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Dengue Fever - Treatment


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It seems that Dengue Fever is spreading and becoming a big problem in many countries. I have heard of couple of people who had tried this treatment and vouches for it. Anyway, 2 spoons of Papaya leaf juice cannot hurt anyone and is worth giving a try. The patient can continue using any other medications.

Papaya leaf juice mixed with bees honey is said to increase the blood platelet level of dengue patients, according to a doctor who had treated 20 dengue patients using this method...


It is a fact that there is no cure for dengue fever and therefore it is a much feared fatal illness. However, recently there has been a lot written about papaya leaves that seem to prove itself as a cure to dengue fever.


Edited by ravip
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Dengue is nothing to take lightly. Some might consider it's symptoms to be more painful than malarial counterparts. A reasonable healthy individual can muddle through for the duration - need to watch the most vulnerable, the aged and toddlers. What they do know about the Dengue bug is that it lacks the mutation properties that malarial viruses have acquired to generate resistance to the prophylaxis that we've thrown at these nasties. There is interesting literature available regarding the treatment and prevention of Dengue. It seems to me that modern allopathic Western approaches to mosquito-born viruses are more troubling to any sort of combat than what has been proven in the natural world - the bug tends to be one or two steps ahead of us. Today, I understand that mutant forms of Malaria and Dengue are in existence where they've never been known to be. Studies have observed highly malarial-prone regions to gained natural resistance to particular strains - which there are a number. People might fall ill two dozen times in there lifetime without great setbacks. Dengue is approached different, as it's properties are not reoccurring from the same strain, but affected from separate instances. Naturally, prevention is key.

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Dengue is nothing to take lightly. Some might consider it's symptoms to be more painful than malarial counterparts. A reasonable healthy individual can muddle through for the duration - need to watch the most vulnerable, the aged and toddlers. What they do know about the Dengue bug is that it lacks the mutation properties that malarial viruses have acquired to generate resistance to the prophylaxis that we've thrown at these nasties. There is interesting literature available regarding the treatment and prevention of Dengue. It seems to me that modern allopathic Western approaches to mosquito-born viruses are more troubling to any sort of combat than what has been proven in the natural world - the bug tends to be one or two steps ahead of us. Today, I understand that mutant forms of Malaria and Dengue are in existence where they've never been known to be. Studies have observed highly malarial-prone regions to gained natural resistance to particular strains - which there are a number. People might fall ill two dozen times in there lifetime without great setbacks. Dengue is approached different, as it's properties are not reoccurring from the same strain, but affected from separate instances. Naturally, prevention is key.

I posted a thread about Dengue fever a few years ago , it starts with cold and flue type symptoms, it leaves you with no strength for months, it makes you lethargic, People just stop eating which makes the situation worse, I would advise any one who thinks they have it to get checked out ,

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Dengue is nothing to take lightly. Some might consider it's symptoms to be more painful than malarial counterparts. A reasonable healthy individual can muddle through for the duration - need to watch the most vulnerable, the aged and toddlers. What they do know about the Dengue bug is that it lacks the mutation properties that malarial viruses have acquired to generate resistance to the prophylaxis that we've thrown at these nasties. There is interesting literature available regarding the treatment and prevention of Dengue. It seems to me that modern allopathic Western approaches to mosquito-born viruses are more troubling to any sort of combat than what has been proven in the natural world - the bug tends to be one or two steps ahead of us. Today, I understand that mutant forms of Malaria and Dengue are in existence where they've never been known to be. Studies have observed highly malarial-prone regions to gained natural resistance to particular strains - which there are a number. People might fall ill two dozen times in there lifetime without great setbacks. Dengue is approached different, as it's properties are not reoccurring from the same strain, but affected from separate instances. Naturally, prevention is key.

I posted a thread about Dengue fever a few years ago , it starts with cold and flue type symptoms, it leaves you with no strength for months, it makes you lethargic, People just stop eating which makes the situation worse, I would advise any one who thinks they have it to get checked out ,

My GF had Dengue fever some months back; not to be trifled with. Flu like symptoms (as per above) + some severe body aches; she had legs that ached all the time. Depressed appetite and tiredness. If you suspect you have it get checked; symptoms present in varying degrees and you might actually feel better one day and rotten the next. Take care.

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After a year of living in Thailand and occasionally thinking of things like Dengue fever, I'm back living in the States now, and was surprised at a headline earlier this week -- Dengue fever in Key West, Florida. Several cases, and quite a few people testing positive for it.

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Dengue is nothing to take lightly. Some might consider it's symptoms to be more painful than malarial counterparts. A reasonable healthy individual can muddle through for the duration - need to watch the most vulnerable, the aged and toddlers. What they do know about the Dengue bug is that it lacks the mutation properties that malarial viruses have acquired to generate resistance to the prophylaxis that we've thrown at these nasties. There is interesting literature available regarding the treatment and prevention of Dengue. It seems to me that modern allopathic Western approaches to mosquito-born viruses are more troubling to any sort of combat than what has been proven in the natural world - the bug tends to be one or two steps ahead of us. Today, I understand that mutant forms of Malaria and Dengue are in existence where they've never been known to be. Studies have observed highly malarial-prone regions to gained natural resistance to particular strains - which there are a number. People might fall ill two dozen times in there lifetime without great setbacks. Dengue is approached different, as it's properties are not reoccurring from the same strain, but affected from separate instances. Naturally, prevention is key.

