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Phuket Murder Suspect Lee Aldhouse Arrested At UK Airport


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The position to not extradite if a country has the death penalty is nonsense.

It is typical western colonialism in modern clothes, were our 'superior' beliefs needs to be imposed on other nations.

How about a nation stated that any country that has prison sentences longer than 2 weeks would be denied extradition claims - but we will still sign extradition treaties and expect the other side to abide to it...sounds fair?

If you are worried about your citizens being sentenced to death, tell them to not do serious crimes in a foreign country that still has the penalty in effect...

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LOL ....and since when and WHERE do you get a STAMP IN if you dont have a STAMP OUT ???

My guess is he just used another, maybe a stolen passport.....but thats all just guess work.

I hope for himself that England does not deliver him to the Thai Authorities because he will face death penalty here. AND the only ppl which knows whats really happend there in this special night are him and the victim! There are always two sides to a story. Hope someone will follow up and keep us posted.

BTW, I am just SHOCKED how bloodthirsty the Thaivisa community is sometimes, not all of you for sure, but way to many of you guys remind me of a lynch mob.

I am deeply concernd about your future and your mental healthiness, a lot of you sound like drunken stonetable politicians in front of a Thai Supermarket :angry:

stop typing bulls-it and GET A LIFE

It would be in England's best interest to agree to the the expedition. England requests many criminals to be expedited from Thailand yearly and they seem to always comply. If they refuse it could damage the cooperation in future requests. I think this is why the police seem to think they can get him back here within a week. I have never heard of any foreigners being executed here in my many years living here. According to the book 4,000 days: No farangs have been executed in Thailand in the last hundred or more years.

Though they may only agree to expedite without the death penalty being sought, as this is common practice with expeditions between nations.

From what the thai's tell me, murder only gets 5 to 10 years in most cases but if one causes serious injury without death, that can be sentenced to 20 years. Reduced sentences can be had if they have a good lawyer.

As to the bloodthirsty BM's here, CONVICTED murderers should be punished the harshest, i don't think anyone else here feels otherwise.

As to your comment "GET A LIFE" you should have consideration of how that may sound to any of the victims family members who might see that comment!!

BM's are also especially concerned because this is not a typical bar fight that resulted in a death. Plenty of witness came foreword wondering why with Lee's reputation of past violence was he still allowed to be here.

I do hope that the police also arrest anyone who may have aided Lee in his escape, the reports indicate they were watching his girlfriend and mother closely.

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Interestingly I'm now hearing that Mr. Aldhouse was arrested on August 18th, at Heathrow Airport.

According to the source he was arrested on an outstanding charge, for which he had previously skipped bail and the UK.

Check out the video on the Fox NewsChannel.

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i was told he was on a plane to the uk a couple of days ago, allegedly he flew from cambodia, as soon as he got on the flight, they notified the uk authorities.. i would love to see him sent to the usa, prolly wont happen tho.

You just never know. The British owners of "British Dragon" were extradited to the US for illegally shiping steroids to the US. This guy killed a US citizen.

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It's easy to bypass border controls in Thailand, you just need to know were and when. Because some of the areas are stil monitored by the thai army. But it is very easy to go to lao and cambodia without going through immigration. Once in Lao just get a taxi to friendship bridge in savannakhet and get stamped in, as this is relaxed, if someone stops just say i forgot to get stamped in.

Plus the extradition will get denied due to human rights, and thailand is a country that offers death sentence so the UK will not extradite him.

OK So you sneak out of Thailand.

What airline what airport let's you fly with no passport?

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You mean like the dead Marine got at the hands of the cowardly sicko who ended his life?

Lynch mob mentality again. You or no one else on this board knows exactly what happened, so let the courts decide. Why does it make a difference that he was an American marine, can't you just say person. If he did murder the person in question I am sure that the British courts will give the appropriate sentence. He will not be extradited.


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He will not be extradited.


That's the problem in this world.

Most nations in the world are working and trading with one another but many countries do not extradite their own citizens, even in the case someone has murdered another person in another country.

If a Thai would have murdered an American in the UK, would America try and ask for his extradition ?

I know it's off topic but in some eyes it's allowed to lure and set-up a Russian arms dealer in Thailand and America says it's OK to extradite him to the US, even if no crime has been committed on Thai nor US soil.

It's a weird world


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The Thais will be happy to get rid of this one. Why should they pay for this guy for 20 years plus.(if he is guilty). I doubt that this is a serious request for extradition, the same as Mr T. It puts a slur on Thailand and one that they can live without. They have enough problems already.


