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New Improved ? Hotmail Inbox


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Before the Hotmail email makeover, the Inbox showed the latest 30 to 35 email messages. When I wished to view an older email message was able to click on page numbers at the bottom of Inbox page.

Presently have 212 messages shown on the bottom of Inbox page, but no page numbers to click on. So the question is, does anyone have a possible solution to this problem. How do I recover/view these lost? 212 email messages?

Google was of no help and Hotmail Live Solution Center gave me a headache.

Any suggestions appreciated.

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When I go to the bottom of the message header pane (The area with the emails), there are left, right, and last, first arrows to click on to navigate through all the messages in a particular folder.


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I really wish Hotmail and Yahoo would stop messing about and just leave things as they were..."if it aint broke, dont fix it" ...10 years ago, it was login and straight to your emails, now you have to get through 3 pages befor you can see yoyr inbox....when you have a slow connection it is really frustrating.....

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I really wish Hotmail and Yahoo would stop messing about and just leave things as they were..."if it aint broke, dont fix it" ...10 years ago, it was login and straight to your emails, now you have to get through 3 pages befor you can see yoyr inbox....when you have a slow connection it is really frustrating.....

It's frustrating even when you have a fast connection, mainly because the response time from hotmail, and yahoo in particular, is so slow.

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Gmail!  Sign in and you are instantly in your inbox...with up to 100 messages listed at once.  Easier just to do a lightning fast search for what you are looking for though....very intuitive and fast.

Edited by tominbkk
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I really wish Hotmail and Yahoo would stop messing about and just leave things as they were..."if it aint broke, dont fix it" ...10 years ago, it was login and straight to your emails, now you have to get through 3 pages befor you can see yoyr inbox....when you have a slow connection it is really frustrating.....

I couldn't agree more. About 7-8 years ago, Yahoo came out with a new improved version. All the links were in different places, it was like learning a new program and I really couldn't see the benefit of any of the changes. I get the feeling some techno-wiz was on an ego trip and saying "Look what I can do". Then I found a link to let you keep the old interface, so I used it at every log on. Eventually they didn't support it any more. I left and haven't been back.

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I'm rural, no cable internet so use an Edge 12call 'aircard'.

The new Hotmail is slower than ever to open pages - this may not be noticeable on a good cable connection, but for me out here it is painfully slow, and often times out.

What is it? It is not the message itself (generally just plain text) but the actual Hotmail page.

A poster suggested gmail - is it really faster?

I'll change if this is the case.


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Sorry for delay in replying. Been up to my neck in attempting to supervise our Bungalow renovation.

hml367--There are no arrows anywhere to click on to navigate thru the older messages, not on the opening Inbox page.

Supernova--Your symbols also do not exist on the Hotmail opening Inbox page.

The only wording on bottom of Inbox page is "178 messages" on first line and on the next line the words "NEW, DELETE, JUNK, SWEEP, MARK AS, MOVE TO". Clicking on any of these words does not bring me to any of the older message pages.

Is there any way to return to the old classic Hotmail??

Genghis61--Do not feel alone. I am also rural and using Edge. Nearest phone line/cable is about 12km from our location. The friendly folks at the local phone line company TOT, located about 32 km away, in reply to our asking when we could get an internet/phone land line, politely said...Not in my lifetime. Maybe if we are lucky we might see 3G. :)

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I had/have the same problem. I had a few hundred messages in my Inbox and now have 6, only the most recent unread messages.

Fortunately I download everything from both Gmail and Hotmail using Mozilla Thunderbird so the old messages are stored on my computer, but I can't find anyway of unearthing them starting from the online Inbox. In the help section it says you can use the search function, but that didn't work for me.

On the left side of the screen there is a Quickview heading. I clicked on "photos" and that retrieved some old messages from 2007 that contained photos, but ony a few and nothing more recent.

Edited by Suradit
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I really wish Hotmail and Yahoo would stop messing about and just leave things as they were..."if it aint broke, dont fix it" ...10 years ago, it was login and straight to your emails, now you have to get through 3 pages befor you can see yoyr inbox....when you have a slow connection it is really frustrating.....

There has been a trend these last few weeks to change things for the worse in Google, Hotmail, and even our beloved Thaivisa. They all have all made changes that I find flashy but unnecessary and actually decreases operability. I used to be able to right click on images in Thai visa and Google image search results, and let them load in a tab behind the screen I was working in. Now they pop up one at a time and I have to sit and wait for each to load, meanwhile I am unable to use the page they were embedded on, then I have to scroll to find the close button. (Thailands ISP's suck. I pay for 4mb but rarely get it) Absolutely ridiculous.

Now in Hotmail my emails are cut off and I have to click "read entire mail" or something like that. Plus videos are viewed inside the email now, also making it impossible to use hotmail while the video loads.

Oh well...they are all free so I guess I have to put up with it.

Edited by ScubaBuddha
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