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October Summer School/Kindergarden In Bangkok


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Come on now.

U r in bkk for only one month and you want your very own kids to be with someone else and in a foreign country on top of every thing else???

Have a heart!

Keep them close to you and take them with you and LET THEM LEARN everything FROM YOU IN A FOREIGN CULTURE.

If you are really that gungho on the idea, send them to my family.

By the end of the month, you'll have your kids back with at least bilingual or maybe even trilingual experiences!

Hope you would change your mind about not keeping your kids with you while in Thailand.

Unless of course you are here on assignment but then it is normally not the departmental policy to go on location with kids.

Oh well.... whatever.

Edited by mkawish
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Well thanks for the family advice !

Mmmm but we live Phuket 90% of the time, the 3 year old has 1 month hols and mum has exams in Bangkok ...

where I work part time so eventhough we have brought our nanny with us, the littlun prefers playing with kids to staying at home in the condo...

Mind you he'd spend a full week in the Toy section at Siam Paragon if he could...


Come on now.

U r in bkk for only one month and you want your very own kids to be with someone else and in a foreign country on top of every thing else???

Have a heart!

Keep them close to you and take them with you and LET THEM LEARN everything FROM YOU IN A FOREIGN CULTURE.

If you are really that gungho on the idea, send them to my family.

By the end of the month, you'll have your kids back with at least bilingual or maybe even trilingual experiences!

Hope you would change your mind about not keeping your kids with you while in Thailand.

Unless of course you are here on assignment but then it is normally not the departmental policy to go on location with kids.

Oh well.... whatever.

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