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Lynch mob mentality again. You or no one else on this board knows exactly what happened, so let the courts decide. Why does it make a difference that he was an American marine, can't you just say person. If he did murder the person in question I am sure that the British courts will give the appropriate sentence. He will not be extradited.


Your concerns for the rights of the suspect stand in stark contrast to your concerns for what the victim's family and friends are going through and will go through for the rest of their lives.

He gets no sympathy from me. Zero. Nada.

I leave that to you.

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LOL ....and since when and WHERE do you get a STAMP IN if you dont have a STAMP OUT ???

My guess is he just used another, maybe a stolen passport.....but thats all just guess work.

I hope for himself that England does not deliver him to the Thai Authorities because he will face death penalty here. AND the only ppl which knows whats really happend there in this special night are him and the victim! There are always two sides to a story. Hope someone will follow up and keep us posted.

BTW, I am just SHOCKED how bloodthirsty the Thaivisa community is sometimes, not all of you for sure, but way to many of you guys remind me of a lynch mob.

I am deeply concernd about your future and your mental healthiness, a lot of you sound like drunken stonetable politicians in front of a Thai Supermarket :angry:

stop typing bulls-it and GET A LIFE

It would be in England's best interest to agree to the the expedition. England requests many criminals to be expedited from Thailand yearly and they seem to always comply. If they refuse it could damage the cooperation in future requests. I think this is why the police seem to think they can get him back here within a week. I have never heard of any foreigners being executed here in my many years living here. According to the book 4,000 days: No farangs have been executed in Thailand in the last hundred or more years.

Though they may only agree to expedite without the death penalty being sought, as this is common practice with expeditions between nations.

From what the thai's tell me, murder only gets 5 to 10 years in most cases but if one causes serious injury without death, that can be sentenced to 20 years. Reduced sentences can be had if they have a good lawyer.

As to the bloodthirsty BM's here, CONVICTED murderers should be punished the harshest, i don't think anyone else here feels otherwise.

As to your comment "GET A LIFE" you should have consideration of how that may sound to any of the victims family members who might see that comment!!

BM's are also especially concerned because this is not a typical bar fight that resulted in a death. Plenty of witness came foreword wondering why with Lee's reputation of past violence was he still allowed to be here.

I do hope that the police also arrest anyone who may have aided Lee in his escape, the reports indicate they were watching his girlfriend and mother closely.

They may agree to an extradition they may even agree to expedite the extradition but I think he has already been on an a big expedition to leave the country. :)

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Oh so it's not as some board members have suggested and went from Thailand to Cambodia to Laos to Vietnam to China to Kazakhstan to Russia to Ukraine to Poland to Germany to France then home to the UK. Now that really would have been an expedition.

I just hope that if Lee is guilty he recieves an appropriate punishment. I feel sorry for the victim and his family, having served in some very dangerous places he and his family would have thought he was now safe.

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It's easy to bypass border controls in Thailand, you just need to know were and when. Because some of the areas are stil monitored by the thai army. But it is very easy to go to lao and cambodia without going through immigration. Once in Lao just get a taxi to friendship bridge in savannakhet and get stamped in, as this is relaxed, if someone stops just say i forgot to get stamped in.

Plus the extradition will get denied due to human rights, and thailand is a country that offers death sentence so the UK will not extradite him.

Not a good advert for the security of the country.

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I wonder what happens if Thailand would ask for extradition and guarantee the UK in the same time that this badass not get executed but life in prison? To be honest, I not believe he will be extradited anyways. Just wonder whether it would be possible at all.

I think we must consider the fact that he is not a Thai and neither was his victim, which leads me to believe the Thai authorities will not be too keen to bring him back and stand the cost of a trial and face the cost of him taking a place in a grossly overcrowded prison system here. I am sure many will agree farangs are treated as second class citizens here especially when it comes to crime, I myself have been the victim of a horrific crime, any help from the police? nada. However I should add I hope he pays dearly for this crime where ever that may be and for all you armchair lawyers yes first he must be convicted.

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Does anyone have any data regarding the number of British Nationals who have been extradited from the UK to Thailand in the past ?

I know the Thai's often comply with extradition requests from the British government but I have a feeling this is going to be a one sided situation.

More importantly have and wanted Thai citizens been extradited from Thailand to the UK, the answer to this question would seem to set the standard.

I'd look this information up but can't find anything anywhere.

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if he is tried in the uk the only way he will get sent down is if the americans girlfriend attends as a witness ,i cant really see thatr happaening all lee has to do is plead manslaughter /self defense and with a good lawyer could easily just get suspended sentence real trajedy if this happens.

as it stands the girlfriend is the only real witness here.

I understand the UK embassy do not give travel visas to girl friends, read it on here many times.

