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Radar Detectors


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Hang on, are you saying that you got nabbed for speeding just outside Prasat and they had guns drawn, radio's pulled and calling in the helicopters, and spikes laid across the road?

Or are you just drunk as per sig? ;P

Yes very possible, apart from the helicopter.......They have regular radar traps just outside prasat and between Nang Rong and Korat...i know as i was stopped by one,,(korat) they have the guns on a tripod and the other cops further down the road pulling you in...True

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Yes very possible, apart from the helicopter.......They have regular radar traps just outside prasat and between Nang Rong and Korat...i know as i was stopped by one,,(korat) they have the guns on a tripod and the other cops further down the road pulling you in...True

New weapon against speeding:



sorry, I must be in one of those moods tonight :P

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Have you been through a radar trap here and seen a cop half a mile down the road to stop you. No you may get someone on foot jump out front of you but that about it

:lol: Yeah I know & if you don't stop, at worse someones probably going to throw their bag of som tum at you. :lol:

Radar detectors arnt all they are cracked up to be anyway. If a decent radar or better still laser operator is using the equipment (I know, its los) then by the time the detector detects the laser, you're toast anyway......but as I said, it all comes down to the use of the speed detection equipment.

And then theres the cost of the detector & then theres the 200-1000 baht fines here

neverdie, totally agree. A well operated laser, yes some HWP do operate them perfect, can be detected but only at the same time you get "shot". Only a front laser reflector can make error reading on laser, but I m sure you will be pulled over anyway, "you drive 170kilo, songroybaht kap".

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Yes very possible, apart from the helicopter.......They have regular radar traps just outside prasat and between Nang Rong and Korat...i know as i was stopped by one,,(korat) they have the guns on a tripod and the other cops further down the road pulling you in...True

New weapon against speeding:



sorry, I must be in one of those moods tonight :P

Hah Ha, nearly the same...only in colour tight brown....very good MRO, but they use them up here in the boonies...RIZ

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And of course there are the ghost radars, where a BiB pulls you over and tells you that you were detected doing 120kph a couple of K,s back up the road when in fact you had just spent 30 minutes at the eatery a couple of hundred metres back.

Or the one who pulled me up on a gravel road for crossing the double white lines.

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And of course there are the ghost radars, where a BiB pulls you over and tells you that you were detected doing 120kph a couple of K,s back up the road when in fact you had just spent 30 minutes at the eatery a couple of hundred metres back.

Or the one who pulled me up on a gravel road for crossing the double white lines.

Yep had one of the ghost ones near trat, priceless, me and the missus had just finnished noodles in a ptt stop pulled back on to the highway, 150m down the road two fat bibs pull me in, speeding sir, caught on radar 2 clicks up the road, i asked when and the replied 2 mins ago....needles to say they got sweet fa from me .....tw..ts

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situations develop from there as most of these grubs obviously prefer to avoid police at all costs.

When a speeding fine is hitting on a $1000 and you know you've got more horsepower than their standard issue patrol cars.. I guess some people become temporary "grubs" LOL

p.s. what's a grub? isn't that something your Aboriginals eat??

In some states speeding fines go well over $1000 old mate.

I wasnt trying to refer to the everyday joe (a minute speeding grub) but the ahole that makes a living from doing much more serious crimes don't normally drive around all law abiding and all that ;) .

Ohh yes and Aboriginals do eat wichetty grubs and they are a whole lot more desirable than the others :D

That doesn't include the years of insurance increases either..

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Got pulled over by the highway police last weekend in Pattaya going to Bira for driving in the right lane. Problem was I was driving in the right lane because we they were just before the cross over to Bira which I was about to turn at so they gave me a pass but be aware they are pulling over for that too..

Kata, so it's just a matter of semantics? My reference to "highway patrol" versus "highway Police" is just a distinction between the local police and the highway police no mater where they are be it LOS or anywhere else..Simply a difference in terminology.. :)

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Yes very possible, apart from the helicopter.......They have regular radar traps just outside prasat and between Nang Rong and Korat...i know as i was stopped by one,,(korat) they have the guns on a tripod and the other cops further down the road pulling you in...True

He was tongue in cheek but guns on a tripod is unacceptable to most western legal systems as it is not irrefutable that the person it clocked is the one speeding, not surprising it being used here though and I would dispute it if I was clocked that way..

