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Climbing Plants

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Bougainvillea is thorny and invasive. unless you are prepared to get scratched as you prune it regularly, I'd give it a big thumbs down.

Lep Mer Nang (lady fingers, Rangoon Creeper in English, Quisqualis indica is a beautiful, fragrant fast growing creeper that is fairly easily tamed.

Sai Nam Peung is Honeysuckle in Thai, also nice, not as fast growing but fragrant. Passionflower is another one that does well. Mandevilla is a lovely flower and grows well, no fragrance tho.

Rangoon Creeper


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I'd agree with SBK's comment on Bougainvillea!

Unless you keep on top of the trimming/cutting back it can become a maintenance night mare!:annoyed:

I have not come across Honeysuckle in southern Thailand, (maybe I've just missed it?) I suspect it may do well in the northern areas.... where temperatures are cooler?

Two plants I quite like, as fast growing, are the "Elephant Climber (Ears)" Arsyreia nervosa & Mexican Creeper -Antigonum Leptopucix although SBK's suggestion of Rangoon Creeper is good too, as is Passion flower/ Vine.

Both the Elephant ears & Mexican creepers are quite vigorous, but do need a good strong trellis! Especially the Elephant Ears ... not too hard to prune....unless vines get entangled in other plants.... (at least no thorns to attack you!) & both are very long term bloomers... but alas no scent...

Other suggestions might be Allamanda, or Clitoria ternata... a bit messy, it constantly blooms & sets pea like seed pods... The flowers are edible & vain Thai men use it for keeping dying the grey hairs!:D There are a number of other plants that would be good too.... Most garden shops I have been too usually have reference books to look at. Vigorous vines can be hard to get sometimes as they are difficult to keep in pots.

Attached a picture of with the Elephant Ears & Mexican Creeper vines, growing together.

post-85461-091781800 1285291811_thumb.jp

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