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Thai Supreme Administrative Court Rejects NTC's Appeal Against 3G Injunction

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" I have to agree that most Thai citizens have no need of it. " what a preposterously arrogant comment!

the poster does a survey of one and dismisses the entire Thai nation.

I think it really shows that the poster knows sod-all about business in this country or the internet in general - in fact it's a wonder he managed top post at all - BTW - what sort of connection do YOU need - obviously it's OK for you and not for the Thai nation.

A lot of other posters here seem to b confusing NEEDS and MARKETING - there is a need and for any company to get an edge in an extremely competitive market there needs to be groups targeted to increase the market, turnover and profitability. and tell me when HAVEN"T kids wanted the latest technology?

However this is irrelevant - what has happened is Thai "men in grey suits" have put their personal profit ahead of what might benefit the entire nation - INCLUDING KIDS! - and that is not IMO justifiable.

you mention the Australian debacle as if it has some bearing on the situation here in Thailand - well it has made the Aussies look like a bunch of fools too I suppose

BTW - it certainly WILL affect those in more remote areas where phone lines take months to install and a 3G transmitter can cover these areas easily. It may even affect property prices when people realise they can't get any decent internet in a particular area.

One has to look at how long it took for Blackberry's to be rolled out here and taken up in volume by business to see that the concept of using the internet to increase business efficiency is catching on very slowly. The amount of applications that can be put into mobile form for phones these days is astonishing, but as yet I don't see too many companies in Thailand taking advantage yet.

Presumably cost, speed and programming in Thai language is slowing the whole thing up.


My Nokia E series functions perfectly well for email without 3g. The apps part is another issue. I wouldn't know if the type of apps available in the West would run on 2g, although of course, more slowly.

So because it's OK for you it's OK for the Thai population?????? What arrogance again!

I work in events and music management and require to be able to send large files - no can do!

I really am surprised that you comment when you don't appear to have any idea of what people use there phones for elsewhere these days and how this decision will affect Thai businesses' ability to compete or even function on many levels.

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PS - you are aware that the press and others have described this "cock-up" as "bigger than Maptaphut"

and CAT = "Cancel all Technology"

Cost to the banks - "B50bn"

it could take 5 YEARS to sort out

last year PM abhisit declared that Thailand may never have 3G.........................the sign of a forward-thinking politician???


So because it's OK for you it's OK for the Thai population?????? What arrogance again!

I work in events and music management and require to be able to send large files - no can do!

I really am surprised that you comment when you don't appear to have any idea of what people use there phones for elsewhere these days and how this decision will affect Thai businesses' ability to compete or even function on many levels.

I wasn't saying anything of the sort. I mentioned that my phone does email without needing 3g, where someone had mentioned that their blackberry ceased to work here. We do have at least semi-adequate blackberry and pushmail 5 years after elsewhere in the world.

However, I never said that 3g wasn't a good thing at all. I have little doubt that 3g would allow internet access to proliferate around the country without the need for hard lines, of course this would nobble CAT and TOT very quickly. A very good thing for most but certainly not for TOT or CAT.

If it led to a growth in applications for personal and business use, even better. I mentioned myself that there are myriad applications elsewhere in the world used by business. What I wasn't sure about was whether these applications are specifically reliant on 3g or that running them on 2 or 2.5 g is too slow or they won't run at all. As for Thai businesses, I think they are only just waking up to using mobile email for their employees, but maybe 3g could change that, but maybe not in a very short period of time.


Would not happen if Taksin was around these days...and yes maybe he would run the business like its an advantage for him ($$$) but who cares if the population are getting what they paying for.

(In this case, 3G)

Taksin is a bit like "Lula"

Don't care about the environment but care about the people of this country and the business.

He make his profit, no argue wit that but another people also make there profit. I am talking about the little farmer out there in the small village somewhere in Isaan or wherever.

...ok ok, i stop now.



you mention the Australian debacle as if it has some bearing on the situation here in Thailand - well it has made the Aussies look like a bunch of fools too I suppose

Do you not think it has some parallels??? That is what I was trying to point out;

Governement putting revenue before good public policy.

Government business using it's position and encumbancy to prevent competition.

Lack of free market forces allowing the country to fall behind competitor nations in technology skills.

Technology Skills Gap impacting upon development.

The Technology might be different (OTN vs Wireless). The Scale different 1.2 Trillion Vs Billions of Baht lost in concessions. But I thought there were simillarities, and I also wanted to point out that it isn't just 'Third World Thailand' where these issues arise.



...ok ok, i stop now.


