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Thaivisa To Issue Thailand Expat Gold Card

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If not already, George will ive to regret the day he offered a plan to develop this card. No one has offered any assistance to George with setting up this proposition. Rather, there are 300 posts demanding "gimme gimme gimme". You are a bunch of thankless twerps, and George should walk away from this project.

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This should have been settled one way or another a long time ago.

The first thing that should have happened was a poll should have been put up to find out how many members would be interested in an Expat card to begin with. A few questions such as would people be willing to pay a fee, etc. could have been asked. This was never done.

Armed with some preliminary information from the poll, you get a list of banks and then contact them to see if there is any interest on their part.

Instead, this thread became a wish list with posts of people asking for things that were never going to happen.

Now it looks like what once was a good idea may have gone south. For something as important as this, the members should have been brought in right from the start to get their opinions.

Maybe there is still some life to this, but I for one, am very disappointed on how this has been handled. Before someone comes up with another idea that could affect the entire membership, I hope they will think first before acting.

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I haven't read all the messages on this thread ... would take me a few more days..

I don't know how it would be possible to get around the local banking legislative requirements on this one if it were to be available for people who were on tourist visas etc.. (I am assuming that you can only get an account if you have a residence, work permit or study visa...? - ie. not toursit visas)..

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Since YOU obvious know what's wrong, why don't YOU fix it. Why don't YOU do exactly what YOU suggest? Before YOU do that, YOU should read all of the posts, and then YOU will realize that there is no one solution that will satisfy everyone. And, those that aren't satisfied, will grab onto YOUr hindquarters complaining bitterly about how YOU could abandon them andn blah blah blah...

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Since YOU obvious know what's wrong, why don't YOU fix it.  Why don't YOU do exactly what YOU suggest?  Before YOU do that, YOU should read all of the posts, and then YOU will realize that there is no one solution that will satisfy everyone.  And, those that aren't satisfied, will grab onto YOUr hindquarters complaining bitterly about how YOU could abandon them andn blah blah blah...

Seconded Expat :o

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Since YOU obvious know what's wrong, why don't YOU fix it.  Why don't YOU do exactly what YOU suggest?  Before YOU do that, YOU should read all of the posts, and then YOU will realize that there is no one solution that will satisfy everyone.  And, those that aren't satisfied, will grab onto YOUr hindquarters complaining bitterly about how YOU could abandon them andn blah blah blah...

Seconded Expat :o


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Since YOU obvious know what's wrong, why don't YOU fix it. Why don't YOU do exactly what YOU suggest? Before YOU do that, YOU should read all of the posts, and then YOU will realize that there is no one solution that will satisfy everyone. And, those that aren't satisfied, will grab onto YOUr hindquarters complaining bitterly about how YOU could abandon them andn blah blah blah"

First, I did make a valid point of what is wrong and second it is not my role to fix it since I didn't "break it" to begin with. Had this been done correctly from the start, the members would have had an answer by now and likely a card they could be using.

Second, I have been reading all the posts on this topic for the last 3 months, as I am sure others have as well. Asking for a XMas list of benefits that either couldn't be gotten just distracted from what should have been the core to this - the card.

Third, the rest of your reply makes no sense, so there is no way to comment on whatever it is you are ranting about. Either English isn't your first language or you're hitting the Mekong a little too hard.

It's too bad there aren't enough members willing to speak up and ask why this has dragged on as long as it has and why no updates like we were promised.

You would think trying to get to the bottom of this would make sense. Instead, I get idiotic babble like above which just goes to show there are a bunch of complacent followers are on this forum and not enough leaders.

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We will revert with an update when we have something newto tell you. This is a very complicated project, and we might need to launch a mini version of it first and then complete the product in several steps.

I need at least a month more, please be patient.


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You should have read the previous 300+ posts, and mine, a lot closer. Your post represents what is wrong - rather than showing some support, you're taking pot shots at George and his efforts. I love your attitude: "I didn't break it, so I'm not going to try to fix it". Considering your level of involvement and thoughtful response, I'm reminded of the joke: what's the difference between ignorance and apathy? "I don't know and I don't care."

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I assume people who are involved in Buisness in Thailand will understand the length of time required to set up something like that here.

I am still amazed at the slow pace businesses make decisions here. I gave a quotation to a major distributor over 3 months ago. a month later they asked for it again (they just lost it, nobody bothered for all that time). A month later they asked us to conduct a preliminary presentation. Then a week ago they asked for a few more details and said we are their preferred candidate for the project and they will make a decision soon.

I had a few Thai agents very excited to start work with me and market our new product. They were excited for 2 weeks, then nothing for 2 and half months, then they ask for a price list a few days ago. Good morning!

I am involved both in retail and in selling to companies. I must say if it wasn't for the retail I'd die of boredom of the pace! :D

Sloooowwww, slowwww, slowwwww!

but.... you finally get there! :o

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There are those of us who are not ex-pats but keep an eye on thaivisa because we know we will be returning to Thailand again and again.  It would make sense to include our group, if for no other reason than the fact that we'll be "contributing" substantial sums over relatively short periods of time.  That's important to the people who will be offering the discounts, without which, the card will have little value to anyone. 

It just makes sense to generate as much interest and income from all of your thaivisa base group despite their visa status, excluding an important source of potential dollars spent won't set well.

Exclusivity does not guarantee quality.

Please don't forget the ex-thai national who will someday :o return to their homeland for good. I'm defnitely interested and would like info. Where can I sign up?

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