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How Does She Sleep


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I live in Thailand and I am not married and have a lot of sex.

When I lived in the west I had to sit at meetings and discuss things like morals, skirt length and who was being unfaithful to whom and why those were bad things for our company.

I don't have to do that anymore. I can discuss how Thai women like to cuddle. If your woman does not cuddle she is going to do bad things to you. Now those are things I think are important.

Non verbal hints that that girl dancing on the pole will make a good wife. That's important to some people.

You see the great majority of western people living in Thailand are men and when they come here the great majority are alone and divorced. I am part of that majority.

Marky, if you look closely at the bolded & underlined points above, you can maybe understand 'something'. I especially note the 1st bolded & underlined paragraph.

If you really want answers (from within yourself), I recommend a book. It's called "I come as a brother. A rememberance of illusions", by Bartholomew.

BTW, I am 'alone' & have been for quite some time. I don't believe in 'falling in love' but I do believe in love. I think you have some unanswered questions in your life.

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I don't believe a great majority of Farang males living in Thailand are either alone nor divorced. More than likely, the contrary applies. Most Western foreign males here are secure with one relationship {gf, wife, bf, whatever}. The stereotype and stigma that promotes the myth of the lone wolf whoring around is purely perpetuated. Sure...it exist. But not at the levels that has been repeated over and again. This group of deviants are considered 'Sexpats' - a few long-timers, but largely applied towards passers-by.

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4 daughters the youngest 25. All happy and well. All speak at least three languages, one went to college in Japan the rest in the US and Canada. They are all international travelers.

Sure I am brutally honest. Why not. I have no axe to grind.

I grew up on a sailboat and I grew up way to fast. Way back when, when men were men and lines were made of hemp and wire and sails cotton there was no soda pop on the boat. Beer and candy bars when it was too rough to cook and whiskey on your cereal in the morning because we ran out of condensed milk. When I wasn’t sailing I was playing hockey and none of your sissy masks and helmet kind of hockey. Goalies didn’t even wear masks. Professional hockey players started at 15 years of age and yes we had hookers in the dressing room along with cigars even at that age. Canada wasn’t always a PC place.

I am not trying to BS anyone. For those who don’t live in Thailand but are involved with a Thai woman or those who do live in Thailand and are short on experience with women, trust me you need all the help you can get.

Sleep is not only a time of rest it is a time to gain knowledge.

Thai women are closer to nature than western women. They are not as sophisticated or conditioned. This will of course change in time.

What do they wear to bed? Patsycat said it, men’s shirts and or your boxers.

Do they move to your spot after you get up?

Do they like your smell? Do they sleep with an old shirt of yours while you are away? Not in but with. Do they smell you all the time? When you get home from work? When you get out of the shower? Thai women like to smell things.

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When I wasn’t sailing I was playing hockey and none of your sissy masks and helmet kind of hockey. Goalies didn’t even wear masks. Professional hockey players started at 15 years of age and yes we had hookers in the dressing room along with cigars even at that age.

Are you trying to tell us something?

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I don't believe a great majority of Farang males living in Thailand are either alone nor divorced. More than likely, the contrary applies. Most Western foreign males here are secure with one relationship {gf, wife, bf, whatever}. The stereotype and stigma that promotes the myth of the lone wolf whoring around is purely perpetuated. Sure...it exist. But not at the levels that has been repeated over and again. This group of deviants are considered 'Sexpats' - a few long-timers, but largely applied towards passers-by.

If you read what I said, I said the great majority of western are divorced or single when they come here.

I don't think they stay that way long.

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When I wasn’t sailing I was playing hockey and none of your sissy masks and helmet kind of hockey. Goalies didn’t even wear masks. Professional hockey players started at 15 years of age and yes we had hookers in the dressing room along with cigars even at that age.

Are you trying to tell us something?

Yes, my life experiences were probably different than yours. Don’t judge me unless you have walked a mile in my moccasins.

