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Hi.!I just wonder-now I have done a litle recearch, to answer some questions,in here, the last cuple of days-and it was just go and google the questions,and then you have the answer.My question is then-why diddent people go and do this by them self,instead asking people in here.?It will be a question, of the same amount of time used, to put it in here-sorry-I just wonder why people dont do it by them self.brianmarinus.


cos it's a forum for sharing views and opinions I guess.

Also real life experiences from some posters can be most valuable because as you know, Thailand is not as straight forward as black and white and does not always conform to what Google has in its answers.


Very few times do I recall a post on the CR forum that could be answered by google. It would indeed be lazy if they did that but usually it is a non CR forum member that asks it. If fact many google questions will give you a link back to a TV forum.


Very few times do I recall a post on the CR forum that could be answered by google. It would indeed be lazy if they did that but usually it is a non CR forum member that asks it. If fact many google questions will give you a link back to a TV forum.


I will agree, that alot of questions asked in here-most of them,is ok-and will not be answered from google-but I talk about simpel question like-where are there resorts in this area-and where to by this and this-simple questions-who eaysely are answered by google-and to mention it-it have been members of CR foum,who ask those questions.

I ques you get it the same way, as I did-every time, a new post come up in here-I get a Email about it.

Ok. I know,that I just can ignore those things-but I cant-if some one ask after something-I will try to find out, for the mann-I just wonder why it is so-thats all.



Instead of posting this, you could have Googled "Why do people post questions instead of finding the answer on line." Actually, the Op does have a point; some of the questions I've read here would be better researched by a competent lawyer or a visit to Immigration.


"I think I have a question about something but I'm not really sure what. Perhaps you could tell me what I want to know and why?"

Some have argued that the more ambiguous the question the better. I disagree. Stop the laziness and brain rot. Use the grey matter between your ears, for something other than filler. ;)

As Bobr suggested, go to the source for information and don't rely on hearsay from some other farang who is even more clueless than you are. Then again stupid questions can be entertaining and provide levity on occasion. :)


But then i do ask some questions.

The reason is that by asking local people, you should get answers that you may not have been able to get from Google.

That is if you do not get the answer that you were after, IMHO :D


Agreed. If you ask enough people, someone is likely to tell you what you want to hear, truthful or not. ;)

I agree VF :D

Kind of like politics :lol:


"I think I have a question about something but I'm not really sure what. Perhaps you could tell me what I want to know and why?"

Some have argued that the more ambiguous the question the better. I disagree. Stop the laziness and brain rot. Use the grey matter between your ears, for something other than filler. ;)

As Bobr suggested, go to the source for information and don't rely on hearsay from some other farang who is even more clueless than you are. Then again stupid questions can be entertaining and provide levity on occasion. :)

A bit harse. I think it is more the posters second language issues rather than any brain rot or clueless issues.


Cos some of us learn stuff we didn't know before reading guys questions and answers, especially in LOS. Bit of a daft topic.

No questions, No forum. :rolleyes:

I suppose No daft topics, No forum either? :rolleyes:


"I think I have a question about something but I'm not really sure what. Perhaps you could tell me what I want to know and why?"

Some have argued that the more ambiguous the question the better. I disagree. Stop the laziness and brain rot. Use the grey matter between your ears, for something other than filler. ;)

As Bobr suggested, go to the source for information and don't rely on hearsay from some other farang who is even more clueless than you are. Then again stupid questions can be entertaining and provide levity on occasion. :)

A bit harse. I think it is more the posters second language issues rather than any brain rot or clueless issues.

Yes, you are right-it isn't my first language/and I am sorry if somebody find that hard to beleave, that people who aint from the UK. or US. dont get a master degree in this/but Anyway/I think the most people/if they want,can understand me.

To you,Transam/yes/a forum is a place to ask qustions/my question is/why cant people just dont do the most ordinary thinks, by them self/Maby I am crazy/but where I came from, we do that/and if some one think, that is so stupid/then ok. whit me.

It seams, that you cant ask a simple question whit out/you are the mann, who are wrong.

Once again/sorry for the language/I am out of here,for good.

Have a nice day.!


"I think I have a question about something but I'm not really sure what. Perhaps you could tell me what I want to know and why?"

Some have argued that the more ambiguous the question the better. I disagree. Stop the laziness and brain rot. Use the grey matter between your ears, for something other than filler. ;)

As Bobr suggested, go to the source for information and don't rely on hearsay from some other farang who is even more clueless than you are. Then again stupid questions can be entertaining and provide levity on occasion. :)

A bit harsh. I think it is more the posters second language issues rather than any brain rot or clueless issues.

