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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Jim ranting against the US establishment....,what a band they were ! the musical tension, rhythm and melody,

I wonder what Jim would say about Trump and Hillary... probably the same- fat cat in a top hat, think he's an aristocrat

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Nong Pin on the star 12, just two left final on sat ch 31, great singer but most of the contestants have been very weak, as are the judges. Grammy show.

Edited by thai3
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Jim ranting against the US establishment....,what a band they were ! the musical tension, rhythm and melody,

I wonder what Jim would say about Trump and Hillary... probably the same- fat cat in a top hat, think he's an aristocrat

BN, I prefer this.

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Sorry rgs, I couldn't resist the opportunity, now if you had called him Robert or Rob I wouldn't have had the chance but your love of acronyms and abbreviations opened the gate.

Weather wise I think we're enjoying the same as Bangkok,namely heavy rain last night with fortunately little wind- perfect. May this rainy season replenish those reservoirs unlike last year.

And 30 degrees is so much better than 38.

I never want to hear another song about the sun in my entire life after the last 3 months!

Are you going to cheer on the Leicester boys on their parade tomorrow?

Here's some support from some fellow Midlanders- Buuurminghum to be exact

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