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Buying A Bike In Thailand.


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I want to buy a 2nd hand motorbike so popped down to the motorbike market in Chiang Mai

today to check them out.

One thing that struck me was I couldnt be sure about the mileage showing on the bike.

If it was for eg, 9,012 kilometres how can I be sure it isnt actually 109,012 ?

Is the state of the bike the only way to make a educated guess at it ?

Im after a Honda Dream / Wave 100 or 125cc (original I know) to run around

on and if anyone has any helpful pointers as to what to look

out for when buying a 2nd hand version id be grateful.


when buying one what do I need to aqyire of the owner ?

Is it just the book and a photocopy of his/her ID card ?

Or something else ?

Thanks in advance for any helpful answers.

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Can't help you much with used bikes here in Thailand...but can tell you my college buddy use to sell used cars. Pretty much every one he sold had the speedo turned back. He use to laugh at how easy it was...and how hard it was to prove it was done...

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Today I went to a 2nd hand dealer.

Honda Wave 125 - electric start for 20,000 baht (thats without me starting to haggle).

He said it comes with a year guarantee.

But the mileage (or do you call it kiloage here) says 9,000 miles which I dont believe.

Its one of those electric mileage readers but it has a burn mark on it !

Its kinda half blacked out.

Anyway it seems from the lack of response there is no sure fire way to

tell whether a reading is true or not : (

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I really wouldn't be worried about the kiloage. As long as it runs well and has been looked after, it'll be fine. These bikes are pretty indestructible. Also, look on the classifieds on here and with Citylife magazine (available online). There was a Dream for 13k put up last week I think. Even if its a mess, for less than 2k you can pretty much overhaul the engine.

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"when buying one what do I need to aqyire of the owner ?

Is it just the book and a photocopy of his/her ID card ?"

You need to get the green book, and need to get it registered in your name. Otherwise it's not yours. As for mileage - I am sure they have ways of turning anything back, even the computer ones and you could prolly tell the difference between a bike with 9,000 kms and one with 109,000... if you don't know anything about bikes, bring a friend who does...

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