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How Come Every Topic I'Ve Done Has Gotten Closed?


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Depends on the topic. You should read all the different forum titles to familiarize yourself with all the options. I don't know what topics you had issues with, but sometimes if you do have legit general topic and it is somewhat edgy, it can go in farang pub.

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Better yet, PM a mod.

Good point. I've had my knuckles wrapped a few times in the past until I learned the unwritten rules of the forum. And, I've NEVER posted anything nasty. Controversial subjects will ALWAYS be scrutinized more carefully than a simple... How to, or Where to questions. The General forum is for Thai related subjects only. Contribute enough without being nasty and you will build up credibility. The private "Bedlam" forum is for off topic subject that relate to places other than Thailand.

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Not sure what your topics are but you should familiarize yourself with forum rules and if you are unsure as to where or if a topic is appropriate PM a moderator on duty with your questions.

moving to forum support, which is, btw, the appropriate place for forum questions.

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A reasonable proportion of your posts are rude inflammatory xenophobic garbage to be fair. As i have said already you appear to be a rather silly young man as your topic of white people leaving Thailand showed "most" of us. But i think we both know you've been happily trolling for a while now and there are some apologists on here that will find a reason to back you up no matter how ridiculous your comments.

Just my thoughts ofcourse, but good luck with the rapping anyway.

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