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Evryone seems to be talking about 'live yoghurt', and I understand what it is, but can someone please answer this probably dumb question, where do I find it, what do i look for? It's not just 'plain' yohurt is it?



Live means the bacteria is alive, so you can use it to make more yoghurt yourself. I guess the idea is that the yoghurt bacteria will clean up your digestive tract.

The best one is "Gourmet" brand sold in Foodlands.

Regular "plain" yoghurt sometimes doesn't work.


Just about all yoghurt found in the supermarkets (Nestle, Foremost) is live. If you can't make your own yoghurt from it there is usually some other problem or a bad jar. UHT milk don't work but powdered milk works fine if you can't get fresh milk.

"Gourmet" brand yoghurt is good, homemade is better.

Live means the bacteria is alive, so you can use it to make more yoghurt yourself. I guess the idea is that the yoghurt bacteria will clean up your digestive tract.

The best one is "Gourmet" brand sold in Foodlands.

Regular "plain" yoghurt sometimes doesn't work.


I am assuming you are an adult and know what you are doing.

The fad that somehow "live" bacteria in the yoghurt culture is somehow better than "killed" bacteria that was used to produce the yoghurt is somehow 'better" is in my humble opinion just @***. But as I said you are an adult, it is your life, and you can do whatever you want to yourself. If you do come down with "the runs" from this "friendly live bacteria" in your guts, well, you make your own choices.

However, seriously, DO NOT feed such yoghurt to infants or children under 2 years in the mistaken belief it is "better" or "more healthy" for them.

As an adult your immune system has developed resistance to all sorts of natural bacteria that you inhale each day from hundreds of normal sources.

Young children, under 2 years especialy, may not have developed normal resistance yet to these bacteria. NEVER feed young children live bacteria cultures in "live bacteria" yoghurt, because young children without normal resistance to these bacteria may develop intestinal infections from this bacteria.

In the U.S. there have been cases of young children getting intestianl infections from "natural" comb honey (unpasturised, i.e. uncooked honey) they were fed by their parents who believed that the "natural" (unpasturised) honey was somehow "better" than pasturised honey. As I said the young children had not yet become naturally resistant to the bacteria in this unpasturised honey.

Once again DO NOT fed live bacteria to children under 2 years of age. therefore it follows; DO NOT feed "live bacteria" to young children in this yoghurt.


Guest fj2003

actually it is quite the easiest thing to do

just buy a bottle of milk and one natural yoghurt

shack it up and keep it at least 24 hour outside the frigde

then take a strainer and filter it

now you can take the extact to start the next yoghurt

just mix it up with milk again

and use the yoghurt yo got for what ever you like

btw your girl will love you ( the girls here in the chat i think also, if they not already know how to do)if you do it because they can use as beauty mask fir their nice skin and hair.

but you have also so many ther choises like salad dressing, biskuits, cakes and creams, souce, shakes,drinks with herbs and fruits, i am sure some one will find some more fantastic ways how to use it :o

btw i will check now for my yoghurt

Guest fj2003
Once again DO NOT fed live bacteria to children under 2 years of age. therefore it follows; DO NOT feed "live bacteria" to young children in this yoghurt.



sorry but i think you overreact a bit more then you know about -

of course someone however will have somehow ever a problem with that :D

that's the nature of our life and it will become more difficult in the future, since people try to organize and to keep there personal invierment more cleaner then even a hospital is ( btw this people use on top cleaner whichs modyfied and effects our natural nature invierment more and more negative ) but yoghurt is already known since around 350 years cross over the world on different regions most in warm areas it was one way to keep milk clean and on stock and for sure a normal child can eat it if it is used to natural food alltogether but if it is already only use to so called special lab tested and additived convinience food then for sure you have to be careful :D

i don't understand why suddenly simlpe easy things like yoghurt or even other products become so dangerous to human they have used and consumed over centuaries, please explain me

i want to learn about that

my grandmum had always her yoghurt at home done by herself and since i am aible to think i eat it - plain or with fresh fruits out of our garden even sometimes with a worm inside still mai pen rai

i see on my self that i like all this fresh stuff straight from a bush or a tree even out of the earth and i'm healty but i see many people who think about what else they have to take care not to get seek and they are seek

according to european medical researchs mor then 60%!!!!!! our seek people are seek because of their thinking

here they already start getting seek before they even have a symptom of seekness

i am sorry but i don't agree :D


by definition all yoghurt is live. whether it says so on the label or not,

commercial milk -yoghurt to be- is first pasteurised (not sterilised)

and all bacterial cultures are added afterwards. They are then stopped by refrigeration.

what is advertised as 'live' simply contains bacteria that are greater in numbers and also have been selected because of a proven record of being beneficial to the digestive track..

there is no 'dead' yoghurt

costas, your frienldy food scientist

Sorry I can't help... I prefer my food dead...ย  :D

totsterย  :D

You don't enjoy the warm glow of achievement after wresting with your food and winning? :D

Ok, so I think I understand... all yoghurt is alive, just some are more alive, right? :o

So if I buy a tub of Nestle Strawberry or something... it's half, alive?

