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Good Restaurants in Chiang Rai


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On our shopping trips to Big C we often stop in to Black Canyon for something to eat. Yesterday we decided to tryout the new S & P and were pleasantly surprised.

They brought in 4 or 5 guys from Bangkok who are well trained. They speak Central not Northern, even though at least one of them is a local by birth, and the service was quite good for around here. They were very polite and attentive and standing at their stations as opposed to talking or watching TV.

Prices are a little higher than Black Canyon but, what I had, tasted better. The wife said hers was just a little plain tasting and could have used a little more flavor.

I'm not big on their ambiance but it is clean and well lit and the layout makes it easy to get the attention of the staff. Overall we were quite satisfied with the experience and took home a big bag of the baked goods, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I haven't read every post herein, but read about half. I'm also a fan of Muslim food places. The place on the one-way side road alongside the Muslim temple with the green-topped spires. There's a newer place on Rim Kok which parallels the river on the north side, in Ban Mai. nice open air ambiance.

Ever notice how the only restaurants in town with bars of soap bigger than a slivered almond are either farang or Muslim owned? Oh, and the vege place on the east side of the Night Bazaar has soap, and the food is good and low-cost. Plus it's a quiet clean place to read a newspaper and chill - a rarity anywhere in Thailand.

Nice to see there are several very decent coffee shops popping up in C.Rai - some even have live unamplified string music. If you ever see an unamplified guitarist performing in Thailand - go up and give him a big thumbs up - as it's such a rarity. So nice to hear the subtle sound of strings coming from the body of a guitar - rather than the vibrations of a coil in a cardboard speaker powered by electric current.

At least a dozen times I've found a very cool restaurant in C.Rai, and within a few weeks it closes. Perhaps that's an indication that if something good comes along - to keep me from frequenting it. Same sort of pattern with women, but that's another story.

I ate at the Muslim restaurant just over the bridge and just past the Rimkok rd on the left yesterday. Everythink was really delicious. Friendly family runs the place and good lunchtime crowd, which is usually a good sign. Very clean.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I haven't read every post herein, but read about half. I'm also a fan of Muslim food places. The place on the one-way side road alongside the Muslim temple with the green-topped spires. There's a newer place on Rim Kok which parallels the river on the north side, in Ban Mai. nice open air ambiance.

Ever notice how the only restaurants in town with bars of soap bigger than a slivered almond are either farang or Muslim owned? Oh, and the vege place on the east side of the Night Bazaar has soap, and the food is good and low-cost. Plus it's a quiet clean place to read a newspaper and chill - a rarity anywhere in Thailand.

Nice to see there are several very decent coffee shops popping up in C.Rai - some even have live unamplified string music. If you ever see an unamplified guitarist performing in Thailand - go up and give him a big thumbs up - as it's such a rarity. So nice to hear the subtle sound of strings coming from the body of a guitar - rather than the vibrations of a coil in a cardboard speaker powered by electric current.

At least a dozen times I've found a very cool restaurant in C.Rai, and within a few weeks it closes. Perhaps that's an indication that if something good comes along - to keep me from frequenting it. Same sort of pattern with women, but that's another story.

I ate at the Muslim restaurant just over the bridge and just past the Rimkok rd on the left yesterday. Everythink was really delicious. Friendly family runs the place and good lunchtime crowd, which is usually a good sign. Very clean.

They also have a good selection of cars for sale.


Edited by tayto
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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone been to a restaurant called "khunyom" on Thanalai Rd. in the city? I´m curious because I saw an advertising on one of the cycletaxis saying "pasta buffet för 39 baht" or something like that. I drove down the whole road yesterday but I couldn´t find it. I wouldn´t mind a pasta buffet but I need the location first! :o

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  • 2 weeks later...


I never tried it, if I want thai kanom jiin then I go to a place called "baan kanom jiin" on the old airport road just next to the high school there. Very nice actually if you haven't tried it. They have 4 different kinds of curries to go along with the chinese vermicelli and it's only 20 baht a set (vermicelli + 1 curry). How can you miss out!?