You are just nicer than I am. :)


"I think I have a question about something but I'm not really sure what. Perhaps you could tell me what I want to know and why?"

Some have argued that the more ambiguous the question the better. I disagree. Stop the laziness and brain rot. Use the grey matter between your ears, for something other than filler. ;)

As Bobr suggested, go to the source for information and don't rely on hearsay from some other farang who is even more clueless than you are. Then again stupid questions can be entertaining and provide levity on occasion. :)

A bit harsh. I think it is more the posters second language issues rather than any brain rot or clueless issues.

Yes, you are right-it isn't my first language/and I am sorry if somebody find that hard to beleave, that people who aint from the UK. or US. dont get a master degree in this/but Anyway/I think the most people/if they want,can understand me.

To you,Transam/yes/a forum is a place to ask qustions/my question is/why cant people just dont do the most ordinary thinks, by them self/Maby I am crazy/but where I came from, we do that/and if some one think, that is so stupid/then ok. whit me.

It seams, that you cant ask a simple question whit out/you are the mann, who are wrong.

Once again/sorry for the language/I am out of here,for good.

Have a nice day.!

In case some didn't get it, I was agreeing with the OP. :)


"I think I have a question about something but I'm not really sure what. Perhaps you could tell me what I want to know and why?"

Some have argued that the more ambiguous the question the better. I disagree. Stop the laziness and brain rot. Use the grey matter between your ears, for something other than filler. ;)

As Bobr suggested, go to the source for information and don't rely on hearsay from some other farang who is even more clueless than you are. Then again stupid questions can be entertaining and provide levity on occasion. :)

A bit harsh. I think it is more the posters second language issues rather than any brain rot or clueless issues.

You are just nicer than I am. :)

That I do not believe. ;)

Whoops. Just realized that you were NOT quoting the poster as I has Assumed but rather using your quote to describe some previous posters who use their post as a fishing trip. My Bad

Brian, I think some good answers/replies got posted here. And you have been beat up really bad by others on other forums. You haven't forgotten that. So don't let this little bit of negative feedback make you give up on this forum.

As for why they post questions without looking in other places first- Lots of reasons.

But the first thing to consider is, it is only a very, very small minority who do post questions here. It is an even smaller minority that post the easily answered questions here. Think about how many users this forum has. Then think about the percentage of those users who do post questions here. Now think of all the people you know where you come from. Surely, in that group at home, you have a certain percentage who normally rely on others for info. It is just easier for some people to ask others for help. It is how they live. And if they stopped you on the street and asked for directions or what type of government you have there, you wouldn't tell them to go Google it. Well, in this case, this forum is the virtual street for some people and they don't want to walk into the library (Google) and look it up. They want a quick, sensible answer and they can go on surfing while they wait for it. So, for every question you see posted here, keep in mind that maybe ten thousand other TV forum people DID look up the answer to their own particular question that day and only a very few went to the forum with their question.

The next thing is the social factor. Some people really need the feedback and the exchange of ideas or words to put it into a concept that they can understand or appreciate. And once they have established the feedback trail, they can ask further questions for clarification. They feel better getting the info from you than from a "web source". Lots of people don't trust the Internet but they trust people on the Internet. Now, that whole idea is a topic all by itself and if fairly debated, there would be no clear winner. Just keep in mind, that is how some people think, whether it makes sense or not.

Lastly, as has already been mentioned by previous posters, some people are looking for your personal experience. Was that hotel as good as the website says it was? Was the bus ride cheap and on time and not crowded? Is the current info I am looking at right now on Google really "current"? Have you been there, done that? If so, tell me about what YOUR experience was.

It seems to me that your posted question is more of a rhetorical question and as such, it is going to receive some "off the cuff" answers.

I won't start a specific topic about this one but I will ask here, almost in the same vein that VF posted some time ago and got slammed for doing it: If you want something, if you're looking for something, if you think people can provide an answer and you expect a sensible answer, WHY NOT TAKE THE TIME to properly ask the question or describe in particular what it is you want or want to know? I believe it is just rudeness or stupidity that causes someone to post such a general question that the next five replies to the question are an effort to verify what the OP wanted in the first place. I don't even waste my time on those any more and I often have the answer, regardless of what the guy is wanting but I'm not going to bother with asking him does he want this type or that type, which are found in different places. I don't have much education. But I do have common sense. I know which of those two I prefer.

I also don't read minds. So, I'll leave those crystal ball questions to others with that skill or those that have a lot more free time on their hands for the twenty questions game.


Some wise words from Kandahar.