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Have you been through a radar trap here and seen a cop half a mile down the road to stop you. No you may get someone on foot jump out front of you but that about it

:lol: Yeah I know & if you don't stop, at worse someones probably going to throw their bag of som tum at you. :lol:

Radar detectors arnt all they are cracked up to be anyway. If a decent radar or better still laser operator is using the equipment (I know, its los) then by the time the detector detects the laser, you're toast anyway......but as I said, it all comes down to the use of the speed detection equipment.

And then theres the cost of the detector & then theres the 200-1000 baht fines here

neverdie, totally agree. A well operated laser, yes some HWP do operate them perfect, can be detected but only at the same time you get "shot". Only a front laser reflector can make error reading on laser, but I m sure you will be pulled over anyway, "you drive 170kilo, songroybaht kap".

Front laser reflectors are a myth as is driving faster then a radar can clock or plate distorting films etc. it doesn't have any effect in the ability of the laser or cameras to detect you or your speed..

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neverdie, totally agree. A well operated laser, yes some HWP do operate them perfect, can be detected but only at the same time you get "shot". Only a front laser reflector can make error reading on laser, but I m sure you will be pulled over anyway, "you drive 170kilo, songroybaht kap".

Not exactly true my friend, there is a way to produce an error with Laser using a sweeping technique. There are other errors that can come into play as well, such as cosine (however this always is in favour of the vehicle/object being check). There are other things that can effect the laser as well, but they generally don't provide for false readings, just a lack of them.

Operation of any of the speed detection equipment & accuracy comes down to the OPERATOR of the equipment, its as simple as that.

Edited by neverdie
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He was tongue in cheek but guns on a tripod is unacceptable to most western legal systems as it is not irrefutable that the person it clocked is the one speeding, not surprising it being used here though and I would dispute it if I was clocked that way..

Interesting.. I could never actually use it myself though, because I am always speeding, but you've enlightened me nonetheless - thanks! :D

Front laser reflectors are a myth as is driving faster then a radar can clock or plate distorting films etc. it doesn't have any effect in the ability of the laser or cameras to detect you or your speed..

Not exactly true my friend, there is a way to produce an error with Laser using a sweeping technique. There are other errors that can come into play as well, such as cosine (however this always is in favour of the vehicle/object being check). There are other things that can effect the laser as well, but they generally don't provide for false readings, just a lack of them.

The USD $1000 Whistler radar detector I bought 12 years ago had a "laser jamming" feature - it had a part that was installed in behind the grille that pumped out enough of the right type/wavelength spectrum to jam the signal - this went on for 5 secs while the warning sounded in-cabin, so you had enough time to shave off the speed before the jammer stopped, and the police could finally get a (safe) reading of your speed..

Not sure whether tech has moved on since then, but do know it saved me a few times from (expensive Western) laser traps.

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He was tongue in cheek but guns on a tripod is unacceptable to most western legal systems as it is not irrefutable that the person it clocked is the one speeding, not surprising it being used here though and I would dispute it if I was clocked that way..

Interesting.. I could never actually use it myself though, because I am always speeding, but you've enlightened me nonetheless - thanks! :D

Front laser reflectors are a myth as is driving faster then a radar can clock or plate distorting films etc. it doesn't have any effect in the ability of the laser or cameras to detect you or your speed..

Not exactly true my friend, there is a way to produce an error with Laser using a sweeping technique. There are other errors that can come into play as well, such as cosine (however this always is in favour of the vehicle/object being check). There are other things that can effect the laser as well, but they generally don't provide for false readings, just a lack of them.

The USD $1000 Whistler radar detector I bought 12 years ago had a "laser jamming" feature - it had a part that was installed in behind the grille that pumped out enough of the right type/wavelength spectrum to jam the signal - this went on for 5 secs while the warning sounded in-cabin, so you had enough time to shave off the speed before the jammer stopped, and the police could finally get a (safe) reading of your speed..

