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Prostitution Is A $4.3 Billion Industry In Thailan


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Thailand debates sex trade

Prostitution is a $4.3 billion industry in Thailand

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- Thai academics, officials and sex workers have begun a national debate on a proposal to legalize prostitution, a multi-billion-dollar industry dogged by exploitation and police corruption.

The government says legalization would give the estimated 200,000 sex workers access to social services, health care and protection from abuse while exposing corruption among the industry's gatekeepers -- police, politicians and business owners.

"Every Thai person is entitled to basic human rights under the Constitution," said Justice Minister Pongthep Thepkanchana, who hosted Thursday's seminar attended by some 200 people.

"The government will not make a decision hastily. So it's going to take a long, long time, but we can't tell when," he said.

But in a recent interview, the minister said it is clear the government will have to "tackle this problem one way or another."

Prostitution was made illegal in 1928, and the laws against it strengthened in 1960. But it is an omnipresent part of the Thai society, tacitly accepted and tolerated.

Prostitution goes on in brothels in the countryside, behind the garish signs over Bangkok's girlie bars and massage parlors.

The industry is estimated to account for an estimated 3 percent of Thailand's economy, or about $4.3 billion a year.

But because prostitution is illegal, brothel owners pays no taxes, instead giving regular bribes and hush money to corrupt policemen. Meanwhile, sex workers are treated like slaves with little or no rights.

"We just want to take care of ourselves," said Noi, a 26-year-old who has worked as a prostitute for two years and asked to be identified only by her nickname. "But we need insurance, we need everything."

She said if prostitution becomes legal "we won't have to hide from the police" and would have recourse against customers who are violent or refuse to pay for services.

The one-day debate brought together representatives of the government, sex industry, non-government organizations and academics. On the agenda were human rights and the legal, economic, cultural, social and moral aspects of the sex trade.

Legalization would allow the government to tax prostitutes, something Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has touted as a possible strategy for boosting the economy.

By the same reasoning, he has already moved to massively expand legalized gambling.

Critics say legalizing prostitution will only strengthen the sex industry rather than women's rights.

"If legalized, it will have a significant effect on women trafficking," said Virada Somswasdi, director of the Women's Studies Center at Chiang Mai University.

"All women will think that prostitution is justified and legitimate, and this will encourage them to join the trade more," she said. The only way to end prostitution is to give them an equal chance in society, she said.

Source: Agents/CNN


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Prostitution disgraces a man, a woman, a country. Regardless of what you think about the economics or the act, that's the true reality of it, an act of desperation. Thailand has many good-hearted people and so much potential. Yet so many people get hung up on the sex thing, it's really sad.

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The Prime Minister's divagations will kill this marvellous country. :o

This is an easy trick to collect money inside the thai vagina's. Shame on this government !

Even in Europe we never could erradicate the clandestine prostitution. How can it be possible in Thailand with such corrupt police and poiliticians ?

Khit mak! :D

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Well, 4.3 billion dollars does a lot of talking, and it is what 3 or 4 percent of Thailand's cash cow.

It has its pluses and minuses.

Plus side - Stops corruption, stops behind close doors, the business becomes legit, and these girls get rights etc etc., eliminates trafficiting illegally etc. and others.

Minus- Self esteem, reputation as a whole, potential disease spreading or not is up to the girls practicing safe sex, and some others.

Hard to say now when people are involved being the moral majority (such as femminists or some religious agency or anti porn advocates), vs the business people making money. This debate will obviously clash and might become bitter.

I predict the money will win, and another hurdle of illegal activities eliminated to wipe out the mob.


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Prostitution existed always and will exist always. Making it legal will improve the situation of the prostitutes.

Distgusting is talking about a sex INDUSTRY. What the ###### is a sex INDUSTRY? If it is seen as an industry, thats the point to stop!

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Anyone who trades their services (mental or physical) is pr. definition a prostitute...

This goes for all that are employed.

Anyone should be free to do whatever they choose to do with their life...as long as you are an emplyee/prostitute you get f***ed one way or another, and if the sum collected is equal or more to satisfaction, good for them..

I m not saying i think it is ok for thailand to sell their daughters to the scum of western society, but thailand seems to think its ok....

the "massage" palaces of BKK arent actually packed with westerners....they have set the standard themselves...and if it can give more "boost" to thaksin's fiat economy, even better. Greed is what powers this legalization, not freedom of choice.

Id feel better about myself being a hooker(getting paid for being f****d) than working in marketing/advertizing/irs (getting paid for f***ig others). Careers which are perfectly accepted.

If we spent as much time and effort to promote good morale and conduct, as we do to prohibit everything that doesnt benefit our selves, or in a bigger scale, the status quo and their relatives, this problem would not have existed. parents fail in their "upbringing" of their children. govrnment fail in their "service" to their state. Schools fail in "educating" their students. religion fails in "enlightening" their followers. It has succumbed to control and conditioning. We are a part of nature(existence), but do we follow natural principles? Its the MEN (representatives of the masculine/creative force of the physical worlds) of society's obligation to promote what is right in life (as creation is a prerequisite of birth(feminine). If we fail to do this (as we obviously have), the rest will be led in the wrong direction, We can not call ourselves Men when we behave like young boys.

We do everythig we can to make "humanity" as unnatural as we possible can, and as everyting in nature that is not natural will self destruct, so will humanity.

Good luck!

Have a nice day!

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Anyone who trades their services (mental or physical) is pr. definition a prostitute...

This goes for all that are employed.