Now, I´m a food fanatic so is there anything new happening in CR? New restaurants or specialities hidden away in some soi just waiting for me to come there and indulge?

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I have been to Sawasdee(the restaurant overlooking the Yellow tables at the Night Bazaar) now 2 times last 10 days. I have never been there before and always seen it as a "Tourist Trap".

First time we were there were Saturday 16th, the dry preelection day. Rumour said they were serving beer and they did. But they also served very good food at reasonable prices. And yesterday we tried it again and the food was very good and prices were OK.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good food, good service, good prices and a good VIEW!

What can beat that?

You can find it in hotel Nim See Seng´s restaurant on 6th floor.

We were there a year ago invited by friends and the food was super.

But we forget about it until yesterday when we were heading for a meal in town and I took the Main road into town and saw the sign.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Now we tried a new restaurant again. It is the one on the short cut to New Airport, going from Big C on Superhighway, turn right at the Meng Rai statue, after maybe 3.5 km on the left side with two huges cows outside.

Great food. Good music (one guy playing guitar, also some western songs).

Try the scrimps in yellow curry!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Did anyone else experience that C & C, Cabbages and Condoms, uses two different menus? One for Thai people and one for westerners. Quite a difference in price but the same dishes!

if that's true, then that's very wrong. Hopefully some people will reproach them for that. I would.

Also, there are still far too many places that put too much MSG on food. C.Rai is not far from MSG-loving China and most retaurants here are Chinese run.

For people like me, any amount of MSG is too much. I can feel it within minutes. It's an unpleasant crappie feeling that lingers for many hours. Thais claim they don't mind, but they've become innured to many things - including smog and loud noise, trashy sidewalks, barking dogs, you name it. However, I wouldn't be surprised if their ingestation of MSG contributes to irritableness and hassles with others - usually family members - usually behind closed doors.

I don't always remember, but even when I say it, the Chinese/Thai food preparers might add it anyway (what? a farang is going to tell me how to cook!). The way to say 'I don't want MSG is: 'mai aow pom charot' There are other ways to transliterate it, but that's how it sounds. If MSG doesn't bother you, then great - I'm jealous. However, for those who get zapped by it, it's like a mild-poison lurking in most restaurants and street stalls in C.Rai.

Maybe the chefs skipped class the day they taught, "It's not nice to poison people who buy food from you."

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Not one of your best posts Brahms.

He seems to bring it up regularly, MSG allergy can be dangerous and annoying. However it's been in Asian cooking for hundreds of years and regardless of popular opinion it is a natural product produced by fermentation. (Like alcohol).

I suppose that those allergic to peanuts or lactose intolerant could make a similar case for banning milk and peanut products.

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MSG doesn't hurt you. It is all in your mind. :o

Like all allergies they vary in the way they affect different people. Most people have no problem and some have minor symptoms ranging from dry throat, dizziness, heart palpatations and nausea. In a small percentage of people it can lead to severe symptoms including loss of breathing control, swelling of the throat, bleeding of the digestive tract and death.

Many plants contain microamounts of MSG including tomato, capsicum, and more commonly especially in the West - wheat.

As a percentage many more westerners are allergic to MSG than Asians, possibly as a result of the recessive gene dying out of the gene pool in Asian countries. Similarly to peanuts and some types of oils etc.


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The latest research into MSG shows that it can result in sudden irreversible impotence in single men in their early fifties. quote

does this mean if you are past your early fifties and married you wont catch it

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Rot yiem, the noodle shop that sells beef noodles across from the yellow songthaew that sells kai krata held a gathering for Thaksins return. What is your political standing point on that? Are you going to but more noodles from "Thaksins Loaylist Club" or not?

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My limited experience eating in Chiang Rai is that it is very difficult to find a decent restaurant where the food is actualy controlled by a western person. Usually farangs turn the places over to their Thai wives and that is when it starts to go down hill. As a supplier to A's resturant I know that they buy good quality raw materials.

For those who claim the restaruants are so great in Chiang Rai I think that don't have very much good eating experience.

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