Not sure whether tech has moved on since then, but do know it saved me a few times from (expensive Western) laser traps.

Very old technology that. It never worked with Laser, only Radar. I'm not sure which state of Australia, its one of them, some time back the were going to or had brought in legislation anyone caught with a Radar Detector or Jamming device would automatically receive a Licence Suspenion & a really heafty fine @ time of paying the fine that the Police had issued to them. The cops would also confiscate the device.

Again, Im not sure how the laws are written in the states but certain Police, namely Highway Patrol don't need radars etc to write speeding fines, they just give you fines based on their estimation, so I guess depending on who you come accross out there & their experience or competence would depend on how you were slotted. :lol:

Im not sure about the training for this equipment here tho, maybe kata knows? :unsure:

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Very old technology that. It never worked with Laser, only Radar. I'm not sure which state of Australia, its one of them, some time back the were going to or had brought in legislation anyone caught with a Radar Detector or Jamming device would automatically receive a Licence Suspenion & a really heafty fine @ time of paying the fine that the Police had issued to them. The cops would also confiscate the device.

Again, Im not sure how the laws are written in the states but certain Police, namely Highway Patrol don't need radars etc to write speeding fines, they just give you fines based on their estimation, so I guess depending on who you come accross out there & their experience or competence would depend on how you were slotted. :lol:

Im not sure about the training for this equipment here tho, maybe kata knows? :unsure:

As volunteers we just recieved a demonstration on how to operate lasers, and when I mentioned ways to trick them they seemed knowledgable. Have some friends in my homecountry teaching bib how to ride/drive and operate speeding equipment. Using average speed meters with camera in vehicle as the most common, and lasers as no 2.

In LOS speeding is a very small offence, as we can see from the size of fines. I believe no evidence is needed, but on the other hand bib dont want to spend time in court trying to convince judge of speeding without having a reading.

Its actually become a more serious offence to operate a vehicle on red plates for more than 30 days.

Edited by katabeachbum
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I'm not sure which state of Australia, its one of them, some time back the were going to or had brought in legislation anyone caught with a Radar Detector or Jamming device would automatically receive a Licence Suspenion & a really heafty fine @ time of paying the fine that the Police had issued to them. The cops would also confiscate the device.

Again, Im not sure how the laws are written in the states but certain Police, namely Highway Patrol don't need radars etc to write speeding fines, they just give you fines based on their estimation, so I guess depending on who you come accross out there & their experience or competence would depend on how you were slotted. :lol:

Are you serious or joking here?

You make Australia sound like it's run by the Taliban, but instead of the Mufti you have some boys in blue laying down the Fatwas.

You're not serious right? I mean Australia is still a free country right??

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Front laser reflectors are a myth as is driving faster then a radar can clock or plate distorting films etc. it doesn't have any effect in the ability of the laser or cameras to detect you or your speed..

Front laser reflectors myth? Never heard of that one until I came to LOS & saw the cd's haning from the rear vision mirrors in the fronts of cars :lol: .

In regards to the driving faster than a radar can detect, that can actually be true. Of course there is a large range of speed measuring devices out there but most of them have a range in which that they are able to operate. For example, certain models of Kustom Radars have an operating range of between 16-255km/h (I have various operators manuals in storage back home & am a bit vague on the lower ranges of a couple of them, but the upper ranges I am certain of). I recall an updated model of that radar had a slightly increased range. So I guess for some (probably trannyam) those speeds may be obtainable :lol: .

Also, some numberplate covers cause problems with the Camera side of some forms of Speed Cameras. The number plate cover does NOT stop the vehicles speed from being detected but can make the numberplate unreadable when the Cameras flash goes off (ie: At night).

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I'm not sure which state of Australia, its one of them, some time back the were going to or had brought in legislation anyone caught with a Radar Detector or Jamming device would automatically receive a Licence Suspenion & a really heafty fine @ time of paying the fine that the Police had issued to them. The cops would also confiscate the device.