Doesn't put up quite as big a fight... for newbies??


Sorry I can't help... I prefer my food dead...ย  :D

totsterย  :D

You don't enjoy the warm glow of achievement after wresting with your food and winning? :D

Ok, so I think I understand... all yoghurt is alive, just some are more alive, right? :o

So if I buy a tub of Nestle Strawberry or something... it's half, alive?

Doesn't put up quite as big a fight... for newbies??


if you buy a tub of yoghurt that does not say live, than you are getting the standard...using the fridge does you anti-bacterial fight for you.

if you buy one that says live, it has been fortified with selected organisms that are known to alter -to the better of your health- the balance of microbial flora in your guts, hence the advertising

Sorry I can't help... I prefer my food dead...ย  :D

totsterย  :D

You don't enjoy the warm glow of achievement after wresting with your food and winning? :D

Ok, so I think I understand... all yoghurt is alive, just some are more alive, right? :o

So if I buy a tub of Nestle Strawberry or something... it's half, alive?

Doesn't put up quite as big a fight... for newbies??


if you buy a tub of yoghurt that does not say live, than you are getting the standard...using the fridge does you anti-bacterial fight for you.

if you buy one that says live, it has been fortified with selected organisms that are known to alter -to the better of your health- the balance of microbial flora in your guts, hence the advertising

Yea, Thats what I'm looking for :D But dont see anything except the standard stuff here (Samui), even in Lotus. Need that stuff, anybody know where I can find on Samui? If I ask anybody here about 'live' yoghurt they look at me funny :D


"Research has shown that, real live yoghurt contains more live friendly cultures and only this type does the trick! Freshly-made yoghurt contains a higher concentration of lactic bacterial cultures which help the body assimilate protein, calcium and iron.

On the contrary, non real live yoghurt, such as the frozen or pasteurised variety available in supermarkets, will NOT provide the healthful benefits nor the same value of nutrients"

As costas says all yoghurt is live. If it says live on the tub there may or may not be a higher concentration of lactic bacteria but it's mainly a marketing gimmic, same as putting "No Calories" on a bottle of water.

To get the best yoghurt mix a litre of milk (fresh or powdered, NOT UHT longlife) with a tub of plain yoghurt.

Leave it in a covered bucket (old ice cream bucket is fine) in the shade in room temperature for 24-72 hours, depends on temperature and concentration of lactic bacteria in the yoghurt you use, taste it and check the consistency with a clean spoon to determind if it's ready.

Store in fridge. Use some of the yoghurt you made to start up a new batch.


Thanks a lot evrybody for some good info.

ZZZ I shall try that.

I will now go grow my own bacteria. Maybe i'll try to genetically engineer it to make me handsome and young again... BWAHAHAHAHA


You could always try "Yakult" which is a live yoghurt drink. Comes in a little brown plastic bottle and is often sold from a cool box on the back of a bike. You used to get it in the 7-11 also.


sorry mate, you really don't know what you are writing about!

For example in Austria only live "bacteria yoghurt was allowed and of course we feed our children with it and normaly they survive.

As you may know in your intestines are a lot of bacteria processing the food for you, as well there are the same bacteria as in in living yoghurt. So there is absolut no danger in that, as long as you don't work dirty and you get some funghi into it.

In generell everything sauer is less dangerous in matter of bacteria.

Live means the bacteria is alive, so you can use it to make more yoghurt yourself. I guess the idea is that the yoghurt bacteria will clean up your digestive tract.

The best one is "Gourmet" brand sold in Foodlands.

Regular "plain" yoghurt sometimes doesn't work.


I am assuming you are an adult and know what you are doing.

The fad that somehow "live" bacteria in the yoghurt culture is somehow better than "killed" bacteria that was used to produce the yoghurt is somehow 'better" is in my humble opinion just @***. But as I said you are an adult, it is your life, and you can do whatever you want to yourself. If you do come down with "the runs" from this "friendly live bacteria" in your guts, well, you make your own choices.

However, seriously, DO NOT feed such yoghurt to infants or children under 2 years in the mistaken belief it is "better" or "more healthy" for them.

As an adult your immune system has developed resistance to all sorts of natural bacteria that you inhale each day from hundreds of normal sources.

Young children, under 2 years especialy, may not have developed normal resistance yet to these bacteria. NEVER feed young children live bacteria cultures in "live bacteria" yoghurt, because young children without normal resistance to these bacteria may develop intestinal infections from this bacteria.

In the U.S. there have been cases of young children getting intestianl infections from "natural" comb honey (unpasturised, i.e. uncooked honey) they were fed by their parents who believed that the "natural" (unpasturised) honey was somehow "better" than pasturised honey. As I said the young children had not yet become naturally resistant to the bacteria in this unpasturised honey.

Once again DO NOT fed live bacteria to children under 2 years of age. therefore it follows; DO NOT feed "live bacteria" to young children in this yoghurt.



Ahhh.. it looks great. Smooth as silk. Was expecting a sour smell or taste from rotting milk :D

Now I just gotta set about improving my bacteria's genes.... breed a superior race of bacteria to take over the worlde. YES!

Thanks ZZZ :o

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