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What Small Franschises Opportunities There Are In Chiang Mai ?


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Like the OK pizza, or small coffee corners. I'm not interested in those two, but there might be many more.

I'm interested in franchises of up to 40.000b investment (OK pizza is 25.000b)

In the Philippines you have Hotdogs OnSticks franchises in all sizes, that's a really good hotdog, but they are not in Thailand, unfortunately, mAYBE better because I would be my best customer.



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I'm interested in franchises of up to 40.000b investment (OK pizza is 25.000b)

Are you talking about baht or dollars here? 40,000 baht is just a bit over USD1,300 which is not much of an investment. USD40,000 seems like a more realistic figure

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I'm interested in franchises of up to 40.000b investment (OK pizza is 25.000b)

Are you talking about baht or dollars here? 40,000 baht is just a bit over USD1,300 which is not much of an investment. USD40,000 seems like a more realistic figure

All of the ones I read were listed in dollars in their info, and it was mistranslated into baht on the website.

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Yes Bkkcity what sort of income are you striving for based on an investment of only 40K bt? Surely it will never be enough for you to operate the franchise yourself? Mostly Market booth franchisee prices at this sort of range.

I heard 7\11 are priced from 500K bt- yet many Farangs looked into the investment that I know of and the payback is only approx 4-8% pa ROI, very poor. As most go for 2 Mio up, the 7\11 company itself makes by far the majority. Whilst the franchisees take all the risk, often their life savings then many Thais open another one only a 100 metres away. As many have discussed this being a Thai habit of seeing one business doing well, so they open up the exact same in the same area. Yet if no others take your business income then you may make some good growth on the resell value. As many Thais dream of owning a 7\11- it is perceived as a money making machine. I have found the countryside towns are a BOOM for 7\11's, nearly all the small little shops all around disappear after trying to copy. More people in the 7\11's than on the whole main street. As they perceived as trendy and high class. Not just convenient.

The 7\11 copies I have seen are 108 and the express versions of Supermarkets. 108 would be interesting to see a contract yet they nowhere near as inventive as 7\11 I feel. The initial outlay will be a lot less yet I doubt it would make enough income to be a good investment.

5 Star Chicken you see in the markets, etc is supposedly 30,000bt, you purchase all the chooks from them but it a once off fee. Yet many vendors complain about how much electricity the 5 star chicken booth rips through pm.

It would be interesting to actually see a Farang actually Managing one of these small franchises as work or hobby. Yet standing next to a very hot chicken booth in the middle of CMai market surely will not appeal. Also legally you need to employ 4 Thais for you to be granted a WP to work in your business. I have never personally heard of any Farang paying less than 100,000bt for any business to make some sort of extra income.

Anyway the above link has a huge number available, there is never a shortage of franchises for sale in Thailand. Yet making one profitable to be worth your time and effort is another thing.

I think many would pay up to 2 Mio if guaranteed a monthly income of 100K bt + pm. Yet I have not found any and I have looked at many franchisees over the years.

Cheers Jay

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