Again, Im not sure how the laws are written in the states but certain Police, namely Highway Patrol don't need radars etc to write speeding fines, they just give you fines based on their estimation, so I guess depending on who you come accross out there & their experience or competence would depend on how you were slotted. :lol:

Are you serious or joking here?

You make Australia sound like it's run by the Taliban, but instead of the Mufti you have some boys in blue laying down the Fatwas.

You're not serious right? I mean Australia is still a free country right??

Deadly Serious. Trained Highway Patrol police in some states are qualified to hand out speeding fines based on their estimation (only). In actual fact, whent they give evidence in court regarding a speeding vehicle, the estimation is what is used as the primary evidence and the radar/laser is used as a back-up to that.

What ever gave you the idea that Australia was a free country :lol:

Edited by neverdie
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I'm not sure which state of Australia, its one of them, some time back the were going to or had brought in legislation anyone caught with a Radar Detector or Jamming device would automatically receive a Licence Suspenion & a really heafty fine @ time of paying the fine that the Police had issued to them. The cops would also confiscate the device.

Again, Im not sure how the laws are written in the states but certain Police, namely Highway Patrol don't need radars etc to write speeding fines, they just give you fines based on their estimation, so I guess depending on who you come accross out there & their experience or competence would depend on how you were slotted. :lol:

Are you serious or joking here?

You make Australia sound like it's run by the Taliban, but instead of the Mufti you have some boys in blue laying down the Fatwas.

You're not serious right? I mean Australia is still a free country right??

Deadly Serious. Trained Highway Patrol police in some states are qualified to hand out speeding fines based on their estimation (only). In actual fact, whent they give evidence in court regarding a speeding vehicle, the estimation is what is used as the primary evidence and the radar/laser is used as a back-up to that.

What ever gave you the idea that Australia was a free country :lol:

OK, thanks.. but wow, that's beyond scary..

I think I'm starting to understand where your signature came from :D

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Albert Einstein.
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I'm not sure which state of Australia, its one of them, some time back the were going to or had brought in legislation anyone caught with a Radar Detector or Jamming device would automatically receive a Licence Suspenion & a really heafty fine @ time of paying the fine that the Police had issued to them. The cops would also confiscate the device.

Again, Im not sure how the laws are written in the states but certain Police, namely Highway Patrol don't need radars etc to write speeding fines, they just give you fines based on their estimation, so I guess depending on who you come accross out there & their experience or competence would depend on how you were slotted. :lol:

Are you serious or joking here?

You make Australia sound like it's run by the Taliban, but instead of the Mufti you have some boys in blue laying down the Fatwas.

You're not serious right? I mean Australia is still a free country right??

radar and laser detectors are illegal in most countries in Europe. hefty fines and confiscated

what has become popular is to subscribe to a service, sending sms to you with position on every active speedcamera and speed check

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MRO, I personally don't have a problem with those sort of things, they are there to protect people from killing each other. You only have to go to 1 or 2 fatal motor vehicle accidents and see the results of some young idiot travelling at really excessive speads, legs and arms torn off, human heads exploded, old men, old ladies, men, women and childrens lives all extinquished in a nano second by some idiot who thinks he is above the law of the limits.

I think in some places & Victoria in Australia is one that springs to mind, they're a bit sharp on the lower end of things, ie: where people are 6 or 7km/h over a limit, but generally speaking most police in that field that I have had anything to do with are always targeting speeds much higher than that.

I don't like speed cameras, not because I had a ticket from one but for the simple fact that they don't actually stop people committing the offence AS ITS HAPPENING. Cameras take a picture and raise revenues, the person that was speeding at the camera site can continue down the road at speed, without having been stopped. At least when a Police Officer jumps out on the road or chases you down in his car, the offence stops at that moment and you know exactly where you stand.

Ive had two speeding fines in my day, once Im not even sure if I was in the car :lol: (camera) and another time I was doing 75 in a 60 zone (thats km/h) & thats my own fault, the cop was a bit of a knob but I was the bigger knob, I was the one exceeding the speed limit.:ph34r::lol:

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Front laser reflectors are a myth as is driving faster then a radar can clock or plate distorting films etc. it doesn't have any effect in the ability of the laser or cameras to detect you or your speed..

