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Thaivisa To Issue Thailand Expat Gold Card

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Dear Valued Thaivisa Members,

Thaivisa is in the first stages of designing a special Thailand Expat Gold Card with VISA/MasterCard functionality.. Your input is requested as this card/program will offer as many features possible for you (membership cost is to be determined). This is not an attempt to duplicate the Thailand Elite Card, we want it designed by the Expats for the Expats of Thailand.

Here are some features, members please add to the list, feedback and comments appreciated.

1. SMS messaging worldwide from the forum

2. SMS Thailand News Alerts option (breaking news)

3. 1000 MB [email protected] email account POP3 and WebMail

4. Private access to Card member information website, newsletters and forum

5. Travel and Airline discounts (THAI Airways, Bangkok Airways etc); Royal Orchid Mileage Plus

6. Restaurant Discounts

7. Hotel Discounts (Special Member World-Wide Hotel Booking Online)

8. Real Estate Sources

9. Visa & Business Consultations (Sunbelt Asia)

10. 24/7 Emergency Law service hotline (Sunbelt Asia Attorney)

11. Business/Work Permit/Startup Packages (Sunbelt Asia Attorney)

12. Health Care/Dental/Insurance Discounts, VIP service (BUPA, AIA)

13. Golf/Fitness Discounts

14. VISA/Master Card/Bank/ATM/Commerce Services

15. Car/pickup/motocycle rental discounts <added>

16. Internet access (Dial up/ADSL/Satellite) <added>

17. Discounted mobile/telephone call packages <added>

18. Sports activities, bowling etc. <added>

19. Currency exchange services, bank services (internet banking, on-line statements etc) <added>

20. Preferential rates with Indo-siam.com, SunbeltAsia.com <added>

... And much more... Please post your ideas!

Thailand Expat Card sample:


Note: No Thai work permit required - No credit check ups - No credit reporting

Some of the mentioned sponsors and partners are still under negotiations. We reserve the rights to change card functionality, design etc.

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What about car/pickup/motocycle rental discounts?

Would there be any major costs associated with having the card (annual fee etc)?

Looks like a great idea, will it only be available to permanent expats though?

- Car/pickup/motocycle rental discounts - ADDED

- Will it only be available to permanent expats? - It's an expat card - no detials can be given at this time.

- Annual fee or no fee at all? - To be decided later, depends on what we want included in the card service - and the sponsors.

We will be the best!

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I think it'll be available for people that aren't just permanent expats as they will be cutting out a big market of regular visitors if they do it that way. Which makes me think the name could do with a change too?

It seems like a grandiose scheme :o

What sort of timeline are you looking at before this comes out? And any idea of costs?

An interesting idea it has to be said, it's certainly going to spark some conversation anyway. Looking forward to hearing more about it. :D

Edited by george
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- Will it only be available to permanent expats - It's an expat card

Will that then be judged by visa status? Why not make it availble to tourists? I know most people on thaivisa.com would class themselves as expats but in reality the majority or at least a large percentage of this board (which is where I expect you will get most of your buyers) are classed as tourists.

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will thaivisa be able to manage it? 
Yes. We will outsource it 100%. These kind of things must be runned professionally.
What sort of timeline are you looking at before this comes out?  And any idea of costs?
Within 1-2 months from now. We are near launch. Cost or zero cost depends on the sponsors. We are not able to comment on sponsor details right now. Please hang on...
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I like the idea. Thai bank? Might make getting credit dicey. What interest rate? I really like the principle but you might have a struggle setting this up. Keep the details coming.....

We are negotiating with Thai and other banks. We are unable to comment right now.

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how about medical disounts?

Offer it ONLY to those of us that have been here for 3 years or more varified by their current visas.

Medical will be included, details to be announced later. Visa lenght/type is not decided yet.

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We will outsource it 100%. These kind of things must be runned profesionally.

I assume it will be outsourced to a respectable company.