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I think we must consider the fact that he is not a Thai and neither was his victim, which leads me to believe the Thai authorities will not be too keen to bring him back and stand the cost of a trial and face the cost of him taking a place in a grossly overcrowded prison system here. I am sure many will agree farangs are treated as second class citizens here especially when it comes to crime, I myself have been the victim of a horrific crime, any help from the police? nada. However I should add I hope he pays dearly for this crime where ever that may be and for all you armchair lawyers yes first he must be convicted.

With respect to justice, farangs are treated better than thai. Also in prison they are treated better. Ask anybody who's been tried or been in a thai prison. If you have not acquaintances in that filed, just read some books on the matter.

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This thread is meaningless at this point.

It's like a Thai soap reading all of you with your opinions no actual expertise, the funniest being you lot that say don't come to any conclusions because nothing has been proven yet, c'mon........

Mozkito's "get a life" is a humorous one too, that phrase needs you to move over to Mr. Karen Bravo's thread you snob you ;-)

It will be in interesting case to follow though, I don't know how many of you remember the old Batman and Robin series (great show), but they always used to end in a perilous situation and then "to be continued".

................to be continued

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ok so other news source says cambodia-singapore-uk

He left Thailand via Khlong Yai immigration on August 17 for Cambodia. The crossing does not have a computer data base.

It is believed Aldhouse then went to Singapore, where he boarded the flight bound for London.

also this is 3 DAYS ! after the murder and Phuket police had supposedly notified EVERY border agency, someone there will be getting the sack i think

also i am surprised no one at singpaore spotted him ... also was he using a fake passport ? or .......

The border was one without computer database systems in place.. Tho the fact he left 10 days before picked up and the Thais still thought he was in country shows what a joke all those forms and cards amount too.

As to fake passport many of us carry two or even more passports.. Quite easy to obtain and legal.

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Have I missed something here, where does it say he got on the plane without a passport ?

it doesnt state anywhere that he got on a plane with out a passport , as that would be very difficultt, what it did state was that the Phuket Police HAD his passport ... Thats why they thought he was still on the island , little did they know it aint hard to get a fake passport ! and obviuolsy he was stamped out on this passport at the Thai Checkpoint , hence knowing what check point / date he exited Thailand

Again why fake ?? Perfectly reasonable to have more than one.

The question would be.. Did the Thai police have the passport he was stamped in on ?? Or were they totally incompetent again and got his second one, and not even realize the numbers didnt match his recent visa runs ??

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EDIT: Just to say I doubt the Thais will want to see him face trial as its just more bad publicity for them.

The local plod have already said they wished he wasnt here as they dont want to have to pay for his prison stay.

Well they got their wish.

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A manly man's justice was to solve problems with your fist. After he got his azzz whooped and could not accept the loss, to track down and use a knife to murder someone is so cowardly. As a two time combat veteran myself, I am so sadden by this Marine's death. To fight and survive two wars but only then to lose your life in paradise in such a cowardly way breaks my heart.

Yeah shock and awe, and using 'overwhelming force' both strong central tenets of US military policy, which you as a combat veteran I presume support ?? Thats so different..

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the butt kissing blair has left the building i believe. I would certainly hope us has no pull over the uk. colonies getting above themselves methinks

Hopefully the Ajarn in your name is not a reference to employment as a teacher, although I would not be surprised. And, you may wish to do some more of the "methinking" activity. This may come as a shock, but the USA as we know it today was not a colony of the UK. There were 13 colonies prior to 1776. After the USA gained its independence many more territories and states became part of the Union after independence. In fact, almost 2/3 of the current USA as we know it today became part of the USA after 1776. I suggest you consider a remedial course in North American history and geography.

As well, your refernce to former PM Blair is a disrespectful cheap shot. Are you jealous? If you don't agree with Mr. Blair, feel free to run for office.

The UK will have to do the right thing and extradite the accused. This will come whether or not you like it. You have no say in the matter. If you wish to object, go and act as counsel or you can enter a request to appear as an interested party. I do not know if the judge will be predisposed to accepting such a submission if it is based solely upon the premise that you do not like the USA.

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Could anyone explain to me on what grounds he could be tried in the UK or the US?

I don't understand it.

He has been accused of a crime that was committed in Thailand. Surely he can only be tried in Thailand - either in person or in absentia.

I just don't get how the US could have any grounds to extradite him and try him there.

Sure, he is accused of killing a US citizen, but the crime occured outside the US.

Can anyone explain and give their source as to how this works?

(I am a Brit. When i was 16, i once shagged an American who was also 16 on holiday in the UK. Presumably, i could be arrested in the US now because she was under the age of consent there - though not in the UK.)

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