Front laser reflectors myth? Never heard of that one until I came to LOS & saw the cd's haning from the rear vision mirrors in the fronts of cars :lol: .

In regards to the driving faster than a radar can detect, that can actually be true. Of course there is a large range of speed measuring devices out there but most of them have a range in which that they are able to operate. For example, certain models of Kustom Radars have an operating range of between 16-255km/h (I have various operators manuals in storage back home & am a bit vague on the lower ranges of a couple of them, but the upper ranges I am certain of). I recall an updated model of that radar had a slightly increased range. So I guess for some (probably trannyam) those speeds may be obtainable :lol: .

Also, some numberplate covers cause problems with the Camera side of some forms of Speed Cameras. The number plate cover does NOT stop the vehicles speed from being detected but can make the numberplate unreadable when the Cameras flash goes off (ie: At night).

I'm sorry but all of those myths have been busted, not a single one of them is true even if you drive faster then the radar detector can clock, it still freezes at maximum which is up around 225mph, I think that speed would get you a ticket in any circumstance..

There was a Mythbusters beat the speed camera episode on Discovery channel a year or so ago where they tested all of these myths pretty comprehensively even using a Lamborghini on a drag strip and they were all busted and failed miserably..

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Front laser reflectors are a myth as is driving faster then a radar can clock or plate distorting films etc. it doesn't have any effect in the ability of the laser or cameras to detect you or your speed..

Front laser reflectors myth? Never heard of that one until I came to LOS & saw the cd's haning from the rear vision mirrors in the fronts of cars :lol: .

In regards to the driving faster than a radar can detect, that can actually be true. Of course there is a large range of speed measuring devices out there but most of them have a range in which that they are able to operate. For example, certain models of Kustom Radars have an operating range of between 16-255km/h (I have various operators manuals in storage back home & am a bit vague on the lower ranges of a couple of them, but the upper ranges I am certain of). I recall an updated model of that radar had a slightly increased range. So I guess for some (probably trannyam) those speeds may be obtainable :lol: .

Also, some numberplate covers cause problems with the Camera side of some forms of Speed Cameras. The number plate cover does NOT stop the vehicles speed from being detected but can make the numberplate unreadable when the Cameras flash goes off (ie: At night).

I'm sorry but all of those myths have been busted, not a single one of them is true even if you drive faster then the radar detector can clock, it still freezes at maximum which is up around 225mph, I think that speed would get you a ticket in any circumstance..

There was a Mythbusters beat the speed camera episode on Discovery channel a year or so ago where they tested all of these myths pretty comprehensively even using a Lamborghini on a drag strip and they were all busted and failed miserably..

Human operated lasers and radars can be tricked, but wont go into details on possibly illegal activities. ErrOr on display

Speed cameras are difficult to trick, cause they dont send laser signal until vehicle reach a certain point on road. Thus not detected in car, and hard to avoid.

A common problem on Audi A8 is its special windshield, not allowing camera to catch drivers face. No fine without face picture in several countries. In LOS cars OWNER is responsible to pay no matter who driver is, and if not payed, no annual tax sticker issued.

Anyway, speeding is a very minor offence in LOS, and fines extremely low. So why bother:)


While speeding tickets are still limited to 1.000 baht, at the same time as speedcameras have become common fine for covering numberplate with any kind of material has been increased to 10.000 baht. Why?:rolleyes:

Edited by katabeachbum
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I'm sorry but all of those myths have been busted, not a single one of them is true even if you drive faster then the radar detector can clock, it still freezes at maximum which is up around 225mph, I think that speed would get you a ticket in any circumstance..

There was a Mythbusters beat the speed camera episode on Discovery channel a year or so ago where they tested all of these myths pretty comprehensively even using a Lamborghini on a drag strip and they were all busted and failed miserably..


Firstly, I couldnt get that episode you linked to work & then I googled mythbusters to see if I could find that episode & found a couple of different episodes where they did beat certain 'speed camera's' by driving through them in a rocket car.

