing, in this post, on the advice that they give. I believe, as is my right, that transparency should include disclosure of fees. Everyone has a right to disagree with my point of view on that, as you obviously do.

7x7, has stipulated - "provided s/he also says which regulatory bodies that company is a member of and/or registered with." 7x7 is no doubt fully aware of how many visa companies in Thailand are members of any regulatory body or are registered with the OISC, and I guess he knows full well that the company I work for is probably not one of them. He is right, of course, and that may well preclude me ( according to 7x7's proviso ) from giving the company's name. As far as I am aware there is only one OISC registered company in Thailand ( I may be wrong ) that publishes it's fees online, and more power to them for doing so. That is transparency.

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Just to add a little spice to the mixture, I recently attended an OISC meeting in the UK during which it was stated that the Commissioner takes a rather dim view of those who register and then promptly clear off abroad to practise whilst continuing to flaunt their OISC credentials.

Food for thought, perhaps?


Edited by the scouser
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Sounds like another thread that was recently closed, my company vs your company...

Personally I think all parties have been less than professional on this issue.

Lightstar, I wouldnt put company details on this site unless I was given an IM from George stating that I had permission, just because you say the Mods have given permission just doesnt cut it.

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Just to add a little spice to the mixture, I recently attended an OISC meeting in the UK during which it was stated that the Commissioner takes a rather dim view of those who register and then promptly clear off abroad to practise whilst continuing to flaunt their OISC credentials.

Food for thought, perhaps?


Seems a bit strange that the OISC commisioner feels that people outside the UK should not be able to benefit from professional advice regulated by his organisation. They haven't exactly cleared off abroad as they do have to maintain an office in the UK; and whilst I am not as au fait with the OISC regulations as your good self, I am sure that were they to be breaking those regulations then they would be removed from the register, just as an organisation totally in the UK would be.

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I've removed some posts that were intent on merely stirring up pointless arguments.

It is up to individuals who wish to pay a professional advisor to decide on the merits of each advisor before engageing them.

Various people have put their point of view, any further argument would be pointless.

My advice is, and always has been, to choose an advisor who is qualified and regulated in the country you are applying to, but it is up to the individual to choose.

It may seem like I want the last word, but as this thread is in danger of getting totally out of hand, I'm closing it.

Perhaps I should have taken action before; but it was difficult to do so sat on an aeroplane with no internet access!

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