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When I wasn't sailing I was playing hockey and none of your sissy masks and helmet kind of hockey. Goalies didn't even wear masks. Professional hockey players started at 15 years of age and yes we had hookers in the dressing room along with cigars even at that age.

Are you trying to tell us something?

Yes, my life experiences were probably different than yours. Don't judge me unless you have walked a mile in my moccasins.

...then, this bit of wisdom and advice should apply to you as well, Mark.

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When I wasn't sailing I was playing hockey and none of your sissy masks and helmet kind of hockey. Goalies didn't even wear masks. Professional hockey players started at 15 years of age and yes we had hookers in the dressing room along with cigars even at that age.

Are you trying to tell us something?

Yes, my life experiences were probably different than yours. Don't judge me unless you have walked a mile in my moccasins.

...then, this bit of wisdom and advice should apply to you as well, Mark.

With the exceptions of guesthouse and neverdie I really try.

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Here's one final bit of advice...for free...

...lose the baggage & forget about how people sleep. You have much work to do within yourself than to worry about what others think about you.

BTW, haven't you been saying this? Haven't you been saying things like, "I don't care what others think about me...."? If this is what you have been saying, apply it to the women with whom you have slept.

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I think you are wrong !

It is not always the woman that dictates sleeping positions!

In my case I do, I am always hot and after a while a women clinging on me get uncomfortable, I sleep with the AC on and a fan to keep me comfortable with no covers or sheets, my wife on the other hand is always cold and sleeps rapped in ,sheets, blankets and comforters.

Not a lack of caring but we both have different preferences in sleeping temperature, before we married she only slept with a fan on.

and she said she will not sleep where I am not, So we compromised and it works for us.


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Hasn't anybody heard of 'talking'?

For example, "I'm hot."

Topic is about body language, Professor :whistling:

But rarely do we stay on topic do we?

If too hot to sleep cuddled up my better half somehow always ensures she has a hand, foot or knee touching me somewhere. Guess I'm safe for now.

Or maybe she wants to make sure I don't disappear in the night . . . . :ph34r:

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Just a thought. In the UK the normal double bed size is 4 foot 6 inches, in Thailand it's 6 foot which tells me they want to sleep with lots of room between them, so if the OP's theory is correct why aren't all couples in 3 foot beds.

Beds are multi purpose in Thailand. Since most Thais in the city live in one room apartments the bed is used to dine on, play cards, watch TV along with numerous other activities.

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Just a thought. In the UK the normal double bed size is 4 foot 6 inches, in Thailand it's 6 foot which tells me they want to sleep with lots of room between them, so if the OP's theory is correct why aren't all couples in 3 foot beds.

Beds are multi purpose in Thailand. Since most Thais in the city live in one room apartments the bed is used to dine on, play cards, watch TV along with numerous other activities.

Hmmmmm, don't think so, l have 3 bedrooms used for sleeping with 6 ft beds in, not my choice but even the 14 yr old lad has a 6 ft bed.

Your theory reads world wide, my theory reading your theory is that all happy couples should be in 3 ft beds.

Since you compared the UK to Thailand bed size I gave you a reason. World wide? I would imagine people buy beds based on experience or expectations. Since 50% of marriages end in divorce and a further 25% are unhappy that means 75% of the population would need big beds?

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Here's one final bit of advice...for free...

...lose the baggage & forget about how people sleep. You have much work to do within yourself than to worry about what others think about you.

BTW, haven't you been saying this? Haven't you been saying things like, "I don't care what others think about me...."? If this is what you have been saying, apply it to the women with whom you have slept.

Perhaps it's a clear case of: tink to mutt. 'Tis wonder Occidental types are much too ill.

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Since most Thais in the city live in one room apartments.....[sic]

Huh? Care to reexamine your statement again, Doctor? I believe you'll find that such a comment ain't true. But than, I'm sure that you instinctively referencing subliminally by city slicker standards. You do need to get out more.

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I think you are wrong !

It is not always the woman that dictates sleeping positions!

