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Wanna Know Farang Girl


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Hello everyone ^^

I am Thai guy and have a very good attitude and good impression about farang girl.Cause they are friendly and easygoing^^

But i am not good in english and it 's a big barrier to know foreigner.i find this network and seem to be a good time to learn english ,make some friends or more^^

So please send me a messege and let's know each other

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Hi Pheonix128 and welcome to the forum. I am sure that you wont' have too much difficulty meeting western women if you just put yourself out there a bit, don't be too shy and don't be afraid.

However, this site is not a dating site, so please don't use it in that manner. I am sure that the other women here would be happy to give you some advice on how to make friends with western women but we will leave it at that.

And guys, if you have snarky comments to make I suggest you refrain from doing so. I know the kinds of comments that some people seem to feel it necessary to make and am nipping it in the bud right now.

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