There are many kinds of posters on Thaivisa, newbies, oldies, chatters, people looking to make friends, people wanting to talk about themselves, native speakers, non native speakers , people looking for information and people giving information

If you don't like one of these groups don't knock them , just ignore it instead of trying to model them into a perfect poster.

Next question please :unsure:


If I thought it were possible to get candid answers, I would like to ask people what group they think they fall into or what they get from TV.

For me TV is an entertainment and social networking venue, if you hadn't guessed. Keep that in mind when you don't get my complex phraseology and irreverent sense of humor. I don't take any of this seriously. Playing the online part of VF is my métier and perhaps on occasion I enjoy it a bit too much. ;)


If I thought it were possible to get candid answers, I would like to ask people what group they think they fall into or what they get from TV.

For me TV is an entertainment and social networking venue, if you hadn't guessed. Keep that in mind when you don't get my complex phraseology and irreverent sense of humor. I don't take any of this seriously. Playing the online part of VF is my métier and perhaps on occasion I enjoy it a bit too much. ;)



I don't have much education. But I do have common sense. I know which of those two I prefer.

How did you find out? How can you have tried out both? :lol:

The one doesn't exclude the other, so a combination of both

might be recommendable.

If you have children I would suggest to give them the best

education you can get for them. Streetwisdom or common sense

is for free and everybody has it, more or less ...

I think that Brian asks himself why people don't consult the Yellow

Pages telephone book of Chiang Rai a little bit more often.

A lot of information can be found there.

Limbo :yohan:

Reason for editing:

Just wanted to say that it might be better to divert the attention

of your children away from law studies.

I won't go in detail, but there is more than 'common sense' behind

my recommendation ...

Let's call it experience :ermm:


I wasn't going to comment because I was hopeing Brian was just having a bad day.

but just as an experiment Brian. And I'm being serious , not my usual Joking self.

Please Google where to find 'Copper Pipe' or 'Hot water" PVC pipe, (I believe its green in colour) in Chiang Rai and then give us the information.

I know two Guys who needs some. One on the Forum and one other .

Ta .


I don't have much education. But I do have common sense. I know which of those two I prefer.

How did you find out? How can you have tried out both? :lol:

The one doesn't exclude the other, so a combination of both

might be recommendable.

If you have children I would suggest to give them the best

education you can get for them. Streetwisdom or common sense

is for free and everybody has it, more or less ...

I think that Brian asks himself why people don't consult the Yellow

Pages telephone book of Chiang Rai a little bit more often.

A lot of information can be found there.

Limbo :yohan:

Reason for editing:

Just wanted to say that it might be better to divert the attention

of your children away from law studies.

I won't go in detail, but there is more than 'common sense' behind

my recommendation ...

Let's call it experience :ermm:

Limbo, you and I just get closer and closer in our thinking, don't we? And our ages get closer as well. At one time in your life, you were twice as old as me and I have been gaining on you since that day. I suspect we are almost twins now, except I'll always be the good looking one.

Brian is having a time with all of this for one reason: He is signed up to get notifications of all new threads and he keeps getting distracted by them and wanting to help everyone. Impossible, of course. He needs to disable the notification thing and stay with what he knows. He will figure that out soon enough. But he is who he is. I think a lot of Brian and consider him a good friend. I don't ask anything of him but I know if I did, he would go through hel_l to help me. At the same time, he tickles me that he writes that people should take the time look things up for themselves and then later defends himself by saying that he only posted a question about why people do that and people jump on him for posting a question. He is the very victim that he was asking about, in the end. That kind of irony is not lost on this old man. That truly is one of the funniest things I have read on here, besides my own words, of course.

Lawyers. Don't even start. I'm always surprised that you can type a dirty word like fuc_k on this forum and the program at TV will interrupt the spelling of it for the sake of "taste" or "etiquette" but it lets us write the word lawyer without any modifications. Now, that is jacked up! I have made mistakes in raising my children but nudging them towards a law degree wasn't one of them.

Formal education. Not a lot you can do with it except try to make a living passing it on to someone else. I don't have much formal education. Don't need it. I do at times have the need for finding the hypotenuse of a triangle. Never learned that formula. Had it in school but never "learned" it. Now, when I need it, I drag my old math book out and refresh my memory just long enough to accomplish the task at hand and then forget it again. I only find the need for it about once every five years anyway. So, I'm kind of glad I was reading novels hidden behind my math book in math class. Gained a lot of Mark Twain wisdom and left a lot of brain space for other things.

I do have SOME education. It is possible to have education AND common sense. It is also possible to have common sense and no education except experience. And as we see here often, it is possible to have an education and not have any common sense whatsoever. So, as you said, one doesn't exclude the other. But as I said, it is certainly possible to have the former and not the latter. (Remember this line because you'll need it in a minute.)