I suppose what I am really trying to say is that if you do charge for this card and the services that are meant to be provided are not, who is to be held responsible, thaivisa or the outsourced company? Perhaps one of the sponsors doesn't meet the requirements of services provided or even a restaurant refuses one day to give discount to a paid up card member?

I'm not sure of the actual term I'm looking for really, who is the governing body behind the card I suppose, the people that make sure it is run properly, without incident and who cardholders can turn to if problems arise?

One more thing, whats number 8 about? Real estate sources? Can you expand?

Sorry, shouldn't be looking for problems while the card is in such early stages, but it if the services are suitable and the discounts big enough and widespread enough you may have found your first customer. :o

Edited by george
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How about :

* no annual fee

* no currency conversion charge and no loading for foreign currency purchase and cash advance

* elect either to have cash back or to donate to a preselected thai charity or thai charity of your choice

* ability to be used as a recognised form of id (so you dont have to carry passport around)

* preferential rates with indo-siam, sunbelt, et al

Also consider offerring a visa debit version with the above and linked to a high interest bearing offshore bank account (Swiss?)

Edited by Khun Bob
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We will outsource it 100%. These kind of things must be runned profesionally.

I assume it will be outsourced to a respectable company

Yes, it will be professionally done, as it will be outsourced. I can't give any more details right now.

This thread is intended to determine what you WANT, so we can PROVIDE it. Now we ask what you want as an expat in Thailand, and we will provide it - if possible.

We will be different from other cards!

Cheers and thanks for your input.

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sounds great and inticing but.. i would think a more selective stance on approving who qualifies as expats is in order as bkk is filled with 'foreigners'. plus the card is aptly named 'gold' so it ought to source out the 'gold expats' around town. apologise if i sound 'bitchy' but that's what makes a niche market unless the goal is volume rather than quality members.. which makes sense also. all depends on 'ya business model hey'

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How about :

* no currency conversion charge and no loading for foreign currency purchase and cash advance

* preferential rates with indo-siam, sunbelt, et al

Also consider offerring a visa debit

Currency exchange services, bank services <added>

Preferential rates with Indo-siam, Sunbelt Asia <added>

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Sounds like a great idea. Clearly much work to be done, but just as clear that you are doing much of it in the background. It's perfectly understandable that some details are still in work, and are therefore unannouncable at this point.

Some excellent "alerts" posted by members already, most of which you appear to be addressing. Keep up the good work. If it goes as well as it appears, I'll be signing up as soon as I'm eligible. It would be great if that can be before I'm officially an ex-pat. The discounts you're seeking to include may come in very handy during the relocation process!

Thanks for the effort! :o

GR (Changing my sig to avoid confusion with "moderator" George.)

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Hi george ,

I would not mind an annual fee if the discounts were large enough .

No professional company is going to do all that work for free . Then take Greg for example giving free advice to 20,000 + members . He has to get a little something or free ad's :o . Just get big name companys with big discounts. I like the air travel and the banking ones the best . Im in .


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There are those of us who are not ex-pats but keep an eye on thaivisa because we know we will be returning to Thailand again and again. It would make sense to include our group, if for no other reason than the fact that we'll be "contributing" substantial sums over relatively short periods of time. That's important to the people who will be offering the discounts, without which, the card will have little value to anyone.

It just makes sense to generate as much interest and income from all of your thaivisa base group despite their visa status, excluding an important source of potential dollars spent won't set well.

Exclusivity does not guarantee quality.

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Thai Visa earns money per each customer referred, while we have a VISA, MasterCard or DebitCard from the states or Europe that we can use everywhere throughout the world and with places on the net, PayPal and ebay.  Of course Thai VISA gets the customer and earns (I think the going rate is $50 per card) but bears no responsibility.  Something worth checking into.  The card would of course carry the logo of THaiVISA (a catchy name for a VISA Card) and the forum could offer assistance to people that lost their cards etc.

I just love it when someone pays attention to my ideas! Go get em and sign me up.

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