Oh please do... How long has Thaksin really been gone??? How much of this problem did he create to allow his business to profit in an environment without true competition... I support neither red or yellow ideologies, but, with a lot of experience and understanding of the Thai Telecommunications environment, a lot of this can be traced directly to Thaksin feathering his own nest...

Thaksin is not some Robin Hood who stole from the rich to give to the poor, all of his money was made by keeping prices for services provided by his businesses artifically high, higher prices paid for by the Thai people, and that includes ALL the Thai people...


...ok ok, i stop now.


Oh please do... How long has Thaksin really been gone??? How much of this problem did he create to allow his business to profit in an environment without true competition... I support neither red or yellow ideologies, but, with a lot of experience and understanding of the Thai Telecommunications environment, a lot of this can be traced directly to Thaksin feathering his own nest...

Thaksin is not some Robin Hood who stole from the rich to give to the poor, all of his money was made by keeping prices for services provided by his businesses artifically high, higher prices paid for by the Thai people, and that includes ALL the Thai people...

I can tell only what i see with my eyes.

That includes the 70 - 80% of Thai people would re-elect Taksin again.

As i said, who cares if he makes some money. ALL Thai people got a better live when he was around.

No...not the Bangkok people.

Under his leadership we would have 3G already! Thats for sure!


I can tell only what i see with my eyes.

That includes the 70 - 80% of Thai people would re-elect Taksin again.

That may or may not be true... Taksin is a politician, and he has done a very good job of positioning himself as caring for the Poor and the people from Issan... just as many Australians, British, and Americans will forever vote along party lines, so will the Thai's regardless of any evidence that something is wrong... Look at how much support an imbecile like George W has :D ...

Under his leadership we would have 3G already! Thats for sure!

This is where I must say I believe you are wrong... CAT and ToT have always been loaded with Taksin's friends, Thaksin used them to STOP 3G from 2003 when the other carriers wanted to roll it out... when we had to shut down our Bangkok Office and bring everyone back to Australia, because all of the proposed network rollouts stopped...

Taksin did this because he didn't want to spend anymore money on the AIS network while he wanted to Shin Corp, and he didn't want any of the other opperators building a better network because his sale price would be less...

Taksin the sold Shin Corp to SingTel for 73Billion Baht... so the tactic worked for him, but in the mean time, YOU have been left with a substandard communication network, YOUR Country has been left with reduced skills for everyday Thais, and YOU have lower salaries because Thai's can not compete with your neighbours (like Malaysia and Indonesia) for technology jobs...

Without Taksin YOU would have had 3G in 2003... 7 years of development missed that can not be bought back...



So because it's OK for you it's OK for the Thai population?????? What arrogance again!

I work in events and music management and require to be able to send large files - no can do!

I really am surprised that you comment when you don't appear to have any idea of what people use there phones for elsewhere these days and how this decision will affect Thai businesses' ability to compete or even function on many levels.

I wasn't saying anything of the sort. I mentioned that my phone does email without needing 3g, where someone had mentioned that their blackberry ceased to work here. We do have at least semi-adequate blackberry and pushmail 5 years after elsewhere in the world.

However, I never said that 3g wasn't a good thing at all. I have little doubt that 3g would allow internet access to proliferate around the country without the need for hard lines, of course this would nobble CAT and TOT very quickly. A very good thing for most but certainly not for TOT or CAT.

If it led to a growth in applications for personal and business use, even better. I mentioned myself that there are myriad applications elsewhere in the world used by business. What I wasn't sure about was whether these applications are specifically reliant on 3g or that running them on 2 or 2.5 g is too slow or they won't run at all. As for Thai businesses, I think they are only just waking up to using mobile email for their employees, but maybe 3g could change that, but maybe not in a very short period of time.

So you were commenting from a position of ignorance and now you are trying to mitigate your blunder?


Always wary of losing face, Thailand has now to extricate itself from this situation.

To do it as the court says would take about 5 years.....but of course law government etc mean nothing in this country compared to the "powers that be" behind the scenes.

It now looks like TOT may "takeover", organise and run 3G. This is a bit like putting Harold Shipman in charge of Healthcare - but it may mean that we get 3G after all.

This of course means the men in grey suits get to get their cut, the service will be run by an organisation who couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery and tthey will have a monopoly and can charge what they like and will devise what services they will offer..........oh my God! We might be better of with 2G after all!


I don't think the -non-advent of 3G is down to personalities so much as the nature of power and culture in Thai government. Undemocratic with top-down authoritarian leanings to blame or not blame on Thaksin is facile.

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