Anyone should be free to do whatever they choose to do with their life...as long as you are an emplyee/prostitute you get f***ed one way or another, and if the sum collected is equal or more to satisfaction, good for them..

I m not saying i think it is ok for thailand to sell their daughters to the scum of western society, but thailand seems to think its ok....

the "massage" palaces of BKK arent actually packed with westerners....they have set the standard themselves...and if it can give more "boost" to thaksin's fiat economy, even better. Greed is what powers this legalization, not freedom of choice.

Id feel better about myself being a hooker(getting paid for being f****d) than working in marketing/advertizing/irs (getting paid for f***ig others). Careers which are perfectly accepted.

If we spent as much time and effort to promote good morale and conduct, as we do to prohibit everything that doesnt benefit our selves, or in a bigger scale, the status quo and their relatives, this problem would not have existed. parents fail in their "upbringing" of their children. govrnment fail in their "service" to their state. Schools fail in "educating" their students. religion fails in "enlightening" their followers. It has succumbed to control and conditioning. We are a part of nature(existence), but do we follow natural principles? Its the MEN (representatives of the masculine/creative force of the physical worlds) of society's obligation to promote what is right in life (as creation is a prerequisite of birth(feminine). If we fail to do this (as we obviously have), the rest will be led in the wrong direction, We can not call ourselves Men when we behave like young boys.

We do everythig we can to make "humanity" as unnatural as we possible can, and as everyting in nature that is not natural will self destruct, so will humanity.

Good luck!

Have a nice day!

"Anyone who trades their services (mental or physical) is pr. definition a prostitute...

This goes for all that are employed."

Do you really believe what you are saying or are you insane? I think you lost on the way some key words in the definition of prostitution!!!

"Its the MEN (representatives of the masculine/creative force of the physical worlds) of society's obligation to promote what is right in life".

Well, I think you are the kind of guy who likes to decide what is best for the others!!! And, you dare talking about freedom of choice... And, another thing, there is nothing such as "society's obligation". The only purpose of the government is to protect the individuals rights of its people, that's it.

"We do everything we can to make "humanity" as unnatural as we possible can, and as everyting in nature that is not natural will self destruct, so will humanity."

Well, I am hallucinating reading you post!!! Unbelievable...

Man created a lot of things that did not exist in nature at the first place, and so far, I did not notice any apocalypse :o ; the world is even getting better...

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""Anyone who trades their services (mental or physical) is pr. definition a prostitute...

This goes for all that are employed."

Do you really believe what you are saying or are you insane? I think you lost on the way some key words in the definition of prostitution!!!"

Well,, I think this guy is not literally meaning that it is Prostitution as per definition in a dictionary. But in fact that there are obvious similarities to the fact that it haven't been any difference since the time when people were slaves and now. Well, now you have to work longer days, choose your apartment, and the way of transport. So in one way.. it is more work for you! Ehhh.. we all have to f*** someone to get money. With or without your ******* I personally do not see much difference!

"Its the MEN (representatives of the masculine/creative force of the physical worlds) of society's obligation to promote what is right in life".

Well, I think you are the kind of guy who likes to decide what is best for the others!!! And, you dare talking about freedom of choice... And, another thing, there is nothing such as "society's obligation". The only purpose of the government is to protect the individuals rights of its people, that's it."

Wow.. look who woke up! You really have a grip on the world don't you? I guess the best way to control people is to make them think they are free! The statement of freedom is there.. but is it real or ? can you do whatever you want? please put down a list of major choices you can do in life.. I am sure.. one of them cannot be lying on your ass all day !!

"We do everything we can to make "humanity" as unnatural as we possible can, and as everyting in nature that is not natural will self destruct, so will humanity."

Well, I am hallucinating reading you post!!! Unbelievable...

Man created a lot of things that did not exist in nature at the first place, and so far, I did not notice any apocalypse ; the world is even getting better..."

Talking about what does not exist? You know.. the problem with this world is not how it is.. but how people think it is! and baby.. u better wake up..! because from what I experienced.. reality is fiction and fiction is closer to reality!

I guess you should start to have a look at your inner universe!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that the western perception of sex is a disgrace. To think that people are less than human when they are paid for sex is the real problem. What's so bad about sex? What's so bad about paying for it? What's the difference between that and paying for a movie or dinner and then having sex afterwards? It's all in the interest of the best impression. Should I treat the girl like a bum back home? "Hey now, if I give you 25 cents so you can fill your gas can and walk back to your pickup truck a mile or two down the road where your wife and three kids are waiting for you, you're just gonna spend it on booze or another hit of smack and I just can't be responsible for that. Tell ya' what, I'm gonna buy you a microwave burrito and a slurpee instead."

Gentlemen, it all boils down to the women of our society that poison our minds with their fear. The fear, that like Thai women, they might one day have to lift a finger to regain their man's affections, rather than holding the legally binding contract of marriage and 50% of assets and, oh, I worked while you went to school, so now I get half of your salary too, over our heads. Sex with conditions to which to adhere. A little strange is just what a man needs to keep his head on straight. We just get tired of meat loaf every night. Sometimes we want a thick, juicy steak. It doesn't mean we don't love you, ladies. Sex with a hooker is a temporary relationship and you should be more understanding of our libidos.

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The Prime Minister's divagations will kill this marvellous country. :o

This is an easy trick to collect money inside the thai vagina's. Shame on this government !

Even in Europe we never could erradicate the clandestine prostitution. How can it be possible in Thailand with such corrupt police and poiliticians ?

Khit mak! :D

Mary Magdellan was on the game 2000 years ago. The profession, trade or calling is kinda old.

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