In my case I do, I am always hot and after a while a women clinging on me get uncomfortable, I sleep with the AC on and a fan to keep me comfortable with no covers or sheets, my wife on the other hand is always cold and sleeps rapped in ,sheets, blankets and comforters.

Not a lack of caring but we both have different preferences in sleeping temperature, before we married she only slept with a fan on.

and she said she will not sleep where I am not, So we compromised and it works for us.


When it all gets too hot for my lady , she takes the bolster and sleeps on the cool floor beside the bed , giving me plenty of space to sleep , and climbs back to bed usually before I wake up , still with the 3 foot strip of `no mans` land dividing us ! :rolleyes:
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My wife often asks me, no, tells me to come and hug her from behind. I also often wake up in the morning with my wife hugging me from behind.

After more than 5 years together that is a good sign for me.

Been married in the west and the spontaneus hugging stopped after 4-5 months or when my wife get pregnant and it never came back again.

After 10 years I had enough of that cold life in and out of bed. I promised myself to never live together with a woman without real love.

After being bachelor for 21 years with many, many shorter or longer relations I finally met my present wife. Now I am a very happy man.

Mark, interesting subject! Do not care about all these idiots that cannot but critizising other people.

Neverdie, more than 8000 posts with total brainless information.

I wish there was an "Ignore-function" in TV so I did not even see that these guys exist!

So Mark, thumbs up!


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My wife often asks me, no, tells me to come and hug her from behind. I also often wake up in the morning with my wife hugging me from behind.

After more than 5 years together that is a good sign for me.

Been married in the west and the spontaneus hugging stopped after 4-5 months or when my wife get pregnant and it never came back again.

After 10 years I had enough of that cold life in and out of bed. I promised myself to never live together with a woman without real love.

After being bachelor for 21 years with many, many shorter or longer relations I finally met my present wife. Now I am a very happy man.

Mark, interesting subject! Do not care about all these idiots that cannot but critizising other people.

Neverdie, more than 8000 posts with total brainless information.

I wish there was an "Ignore-function" in TV so I did not even see that these guys exist!

So Mark, thumbs up!


So you have found a lady that likes a hot sweaty farang to get smelly by. Thats cool, no thats not cool, its smelly, but hey, you and yours are happy in sweaty heaven, great. Rock on. :D

Transam, you forgot to mention that they actually spoke about this. The 'other' person (we know who he is) seems to like to guess & not talk.

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Neverdie, more than 8000 posts with total brainless information.

I wish there was an "Ignore-function" in TV so I did not even see that these guys exist!


here is some total brainless information for you :jerk:

GOTO, the top of the page, directly under 'NEWS' & 'SMS NEWS' you will see svenivan and a little drop down arrow.

click on the arrow, then click on settings, then profile then manage ignored users.

There you go, block away & just prior to doing so remember not everyone agrees with everyone else. Time to close your pie hole and carry out the abovementioned steps, unless of course you need help with it. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So is anyone going to actually respond to the OP, or just measure dicks for seven pages of thread.

My chick doesn't use the whole bed to sleep, ONLY MY SIDE. She's one of those ones that sleeps on top of me, and I have to push her off sometimes.

Also, she talks in her sleep. Whole sentences and conversations. She laughs and cries and everything. It's quite entertaining sometimes. I wonder what she would think if I made a movie of her talking in her sleep and posting it?

Or would that put everyone to sleep?rolleyes.gif

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My wife often asks me, no, tells me to come and hug her from behind. I also often wake up in the morning with my wife hugging me from behind.

After more than 5 years together that is a good sign for me.

Been married in the west and the spontaneus hugging stopped after 4-5 months or when my wife get pregnant and it never came back again.

After 10 years I had enough of that cold life in and out of bed. I promised myself to never live together with a woman without real love.

After being bachelor for 21 years with many, many shorter or longer relations I finally met my present wife. Now I am a very happy man.

Mark, interesting subject! Do not care about all these idiots that cannot but critizising other people.


Well said, I put up with the cold UK marriage for 30 years, Thai wife much better, but still early days at 6 months and counting.

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Edited by sarahsbloke
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