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Has anyone on TV been involved in a UK based scout troop here in Thailand? Either in setting one up or being involved in running one.

I know that the Thai schools have their own movement, but I am looking for information on setting up a UK one for ex-pat children based in an International School.

According to information received so far - it can be done. Obviously it's an arduous process, so I am looking to learn from someone else's experience. :unsure:

(I have posted this in the Teaching Forum as it is likely to be a school based activity.)


If they allow this it would go against all I learnt as a scout in my young days. Scouting was open to all...not just to those of a particular race religion or school.


If they allow this it would go against all I learnt as a scout in my young days. Scouting was open to all...not just to those of a particular race religion or school.

You are correct Harry, but Thailand has some different rules. As I understand it, as an ex-pat troop - Thai nationals cannot be included. This conflicts with their own movement which pledges loyalty to His Majesty the King. All other nationals can be included. Most Thai schoolchildren are in the Thai Scout movement as part of their school life. It is not that an ex-pat troop does not want Thai nationals, it is because Thailand will not allow it.

There are troops of Scouts operating as overseas troops, but affiliated to the movement in the UK.

Anyway - this is my current understanding. I am happy to be proved wrong.


The Thai Scouting organization is quite different that the US or UK Scouts. Here it is part of the Thai School Curriculum (up to M3) and, as such, is pretty much just another class for the kids. The kind of scout who learns useful survival skills or earns badges is very rare here. A scout troupe that is run like a western scout troupe would be far more useful for some motivated students (expat or Thai) than one of the regular Thai troupes.

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