You asked , "How did I find out? How can you have tried out both?" A man with common sense would know the answer (as explained above) and would never bother to ask the question. An educated man without common sense wouldn't know the answer and would ask the question. I'm not going to tell you the answer, Limbo. Not for free, anyway.

But I can hold a few seminars in the future, with lots of talking in circles and asking of the audience, "Are you understanding it now?" from time to time (They aren't getting it now. I have shed the personality that my parents thought was ingrained in me and have assumed the personality of the guy in charge, at the podium. They aren't getting it because I'm just trying to impress them with how much information MY brain has retained, because my ego is larger than my desire to advance others. I see the advancement of anyone else as a direct threat to my superiority. I'm not an educator. I'm a professional, in pursuit of a paycheck and a higher position. And of course the big bonus is, my students will love me because if they don't act like they worship me, they probably won't get a good grade. Easy to be loved when you hold someone's future in your hand, huh?). And when the seminar finally ends and I have the money in my pocket, I will explain to the entire class that they are now "educated" and that was what they paid for.

I'll also explain (for free) that they can pursue education all of their lives and it is never enough. I'll explain about the friend I have who got a PhD so he could work at the top in the pharmaceutical field and hated the work enough that he quit and became a welder, repairing railroad tracks. He and I worked side by side, making equal money, with only our ages separating us. I'll tell them of the experiences I have had in EVERY state of my home country and my experiences in other countries, learning that people are people, people hurt and need a word, a hug or touch sometimes. I'll explain that there is nothing better than sharing what you can't afford to share, with someone who has nothing at all and how you learn later that you didn't need that shared item anyway. I'll tell them they can get educated or experienced in their youth. Education is expensive and, in some cases, worthless (my welder friend and millions of educated, unemployed in the world right now) and experience is just as expensive but a lot more valuable. You don't have to stop and recall experience. You just act. With education, maybe you remember, maybe you don't. Maybe, you have to drag that math book out after all.

My last hint, Limbo: An educated man will poke another man in the eye with a sharp stick and ask the guy if it hurt. A man with common sense already knows it hurt and it hurts him more than the guy who was poked in the eye.

But you're still welcome to stop by for a cup of coffee any time. You know we are neighbors. And we'll find some common ground. And we'll have a laugh.

  • Like 1

Dear Kandahar,

Thanks for the great reply!

As a man with a 'common sense' even bigger than the provinces

Chiang Rai and Payao together (add the northern part of Nan as well)

I understood immediately what you meant.

Didn't we meet at W'n's on a Wednesday or Thursday about a week

before your new house event took place, long, long time ago?

Could I be right when I think that you live in one of the nice houses

on the compound in front of which for some time a little car was parked

called either Mira or Forsale? With stickers on its doors, advertising

all different kinds of saddle bags for motorcycles?

In the beginning I looked everytime when I passed, to see if it was you,

but I never saw a living soul.

Big Gary and Eltee might have coffee at the Kangeroo, but I never paid attention

as I only have two cups every morning at home to wake up the spirits of life.

The first one I consider mostly to be the best drink of the day.

If they have, the first is on me 555!

Limbo :yohan:


Hi again, Limbo.

No, I don't think we have met but I believe I have seen you drive by in your car occasionally. And yes, I live where you think I live. The little Mira was sold to a guy in BKK a while back and now the wife has the little Suzuki Sporty that she had been wanting. We don't park it on the street, though. And yes, she does have a business that sells the motorcycle saddlebags. Just a little something to fill the quiet times for her. She keeps the saddlebags here at the house but I am working on another building here that will probably double as her saddlebag shop. Getting the concrete floor in right now. Anyway, if you stop by, just turn in that driveway and go to the end of it. I'm the last house in the little compound.

New house event? Wasn't me. This house was built on a strict budget by the wife about 20 years ago and she had the monks over then. I am still spending a lot of time making modifications to it to get it how I prefer. Slow, slow, slow, is what I am.

I'm glad you didn't read my words as a personal attack. I was a bit worried that you might. It is difficult to convey a mischievous smile or a certain tone in written words sometimes. I have nothing against a person with a degree. I have nothing but respect for educators. I have nothing but disdain for professional academics.

Limbo, I almost never have beer here. But I do have a nice, big, almost full bottle of 12 year old Glenfiddich. I love the 30 year old but I just can't bring myself to drop that many baht for it. Anyway, if you show up before it is gone, remind me and I will share. However, if you ask for something to mix it with, I'll refuse. No person who understands single malt scotch mixes it with anything, including ice. But you probably know that already.

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