Before you discount what I am saying to you (and Im can't be arsed listing my qualifications or experience here), people need to understand that there ARE NUMEROUS DIFFERENT TYPES of Speed Detection equipment on the market. On top of this there are various manufacturers in the world and I have worked with and tested gear from most of the major ones.

Not all speed cameras work off radar or laser either & different rules and legislation is required in various countries regarding what is required to issue an infringement. In relation to speed cameras in the USA, Mythbusters claim that only one photograph is needed whilst they claim the UK, need two. Again there are different requirements for different countries and different laws. It is entirely possible to beat some of the equipment based on some of these rules. Same goes with numberplate covers etc, some types are outlawed in my country because they DO interfer with the photography side of a speed camera (Please note, I said the photography side, not the radar side). So in using one of those numberplate covers AT NIGHT on a rear shooting speed camera the plate CAN BECOME unreadable due to the reflection created when the cameras flash goes off. A speed is still recorded against the vehicle (the plate cover does not effect the radars ability to detect the speed). Some roadside speed cameras in my country dont even work off radar, there a stips in the roads surface themself that activate the camera. THERE ARE MANY TYPES.

In regards to numerous models of Radar and Laser that I have worked with, there were set parameters in which they could operate. A common one was with an upper limit of 255km/h. A vehicle approaching the radar at a speed of less than this 255 would be displayed but upon the vehicle reaching a speed over that, the speed simply disappeared from the radar, there was no freezing of the top speed. Likewise if a vehicle appeared in front of the radar initially over that 255 speed, its speed didnt register at all. A later model of that same radar had an increased top end. So, rest assured, it is highly possible depending on what equipment is being used that someone may be able to travel at a speed in excess of what can be detected. There is one episode of mythbusters where this happened also, but unfortunately they didnt actually reveal what gear they were testing, so I cant comment.

Given all the various types of equipment available around the world, I certainly wouldnt be hanging my hat on what mythbusters have said, that is for sure.

Perhaps Kata might be able to tell us what brand and model equipment they work with here in LOS.

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^I agree, I recognized what you had written in more detail shortly after I wrote it but couldn't be arsed to change it, it was late..

But the rocket was a bit impractical and extreme for the average driver and average highway trip wouldn't you agree?? :D

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^I agree, I recognized what you had written in more detail shortly after I wrote it but couldn't be arsed to change it, it was late..

But the rocket was a bit impractical and extreme for the average driver and average highway trip wouldn't you agree?? :D

In LOS we are not allowed to cover license plate any more, and spraying them with clear coat containing metal pearls is doubtable. But I am sure its legal to wax them, which during dark often will be sufficient to reflect flash from camera:)

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^I agree, I recognized what you had written in more detail shortly after I wrote it but couldn't be arsed to change it, it was late..

But the rocket was a bit impractical and extreme for the average driver and average highway trip wouldn't you agree?? :D

:lol: Sure. AND as I say, where Im from it wouldnt matter if you did that, if you were caught after it you would hit the can based on 'opinion' anyway.

Another reason that the Radar Detectors are mostly ineffective is, for mobile police radar and laser and things like that, if the operator of the equipment is half decent, it wont give you enough time to react. The radar detectors CONSTANTLY emitt a signal, its a signal looking for the radar. A good radar operator doesnt release the radar until he see's a speeding vehicle & estimates it to be one worth stopping. If he does that correctly, he releases the radar and within a nano second he has the speed on the radar/laser. From there, its up to him how long he worries about checking ur speed for. Ive tested a heap of different radar detectors too & found that the radar has the speed locked by the time the detector is alarming the driver & of course after that the driver has to react to that alarm.

Then theres the radar detector detectors, don't laugh, theres some good ones on the market and they work a charm. So the situation is, you have a radar detector constantly looking for radar that isnt there all the time (depending on how its being used) and the radar detector detector is looking for the constant beam the detector is sending out. These things start indicating up to about 1kilometre away from the detector and are so accurate they can actual signal out the exact vehicle. Some of them now also look for the detectors detector and automatically shut down at a certain point, but its dog eat dog.

Anyway, I don't know about the states or uk/europe but in Australia some of the penalties for carrying radar detectors is much higher than the speeding fines themself.....:lol: MADNESS!

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