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Sex And Thailand

uncle paul

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Maybe the uncle paul was the father who wrote into stickman on that other thread.... You know, the father that wouldn't allow his daughter to go the same sex clubs as he and her teachers frequent...


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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

Was this the case for you as well (couldn’t find a farang for yourself)? As you point out you have a Thai wife. Maybe you are ranting on because you now realize you married too soon, and now cannot partake in the action when in Thailand?

It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of  their economic superiority.

Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

So is this how you got you wife? You have money and now you have honey?

Sorry to slag you a little – No disrespect to your or your wife. I placed these questions in my reply to show how easy it is to take the attitude of your post and paint everyone as a whoremonger. As your OP basically paints everyone else with one brush and says we are all here for the sex industry. Could be that there are a few of us that are not here for that part of Thailand. Could be that there are a few of us here with Thai wife’s we did not pick up in Nana/Pattaya/etc. Could even be some people here that did meet their wife at Nana/Soi Cowboy/ wherever and now are living a happy life outside the sex industry. Could be a few people that have retired here as a farang couple. Could be a few retirees in Thailand that get a lot more for their money her than they would in their home country. Lots of different types of people in Thailand, and most of them did not come to Thailand just because of the sex industry in Thailand.

Don’t be so quick to judge everyone. There are plenty of men here that are taking part in the bar scene. But there are also plenty of people in other countries taking part in prostitution. The “johns” here in Thailand are only part of the reason Thailand has a poor image to some people internationally, and is seen as a “sex country”. The Thai people (they are after all the ones providing the services) and Thai government (they could easily reduce how blatant this type of business is in Thailand if they wanted) share in building this industry and therefore share in why Thailand has the image it has. Additionally it not fair to bash on the farang share of the sex industry without also ranting on the Thai/Thai sex industry here in Thailand as well.

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yet again we can see that my post was correct!

the deadbeats have again shown themselves to be in the majority as this thread has progressed.

the penis rather than the brain seems to be the main reason for visiting Thailand although there are rather spurious attempts to hide this fact!

no wonder so many Thai's hate foreigners!

There are also those who dont care if their childeren end up as prostitutes! to those I say that bringing a child into this world should be a serious issue and if you cant take your resposibilities seriously please refrain from reproducing your moronic selves!

perhaps its only a disadvantaged country girl that would ever put up with people like that? :o  :D

Continuing in the same vein, dear Uncle Paul & hoping that you could join us deadbeats for "a whole lotta ######in" -- may I offer you this one as further proof of our guilt?

A guy's walking down the boardwalk in Atlantic City and he runs into a hooker. He says, "How much?" She says "Twenty bucks." He says, "All right." They climb down under the boardwalk, and he bangs her. The next night, he runs into the same hooker, they go under the boardwalk, only this time while he's banging her, she blasts two incredible farts. When they get done, he hands her twenty-five dollars. She says, "What's the extra five?" He says, "That's for blowing the sand off my balls."


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I'll be 56 on Friday and my girlfriend is 31. I met her while sitting in a bar. I guess we're not going to be friends, are we Uncle Paul?

Happy Birthday Mike. If you are at the Passinee today I will buy you a drink.

You can buy me one too!!

I'm 47 wife 25. I live in Thailand. I'm a luck man............

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Yah, Happy Birthday...!

But I guess we're pretty much done here right? Uncle Paul's post caused the rather predictable gazillion-page result.. Deja-vu or is this the great ThaiVisa sitcom flashback-episode? :o I loved those on 80's sitcoms.

(PS. You wouldn't believe how many prospective partners I had to reject before finding one who was born on the same day as myself. You pretty much have to bribe someone at your ampur district office, otherwise it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.)



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