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Apartment Help: Kad Suan Kaew Shopping Mall


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When I visited Chiang Mai in 2008, I stopped by a new apartment complex across from the Kad Suan Kaew Shopping Mall parking lot.

The apartment offered short-term, low-cost rentals and the area seemed very convenient.

Since I'm thinking of living in Thailand part of the year, I'd like to get in contact with them again.

Anyone have an idea of the name of the apartment complex or contact information?

Thanks in advance.

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Hmm..there are only two buildings that spring to mind. One is old though (a pink building..no idea of the name), the other newer..maybe around 4/5 years old (blue and white/cream building).

THe newer building is Hauy Kaew Residence: http://www.huaykaewresidence.com/

Might be the one you have in mind?

Pink building, isn't that the Natkornping/Nakornping, building?

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I don't think there's a new building "across the way" from KSK if that means on the other side of the big street in front of KSK, Huey Kaew. NakornPing condo the tall pink and white building across Huey Kaew, a little further out toward the mountain. I don't think this is what the OP had in mind. It's about 20 years old and doesn't offer short-term rentals.

Maybe he was thinking of The Dome Residence, which is across Huey Kaew from KSK, maybe 400-500 away from KSK, toward the mountain. It's less than a couple years old and would fit the bill for a place to stay for several months out of the year. Huey Kaew Residence is older and has an unfavorable reputation in previous posts on this forum. I know many people who have stayed at The Dome and they all have been very happy with the place.

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If you're thinking of Huay Kaew Residence, be cautious. They have an appalling reputation for not returning deposits which makes an already average deal into a poor one. Use the site search on here to see testimonials from past (dissatisfied) tenants.

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and a high electric rate. Anything above 5 is unreasonable. I was curious about Buddy Internet. Across the street from the mall, and has upstairs apartments.

IMO, the best fruit cart in CM (and possibly, the World), is the one in front of that 7-11.

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The photo helped me to remember.

It was the Huay Kaew Residence.

Thanks for the warning.

When I tried to search the apartment, though, I didn't come up with anything.

I'm in Korea and was planning a trip over to see what it would be like to live in Chinag Mai.

If anyone has any other suggestions on temporary accommodations, I'd welcome them.

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I'd avoid Huay Keaw residence, average deal.... My mate got his deposit back no problem... But there are better.

I'd recommmend The Dome, although is a tad pricy if less that 3mths.... There is quite a new place down the same soi of NakornPing Condo on the opposite side that looks nice, think they would do short term leases and IMO has a better feel to it than Huay Keaw residence...

Good luck :)

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The photo helped me to remember.

It was the Huay Kaew Residence.

Thanks for the warning.

When I tried to search the apartment, though, I didn't come up with anything.

I'm in Korea and was planning a trip over to see what it would be like to live in Chinag Mai.

If anyone has any other suggestions on temporary accommodations, I'd welcome them.

there are so many choices downtown chiang mai that i wouldn't worry about it and just come here and make the deal here.especially now the availability must be good for another 2 months. i myself rented only on charonprathet at chiang mai mansion and put people up at smith residence and verachai court,but there are countless others for under 8000 a month fully furnished and convenient. if you just walk around where you want to stay you can see these big buildings with lots of aircon units they are oftentimes appartment buildings .just walk right in and ask there.

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