I posted a thread about Dengue fever a few years ago , it starts with cold and flue type symptoms, it leaves you with no strength for months, it makes you lethargic, People just stop eating which makes the situation worse, I would advise any one who thinks they have it to get checked out ,

My GF had Dengue fever some months back; not to be trifled with. Flu like symptoms (as per above) + some severe body aches; she had legs that ached all the time. Depressed appetite and tiredness. If you suspect you have it get checked; symptoms present in varying degrees and you might actually feel better one day and rotten the next. Take care.

I am just now "getting over" Dengue fever and the symptoms listed above are very correct. I could not stay awake for three straight days, had no appetite at all, severe back ache and the worst headache right behind my eyes I have ever had. I am normally a very healthy individual and it literally kicked my butt. I went into the hospital after passing out trying to eat some breakfast, where they took blood tests every four hours and fed me Tylenol. After a day in the hospital I went home and blood tested again a week later, now okay but still lethargic.

If you have any or all of these symptoms, get to a doctor. I hope NO ONE else gets it, it ain't fun.


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Sorry , Just to add to the doom , Malaria is getting immune to the drugs that they treat you with, which is a very big problem , Did you know that Malaria has killed more people in the world than all the world wars put together. A sad fact.

Edited by Thongkorn
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i had it twice.

no way i could have taken any concoction.

i could not even drink water at a rate the doctor told me to.eating was out of the question.

there is no medication other then tylenol to get the fever down (never aspirin because of the low platelet count ), also some medication against throwing up and water lots of water.

the best is a drip ,that's why i went to the hospital.i got better quick there.

from what i understand one gets immune but there are three different strands so you can get it three times. no fun.

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i had it twice.

no way i could have taken any concoction.

i could not even drink water at a rate the doctor told me to.eating was out of the question.

there is no medication other then tylenol to get the fever down (never aspirin because of the low platelet count ), also some medication against throwing up and water lots of water.

the best is a drip ,that's why i went to the hospital.i got better quick there.

from what i understand one gets immune but there are three different strands so you can get it three times. no fun.

Caught a dose of dengie 4 years ago. wouldn`t wish it on my worst enemy.

I was the same, couldn`t eat or drink anything, just laid there letting nature take it`s course as there is no treatment or cure, wondering if my time was up. I was told there are 4 strains of dengie, will have to check it out.

In Thai dengie is known as Khai Lueat Ork meaning blood fever out.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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i had it twice.

no way i could have taken any concoction.

i could not even drink water at a rate the doctor told me to.eating was out of the question.

there is no medication other then tylenol to get the fever down (never aspirin because of the low platelet count ), also some medication against throwing up and water lots of water.

the best is a drip ,that's why i went to the hospital.i got better quick there.

from what i understand one gets immune but there are three different strands so you can get it three times. no fun.

There are actualy 7 strains of the virus

I had it twice myself too. 1st time brought me a 9 day stay in the hospital I know now why they call it the bone crushing disease.

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I've been feeling off colour for the last few days, nothing serious I thought. This morning, I finally decided to pop into the hospital and see if anything was the matter. After a blood test the saw my white blood cells at 1900/cc with normal up between 5,000-10,000 - the doc said it was dengue!

It's a vague ill feeling, like having a cold that comes and goes, with a bit of diarrhea, headache etc. I started to get a small rash on my arms, hands and chest last night, that is what made me see the doc. The biggest symptom was that I 'just don't feel myself'.

I am now sitting home in isolation and have sent the wife and newborn son up to the village - i want them no where near me until this clears...the less people around them the better.

So, if you feel just a bit knackered, it might not simply be a change in the weather!!!

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1281075781[/url]' post='3798549']

I've been feeling off colour for the last few days, nothing serious I thought. This morning, I finally decided to pop into the hospital and see if anything was the matter. After a blood test the saw my white blood cells at 1900/cc with normal up between 5,000-10,000 - the doc said it was dengue!

It's a vague ill feeling, like having a cold that comes and goes, with a bit of diarrhea, headache etc. I started to get a small rash on my arms, hands and chest last night, that is what made me see the doc. The biggest symptom was that I 'just don't feel myself'.

I am now sitting home in isolation and have sent the wife and newborn son up to the village - i want them no where near me until this clears...the less people around them the better.

So, if you feel just a bit knackered, it might not simply be a change in the weather!!!

I hope you're not feeling that your wife and son can catch Dengue from you, as my understanding is that only an already infected mosquito can infect someone by biting them. If I am wrong, someone please correct me, and if I have misunderstood you, I apologize, but I certainly don't think you should isolate yourself from any help that might be needed. I did pass out and am grateful that my wife was close at hand. Best of luck and Chok Dee! Get better soon


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Hi Mario,

I asked them to move back home as I didn't wish to run the risk of me getting bitten and them one of them getting bitten by the same little bugger.

I still have plenty of friends who i can call should things go pear shaped - but I have been feeling like this for sometime now, so I doubt it will get worse.

I am just glad that they haven't caught it from me in the time that we were together,


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